Chapter 146 Dog and Master

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  Chapter 146
  When the dog and its owner Leticia woke up, she found herself wrapped up like a mummy, lying on the operating bed.

  A woman with orange-red hair was helping her treat internal wounds.


  "You're awake, don't get excited. Although you are a genetically coordinated military enhanced body, your wounds heal quickly, but fractures and fractures are not so easy to recover from, and your liver was shattered by a bullet. I'm temporarily Use the first aid device to support you, but you will definitely need to replace it with an implant. But..." The

  woman looked at her, "Do you still have money? This set will cost a conservative estimate of one hundred thousand."

  Letty Sia rolled her eyes and fainted.

  Chengzi sighed, "I picked up another bankrupt person. Okay, let's work part-time to pay off the loan."

  After completing the first aid, Chengzi walked into the factory building. Li Pan and Caizi were refitting the vegetable cart. There was a big demolition. , pulled out the mats, washed the car and wiped the blood, replaced the engine, reinforced the chassis, spray-painted and welded it, added steel plates, and transformed it into a Vortex Gang-style garbage tank.

  Caizi complained while spray painting, "Why don't you just throw away the stolen car..."

  Li Pan was welding under the car,

  "What nonsense are you talking about! This is bought with money! And all cars must be carefully treated. Love! Only then will it use its maximum power to repay you!"

  Caizi curled her lips and rolled her eyes, probably mentally criticizing this troublesome boss hundreds of times.

  "Li, the newcomer is out of danger. You can recover by buying an artificial liver."

  Chengzi came over,
  "But let me tell you, although your enthusiasm for recruiting new recruits all day long is good, I have to remind you that the repayment date is soon. Here we are.

  Let’s not mention our wages and social security. We also need to pay water, electricity and monthly rent for the factory. If we don’t have 300,000 yuan, we can’t pay it. If the NCPA demons come back and ask for tea bills, we won’t be able to solve it if we don’t pay 200,000 yuan. And there’s that thing in the sky. The hangar needs to be renewed for 1.5 million a month.

  Our factory only has a monthly turnover of 1.7 million. These trucks and salvage equipment are also rented, so the basic expenses are already in deficit, let alone Other expenses are covered.

  And two days ago, someone from the Whirlpool Gang came and said, you promised to give them 50,000 yuan a month to help with the door care? Do you really want a loan to operate? Even if you
  have a premium account, If you have a monthly deficit on your credit card for three consecutive months, your credit will be downgraded and your account will be locked."

  Li Pan got up and washed the motor oil off his face,
  "...Oh, speaking of this, I actually hired a group of security guards. , they are all veterans. Their monthly salary will be 800,000 yuan, and they will also be given 300,000 yuan as housing allowance first. Can you help arrange it..."

  Cheng Zi, "Huh?"

  "Don't worry, can't this person still last for three years? Months? Then use your credit card to cover it first. I have already planned it. There will be bread, milk, and everything else.

  Caiko, I have fixed the suspension. You can drive it out for a spin and run it in. For a moment, I'll go to the Uzumaki Gang to sign up for a sign. It's worth saving a little. Then I'll help you buy a piece of synthetic liver and swipe my card." Caizi got into the broken car with a look of disgust on her face. She was shaken by the jolt and drove

  . Wearing the modified junk-skinned cannon, he went out to run errands.

  Li Pan looked at Chengzi, "Have you looked for the Dongda campus?"

  Chengzi nodded and shook his head, "I went around in a circle, there is martial law there, they said a red tengu stole something, and the security bureau pulled the police. The cordon is being searched, and you can't get in now. Why, is this accurate information this time?"

  Li Pan looked at her, "You don't have any friendship with cyberpunks. Maybe someone can contact Chitengu. Don't ask. Are you asking?"

  Chengzi was stunned, and suddenly understood, "You mean Yamato..."

  Li Pan nodded, "I checked at the company, and what they stole was from the SEC. It is said to be a test of the latest technology. Machines, cutting-edge weapons systems, and may even involve some of the top companies, it is no small matter.

