Chapter 449: Deep scheming

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  "Why, uncle Tianhai still feels strange when he sees me? It's been a long time since I saw you. Since the last time you fought with my father, I haven't seen you for a while. This time I can see you in this place, It really makes me feel very embarrassed. I don't know whether I should be upset because you are against me, or should I be happy to see you again?" Hearing Tianhai's surprised

  voice, Sun Li smiled and said teasingly.

  Tianhai looked at Sun Li and listened to Sun Li's words. His mind was spinning at high speed. He didn't know what Sun Li meant by what he said.

  However, Sun Li did not give him more time to think, but said slowly: "I didn't expect that you would become my prisoner, the owner of the majestic Tiandi Pavilion, wouldn't it be a grievance? Are you there? Fortunately, I care about my old relationship. As long as you disappear from me now and don't care about what happens here, just pretend that you have never been to this place. I will let you go." When Tianhai heard Sun Li say

  this He said that his originally anxious mood suddenly became clearer. Because according to Sun Li's wishes, Tianhai can leave this place anytime and anywhere, so the only explanation is that the power Sun Li currently possesses is not enough for him to deal with the three of them.

  Moreover, Tianhai easily deduced that among the three of them, Sun Li was mainly afraid of Tianhai, not Zhou Baopu and Shangguan Rui. After all, even if they haven't taken action yet, no one's strength has been demonstrated, but even judging from their age, Shangguan Rui and Zhou Baopu's cultivation in the blood refining journey is definitely not that high.

  After all, no matter how evil the monster's talent is, he must follow certain natural laws. Otherwise, wouldn't it be lawless?
  Listening to what Sun Li said, Tianhai's thoughts were swirling in his mind. Of course he was not afraid of Sun Li, but Sun Li's father Sun Shiren couldn't help but make him feel afraid. But since he had agreed to Zhou Baopu, he had no idea of ​​​​escaping from the battle anyway. , but how to deal with Sun Li is still a problem.

  Shangguan Rui didn't care about all that. He came with the sole and firm purpose of rescuing his little friend. Although he was trapped again and felt a little depressed, he still asked without hesitation: " Where are the people who were traveling with me? Are they also locked up in this place?"

  Sun Li then looked at Shangguan Rui, but did not answer Shangguan Rui's question directly. Instead, he asked: "You are very smart, but smart But you are using it in the wrong place. Although you look very reckless, you are both rough and subtle. You are the legendary wise master Shangguan Rui, right? It’s really better to be famous than to meet, and to meet is better to fight. I have convinced you, but I won't answer your question."

  Shangguan Rui's eyes flashed and he glanced at Sun Li in surprise. At the same time, he also had a rough estimate in his mind that he had already met his opponent.

  Sun Li looked at Shangguan Rui again and said with a smile: "Although I am very confident that I can capture you all, I will not tell you that information until the strength gap between the enemy and us is clear. Do you want to save people? ? Of course! But what I want to tell you is, don’t ever think about asking me to help you. I can tell you directly that it is absolutely impossible!" Zhou Baopu has been watching this silently, from beginning to end

  . He didn't say a word, but he wasn't idle either. He was just observing everything around him, trying to see what the surrounding environment was like, whether it was suitable to escape, and how to escape in a way that was in line with their strength.

  However, although his actions were subtle, they did not escape Sun Li's attention. Sun Li looked at these with a playful smile flashing in his eyes. At the same time, he glanced at Zhou Baopu slyly. Although his smile was a little unnatural, it was It also makes people feel that there is some sincerity mixed in the unnaturalness.

  Slowly turning his head, Sun Li looked at Zhou Baopu with interest: "Are you the legendary Zhou Baopu?" "


  Zhou Baopu replied calmly without saying much.

  "You're fine."

  After saying this, Sun Li waited for Zhou Baopu to say something else, but Zhou Baopu didn't let him do it. He just slowly started to close his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't know. Why, the moment he closed his eyes, he was suddenly startled and his whole body trembled.

  It turned out that the moment Zhou Baopu closed his eyes, the bloodthirsty demon sword who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke: "Baopu, this kid is not simple. I feel that in terms of true strength, I am afraid you will not be his opponent at all, but With my help, it will be different."

  This is what surprised Zhou Baopu. Although he is not arrogant, Zhou Baopu also knows that in terms of strength, he should be considered outstanding. After all, not everyone has it. Diligence, not everyone has his own luck, so his ability to reach this point is not so much the reason for talent and hard work, but more about opportunity.

  But even so, he was still no match for Sun Li in front of him. As the saying goes, heroes cherish heroes. After Zhou Baopu heard the judgment of the Bloodthirsty Demon Sword, it was really difficult to calm down. After all, in its view, the Bloodthirsty Demon Sword turned out to be like this. Say, that’s absolutely not wrong.

  Because as a blood-thirsty demon sword, first of all, there is no mistaking, and secondly, there is no need to deceive him. In this way, he needs to reflect on it.

  At this time, Sun Li had already wandered around the three of them, and once again set his sights on Zhou Baopu. He couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that you are also interested in me, but it's a pity that since fate has given way, We have become friends, and I can't change my destiny because of it, so let's see who is stronger?"

  Only then did Tianhai realize that his judgment was not without error, because since Sun Li said so , then it means that Sun Li not only saw Tianhai in his eyes, but also took Zhou Baopu into his heart. At the same time, he was a little puzzled. He didn't understand what good things Zhou Baopu had. Can be regarded as an opponent by Sun Li.

  After this brief contact, Tianhai discovered that Sun Li was no longer the simple Sun Li he used to be. Since Sun Li was not simple, it could fully explain that Zhou Baopu, who was regarded as his opponent by Sun Li, was naturally not simple either. People. Seeing this, Tianhai couldn't help but reflect.

  Sun Li didn't care what Tianhai was thinking. He looked at Zhou Baopu with a ferocious look and asked through gritted teeth: "Zhou Baopu, did you kill Sun Yue yourself?" Zhou Baopu's eyes flickered and he raised his eyebrows, obviously concerned

  . Sun Li's guess was puzzling. He felt that he had not revealed any clues, but Sun Li was able to guess it. Could it be that Sun Li also had the same Tianfeng bloodline as Tianqin?
  Thinking like this, Zhou Baopu turned his attention to Tianhai, because in Wanhuan City, Tianhai was obviously a veteran. Zhou Baopu was gesturing to Tianhai to see if Tianhai knew and whether Sun Li had anything to do with Tianqin. The same talent, after all, Tianhai should remember such a special thing.

  However, when Tianhai saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head. This shake of the head not only showed that he was unclear, but also a clarification that it was not him who told Sun Li about this matter.

  Of course Zhou Baopu didn't believe that anyone would tell Sun Li about this, but why would Sun Li know about it?
  Sun Li looked at Zhou Baopu's expression and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. At the same time, he looked at Zhou Baopu and said in a slightly disappointed tone: "I thought you were such a smart person, but now it seems that you are nothing more than that. How can you not believe you?" As for my companions, I can know all this and it has nothing to do with them, so don’t think too much."

  Zhou Baopu couldn't help but be frightened when he saw what Sun Li said. During the few words, Sun Li didn't take action, he just talked. But these few words showed his scheming everywhere. The reason why Sun Li was like this It was not without intention. Everything he did had an obvious purpose, and there was only one purpose, which was to break up the hearts of Zhou Baopu and the others.

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