Chapter 469: Expedient Measures

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  Cui San was already a little sleepy, and when he deliberately acted, he seemed to be even more sleepy, so he slowly raised his head and opened his sleepy eyes. Out of habit, he looked first The counter, after all, he heard the sound of silver hitting the counter.

  However, when Cui San saw those hands, there was no longer any feeling of confusion in his eyes. Instead, they were very clear, as if he had seen something incredible. He had seen the hands of many women, old and young. , delicate, rough.

  But no matter what kind of hands they were, there was no such pair of hands that made Cui San feel so appropriate.

  He has never seen such a pair of hands. There is simply no adjective to describe such a pair of hands. Although he has not seen the owner of these hands, Cui San believes that as long as he has such hands, no matter how ugly he has them, As for her appearance, I'm afraid it will drive men crazy regardless of anything.

  The beauty of women is diverse. Some people are beautiful in their faces, some are beautiful in their waists, and some are beautiful in their inner being. However, Cui San has never thought that there are people who are beautiful in their hands. This was something that no one had ever imagined, and Cui San felt a little frightened for a moment, almost as if he was in a daze.

  When she saw Cui San's reaction, Mei Ji was not surprised, because in her life, she had met many pig brothers like Cui San. As time went by, she might feel a little incredible at first, but as time went by, As time went by, Meiji gradually got used to it.

  Since it has become commonplace, Mei Ji's reaction to Cui San's reaction is not very big, because in her opinion, this is just a normal reaction of a normal man. What Mei Ji doesn't know is that Cui San, a strict wife, has not seen a beauty like her for a long time.

  So Cui San's reaction was not only huge, but also very exaggerated.

  Cui San's eyes followed the back of Mei Ji's hand, saw Mei Ji's wrist, then looked up, and finally saw Mei Ji's face, so Mei Ji's face that turned all living beings upside down appeared in front of Cui San Now Cui Sancai feels that the joy he felt before is really nothing compared to the shock he feels now.

  It’s okay if a woman’s hands look good. After all, as a characteristic, everyone can have their own characteristics, but when this characteristic is too much of a characteristic, and when this characteristic is too amazing, then you will find that, then You can call it a monster.

  A woman like Mei Ji who is beautiful and troublesome will definitely not have a peaceful life, so even if she stays in a hotel that everyone thinks is ordinary, Mei Ji will always encounter twists and turns, and seeing Mei Ji like this Someone actually asked him for room No. 3 in Tianzi, and Cui San's eyes immediately opened with laughter.

  Cui San, who was smiling brightly, did not directly answer Mei Ji's words, but asked slowly: "Girl, you look so strange to me. I guess you are not a local?" Hearing what Cui San said, Mei Ji

  asked Ji couldn't help but wonder and asked: "You feel strange, so you think I'm not a local? Who told you that I'm not a local?"

  Cui San couldn't help but laugh again after hearing what Mei Ji said. Said: "If a beautiful girl like this girl has really stayed in Fantasy City, how can she have such an unknown membership? It can be seen that you are definitely not a local. And the biggest omission is that if you are a local If you are, you will definitely not talk to me like this."

  After listening to the first point, Meiji felt that it was quite reasonable. After all, not only Cui San thought so, but even Meiji herself thought so. If Meiji could be in Wanhuan City Living there for a year and a half will definitely make the younger generation in Wanhuan City, and even all the men, crazy about it.

  Don't ask Mei Ji why, just rely on her role and her scheming.

  However, although Meiji could understand the reason for the first one, she obviously didn't understand the second one, so she asked curiously: "What's wrong? Why would I say no to you if I were a permanent resident of Wanhuan City?" The same thing?"

  Mei Ji knew that Cui San brought up this topic just to let her answer, so she showed her curiosity without reservation. To deal with such a man, a man who is completely attracted to her, Mei Ji has a thousand ways to deal with it.