  Now the Security Bureau, third, fourth, fifth and seventh, at least four investigation offices are investigating this case. It is not a joke. Let that kid get out of here quickly It’s still too late.”

  It’s really not a joke. Not only the Security Bureau, but also the SEC’s diplomatic inquiries were directed to the head office. It was said that 0213007 assisted the SEC committee members. The other party originally wanted to express their gratitude and asked him to assist in the investigation. Returning to the assets, they found that 007 was actually dead.

  Did the aliens in space die after being hit by a nuclear bomb? What kind of black technology is this? As a result, the SEC committee was alerted and requested to purchase the death report. Now TheM’s legal department is overwhelmed.

  What's more, it is said that the things that SEC lost, those mechas, are indeed top-notch weapon systems, and they can be used after being equipped with weapons.

  Although the Red Tengu has no shortage of pots to carry, there are definitely people who will covet it with a magical weapon in hand. When the time comes, you will fight for it and I will fight for it. Who knows when it will be caught in a stray bullet and the ball will be dead.

  Chengzi also knew the importance. Civilians like them, who were pigeonholes in the suburbs, usually had a hard time dealing with the NCPA. They had never seen a Security Bureau agent card, let alone an SEC member, so they immediately went to find Cyberpunk. People in the middle connect.

  And Li Pan went into the house to see Leticia.

  "Don't pretend to be asleep. The opportunity to survive is in front of you. It's up to you whether you can seize it or not."

  Leticia opened her eyes and stared at him,
  "You don't have to waste your efforts. I don't want to ask you anything." I can tell."

  Li Pan snorted coldly,

  "Do I still need to ask you? You know nothing. The color of your underwear has been exposed by others, and you don't know anything. Look, do

  you recognize these people? "

  Li Pan showed her the video of 'Little Gift'.

  Leticia was stunned and sat up, gnashing her teeth and causing blood to flow from her wounds.

  Li Pan glanced at her and said,
  "That's recognition, so who are you? Are you stowaway aliens? Or illegal androids?"

  Leticia gritted her teeth and remained silent.

  "You really don't want to say? Okay, let me take a guess."

  As he spoke, Li Pan adjusted his breath and luck, raised his hands to make a secret, and tapped the thumbs of both hands between the ring fingers of his index finger, and when he touched it, he walked away. Leaving is as fast as light and shadow. And his eyes were even more sparkling with lightning. And exhale white mist from the mouth and nose. It seemed like there was frost on it.

  In the eyes of others, he looked like he was suffering from a brain plug leakage, poor contact, and Parkinson's disease.

  But it’s not!
  This is the superior Taoism of Xuanmen!

  sky! Yan! god! Calculate!
  As the saying goes, it means opening your eyes.

  Well, after all, Li Pan is now also a figure in the realm of refining qi and becoming a god. Over there, he can be called the true king of land, a god on earth.

  Although he is a weak version of an immortal, he can only deduce the methods of heaven, and even the immortal Li Pan can understand it well.

  This calculation and divination technique is not really magical, but more of a thinking aid for the past and future development and changes.

  There are many things, many clues, and many details that I couldn't understand at the time, but as long as there are key people, things, and things in front of me, and this technique is used, the cause and effect, the ins and outs, can be clearly understood. Come to the truth that you see or want to see.

  Of course, how much of this 'truth' is 'real' and how much can become 'real' depends on the practitioner's personal cultivation skills, whether the secret is concealed by others, whether there is any obstruction, etc. Many factors.

  But Li Pan doesn't mind, so I'll give it a try anyway.

  Li Qingyun did so many arithmetic problems, and Li Xuehong also learned the essence of the arithmetic in the Blood Barrel Book. Even if the road is not yet clear, the weather is difficult to tell, and it is impossible to predict three thousand in advance and five hundred in hindsight, the little she-wolf should still be able to figure out what happened to her in the past two days.

  "Hmm... um... um... I understand!"

  Li Pan opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and his eyes seemed to be see-through. Leticia's hair stood up and she clutched her chest.

  "What, what are you doing!"

  "I've heard that the uprising of your wolf clan in Ye's homeland has been suppressed long ago.

