Chapter 125 One Trillion

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  Chapter 125 One Trillion
  So Li Pan and Emilia had a fierce war of words behind closed doors, transferring interests, and blending passion, and finally reached an agreement.

  Cooperate to grab the Holy Grail, Emilia is responsible for money laundering within the intelligence department, and Li Pan is responsible for selling the stolen goods.

  Panlong stole the Holy Grail and gave it to Emilia, who then 'represented' the Ye family, completed the Holy Grail bid with Monster Company manager Li Pan, and finally jumped ship.

  In this way, the left hand is the right hand, the right hand is the left hand, you make one trillion, I make one trillion, the risks are equal and the benefits are equal, everyone is happy, and a world where only Ye Shi is injured is achieved.

  Why are you dissatisfied? Come on, come on, let’s fight the corporate war!
  Of course, there are still many specific details that need to be negotiated, such as the company's intention for the proposal, how to steal the Holy Grail, specific details of money laundering, preparations for the fallout, etc... But compared to this value of

  10,000 With a reward of 100 million, any small setbacks, difficulties, and problems can be solved!
  In fact, Li Pan can also directly represent the company and bid directly with Ye's. Maybe they can sell it cheaper at this time, but maybe they won't shed tears without seeing the coffin, or hand it over alive or dead.

  But even if this is successful, Li Pan himself will not benefit. If he is exhausted, he will only get a silver key. Without a trillion kickback, where will he get the motivation to engage in a bidding war?
  What's more, the company doesn't care about your cheating, as long as things can be settled, the tasks can be completed, the money will be paid, and there will be a silver key!
  One trillion, darling, once this is done, won’t it mean that we have to take off from the same place?
  So what is the concept of one trillion? Li Pan, who probably didn't even know if he had a hundred yuan a year ago, actually couldn't understand and shouted casually.

  As Emilia said, the development and construction funds of the Pacific District of Night City are 8,000 yuan, which can basically be used for planning and bidding to build a city.

  To be more intuitive, if you convert it into an interstellar battleship, if you just buy the hull, you can almost get a dreadnought, if you can buy it.

  Li Pan was also bored. He said hello to Ms. Lin, got TSC's old customer quotation, and glanced at it casually.

  Well, the Dreadnought class also has various grades and various ship types and functions. It is impossible to buy a single hull structure for the full price. It has to be fully armed and matched. Moreover, even on the market, not all shipbuilders can produce Dreadnoughts. level and supporting equipment, this is a market that only front-line military industrial enterprises can compete in.

  And it seems that the price-performance ratio of prosthetics reaches its peak at level 4 and 5, and after level 6, the premium increases significantly due to the scarcity, exclusivity and patentability of technical materials.

  The higher the technology evaluation, the more expensive the ships and equipment, and the stricter the transaction control. Even the Dreadnought-class, which can carry out solemn agreement destruction missions with a single ship, is itself a proper eighth-level technology.

  So if you think about it this way, if you spend all your money with one trillion, you can probably barely buy a fearless-level younger brother.

  But if you lower various indicators such as firepower, defense, energy consumption, speed, and technical content by several levels, and choose a battle-class battleship, the various equipment configurations will naturally be reduced from special-made to mass-production level. There are a large number of military suppliers, second-hand markets, black marketeers, and retired Starfleet ships to choose from at once.

  Such a general-purpose fifth-level battleship can only cost tens of billions when fully equipped. If you add some rebates and promotions, it will cost about 300 to 500 billion, and you can buy a whole fleet with complete combat power and complete ship types. Battleship squadron.

  With the remaining money, buy some SMS, some spices, some fuel, some ammunition, recruit some professional retired navigators, pilots, engineers and marines, rent a space station, or an abandoned Starfleet asteroid fortress base, and then pay the taxes... ...

  Well, a PMC private military contractor has begun to take shape. It can complete a series of tasks from trade, to mercenaries, to escorts, to pirate robbery. With war to support war, the financial resources are rolling in.

  Of course, this is actually just a metaphor. It does not mean that as long as you have money, you can build your own private army and work as a military contractor. This requires connections and connections, the recognition and support of forces, and there are countless invisible thresholds and joints. This is a real game between predators, and you can't join it just by using money as a stepping stone.

  But now that technology is developing so fast, a fifth-level battle squadron may actually not be able to defeat an eighth-level dreadnought. Like a company that sweeps, locks, shoots, and jumps into fights, probably all of them will be wiped out before they even leave the port.

