Chapter 328: Weird combination

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  For no reason, after hearing this advice, Zhou Baopu suddenly felt a lot calmer. After all, he was also anxious, because he came to the tenth floor of Jiucai Pavilion, but he couldn't find Hua Changqing at all, but he found each one. A room where children play, what on earth is going on?

  "Grandpa Lu, although I, Li Dong, am the eldest brother, they can't be too squeamish! I just came out a little earlier than them." "Yes, Grandpa Lu, although I,

  Li Xi, are the second brother, they are indeed Don't be too squeamish! I just came out a little earlier than them."

  It was obvious that the man named Grandpa Lu was also in a dilemma and didn't know what to say. Zhou Baopu didn't hear anyone speaking, so he slowly He walked to the door and looked at the ajar door, so he curiously pushed the door open a crack and started to look inside. At this look, Zhou Baopu almost didn't scream in surprise.

  An old gentleman dressed as a scholar holds a ruler in one hand and a thread-bound book in the other. However, he does not look like a gentleman at this moment. Instead, his mind is a little troubled. The ruler in his right hand is constantly playing with his mind, which is obviously I encountered a headache.

  Sitting around the old gentleman were four identical children. These children were all very cute. Among the four children, there were two boys and two girls. Both boys and girls are dressed up in the same way and look extremely cute.

  The hair on the top of the head is shaved cleanly, leaving only some dark hair on the head and sides of the head. The hair on the head is not very long, but it also plays a certain decorative role, making these four dolls It looks quite cute, and the hair on both sides of the head looks a bit long. It is tied with red rope and tied with a bow on both sides.

  Moreover, these four children have pretty features, just like in the paintings, their eyes and noses are in perfect proportion, they look like fairy children. They all wore thin bellybands and were not afraid of being frozen by the mid-spring chill. When Zhou Baopu saw this, he couldn't help but be shocked by them.

  There were not only four children and one gentleman in the room, but there were also a group of people sitting around the four children, all dressed as scholars and looking polite, but at this moment, everyone's face was filled with sadness and anger. It seemed as if he had been wronged in some way.

  Since breaking through the Blood Saint, Zhou Baopu has discovered that he has become much smarter and wiser.

  With just a rough count, Zhou Baopu had a rough idea of ​​the number of people outside. No more, no less. There were exactly fifty scholars sitting there, all with sad faces, as if they were about to face some kind of disaster, not even looking. Dare to look at the four dolls sitting among them.

  Even for a moment, Zhou Baopu felt that he had gone to the wrong place.

  But whether it was the route he took or the Nine Color Pavilion he just saw, everything told him that he had done nothing wrong at all.

  Since it's not your fault, what happened?

  Four children?

  Fifty scholars?

  And the most bizarre thing is that their arrangement is extremely rare.

  The old teaching gentleman is standing in the middle, four children are sitting around, and fifty scholars are sitting on the outermost periphery. Is this a class?

  Should the scholar teach, the old gentleman teach, or the scholar and the old gentleman teach together?

  Just when Zhou Baopu was confused, he suddenly found two little girls slowly crawling together, muttering together without knowing what they were talking about. Looking at the weird looks of the two of them, Zhou Baopu almost didn't laugh. Those round eyes, the playful ghostly appearance, and the skeletal eyes seemed to be able to talk.

  "Grandpa Lu, I have discussed with Xiaobei. Let Xiaodong and Xiaoxi go first this time, but if they make mistakes, you have to let us criticize and correct them. And if we get They are not allowed to come and grab the prize."

  The old gentleman in the middle couldn't help laughing when he heard what one of the little girls said, and said to her at the same time: "Xiaonan is really sensible, unlike the two of them. You don't act like a brother at all!"

  "Well, well, the brothers are not good at all and don't know how to let us go!"

  Another little girl seemed to have the same feeling. She looked at the two boys with a look on her face. There was a look of disdain, as if he was laughing at them.

  Seeing Xiaodong and Xiaoxi's expressions gradually becoming ugly, the old man bent down and stroked Xiaobei's head, and said with a smile: "Xiaobei is right, but don't argue now, because you two Brother is about to start. You should hurry up and pay attention, don't let them make any mistakes again. If mistakes are made and you can help them, there will be rewards. Think about the roast duck, my Are you drooling all over the floor?"

  When he heard the word roast duck, not only Xiaobei, but also the other three children showed longing expressions. Looking at the people around them, they couldn't help but show a hint of excitement, as if The fifty scholars sitting around were like their roast ducks, with laughter flowing from the corners of their mouths.

  Seeing such a superb scene in front of him, Zhou Baopu had completely forgotten himself. He was now really attracted by the things inside.

  The old gentleman, the boy, the girl, and a group of scholars, what on earth are these people doing?

  And when I heard the old gentleman say it was about to start, what exactly should I do?

  "Xiaodong, Xiaoxi, are you two ready?"


  "Then let's start."

  As soon as the old gentleman finished speaking, Zhou Baopu noticed that Xiaodong and Xiaoxi started to act. Only two people were seen. A solemn expression suddenly appeared on the children's faces, and the most important thing was that fragrance began to emerge from their bodies. This fragrance made Zhou Baopu feel relaxed and happy.

  Zhou Baopu smelled the fragrance and suddenly felt that the whole world became much clearer. At the same time, his mind became very clear and he could see everything in the room more clearly. He could even see the cold hair on everyone's face. And it seems that I can still see the breathing of each of them.

  The old gentleman, who was originally standing, now sat down, closed his eyes and rested, as if he had been stimulated by something, his face became flushed, and he was obviously in a state of swollen blood, Zhou Baopu It was discovered that his condition was like that of a blood refiner on the verge of a breakthrough.

  The other fifty scholars had also changed at this moment, but the changes they had undergone were obviously different from the changes that had taken place in the old gentleman.

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