Chapter 537: Fusion of Bloodlines (2)

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  Even if you observe carefully with the naked eye, you may not be able to see clearly that phantom. If you want to see this phantom clearly, you must carefully use your spiritual consciousness to explore it, but Zhou Baopu was focused on looking for the reward and did not think of this level.

  The phantom flew out of the sycamore tree and did not stay in the trial place. Instead, it flew towards the outside of the trial place.

  As the flight progressed, the phantom of the sky phoenix became more and more detailed as it flew, became more solid as it flew, and became more concrete as it flew. In the end, it turned into a white phoenix, flying in the winding passage, as if it had some purpose.

  When it flew past Long Qiaoqiao, this illusory sky phoenix seemed to have noticed something and couldn't help but stop again. Then it came to Long Qiaoqiao's side again and pecked Long Qiaoqiao's face. , but despite this, after all, the Tianfeng phantom is a phantom, and it does not seem to bring any sense of touch to Long Qiaoqiao, so Long Qiaoqiao did not wake up, and did not even react at all.

  At this moment, Long Qiaoqiao had completely entered another world. There was a woman in front of her, standing in front of a courtyard, wearing a floral apron, smiling, and her hands seemed to be sticky with dough. He smiled at her and shouted: "Qiaoqiao, stop playing and come back for dinner."

  Her mother told her to go home for dinner!
  Long Qiaoqiao was startled and then looked at the woman. For some reason, at the first glance of her, Long Qiaoqiao felt that she was his mother. Whether it was his voice or his temperament, whether it was the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes or the flour between his fingers, there was a smell that was unforgettable for her.

  That is the smell of mother, that is also the smell of home, that is the smell that she misses day and night.

  Long Qiaoqiao couldn't even believe that she was going home, but looking at her body, she was obviously a little girl. She, her mother, is not in the form of a dragon at all, and seems to be living like a human being. In the human world, she has seen such scenes, and in her memory, she has also experienced such warmth, but what belongs to others is others' after all, and memories are just memories. But what she is facing now is so real and terrifying. Feeling so strong that she had to give in.

  It would be nice to have a family, she thought.

  What does the food your mother cooks taste like?

  Long Qiaoqiao had eaten the food cooked by her mother before, so she knew what it tasted like, but she slept for so long that she didn’t know how long it had been, so that the original food was gone now, and the saddest thing was that What's strange is that she actually forgot the taste of her mother's cooking.

  And now, her mother asked her to go home for dinner!
  When Long Qiaoqiao thought like this, her footsteps became much more cheerful, and the doubts in her eyes about the authenticity of these things disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared before, and followed her footsteps As she moved, she felt her feelings becoming more and more real.

  But Long Qiaoqiao in reality was not in this state at all. She ran towards the wall in front of her. There was no road there, no one, and no dragon. She knew what it was because no one had ever hit the wall. But Long Qiaoqiao's eyes were dull, as if he didn't see anything, and as if he saw everything, he just hit the wall unscrupulously, without any sense of avoidance.

  However, looking at everything in front of her, Tianfeng Xuying became anxious, as if she knew something, but her power was too weak to wake up Long Qiaoqiao at all. Tianfeng Xuying feels very powerless, but there is no good way, so this is the only way.

  Finally, the phantom of Tianfeng began to hover in the air, and tried to circle around Long Qiaoqiao's head, and the surrounding air also began to change.

  The air seemed to be stirred by the phantom of Tianfeng, and from time to time, one or two white light spots would overflow from it. Those overflowing white light spots were not wasted, but were all injected into Long Qiaoqiao's Tianling Cap. Among them, there are also some white light spots, rushing towards the phantom of Tianfeng.

  Just when Long Qiaoqiao was about to hit the wall, she suddenly stopped. As for why she stopped, there was no reason at all.

  She only knew that this was her inner cry. There was a voice coming from her own heart, telling her not to do this, otherwise, something serious would happen. As for where the warning voice came from, whether it was reliable or unreliable, Long Qiaoqiao didn't know clearly.

  Seeing this situation, Long Qiaoqiao hesitated in her heart, because she was thinking that what she had been longing for before would not be so easy to succeed.

  But things are far from that simple, because Mother Long started calling Long Qiaoqiao again.

  "Child, if you don't come back for dinner soon, the food has been prepared a long time ago. If you don't come back, you won't eat today!" Long

  Qiaoqiao saw that her mother was angry, but she didn't feel anxious in her heart. Instead, she felt even more confused, because in the It seems to Long Qiaoqiao that her mother has never been angry with her, and has never threatened her to prevent her from eating. The mother in her impression was extremely gentle, how could she have such a vicious side?

  "Is this my mother? Is this the food cooked by the mother I have been looking for so hard?"

  Long Qiaoqiao asked herself in her heart. Her eyes were still dazed, as if she hadn't woken up yet, but as the white light spots continued With the Tianling Gai pouring into her, her eyes were finally no longer so gloomy, as if she was about to wake up, but there was still something missing.

  Tianfeng Xuying seemed to be anxious, and finally stopped. His eyes were full of sympathy for Long Qiaoqiao, and then as if he had made some huge decision, he grabbed hold of Long Qiaoqiao with both claws. Long Qiaoqiao's hair then caused a high-pitched cry.

  An extremely bright wind whistle suddenly appeared in Long Qiaoqiao's ears. Long Qiaoqiao's whole body was shaken, and then he woke up.

  As soon as she woke up, Long Qiaoqiao felt the danger in front of her. There was a wall in front of her. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any danger.

  But instinctively, Long Qiaoqiao walked back, far away from the wall.

  And after the Tianfeng phantom cried, it quickly moved away, flew out of the passage of the trial place, flew out of the Dragon Clan's ancestral land, and flew in a distant direction. It is said that this phantom of the sky phoenix is ​​indeed very magical. It seems to have been flying towards the distance without any obstruction.

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