  But in short, a battleship squadron with full combat power is almost the basic combat power that one trillion can buy.

  From this point of view, maybe Monsters Inc. has added a lot of extra money to Takamagahara in the previous two Holy Grail Wars, and at least financed a Titan... Of course, if you don't spend one trillion to

  improve combat effectiveness, it's purely If you use it to squander it, you can definitely spend it out. If you reincarnate in another world, you can spend 10 billion at a time? Come for customization! Hang up! On to the plot! Get the script!
  Restart your life! Super Dragon Aotian! Reborn in another world, I am the strongest! Why am I so showy when I travel to another world?

  Well, to put it bluntly, you can get an annual salary of RMB 100,000 and hire professional actors to play with you. One trillion can recruit 100,000 people, and you can play role-playing games with you for a hundred years! Play however you want!
  You say it's a deer, it's a deer, you say it's a horse, it's a horse! If you want light, there will be light! The tiger's body shook, and he bowed his head! With a raised eyebrow, the palace was pushed down! You are the king of another world! You are the god of another world! You are the protagonist of another world!
  What? This is not enough! That's not easy! More money! add people! Add clock! Intensify this! I guarantee you will have a lot of fun playing it!

  Ahem, so you all know why these sky people and cosmic people lie there all day long without moving.

  Isn't a different world customized by yourself, a different world in which you are the protagonist, not more interesting than a garbage dump infested with cockroaches, bed bugs and wild dogs like your Night City?

  After all, dozens of generations ago, people have passed the stage of hard work of capital accumulation. Now that they are unwilling to continue to work hard to achieve greater glory, let alone resist the monsters that truly rule the world, they simply lie down and squander. Wouldn't it be nice to have inexhaustible wealth and enjoy this immortal life with everything you need?
  Of course, the money will always run out. At that time, the sky people will naturally fall into the current situation of the Takamagahara samurai, and end up sharing a garbage dump with the cockroaches in the industrial area. Because this is the ultimate law of capitalism.

  Capital will be inexorably concentrated from the hands of the many to the hands of the few. Because one trillion people can lose a hundred times, but you can't afford to lose once.

  The cruel and cold-blooded capital market has no room for slack. The weak will only be eliminated and go bankrupt.

  The law of the jungle of free competition and survival of the fittest does not depend on individual will.

  There can only be one winner in this game.

  Win it all.


  So work hard and save money, boy!
  Even if you achieve a small goal, you must stop being impatient and keep working hard!

  We have another small goal! Set a small goal! Set your next small goal! Ten thousand small goals to earn!




  Ah Qi came in with coffee, "Boss, are you so excited after taking the medicine? Do you still want to drink coffee?"

  Li Pan quickly climbed down from his desk and said, "Have a drink, it's only fifteen yuan a cup."

  So with serious things to do, Li Pan didn't bother to deal with the collector's nonsense.

  As an elder brother who always keeps his word, how could he deceive his younger brother who has been an acquaintance for eight years? Therefore, he will not participate in the arrest of collectors. If 007s want to be general managers so much, then go and fight for it. As long as he gets one trillion, he can enrich the other world!
  So Li Pan left the company's affairs to his subordinates as they were, took Ashiya Shiki's car out to work, and then left him halfway to find K.

  Well, although Emilia boasted that she had everything under control and that the Holy Grail was at her fingertips, such sales tactics could not be trusted. It is still necessary to conduct an on-site inspection to see the specific situation in the castle.

  And it is indeed necessary to act as soon as possible. Although you can inquire about the movements of the Council of Elders through Yulia, the vampire is greedy for profit and is not just stupid. It is impossible to let the position of the ruling prince idle for too long.

  Even the acting consul will be chosen quickly. By then, all Emilia’s arrangements will be in vain, and her dream of making a trillion dollars and buying whatever she wants will be no longer necessary.

  However, what surprised Li Pan was that the plan to sneak into Cornelius Castle was actually quite simple. K directly took him in again...

  "First of all, I didn't kill your prince."

  "I know, please step back."

  K dismissed the knights who looked bad and glared at Li Pan,

  "Why are you still here? It's not too big of a deal."

  Li Pan didn't go around the bush and directly took out a chip and explained the purpose of his visit,

  "You entrusted me to capture the werewolf. Not long ago, I just borrowed the security system and tracked down the locating golem that targeted the werewolf.

