Chapter 17 First Meeting

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  Chapter 17: After the first meeting,

  he went back to take a shower, rubbed almost a layer of skin off, changed into underwear, and Li Pan used the Xingtian scan to test his physical fitness.

  A fourth-level life form.

  What standard is this? To put it simply, Li Pan can now join the army of cyborg warriors, such as MARSMARINE, or go to underground arenas to make quick money by boxing with gangsters' cybernetics. .

  These days, everything is evaluated by technological level. Patients, disabled people, and those who need the assistance of instruments to move freely are classified as Level 1. The normal health status of ordinary people with the assistance of prosthetics is Level 2.

  And by spending some money to strengthen the limbs, with the help of professional drugs and long-term training, one can reach the peak of human beings. The third-level life body indicator is basically a professional athlete, and can join the army and undertake normal-intensity combat tasks.

  Level four creatures are enhanced creatures that can be achieved through certain surgeries and biochemical modifications. In fact, this level is generally used to register wild animals, alien pests and various synthetic beasts. Human beings who can usually be called Level 4 life forms are all special forces with special numbers, specially-approved armed police officers like three-headed dogs, special agents from the Security Bureau, and elites from the company's security department.

  The cyber madmen of the Uzumaki Gang that Li Pan encountered, the ninjas of Takamagahara, and even Night Walker K can all be considered level four life forms.

  After that, of course, you can further distinguish between five and six levels based on the technological prosthetic weapons used by individuals, but to be honest, there is no need.

  Because 'human' has its limits.

  Using 'human' as the standard, the difference in physical signs has reached level four, which already belongs to the category of 'superhuman'. The existence of those enhanced bodies in the future is already within the definition of the public safety system. The deviation value seriously exceeds the standard and is a safety hazard.

  It can only be registered as a biological weapon or a combat prosthesis, and it requires full approval and reporting. According to the Public Safety Law, level five or stronger biological weapons are not allowed to be used without reason on the earth.

  It is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not allowed to allow such 'creatures', such 'non-humans', to evolve individual self-awareness, or even connect to the QVN security network and share citizenship rights.

  In other words, this is a watershed for level four creatures. This is not a state that normal humans can achieve through so-called 'self-efforts'. There is a so-called 'gene lock', an invisible ceiling.

  But the ceiling just now was broken by Li Pan.

  Just sitting there, breathing in and out, dreaming, sweating all over. He has reached level four.

  And it's just beginning.

  Because according to the standards of the "Nine Yin Manual" in Li Pan's hand, he had only completed the first turn of the beginner's "Nine Yin Refining Form". Just completed the first transformation.

  Yes, Li Pan is willing to call it "transformation".

  "Nine Yin Refining" has a total of nine turns. In game terms, all attributes can be improved without even one turn. And it's actually not just the literal nine turns, because 'nine' is the ultimate number. Once you reach the ninth turn, you can keep practicing, and you will be higher, bigger, and stronger.

  At the end of this practice, you will become what Li Pan saw in his dream, his original appearance.

  The God of Zhongshan, Zhulong Jiuyin.

  Yes, he is Zhulong, Zhulong is him.

  More or less, Li Pan has 'awakened'.

  Although he still does not fully understand the reasons and principles, Li Pan knows that whether it is a traveler from the rural earth, a social animal in 0791, or the sleeping god of Zhongshan in the distant mountains, they are all essentially the same.

  All 'Li Pan' are the same existence, in different latitudes, different planes, parallel universes, projections of the heavens and the earth.

  Yes, according to the company's definition, he is a 'monster'.

  But there are some discrepancies. For some reason, he seems to be not an object, but a person. It seems that he can also use the silver key to travel through the limitations of time and space and interact with his reflections in the heavens, just like a mirror in the middle of the night. It's like a guessing game...

  Of course, you don't have to worry too much about being forcibly detained by Monsters Inc., or forcibly deported.

