Chapter 236: Hunyuan Essence and Blood

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  Zhou Baopu glanced at the secret book for the last time, sat up from the ground, looked at Mei Ji, and then looked at Shi Xuangui in the void, then came to the edge of the blood cell, sat down cross-legged, and put the secret book on his legs In the meantime, his eyes revealed two resolute looks.

  It was obvious that he had made up his mind.

  Mei Ji looked at everything in front of her and said nothing, because she knew that no matter what she said at this moment, Zhou Baopu would definitely not listen. She knew that once Zhou Baopu made up his mind, it was not something she could change. Since she can't change Zhou Baopu's mind, she won't change it. She still has this self-knowledge.

  However, Meiji still wanted to see what Zhou Baopu was going to do, so she stood there motionless and looked at Zhou Baopu, watching his every move.

  Zhou Baopu's hands began to stick to the inner wall of the blood cells, and the blood energy in his body secretly reversed. At the same time, his face flushed, and he was obviously ready to endure the pain. He had already endured pain, so he could predict how unbearable the pain would be.

  Just when Zhou Baopu's hands pressed against the inner wall of the blood cell, the blood energy in his body began to slowly reverse. In an instant, there was a surge of blood on the blood cells, and a lot of blood energy seemed to be stimulated by something. It turned into turbulent blood mist, and rushed towards Zhou Baopu's body as if wrapped in a strong wind.

  Ancestor Tianfu also saw this situation outside, but they obviously didn't know what was going on inside. But he obviously felt something abnormal. At the same time, he also knew that the abnormality inside might be the key to everything, so he hurriedly paid close attention.

  Long Zaitian, Fu Mo and Long Ao also saw the attention of Patriarch Tian Fu to the blood cells, and they all watched the changes in the blood cells without blinking. The four people all looked at the blood ball as if they had seen something strange. Apparently they all noticed the abnormality of the blood ball.

  "What on earth is going on?"

  The four people asked the same question in their hearts, but no one could answer it, and no one asked. The four people all had doubts on their faces, looking at the blood ball outside the blood ball, each looking for their own answer. Obviously, they all thought that at the critical moment, no matter their thinking, they would not be able to withstand some interference from the outside world.

  So instead of disturbing others, it is better to keep silent. This is simply a tacit understanding, or a conventional behavior, when human beings are at a critical moment.

  Zhou Baopu's body was undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.

  The streams of blood were like little snakes, surging towards him.

  Zhou Baopu's palms formed a strange gesture at his Dantian. The gesture seemed to have an endless attraction for blood essence, and all the blood attracted condensed towards his palms. And the strangest thing is that after all the blood energy reached his palm, it started a series of changes.

  When the energy and blood surged into Zhou Baopu's palm, Zhou Baopu's palm did not directly absorb them, but instead emitted streaks of golden light. This golden light presents an oval-shaped sphere. When the blood flows through this oval ball, it is purified a lot by the golden light in the oval ball.

  The blood energy and blood flow that originally flowed over were nothing, and turned into streams of thick plasma. These plasmas emitted amazing fluctuations and shone with dazzling light, as if they had amazing power. , causing the void around it to ripple with waves.

  Seeing these ripples in the void, Zhou Baopu's face showed a touch of determination, as if he had made up his mind. The oval ball he pressed between his hands slowly crawled out a golden thread. This The number of golden threads changed from one to two, and finally there were nine golden threads.

  One end of these golden threads was connected to the oval ball in Zhou Baopu's hand, exuding golden light, and at the same time they were constantly squirming, growing, and slowly becoming longer and longer. In the process of continuously extending forward, the blood energy and blood flow purified by the oval golden ball, the liquid crystal was slowly injected into these golden threads.

  The nine golden threads are like nine small snakes, gradually growing, becoming thicker and thicker, and then longer and longer, gradually becoming like twisting, shining golden snakes.

  The nine golden snakes seemed to have finally matured. At the end, one end of each snake was connected to the oval golden ball in Zhou Baopu's hand, and the other end was connected to Zhou Baopu's Dantian. Those golden snakes seemed to be able to pass through golden cracked stones. They passed directly through Zhou Baopu's clothes and stuck to Zhou Baopu's chest and abdomen.

  When the nine golden snakes touched his Dantian, Zhou Baopu let out a muffled groan, and beads of sweat immediately formed on his face. Beads of sweat ran down Zhou Baopu's cheeks, gradually blurring his eyes and making him feel sore.

  Zhou Baopu had to close his eyes to prevent sweat from entering his eyes.

  The reason why Zhou Baopu sweated was not because of heat, but because of pain.