  They Although it is hidden in the underground city, several sewer entrances that are frequented have been marked. As long as you send scouts to check, you will find something."

  K's expression softened a little, and he nodded to signal the Ye's hackers and scouts to investigate. She gave him a wink and signaled him to follow him into the back room. He lowered his voice and warned,

  "Don't get involved. The person who killed the prince was not a werewolf, but something else." "

  What do you mean? What did you see?"

  K shook his head, "A werewolf did appear at the scene. , and cut off the head, heart, and spine to take away the trophies.

  But they arrived too late.

  Before they arrived, everyone was dead. All the blood was drained. This is not the method of werewolves, but rather the elders of the vampire clan. .

  If it is true, then it must be the real demon party, which can kill the prince in an instant... I'm afraid it's tens of thousands of years old... It's only the thirteenth generation..."

  Li Pan looked at K's face solemnly, and then Looking at the distrustful looks of the blood knights outside, he knew that he was implicated this time, and that K was probably being squeezed out. Moreover, if the theft of the Blood Holy Grail was exposed, she was afraid that it would be even more difficult to tell. She couldn't help but feel entangled for a while. After thinking about it, she finally found her conscience and took out the blood copper coin from her pocket and handed it to her.

  K's eyes lit up immediately, "What is this! It smells so good!"

  Li Pan sweated. He originally wanted to ask if he could see it, but after thinking about it, he could smell it...

  Li Pan just made it up casually, "Didn't I tell you? Well, I went to Fabius's house to rob him, and I found this. It's probably something from your vampire family." "It's

  from Fabius's house?"

  K frowned, took the blood money and looked at it carefully.

  "But why have I never heard of this kind of Blood Sacred Artifact..."

  Li Pan shrugged, "Give it to you."

  K was stunned, "Give it to me?"

  Li Pan saw her resisting and hesitating for a while, which was also funny,
  "You I also said, how much is a thing that you have never seen before worth? I think this thing is like an amulet. Aren't you investigating the case of the murder of the prince? Whether it is the devil party or the werewolf, in short, it is not an easy thing to deal with. . Take it with you and keep yourself safe."

  K held the blood money in his hand and nodded,

  Li Pan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, this counts as recharging K's life in advance, right?
  However, he saw that Duan Kecheng just grabbed one, and the method of making it was quite simple. He would meet his brother tomorrow and ask for another seventeen or eight.

  "By the way, didn't you say you would sell me a 'rebel party' type prosthetic body before?"

  This is the purpose of Li Pan's trip. He is a living person, and he is currently the first on the Ye family's hatred list. , I was noticed and saluted all the way in. I'm afraid that a simple disguise is useless. If he steals the Blood Holy Grail and uses this body again, once it is revealed, the consequences will be disastrous and a war will definitely begin.

  K sighed, casually pulled out a directory from the bookshelf and handed it to Li Pan,

  "I remember that there have been many rebel parties for sale recently, but your reputation is too bad, so they probably won't sell it to you. They won't let you. You picked it out on the spot.

  Just use my name to buy it, and you can choose a clan. The goods will be delivered to the garage in the evening, and you can go to the prosthetic hospital for plastic surgery." "Oh, appearance doesn't matter...but I don't want a woman

  . Oh."

  Li Pan stated in advance that it was not that he was biased, but the objective fact was that in the system of cultivating immortals, the methods of male and female cultivation and the methods of internal martial arts seemed to be different.

  Regardless of the Jiuyin Manual or the Shangzhen Guan exercises, the meridian diagrams are all male. The only training method for female cultivators in Li Pan's hands is the method of fighting holy beasts in the villain's book. Then how can he, Li Pan, practice the Qingtang Sect's skills, right?

  K rolled his eyes at him and said, "Okay. Do you have any more specific requirements?"

  Li Pan thought for a while. After all, he had done the task of stealing the Blood Holy Grail. He would definitely use it once and then throw it away, so there was no need to buy something too good.

  "It doesn't have to be particularly strong, but it must be fast. The first priority is to accelerate. It's best to run so that no one can catch up. Is there any?" K was stunned. "

  This is quite specific. Accelerate?" It is indeed very practical for shooters, but it is limited to families with this kind of power, and you must be fast and have other qualities..." "

  No need for anything else, just this, the faster, the better, the fastest is the best. ."

  If something goes wrong or the password Emilia gave you doesn't work, the worst case scenario is that you can smash the treasure chest with a hammer, grab the Holy Grail, and run away.

