Chapter 411: Human body and wolf heart (3)

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  Watching Zhou Baopu fighting with the wolf, Tian Qin couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart. She felt that the wolf had become a person, and Zhou Baopu's seemingly weak body seemed to have turned into a human. The alpha wolf was tearing apart the body of the real alpha wolf, making people shudder at the sight.

  The strength contained in the body of the alpha wolf could no longer support it from turning back and forth. However, the body of the alpha wolf was still shaking and trembling, as if it was difficult to believe that it would be killed by Zhou Baopu.

  It all seemed so hasty, so bizarre, so unbelievable.

  Zhou Baopu climbed down from the top wolf. His whole body was covered in blood. He didn't know whether it was dyed red by the blood of the top wolf or his own blood. At this moment, he saw that the top wolf had lost his life. Zhou Baopu suddenly felt that there was an extreme feeling of weakness in his body, which was rising at an extremely fast speed.

  Zhou Baopu immediately collapsed on the body of the alpha wolf and was unable to move even with all his strength. Since the pack of wolves did not know that the alpha wolf was dead, they were still waiting for opportunities to move around.

  The alpha wolf was also stoic. Even at the last moment of his life, he endured without making any sound.

  Who is the alpha wolf?

  It is the king of wolves!
  If even a weak being like Zhou Baopu, the alpha wolf, needs his hysterical wails, how can he raise his head in front of a pack of wolves in the future? Therefore, even if his throat is bitten and he becomes a hero in distress, he is still unwilling to express his surrender and humiliation.

  The surrounding pack of wolves finally started to make a commotion, scratching at the fallen leaves on the ground. After all, the alpha wolf had been in there for long enough. Not only would the alpha wolf be able to kill Zhou Baopu in such a long time, but it should also be possible for the alpha wolf to kill Zhou Baopu. Zhou Baopu was eaten, so they had to do their duty to celebrate the alpha wolf.

  The rustling sound echoed all around, which was a symbol of the anxiety of the wolves. However, no wolf dared to cross the thunder pond. If it were the past, the alpha wolf would definitely howl excitedly after a full meal. This howl is not only a sign of victory. The appearance is even more of a signal for a pack of wolves to gather.

  Now the alpha wolf has not released a signal for them to gather, so there will be no wolves that will not obey the rules, because the consequences of not obeying the rules are too serious, serious enough to cost their lives. Everyone's life is precious, and so is the life of wolves. The wolves knew this, so they did not act rashly.

  How could this group of poor ferocious wolves know that the alpha wolf that frightened them had been played to death by Zhou Baopu a long time ago. He was currently lying under Zhou Baopu's body, motionless, and he still looked like a wolf. Where is the majesty of the Wolf King?

  Lying on the corpse of the alpha wolf, Zhou Baopu half-squinted his eyes. An extreme feeling of weakness surged from the depths of his heart. It was not only physical weakness, but also a mental weakness that made it difficult for him to resist.

  He knew that if he relaxed now, he would fall into coma.

  He had to stay awake and maintain his physical and mental strength as much as possible. Only in this way could he save his life when the pack of wolves started to wreak havoc. He only wanted to kill the Wolf King, and he succeeded. Now he wants to survive, and he has a little more confidence. Survival seems impossible, but maybe as long as it works properly, he will be able to succeed!
  Thinking of this, Zhou Baopu's eyes became even brighter. In the dark night, it was as if stars had fallen into his eyes, competing with the starlight in the sky, twinkling, blinking from time to time, twinkling and flickering. The darkness adds a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere to this jungle.

  Tian Qin was stunned when she saw the alpha wolf lying motionless under Zhou Baopu's body. Although her fingers were still playing the piano, her mind was greatly stimulated. When her worries became reality, Tian Qin felt like What I was thinking was not self-reflection, but a great irony.

  Zhou Baopu's will is so strong, she is actually whimsical, using her willpower to compete with Zhou Baopu, it feels like she is overestimating her own abilities, and it feels like eggs and stones are colliding. Tian Qin's heart is full of mixed feelings, and she even has a constant mentality of admitting defeat. The earth is causing trouble, trying to make her abandon her piano and surrender.

  However, just when Tian Qin's eyes began to wander and her fingers began to slow down, a fiery red phoenix suddenly appeared in her Tianling Cap. As soon as the phoenix appeared, it shook its colorful feathers, raised its head, and shouted loudly.

  The roar of the wind was so deafening that Tian Qin suddenly woke up.

  After waking up, Tian Qin finally realized what a serious mistake she had made. She quickly adjusted her mentality and regained her confidence. Only now did she finally understand that the reason why she chose to compete with Zhou Baopu with willpower was because of a trace of competitiveness. In addition, there is another more important reason, that is, she has Tianfeng bloodline.

  This is something Zhou Baopu doesn't have, and it's something Zhou Baopu can't envy. It's her Tianqin advantage, an advantage that can almost make her invincible.

  Tian Qin looked at the situation on the field. Now she needed to find a breakthrough point and use this breakthrough point as the core to directly defeat Zhou Baopu. It's not too late now, but this opportunity is not easy to find, so I keep playing the five-stringed harp, and at the same time, I don't forget to pay attention to the changes around me.

  Tian Qin's body is now a little weak due to the spurt of blood, but obviously Tian Qin doesn't take this to heart. He mobilizes his mind and looks at everything in the jungle fantasy, trying to find a breakthrough point to kill Zhou Baopu. With one blow, defeat turned into victory.

  Rustling, the restlessness of the wolves became more obvious. After all, with the absence of the alpha wolf, the wolves had begun to become anxious, and Zhou Baopu lay motionless on the alpha wolf, as if he could not even use his little strength. It was used by him. Now he is not so much a person as a pile of rotten flesh.

  Seeing this situation, Tian Qin's face suddenly brightened up, and she finally found the direction. Even though Zhou Baopu had successfully killed the wolf, but now as long as a group of wolves surround Zhou Baopu, I believe that with Zhou Baopu's ability, he will definitely die. There is no burial place. When the illusion brings Zhou Baopu to the edge of collapse, she will definitely push Zhou Baopu into the abyss of death with one more strike.

  True to his word, Tian Qin's ten fingers changed to a different fingering method, which made them look iron-clad, and the song also changed its style. The song that originally affected the alpha wolf can now affect the surrounding wolves. As the song progressed, the group of wolves became more restless. Finally, one or two wolves began to become restless and cautiously began to walk in the direction of Zhou Baopu.

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