Chapter 53: The pot is full

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  Just when Yao Ruoxi was very confused and didn't know why the buyers and sellers actually kept silent and refused to negotiate the price, and even engaged in household chores in boredom, feeling very boring and extremely boring, Zhou Baopu's next words made Yao Ruoxi really understand, what It's called a treacherous person, and it's called a city as deep as the sea.

  "Brother Wang, let's not talk too much. As you can see, I have carefully processed these herbs and taken great pains to keep them properly. Just give me a price. If nothing else, at least If I can live up to my painstaking efforts, I will be satisfied. I believe that with many years of friendship, Brother Wang will not let me suffer too much."

  Zhou Baopu's seemingly careless words are not what he said. No tricks.

  Zhou Baopu first explained that after he came over, he first greeted Wang Er and expressed his gratitude to Wang Er again for his kindness.

  Secondly, Zhou Baopu also showed that he had spent a lot of time in serving these herbs, which made Wang Er aware of his efforts.

  Once again, Zhou Baopu drew out the friendship between the two. Zhou Baopu had already taken the lead in explaining that what he meant was achieved. Whether it was the quality of the herbs or the care in his words, Wang Er was speechless.

  Finally, he mentioned that he had suffered a loss in order to arouse Wang Er's pity and make Wang Er lose face and lower the price of his medicinal herbs.

  The key to this is naturally not something that can be explained clearly in one or two sentences. After three years of hard work, Zhou Baopu has already developed an exquisite mind at least in selling medicinal herbs.

  Wang Er tasted the meaning of Zhou Baopu's words, looked at the herbs in front of him, and couldn't help but start to calculate in his mind, and said with a smile: "Since you said so, how can I have the nerve to let you suffer again? These herbs cost one hundred stones. I want the coins, what do you think?"

  "One hundred and four stone coins, not even a cent less!"

  "One hundred and two stone coins, I can't earn anything anymore."

  "One hundred and four stone coins, my medicinal herbs The quality is high. Where can you find such high-quality herbs?"

  "One hundred and two stone coins, you must at least give me some profit!" "

  Then one hundred and three stone coins, you can at least earn ten stone coins. ! And I can promise that I will also sell you the grass and tiger skin!"

  "Okay, one hundred and three stone coins, one hundred and three stone coins!"

  Looking at the two people who were chatting with their mother-in-law and mother-in-law just now, suddenly The price was raised so quickly that Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but be stunned.

  Yao Ruoxi's grandfather, Yao Qian, was able to make Yao Ruoxi's life very good just by relying on his rejuvenation skills and treating villagers. Yao Ruoxi certainly doesn't have to collect and sell medicines like Zhou Baopu, so how can she see clearly the key points involved?

  However, Zhou Baopu and Wang Er are different. One is a shrewd villain who has been in the market for three years, and the other is a business veteran who has been working hard for many years and has been in a miserable business. It can be said that he has already mastered how to lower the price, so These techniques are not ambiguous at all when used.

  Since they are doing business, the goal of the two people has been very clearly determined since they met, that is, to maximize benefits for themselves at all costs.

  What is the purpose of talking about friendship? Is it not to gain emotional points from the other party in the subsequent bargaining, and then gain more chips for oneself?
  It's like making a movie. Based on some established facts, see who acts the most exaggerated, who acts the most touching, and whose lines are more touching. So as long as who can achieve these three points, It has successfully achieved the greatest victory in this aspect.

  Immediately afterwards, after a period of talking and talking about love, the love between the two seemed to be still burning hot. Both of them were a little dizzy and their spirits were still in a very trance state. So How to take advantage of this delicate situation?

  Then speed up your bargaining speech and don't give the other party any time or opportunity to cool down. Only in this way can you get the maximum benefit for yourself by relying on your sharp reactions.

  The price bargaining step is the most important one, because the determination of the price is directly related to the amount of benefit, and it is also the most difficult and dangerous step.

  It is conceivable that when you are still excited by the friendship between the two, and the other party suddenly raises the price, would you still have the nerve to change the price?

  If you are slow to react and have a soft mentality, then I have to sympathize with you, because you have succeeded in helping others, dragging yourself down, and being fooled into being ripped off.

  However, neither Zhou Baopu nor Wang Er were rookies, so no matter how passionate they were about their emotional theories, they were still barely able to keep a clear head.

  In the end, those herbs were traded for one hundred and three stone coins, which was a very fair price. Just thinking about the danger and excitement of bargaining, both of them had a satisfied smile on their faces.

  In fact, every time the two of them trade, they seem to have a tacit understanding, and they always want to fight like this. It is not for profit, but just to practice their skills and seek some excitement and fun, although they both know that it is not necessary. , but the two of them still enjoyed it.

  "Brother Baopu, you are still so sharp-tongued. Now I am almost no match for you!" "

  Brother Wang, you are still so charming. I'm afraid I can't even impress you, and I can't even compare to you!" "

  After they finished speaking, the two laughed loudly, and Yao Ruoxi was stunned again, but thinking of Zhou Baopu's explanation, Yao Ruoxi still said nothing.

  "Okay, I'm tired of talking to you so much. One plant of Luzhongcao is worth one hundred stone. As for that tiger skin, I'll give you ten thousand stone." Zhou Baopu was surprised and didn't expect Wang

  Er When did you become so generous?

  Naturally, Zhou Baopu had no objection to the cost of a Luzhongcao plant costing one hundred stone coins, because the market price was only about one hundred stone coins. But for that tiger skin, Wang Er actually paid 10,000 stone coins. Although he knew that tiger skin was precious, Zhou Baopu was still shocked by the price.

  Seeing the look on Zhou Baopu's face, how could Wang Er not understand Zhou Baopu's thoughts?
  "Don't worry too much. It's just that a noble man asked me to help find a good tiger skin two days ago. He said it was for his birthday. You're lucky. You happened to catch it. If If I had bought it myself, you wouldn't have thought about it, how could I be so generous?"

  Wang Er explained with a smile, and then started to pack up the herbs on the ground, and then put away the tiger skin and took it. Xuan Bing Ke transferred all the dew grass into his Xuan Bing Ke, then went into the back room, took out a stack of stone tickets, and handed them to Zhou Baopu.

  Zhou Baopu took the stone ticket and put it into his arms without even counting.

  When Wang Er saw Zhou Baopu's behavior, he didn't say anything, but his recognition of Zhou Baopu in his heart increased a lot.

  "Brother Wang, you seem to be familiar with me in the town. Can you help me find some herbs? The best quality. The price is not an issue." Wang Er was stunned. He didn't expect that

  Zhou Baopu would also collect herbs. , but still took the note from Zhou Baopu's hand and read it carefully.

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