  The wolves have long been extinct. Now the only ones left are some domestic slaves and dogs, who work for their masters. They're just beasts doing dirty work.

  When you were unconscious just now, Orange checked your body and found no chip built into your skull, nor was there a brain implant interface for QVN remote link, which means you are not from a universe that has traveled through time. Human, but a bionic human born in 0791.

  I guess your master may have secretly built an illegal biochemical laboratory in the Night City, so you are a black man who cannot be found on the system and can only do odd jobs as a mercenary. Live your life as a gangster.

  And your master has such ability. He probably holds a high position in the local council and is an elder with real power. He can even erase and change the Ye family's warning system at any time, so that you can hide in the opera house with great arrogance. Under the nose of the vampire, other night knights will not be able to detect you.

  In this way, although she is not a member of the three prince clans and cannot equip night knights beyond the specifications to develop dependents, she can hide a non-existent ambush in the Tokyo underground city. It can be used to eliminate political opponents and dissidents at any time.

  In fact, I once searched for your lair in the sewers and squatted all night but didn't catch anything. I couldn't guess where you were hiding. Now it seems that it is actually us. It's too late.

  Your master realized that K had discovered your existence and was chasing you in the sewers, and could not stay for long. So he arranged for you to hide in space in advance. And in this

  operation to eradicate the female prince, she knew the grand duchess herself. After being seriously injured and all the guards around him were killed, he immediately decided to seize this opportunity to rise to the top. After mastering the coordinates of the train where the Grand Duchess was located through a traitor, he joined forces with senior officials of the local fleet in 0791 to use a reconnaissance cruiser to enter low-Earth orbit invisibly and open the Guide the position, bring your transport ship over, and then airdrop to launch a surprise attack.

  Well, it is also a typical Mars MM tactic. It should also include an retreat plan. After completing the assassination, use a disposable rocket to pick you up back to the cruiser and jump away. , or simply deal with you all to avoid future troubles. But it seems that there were some mistakes in the execution process, and some fish slipped through the net. But it doesn't matter, I guess

  they just dared to call the police and arrange for the security bureau to arrest you, probably You don't know the identity of the 'owners' at all. After all, you don't have a chip to save the read data. You are just led by the nose and obey the leadership of the alpha wolf, a puppy that has been tamed long ago. They ask you to bite people

  . Just bite people. Go die when they tell you to die..."

  Li Pan squatted beside Leticia's bed,

  "Hey, don't you understand? All your people are dead. From now on, you will be a lone man without a pack of wolves. Wolf.

  From now on, where do you want to go, and where do you want to go?"


  Leticia trembled all over, obviously losing her guard. She roared and opened her mouth to bite, but the general anesthetic The effect was not gone, so I fell off the bed and broke the corner of my mouth.

  Li Pan lifted her up and threw her back on the bed, picked up a liquid nutritional ointment and stuffed it into her mouth.

  "Just lie down and think about it. Don't worry. Once you recover from your injuries and pay off the medicine by working for me, it won't be too late to figure out where you want to go and what you want to do." Comparing the monitoring in the

  chip Li Pan pinched his fingers to review Leticia's heartbeat and breathing, and estimated that his guess was almost accurate.

  Although it is not completely certain that their owner is Yulia. But the fact that these wolves are all illegally raised hunting dogs should be quite different.

  However, Li Pan searched everywhere on Leticia and found no 'Grand Duchess' chip'. I'm afraid she didn't tell the truth during the communication. She just wanted to ask Amakusa to dispatch reinforcements to rescue people. Well, save the wolf. .

  But this desperate move proved to be useless. Instead of recruiting reinforcements, it only attracted the hunters.

  It can be seen that for the people behind the scenes, it doesn't matter whether there is the 'Grand Duchess' chip' or not. Amakusa Shiro does not really want to overthrow the Ye family and obtain information about the Aemilius family. He may even use it in this bureau. It is not the identity of Amakusa Shiro, the leader of the Red Tengu, but his main purpose is simply to sell ships.

  As for the 'Master', it doesn't matter even more. The Grand Duchess was going to abdicate. With her death, the Aemilius clan will only fall apart further and the transfer of power will be more complete and rapid.