  After all, you know that it takes more than a year or two to reach the full level of "Nine Yin Refining", let alone the ninth level and beyond... And

  this "Nine Yin Refining Chapter", This is just the beginning of the first chapter!

  The entire "Nine Yin Manual" has four more volumes at the end!
  For each volume, you need to practice "Nine Yin Form Refining" to a certain level. Only when you have enough skill can you practice it!
  So to put it bluntly, this "Nine Yin Manual" is the heavenly book for cultivating immortality through the Eight Classics! !
  But now comes the problem. This 0791 Earth is not a world with rules for cultivating immortals, but a cyber technology universe!

  Did you do something wrong in cultivating immortality in the cyber world?

  He was able to get the key by accident, obtain the scripture by accident, encounter a zombie by accident, and give him a transformation by accident. It's already great that so many coincidences can be established. How could it be possible? Refining to perfection is not something he needs to consider now.

  But seriously...

  "Have I become more handsome?"

  Li Pan looked in the mirror. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he really felt that after practicing the exercises and shedding his skin, his skin was better than before, vaguely. It seems to have a metallic luster.

  However, the changes are indeed not obvious. You can't see it at all without comparing the body data before and after using the system chip.

  And it seems that it's just physical fitness. Li Pan tried it, but he doesn't seem to have any other superpowers, and he probably can't fly. Besides, he wasn't used to jumping directly from the window sill, so he might as well take the elevator.

  I met Chengzi again at the elevator door. She was still sleepy and looked extremely tired. She just squinted and had to go to work again in the middle of the night. It was so miserable... "Good morning, Sister

  Chengzi, thank you very much."

  The breakthrough this time was probably thanks to the other party stimulating Li Pan's potential...

  "Oh, Li, morning, thank me? What's wrong?"

  It seemed that she was in a daze and really couldn't remember what happened last night. .

  "Oh, the psychiatrist you gave me was a big help in joining the job." "

  Oh, yes, congratulations on finding a job. This dress suits you very well. You look very energetic."

  Li Pan opened the elevator door and opened the orange Go in together.

  "By the way, you worked overtime last time. You won't work until now, right? Don't you want to take two days off?"

  Orange smiled bitterly, "Yamato is about to take the entrance exam. The school updates the firmware and needs to buy a new software upgrade package. I can only endure it for a while now."

  Li Pan smiled and said, "Sister Chengzi, you have helped me a lot. If you need anything, let me know. I have been guaranteed by the company since I joined the job, and the loan is interest-free." "Yes, it's your kindness

  . I understand. The tuition fees are basically settled, I'll be fine."

  Li Pan smiled and nodded without much persuasion. It could be seen that Chengzi was a person with a strong heart like him, and would not be willing to surrender to the world. And there is someone she must protect, but she is much stronger than she looks. Don't worry about her, just help her if you have the chance.

  Today is also a big day for Li Pan, online board meeting. But compared to a few days ago, Li Pan is more confident now.

  Damn it, you’re a coward, at worst, you’ll just give up!

  Anyway, the loan is no problem this month, and I still have a level 4 superhuman body. Can't I still find a job? At worst, just become a mercenary. I happened to hear that a group of people appeared in the Night City recently, known as cyberpunk, and their momentum was very strong. They might be able to mix things up...

  So Li Pan hummed a little tune and walked to the conference hall, preparing to give a speech to the big guys on the board of directors. give a report.

  There is a round table in the middle of the conference room, with twelve lights coming from the top. It is similar to the layout of the reception room below.

  At least in appearance, the board of directors and the general manager are equal.

  When the time came, Li Pan followed the meeting rules.

  Turn off the lights.

  In an instant, the conference room seemed to have been plunged into a void corridor, the walls and doors disappeared, leaving only the round table in the middle.

  Then bang, bang, bang, the lights came on one after another.

  There were projections of company officials whose faces could not be seen clearly but who were wearing formal attire, and the name tags on their chests were exposed on the seats.

  'General Manager 0674'

  'General Manager 0213'


  'General Manager 081' and '

  General Manager 01'

  are eleven people in total. These are the monster companies, are they the general managers of the branches in each plane...