  K nodded, "Okay, I'll pay attention."

  After agreeing with K, Li Pan also left Cornelius Manor.

  Now was indeed an opportunity. Li Pan deliberately came around and used his true energy to investigate. He also used a divination crystal to ask the name of the current Holy Grail guard, and he had basically determined the general defense.

  The castle looks like the soldiers are full of weapons and ammunition, and there are night knights everywhere, but in fact there are not many fighting forces left. In particular, the elite of the Emilyus family were wiped out, and the remaining people were seized by the parliament, grounded in the name of investigating traitors, and sent to the bench.

  The Fabius family died in a clean manner, and now the council has no choice but to accept the order of K to lead the family knights, and at the same time shoulder the important task of hunting down the werewolves and protecting the council.

  Therefore, K gathered all his mobile power and was ready for a decisive battle with the werewolf at any time. Even some young vampires have been armed, and the defense inside the castle is actually very empty. They only need to wait for K to lead a large group of people out to hunt down the werewolves, and then they can start.

  Then the next step is the problem of hackers. Well, this is the easiest problem to solve, right?

  Eighteen, "No, boss."

  Huh? Do you also want to add money? Hey, just find a class after losing all your money, don’t pick!

  Eighteen, "No, boss, the company has reconciled with Ye's family. I can't take action against them anymore because of my authority."

  Nani! Without hackers, what the hell! !
  Eighteen, "Recruit someone from the Internet. If you have secrets and permissions, the ice wall will have the key. I can help write a golem protocol and rewrite the permissions so that you can come and go freely and be invisible throughout the process. As long as a hacker accesses the internal server , it will take effect as soon as it is loaded.

  However, without the support of the company's first-level equipment, it is a life of narrow escape for hackers. Once caught by the Ye family, they will find clues, so it is best to deal with it thoroughly to complete the task." Li

  Pan Hesitating, "Are there such hackers? Normal people know that stealing a company's things is a dead end."

  Eighteen, "Hackers just make money on the tip of a knife. In fact, there are many such people, newbies in the industry, Desperate gamblers, crazy people who think they are powerful, I will go to the deep web to find a few, boss, you can choose one. It's okay, I can monitor him secretly and won't leak the secret." It seems that this is the only way


  Li Pan suddenly discovered that network support was actually the biggest benefit provided by the company, but also the biggest hidden danger. The fact that his small team of Panlong Construction was able to obtain start-up funds so smoothly was actually based on the pure cyber combat power of Orochi. Without Shiba, it would be difficult to move forward in this world full of surveillance.

  But on the other hand, everything you say and do now is under the control of the company, and the ultimate authority of Shiba is still in the hands of the company. Once they fall out, they will transform from the greatest help to the most dangerous enemy.

  Do you specifically hire a team of hackers?
  In fact, there is no way to solve the problem. Hackers need to be raised. Without financial equipment and technical support, they will be burned into steaks in the blink of an eye. What's more, can trust be completely resolved by changing someone else? It is not equally possible to be bought by the company.

  The only person you can completely trust in this world is yourself.

  Li Pan scratched his head and looked at the hacker information sent by Shiba Shiba in a blink of an eye.

  Looking at the resumes, there are students in school, programmers who take on private jobs, and private detectives who have retired from the police technical department.

  18. "Cyberpunks generally don't accept missions without any reason. They talk too much when asked by intermediaries, and if you kill your partners, you will be blacklisted. These three are all

  wild people in the deep network and have no background. I I have tried it, and they all have a certain technical level, and any of them will work.

  The programmer needs 400,000 in cash to complete the order. The private detective charges 120,000 to pay half of the deposit upfront. The student charges 2,500 yuan." "...

  Two One thousand and five???"

  "Well, he just works as a summer job and handles outsourcing. He is very talented, but his equipment is not good and the signal in the dormitory is not good, so he has to go to the Internet cafe to charter a flight for him, which has certain risks. The technology and equipment of the

  programmer It's not bad, but I think his reviews are not very good. Sometimes the price is increased halfway through the product, sometimes the backdoor monster is hidden privately, and sometimes he will escape when he finds something is wrong. The private detective is a bit old, the equipment is relatively old, and the technology

  is The worst one is barely usable, and he is divorced and has to pay alimony. He has terminal lung cancer and needs an implant to extend his life. It is easier to deal with the funeral arrangements. That’s about it, boss, whichever one you choose.


  ( End of this chapter)

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