  Yes, no matter who the 'master' is, he must be an elder, and his main purpose is probably to get higher.

  If the competition for one prince's position is too fierce, you may not be able to grab it, but two will be secure.

  After all, for the vampires, the class gap between princes and elders, elders and knights is a world of difference. If you can't cross this threshold, there are two completely different things: eternal youth and being reduced to a blood beast. ending.

  Of course, if Li Pan hadn't helped create so many opportunities, the other party might not have gone so far as to kill the prince.

  Recruiting soldiers, buying horses, and raising dead soldiers is something that all high-ranking people will do if they have money, time, and ambition, that is, they are just trying to find ways to increase their trump cards for possible studs.

  But when this stud opportunity really comes, and you have the soldiers and the power, who can resist taking a step forward?

  At least Li Pan knew that he couldn't help it. People died for money and birds died for food. If someone threw a trillion yuan of bait, he couldn't help but take the bait.

  Politics is inherently a zero-sum game where the winner takes all.

  If God does not take it, he will suffer the consequences; if the time comes and he fails, he will suffer the disaster. If you don't fight for or grab the opportunity when it comes to you, then you should go back to your hometown as soon as possible and become a rich man.

  But now Li Pan has speculated about the recent events. What is still uncertain is whether Yulia is the owner. If so, the cooperation between her, Red Sky Dog, Fabius, and the collector, How specific is it?

  Is she one of the collectors' potential anti-corporate allies?

  Or was it that she just saw an opportunity to rise to the top and gave it a try? Or even being used?

  Or maybe Yulia is just a representative, and what other forces are hiding behind her?

  Anyway, let’s try it out if we have a chance tonight.

  In the evening, the date with Yulia was at the Samsara Bar.

  Now that two princes have died in a row, and there is also rebellion between the wolf tribe rebels and the local Akainu rebels, the elders are also in a state of panic and are hiding in the tightly guarded Senate and do not dare to come out.

  When the public was in the spotlight, it was not convenient for Yulia to use the prosthetic body of an elder in this world to meet privately with the manager of TheM Company who had just beaten Ye Shi violently, so she proposed to use her personal prosthetic body to meet at the Samsara Bar in the underground city. .

  Li Pan also understood that this female vampire was so familiar with the people of the Shura Society, so she was just a VIP regular who often went in and out of reincarnation.

  He also saw it when he arrived in the dungeon. Just like Nana said, Samsara Bar is not safe now. The owner has changed. Private guards and plainclothes security guards are everywhere. Drug addicts who are not dressed appropriately are not allowed in.

  Fortunately, although Li Pan was not well-dressed, he was extremely strong and had a superhuman physique. He didn't look at the security guard at the door. He immediately raised his fist as big as a sandbag and embedded the doorman into the ceiling with three punches and two kicks. I walked in through the front door, and then I didn't rush in. I just sat at the bar and waited for someone.

  When the armed security guard rushed out, he saw that this psycho had only called in to order a glass of water. He was probably a bankrupt lunatic. Since the other party was here to spend money, there was no need to argue with the psycho. .

  After sitting at the bar for a while and drinking a glass of 50 yuan pure water for an hour, a robot maid finally came to lead the way with a rose business card from Julius' family.

  Li Pan was also very angry after drinking a glass of water, and followed the robot maid all the way to the secret room of the VIP area of ​​Samsara Bar. The prosthetic body, long skirt, high heels and even the scent of perfume looked exactly the same as when they first met. It was the same as the cloned bionic body of Yulia who was wearing nothing.

  "Hey, it's been a long time since I saw you, Elder Yulia. You're so busy. Just let me wait for an hour."

  This time, Li Pan could think normally and breathe normally. There was no sense of oppression like the last time we met. Maybe it was He must have upgraded. It's also possible that the opponent's vampire prosthetic body has not yet reached the rank of elder, and it was illegally transformed by some rebel prosthetic body.

  Unlike last time when she was so passionate, Yulia looked at him as coldly as ice,
  "The hackers you have are not bad."