  Back then, in the Jiaolong Pond, she was jealous of so many beauties. If she relied solely on Long Zaitian's love and protection, Meiji would not have been able to survive until the end. If she relied solely on the alliance between women, she would definitely not be able to pamper Jiao. Longtan, if there is no man to work for it, is Meiji's greatest asset.

  After parting ways with Zhou Baopu, Meiji, as a weak woman, not only led Shi Xuangui to create the Beauty Workshop, but also made the Beauty Workshop so impressive that even now in the Taoist world, whether they are on the path to blood refining or not, , almost everyone has heard of Beauty Square.

  Cui San smiled and said: "If you are a permanent resident of Wanhuan City, I'm afraid you won't want to stay in Room 3, Tianzi, Tiandi Pavilion for just a piece of silver." When saying this, Cui San again Smiling, she stood on tiptoe and picked up the bit of money that Meiji had smashed on the counter, laughing happily.

  When Mei Ji saw what Cui San said, she felt something ominous in her heart. She thought that she would encounter all kinds of difficulties and wanted to deal with them. Therefore, Mei Ji was a little bit concerned about Cui San's words. She had a bad premonition, because she felt that Cui San's efforts to embarrass her would be difficult for her to accept.

  Sure enough, Cui San shook her little silver and drew a series of phantoms in the void. At the same time, he said to Mei Ji: "With such a silver as yours, I'm afraid you have to pay a thousand yuan before I can let you go." You stay in Room 3, Tianzi, Tiandi Pavilion."

  As soon as Mei Ji heard this, her face immediately turned pale. Of course she knew the prices of Tiandi Pavilion. Although she couldn't live in it for just one dollar, it was not as good as Cui San's now. What she said is so exaggerated, and what is most embarrassing for Meiji now is that all the money she had on her was completely confiscated by the people from the Sun Mansion when they arrested her. The piece of silver in her hand now is the same as the one she had just now. I passed by a passerby on the way from Danfu to Tiandi Pavilion.

  Originally, Mei Ji thought that Cui San would give her a little thin face based on her appearance, but what she didn't expect was that Cui San was very courageous. It was not that he was not confused by her appearance, but not only that she was confused by her appearance. , and wanted to have more relations with her.

  "I heard that the price of Tianzi Room No. 3 in Tiandi Pavilion is at most about one thousand taels of silver, and my silver is already ten taels, which means I only need to scrape together a hundred taels like this. Silver is enough, why do you want me to collect a thousand dollars for you? Do you think I am a foreigner and are you trying to trick me?"

  Mei Ji couldn't help but frown when she heard what Cui San said. Said, although she has never been to the Demon World, she has still done a lot of research on some things in the Demon World. Now she sees that Meiji sees that the real facts are consistent with what she has investigated, and she is a little helpless. measures.

  After hearing Meiji's words, Cui San couldn't help but smile and shout: "Hey, Miss, where did you hear this from hearsay? It's not at all realistic? After all, our Tiandi Pavilion is also in Wanhuan City. How can a first-class inn be so cheap?"

  After hearing Cui San's words, Mei Ji didn't know whether her investigation was wrong or Cui San was deceiving her. She was a little undecided for a moment. But in the end, Mei Ji seemed to have made up her mind. She looked at Cui San blankly and said with a smile: "I actually don't have that much money, I only have this little money left, but if I insist on staying in your Tiandi Pavilion Tianzi As for room No. 3, do you think it is possible?"

  Hearing what Mei Ji said, Cui San's eyes couldn't help but light up, as if he could speak. He looked at Mei Ji's figure and said with a smile: "Who dares to reject a beauty like this girl? ? As long as the girl can let me in after the third watch, I will let you stay in Room 3 of Tiandi Pavilion for one night."

  Seeing Meiji's yearning for Room 3 of Tiandi Pavilion, Cui San couldn't help but He became unscrupulous, and seeing Mei Ji's resigned look, he couldn't help but stretched out his right hand and touched Mei Ji's cheek. At the same time, there was a message on his face that all women could understand, which made Mei Ji After Ji saw it, he couldn't help but feel a little disgusted, but it was limited to the situation and did not show it.

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