  Doesn't it mean that the board of directors is from Earth 0 ? Well...

  '01' General Manager spoke,

  "Subsidiary 0791, the first managers' meeting.

  According to the company's regulations, report managers, as well as those who can participate in the meeting, eleven managers will be present.

  Now we can officially start Meeting."

  Then the eleven people lowered their heads to sign, and Li Pan saw a piece of paper appear on the round table in front of him.

  Branch 0791, the fourteenth manager (agent), memorandum of the first report meeting, Barabara, signed by the participants.

  So he also signed his name.

  The next moment, a ray of light fell from the center of the round table, and an ultra-old-fashioned semiconductor radio appeared on the table.

  To be honest, if he hadn't been a country bumpkin who traveled through planes, he would never have recognized this antique thing.

  General Manager 01 assumed that the newcomer had never seen the world before and explained,
  "This is an old-fashioned signal receiving equipment. The Earth 0 board of directors can now hear your statement.

  0791, please start."

  ...Okay then , let’s get started.

  So Li Pan read the daily papers he had written in the past few days.


  How about that? 2,500 yuan a month! Love to play! Don't play around!

  However, unexpectedly, the board of directors and general managers did not seem to have any 'opinions and suggestions' on this unpretentious report.

  01 The general manager said indifferently,
  "0791, according to the order of managers, I will ask you a question first."

  Are you here, fired?
  "Employee number 0791002, please describe your personal evaluation of him."

  Evaluation of Aqi?

  Li Pan thought for a while and read the report again,
  "Safe, blue, storage completed."

  At this time, the general manager of 0674 added,
  "0791, personal evaluation, not a written report.

  We want to hear your intuition, Do you think 0791002 can be trusted?"

  Li Pan noticed that the other eleven people were staring at him, and the semiconductor radio was not farting. He shrugged,

  "You can trust it."

  General Manager 0674 seemed to smile,
  "Really? He can't be considered a person in the standard sense, right? Doesn't he have any abnormal behavior?" I

  can't be considered a person in the strict sense, okay?

  So Li Pan pretended to think about it,

  "Oh, let's talk about it, 0791002 likes to watch people drink coffee. It was probably a hobby during his lifetime."

  General Manager 0674,

  "Well, coffee is also a hobby, Regardless of the obsession to become a regular person, these are not the original concepts of the Guardian, so to a certain extent, it is just protecting the last wishes of the previous contractor. How

  many real people will care about the last wishes of the deceased? No matter what, These are his bonds in the world.

  Whether it’s a monster or a human being, if he has coffee to drink every day, a job to do, and a home to return to, he won’t lose control.” General

  Manager 081 interrupted . Li Pan,
  "It is an apostle, 0791, do you understand the meaning of an apostle?"

  Li Pan,

  "Yes. After the contract is completed, the subject of the death contract will fully awaken and descend."

  081 General Manager continued to ask,

  "Do you understand 0791 Zi Company, monster number 007, a mess/death bond, possible consequences after awakening."

  Li Pan,


  081 General Manager,
  "Describe the consequences."

  Li Pan,

  "0791 A level 4 or above biochemical crisis occurred, the first Fourteen species extinctions."

  General Manager 081,
  "Do you know you still want to take such a risk?"

  Li Pan stared at him,
  "I'm riding a horse, I don't care."

  So the managers were silent for a while.

  After a while, Manager 0674 coughed twice and said,
  "0791, the original intention of the managers' meeting is to help each other. In view of the nature of the company's business, there are times when any of us need help, especially if you are new here. Can you The methods used are very few. So there is no shame in asking for help. If you ask, I can personally go on a business trip to help you deal with the trouble. What do you think?" Li Pan smiled, can you give in at this time

  ? You have to stick to your words!
  "No offense, don't you just want a guarantee? OK, I will take responsibility. As long as I am still the general manager, if 002 loses control, I will dig out my eyeballs to solve it. Are you happy?" The semiconductor radio hissed twice


  01 The general manager said,
  "The board of directors recognizes your judgment."

  Li Pan said,

  "...then thank you for your support?"