  Li Pan shrugged and took off his raincoat and gas mask, "What are you talking about. "

  Yuliya sneered,
  "You have been following K to track the werewolf, and you must have secretly planted the golem to locate it. You

  contacted me when you were hunting, and you didn't even change your clothes before coming to meet me. It seems that the hunting dog must have fallen into the trap. Is it in your hands?"

  It can be seen that Yulia came prepared. It was probably Ye's hackers who restored the communication screen that was hacked by Shiba, and found out that Li Pan rescued the person.

  Li Pan didn't bother to hide it. After all, there was nothing he could do about it. The cache of the chip could be erased and the archives in the cloud could be deleted. However, these days, security systems are installed in surveillance cameras in every corner of the Night City, all equipped with built-in EDR. It's the so-called 'black box'.

  This is a solid-state drive used to back up surveillance data. If you do not physically destroy it and dismantle it one by one for inspection, sooner or later the crime scene will be restored to you. It’s just that the NCPA is generally unwilling to do the dirty work of reconstructing crime scenes.

  However, after such a deliberate test, Yulia's attitude was very clear. She was indeed Leticia's 'master'. She also already knew that Li Pan had intervened and snatched the hound, so she stopped pretending.

  But Li Pan continued to act stupid,
  "Oh, clothes? I took my formal clothes for dry cleaning. Raincoats are the best-selling clothing in the Night City. Don't you know, madam, when the dry season passes and the rainy season comes, the acid rain in the Night City will It keeps coming. The air is full of industrial wastewater, dust, garbage and pathogens.

  We country people can't afford high-grade molecular gas protective equipment. We wish we could cover ourselves with a layer of stainless steel. How dare we be as naked as you? If your thighs are exposed, just wear a military raincoat.

  How about it? One piece costs eleven eighty-five cents. It fits well."

  Yulia rolled her eyes at him and said,
  "Stop talking nonsense, I'm busy. I'm not in the mood to care about your raincoat. You're contacting me at this time, not because of a dog. If you have anything to say, just say it." Li Pan looked at

  "Hey, before you knelt down and licked me to beg for forgiveness, now you are so crazy? What, are you sure about this? Have you been elected consul?"

  Julia raised her head and smiled,

  "I'm still a few votes short, but my husband Pompius has already been elected. Oh, by the way, When he is promoted to prince, he will arrive with twelve legions soon."

  Li Pan was shocked, "You are still a wife! Then you are still having such fun with Shura Niangui, doesn't your husband mind at all?"

  Yulia, "..."

  Li Pan looked at her thighs,

  "Tsk tsk, it's true that people in high positions can endure what ordinary people can't. They will do anything to recruit their subordinates, and they are willing to wear any color hat! I admire you

  . I admire him, he's awesome! Isn't he the type who just likes to watch from the side?"

  Strangely, Yulia seemed a little angry for a moment,
  "That's enough! We are a family marriage and a political alliance! What do you want? You can play with it, it's none of your business! Do you think you can blackmail me with just this little bit of information?"

  Li Pan took out the chip and said, "Don't you dare, I'm here to do business. To show my sincerity, I have to give away my information. Here it is for you, do you dare to take a look?"

  Yulia smiled, with the look of a mother who has never played with anything, she took it, lifted up her skirt, and inserted the handle into the card reading slot on the inner thigh... ...

  "You're going to - die! You still want to get the Holy Grail!? Who is looking for death and dares to be your spy!? Come up with such a crazy plan! You really want to start a war!!" That's right

  ! ! This expression is right, this is the normal reaction to seeing "Holy Grail Bidding War Operation Plan PLAN A"!
  However, with this reaction, it seems that the forces represented by Yulia do not want to start a war.

  After all, it was not easy to get the position, and the ruling party took control of the 0791 plane.

  If there was a Holy Grail War with the company at this time, I don't know who would win, but she, who trusted the Archon, would definitely be the first to die.

  So Li Pan shrugged,

  "Yeah, I also think this Plan A is a bit imprudent, so I invite you to join us.

  Are you interested in joining forces with me? Let's make money together."

  (End of Chapter)

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