  The nine golden snakes were like nine sharp swords, piercing directly towards his Dantian. The pain at that moment made Zhou Baopu almost lose consciousness. The reason why he endured the pain without losing consciousness was because Zhou Baopu knew that only in this way could he complete the true transformation.

  Anyway, his Dantian has been destroyed by these nine golden snakes. If he can't successfully use essence and blood to shape bones, I'm afraid he will end up very miserable and will never have the chance to embark on the journey of blood refining in his life.

  It was his dream to embark on the journey of blood refining and continue to become stronger. Zhou Baopu was still young and did not want his dream to be shattered.

  The nine golden snakes finally pierced Zhou Baopu's Dantian from the outside to the inside. At the same time, the sea of ​​blood in Zhou Baopu's Dantian seemed like a deflated balloon. It burst with a pop, and at the same time, his blood essence inside began to Outflow.

  However, Zhou Baopu's clothes were not stained with any trace of crimson, because once Zhou Baopu's blood essence gushes out, it will not flow out at all, but will be directly absorbed by the golden snakes.

  Zhou Baopu's blood essence and the blood essence in the blood pool that had been purified by the oval golden ball began to slowly merge. Zhou Baopu relied on his last bit of consciousness to support himself and did not dare to relax at all. He knew that the moment of life and death had arrived.

  If he can survive it, he may be reborn, but if he cannot resist it, there is no doubt that he will not be able to escape death.

  Shi Xuangui saw that under Zhou Baopu's absorption, most of the essence and blood rushed directly towards Zhou Baopu, which greatly relieved his pressure. At the same time, he also began to worry about Zhou Baopu. Although he could not distract himself from Zhou Baopu's situation, but from the outside, Zhou Baopu was undoubtedly enduring great pain.

  Although Shi Xuangui was anxious, he also understood that his body was at its most critical moment, so he did not dare to relax at all.

  The most difficult and dangerous thing about condensing blood is neutralizing the toxins in the Hunyuan essence and blood.

  These Hunyuan essence and blood are not as pure as those naturally produced in people's bodies or produced through cultivation. Instead, they are mixed with all kinds of pollution. Only by removing the toxins brought by these pollutions can these essence and blood be safely absorbed. without being harmed by these essence and blood.

  The reason why the Blood Saint who condenses the blood body prepares all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures is to neutralize the toxins in the Hunyuan Essence and Blood. Shi Xuangui obviously knows this truth well. Herbs and gold stones come directly from his side. He jumped out and turned into mist, hovering around him, purifying the blood that entered his body.

  What Shi Xuangui is doing is to condense the blood body of the Blood Saint to become the Blood Lord. What Zhou Baopu is doing is destroying the blood sea and rebuilding the foundation.

  It seems that Shi Xuangui's momentum should be greater than Zhou Baopu's, but this is not the case.

  Where Zhou Baopu's palms touch is the inner wall of the blood cells. The inner walls of the two palms are gradually thickening, like a sarcoma, slowly growing on the inner walls of the blood cells.

  As one goes, the inner walls of other parts of the blood cells are gradually becoming thinner, as if they are slowly being swallowed by the sarcoma.

  But where Shi Xuangui was, the blood energy was gradually fading. This time, Shi Xuangui didn't dislike having too much blood energy, but felt that there was too little blood energy.

  The reason why I felt that the blood energy was too strong and could not be absorbed before was because Shi Xuangui's ability to control those heavenly materials and earthly treasures was limited and he could not purify the evil blood energy in time.

  At this moment, Shi Xuangui was actually a little disappointed with the blood energy, because if the current situation continued, he might not even be able to condense his blood body.

  Although Shi Xuangui faced such a dilemma, he didn't say anything and just held on silently, because he also knew that Zhou Baopu had obviously reached a critical moment. If he disturbed her now, it might put Zhou Baopu's life in danger.

  At this moment, Zhou Baopu had no idea about the dilemma Shi Xuangui was facing. All he knew was that he was in pain and was almost unconscious. He just wanted to seal off all the nerves in his body so that he wouldn't feel any pain. However, he was just thinking about it, and these pains would not be alleviated at all because of his thoughts.

  The essence and blood in Zhou Baopu's body finally climbed up to the nine golden snakes, moving forward together, flowing towards the oval golden ball that Zhou Baopu was dragging with his palms, and slowly moving towards the oval golden ball.

  These essences and blood are bright red, and they are particularly eye-catching and bright among the nine glittering golden snakes. They keep moving forward like jumping, looking extremely excited, and also looking strange and abnormal, which makes people feel a little bit sad after seeing it. Terrified.

  These are the essence and blood in his sea of ​​blood. Most blood refiners have not had time to absorb the essence and blood inside, so how can they excrete the essence and blood in the body?

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