Chapter 524: Heroes fighting for the dragon (4)

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  "You can rest assured about this. Your father and I didn't get to where we are today by just talking about it. I believe you also know that although I am not a dragon like the dragon on the stage, I am one of the most powerful people in my life. You keep your promise. You are my daughter. Don't you know what my habits are?" "

  Okay, I hope you keep your word."

  After Wang Caifeng said this, she slowly began to walk towards Zhou Baopu. Although there were many people in the square, Wang Caifeng still came to Zhou Baopu's side easily like a swimming fish. Seeing that Zhou Baopu didn't notice him, he patted Zhou Baopu's shoulder slowly.

  Zhou Baopu felt something strange behind him, so he turned around. As soon as he turned around, he saw a masked man in white.

  "Baopu, don't be afraid, it's me!"

  Zhou Baopu heard Wang Caifeng say this before she could react.

  "Mom, why are you here?"

  "I, isn't it because of your grandpa?"

  Zhou Baopu frowned after hearing Wang Caifeng's words. Only now did he feel that things were completely beyond expectation. He did not expect that even Wang Caifeng People like Ke are also interested in dragons. It seems that the rumors are really harmful. Wang Ke is here, and he doesn't know if he can proceed as planned.

  "Mom, is my grandpa here too?"

  Zhou Baopu couldn't help but said when he saw Wang Caifeng say this. At the same time, he looked around, obviously wanting to confirm whether Wang Ke was present.

  Hearing what Zhou Baopu said, Wang Caifeng didn't know what to do, but when he thought that the person in front of him was his son, and he must not put him in danger, he couldn't help but said: "I can tell you, but after you know it, , don't look towards him. He is in the southwest corner of the square. There are many powerful people in the square now, and he will definitely not dare to use his spiritual consciousness to offend the public, so I tell you it is nothing." After hearing Wang Caifeng's words, Zhou Baopu couldn't help but relax

  . He breathed a sigh of relief, because if Wang Caifeng hadn't told him, he might have really gone to see Wang Ke's outfit after learning Wang Ke's location, but in that case, it goes without saying.

  Zhou Baopu secretly murmured, "How dangerous it is!" He thought that compared with his mother, he really lacked experience in the world!
  Wang Caifeng was very satisfied when she saw that Zhou Baopu made no other movements, so she asked again: "Aren't you surprised why I am not with your grandpa, but now I am with you?" When Zhou Baopu heard Wang Caifeng's question, he did not speak,

  but Looking at Wang Caifeng helplessly.

  When Wang Caifeng saw Zhou Baopu looking at her like this, she didn't know what Zhou Baopu was thinking, so she said helplessly: "You must have guessed it. Yes, you guessed it right. Your grandfather already knows that you can enter the light here." The blood talisman in the shield is why he sent me here to get it."

  Zhou Baopu saw Wang Caifeng telling him the truth, but for some reason, he suddenly felt that Wang Caifeng in front of him was so strange.

  Thinking of the mother who cooked three meals a day for him when he was a child, Zhou Baopu couldn't help but get wet at the corners of his eyes, but then he looked at Wang Caifeng in front of him. Although her appearance had not changed, for some reason, Zhou Baopu felt that she had become strange, as if she was a stranger. Became a different person.

  "Mom, why don't you stay with me and stay in the Wang family instead? You know, I can protect you now."

  Zhou Baopu did not answer Wang Caifeng's words. Instead, he showed the helplessness of a child in front of Wang Caifeng, as if he was begging. It seems that Wang Caifeng is staying.

  "My child, I am sorry for you. I am with you and can only harm you."

  After saying this, Wang Caifeng seemed to no longer dare to face Zhou Baopu, so she hid her face and turned away from Zhou Baopu, slowly Walk towards Wang Ke.

  "Did you succeed?"

  "You succeeded."

  Wang Ke couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he heard what Wang Caifeng said: "Very good. Since you know the current affairs very well, I will definitely keep your promise. You can rest assured about this."

  Watching the undercurrent surging in the square, Wang Ke felt very good. He knew that Wang Caifeng loved Zhou Baopu very much, but it was precisely because of this that he followed his instructions. After all, if he made him unhappy, I am afraid that no matter what Neither she, Wang Caifeng nor her son Zhou Baopu would have a place in Wanhuan City.

  Sun Shiren, who was waiting anxiously on the side, could no longer hold back at this moment. He suddenly rushed into the void and flew towards the light shield, as if the transparent light shield was useless in front of him. , obviously looking like he is destined to win.

  Seeing Sun Shiren like this, Zhou Baopu couldn't help but become anxious, but he could hold it back, so he waited for the opportunity.

  When everyone saw the appearance of the leading bird, they launched their big moves one after another. All kinds of weapons suddenly filled the sky, and they all pointed at Sun Shiren. Sun Shiren suddenly became the target of public criticism, but he still looked contemptuous. Obviously he doesn't take this seriously.

  Long Qiaoqiao felt despair when she saw the noisy crowd. Under the siege of so many people, how could she have any chance of survival?

  Thinking of this, Long Qiaoqiao couldn't help but feel regretful. She hated herself and why she had listened to Zhou Baopu in the first place, so that the situation she faced now was more dangerous than ever before. Seeing his situation, Long Qiaoqiao wanted to slap himself a few times. It was all his own fault.

  Zhou Baopu looked at Long Qiaoqiao from a distance, and Long Qiaoqiao looked at Zhou Baopu from a distance. Their eyes met across time and space, and there was a silent spark.

  Wang Ke looked up at Sun Shiren and saw that the first wave of attacks had just stopped and the second wave of attacks had not had time to rise, so he told Wang Caifeng: "Look at the right time and kill with one blow. I hope you won't let me down." . As long as you can handle this matter well, anything can be said."

  Wang Caifeng was stunned, what did Wang Ke mean by this?
  Does this mean that as long as he obtains this dragon, he can be with Zhou Baopu?
  But even though she thought so, Wang Caifeng knew that it was simply impossible, because even if Wang Caifeng wanted to do that, she knew clearly that she had not obtained any blood talisman from Zhou Baopu at all, so how could she break into the light barrier? ? Wang Caifeng was confident that she would not be able to attack with brute force alone.

  Despite this, Wang Caifeng still rushed out, because she knew that if she didn't rush out now, the smart Wang Ke would notice something was wrong immediately, and if this was the case, Zhou Baopu would be hurt immediately. .

  She didn't want to see Zhou Baopu injured, so she rushed out.

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