Chapter 481: Another conspiracy

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  Mei Ji's tears unknowingly climbed up her cheeks again, making her already gloomy mind feel a little more tired. She didn't know why it ended up like this. Could it be that she was beautiful? Isn't it also a mistake? Meiji didn't know why, but she felt very aggrieved at this moment.

  But apparently it was not time to worry about this. Meiji suddenly found that when the sky lit up, she was a little unable to face it, because she didn't know how to face Shi Xuangui. The reason why Shi Xuangui had been following her all those years ago, Mei Ji knew that most of the reason for accompanying her was because of Zhou Baopu.

  But what about now?
  Now Mei Ji really doesn’t want to see Zhou Baopu, but wants to leave Zhou Baopu completely. The reason why she didn’t go to see Shi Xuangui last night is also a big reason, because Mei Ji really knows Shi Xuangui too well, she knows Shi Xuangui The reason why Xuangui wanted to meet her was just to find Zhou Baopu as soon as possible.

  In other words, on the surface, Shi Xuangui wanted to meet her, but in reality, he wanted to meet Zhou Baopu. For such a long time, Shi Xuangui himself may not have been very clear, but Mei Ji was a bystander and had always seen it very clearly. , Shi Xuangui just regarded her as a channel for him to see Zhou Baopu.

  Thinking of this and sensing the rising sun, Mei Ji couldn't help but feel a little sad. She didn't know how to face Shi Xuangui. She knew that Shi Xuangui must be impatient now, but the problem now is that even though Shi Xuangui is impatient, Mei Ji has not calmed down her mood yet.

  Shi Xuangui was really impatient to wait, didn't he say tomorrow?

  Isn't this tomorrow? Could it be that Mei Ji was lying to him?
  Shi Xuangui kept asking himself this, but made himself disbelieve this assumption again and again, because in Shi Xuangui's impression, Mei Ji had never done this before. Mei Ji is not a person who likes to lie, so Shi Xuangui would rather believe it. It was because he had misunderstood, and he didn't want to believe that Mei Ji was deceiving him.

  Shi Xuangui couldn't help comforting himself in his heart. Maybe this was just Mei Ji having something to hide. After all, what Mei Ji said about tomorrow might mean the whole day today. Shi Xuangui kept comforting himself in his heart to prevent himself from feeling unhappy.

  Sure enough, thinking like this, Shi Xuangui finally calmed down. Looking at everything that happened in front of him, Shi Xuangui slowly calmed down, walked out of his room slowly, and then used the message in the room. Shi called Cui San over, obviously about to leave.

  Cui San was of course overjoyed when he heard Shi Xuangui's summons, thinking that he could finally invite the god of plague out. While thinking about this, Cui San climbed to the third floor of the Tiandi Pavilion in three steps and two steps at a time. , and then controlled the formation to lead Shi Xuangui out.

  "Has Mei Ji come out?"

  When they reached the first floor, Shi Xuangui couldn't help but ask Cui Sandao.

  When Cui San saw Shi Xuangui asking him this question, he couldn't help but smile and said: "She didn't come here, but don't worry, I believe she will come here soon. If you want to wait, just sit there and wait for her." I don't want to talk to you about the rest."

  Cui San really didn't bother to tell Shi Xuangui. Thinking of the loss he suffered from Shi Xuangui, Cui San couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. If Shi Xuangui hadn't appeared, then Meiji might have been His, Cui San has always thought that Shi Xuangui brought Tianhong to him, and he did not reflect on his mistakes at all.

  In fact, speaking of it, although Cui San thinks this way because he is lucky and is incorrect, as long as he thinks about it for a moment, he will understand that there is nothing wrong with Cui San's thinking. Because there is a certain basis for Cui San's thinking. According to past experience.

  Cui San knew that he had done such things before, but no matter what he did, even if he did something worse than this, such as killing people and stealing goods, he had never seen Tianhong being so interested in him. Cui San didn't think about it at all. The problem might appear on Shi Xuangui or on Mei Ji. It was just the image of Mei Ji that completely captured his heart.

  Cui San couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He couldn't help but think: "Is it possible that the old woman from Tianhong has fallen in love with this boy Shi Xuangui? Seeing that this boy Shi Xuangui has clear features and is extremely handsome, what if such a thing really happened? It's not impossible."

  Just when Cui San was lost in thought, a boy suddenly ran out from outside and shouted to Cui San: "Master Cui, Master Cui, we found it, we found it Well, the Zhou Baopu you were looking for actually appeared in Jiucai Pavilion again today, and it was the same priceless elixir from before." Cui

  Sanyi, who was having a headache from Shi Xuangui, couldn't help but feel excited when he heard this. He felt that all bad things had happened , all happened with the arrival of Zhou Baopu. So when he thought about it in his heart, Cui San also had some concern, but he was not timid. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

  But now, Cui San seems to have determined that if they meet again, Zhou Baopu will not be his opponent at all.

  "You take my place here first. I'm going to watch the show now. I don't believe that Zhou Baopu is really omnipotent."

  Cui San said with a smile, and walked away at the same time.

  But because Cui San was walking in a hurry, he didn't notice at all. When the three words Zhou Baopu came out of the boy's mouth, Shi Xuangui's eyes suddenly shone.

  Rarely, Shi Xuangui did not get excited, but used his brain a little. After the conversation between the young man and Cui San was completely over, Shi Xuangui slowly remembered everything the two of them said, and after that, Shi Xuangui slowly After walking out of the Tiandi Pavilion, he followed Cui San.

  Compared with Shi Xuangui's cultivation level, Cui San's investigation was simply too far. Shi Xuangui couldn't help but feel bored and nervous along the way, because although Cui San's cultivation level was low, his vigilance was indeed not low at all, and he continued to search everywhere along the way. Looking at it from the ground, it looked like a scene of jitters.

  When Shi Xuangui saw this, he was even more confused. He thought that since Cui San was like this, he seemed to be prepared, and it could be seen from his expression that what Cui San had prepared was, to a certain extent, It's completely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

  When thinking this way, Shi Xuangui didn't say anything, but followed slowly.

  Not long after Shi Xuangui left, Mei Ji walked out of Room No. 3 of Tiandi Pavilion and slowly walked to the first floor of Tiandi Pavilion. You know, Mei Ji did this without any Under the leadership of Cui San, Mei Ji obviously has a deeper understanding of the situation of the Tianzihao guest room on the third floor of the Tiandi Pavilion.

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