  01 The general manager said,
  "Do you have any more questions?"

  It seemed that the others had no questions... Nonsense, in fact, this is the only issue that can be discussed!

  But Li Pan immediately seized the opportunity and said,
  "I ask for a promotion and a salary increase!"

  01 General Manager,
  "Please submit your salary requirements to the head office's human resources department by yourself. It is not within the scope of the report meeting.

  Sign the above and adjourn the meeting. "

  So everyone nodded and signed for a while, and then turned off the lights.

  Soon, the arc-shaped light strip in the round table conference room lit up again and returned to the conference room. Except for Li Pan, there was no one around the table.

  ……That's it? Is this the end?
  It seems that the general manager of Zhutian is quite busy.

  Li Pan returned to the office area, and the memo of today's meeting had been sent by the fax machine.

  MR007 held up a sign,
  'Thank you manager for your trust, I will not let you down! Li

  Pan patted it on the shoulder and said,

  "From now on, just give me one cup of coffee. I'm quite sensitive. I won't be able to sleep after two cups at night."

  At this time, the fax machine suddenly went berserk, buzzing, buzzing, and spitting out A lot of paper.

  "What's going on..."

  Li Pan picked it up and looked at it. There were about four categories.

  The first type is sent by the company's business department, 'Monster Investigation Mission'.

  It is mainly the detection of various new "suspected targets" and "suspicious events", time, place, character and combat strength assessment and analysis. In short, valuable information is obtained, so go check it out. If it is really a monster, you will take corresponding measures. measure'.

  The second type is sent by the company's finance department, the 'Monster Procurement Budget'.

  In fact, it's the same, just bring the monsters over, but the difference from the first type is that these monsters are already "famous and have their owners". Moreover, most of those who can hold 'monsters' are company-level competitive forces. In view of the characteristics of the monster itself, these forces may have been on guard, and they probably will not hand it over easily.

  Therefore, the Finance Department provides a special action budget for these monsters. As for whether it is 'negotiation', 'purchase', 'theft' or 'robbery', the company has no control over it. The company only wants 'monsters'.

  Moreover, this type of 'budget' is actually closer to a 'bounty'. Every time a mission fails, the 'bounty' or 'budget' will increase, and the evaluation after completion will naturally be higher.

  The third category is sent by the company's logistics department, 'Monster Escort Commission'.

  In addition to normal transaction shipments, other companies will also issue warehouse rental orders. For example, transfer high-risk monsters in this plane to other companies for safekeeping.

  After all, even for the same monster, the rules, power, and difficulty of maintaining storage will change in different planes. Managing monsters in the most efficient way is also part of the cost consideration.

  The fourth category is proposed by the company's technical department, 'monster development assistance'.

  This is also the most problematic part, which is to transport the monsters under study to different universes and different planes for research, explore their properties, and develop and utilize their functions.

  This kind of proactive killing behavior is also a safety hazard, and has the greatest risk of getting out of control.

  Li Pan looked at the piles of tasks and was speechless,
  "No, what are you doing! Why are there so many suddenly! Damn! I think this fax machine must be out of control! Ah Qi! Drag it down and lock it up !”

  MR007 quickly grabbed Li Pan, who was trying to punch the fax machine, and wrote in his notebook,
  “You passed the assessment and have the qualities that the company values. The board of directors is very satisfied with you, so we entrusted you with this important task.” " Quality

  ? Protect your subordinates or dare to take the blame?"

  "The quality that the company values ​​most is a cold and ruthless heart."

  Only those who do not care about the consequences and do not care about the destruction of their homes can be qualified as company managers.

  In fact, most of the previous managers of 0791 did not have this quality, otherwise they would not have been replaced repeatedly. '

  Oh, that's because he doesn't regard this world as his 'home'...

  (End of chapter)

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