Chapter 142: The dead body is opened in the coffin

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  Hearing the sound of the black sickle moving through the air, Zhou Baopu's mood became even more gloomy. He didn't know why, but he always had a bad feeling. But when it came to what kind of specific premonition it was, he couldn't tell. It was a very mysterious feeling. To put it simply, it could be summed up as his intuition.

  If his health were normal, Zhou Baopu would have fled long ago. But the problem is, as if he had been cast a holding charm, it was quite difficult for him to even move his fingers. This made Zhou Baopu's heart sink even more. It seemed as if he might get scared at any time.

  The noise behind him became louder and louder, and Zhou Baopu knew that there was nothing he could do about it. I can only endure it silently, but I can't find a way to change it. The most serious problem is that even if we think of ways to change, there is no way to achieve it.

  The gap between imagination and reality is always so far that Zhou Baopu even feels a little desperate. Opening his eyes and looking at the trembling black sickle, the sense of danger in Zhou Baopu's mind became even more intense, but he still had no solution.

  Drawing a circle, in the void, the black curved sickle, as if frightened, burrowed towards Zhou Baopu's waist. It wasn't until it penetrated into Zhou Baopu's waist again that he finally calmed down. But even though he was quiet, he was still frightened and trembling in Zhou Baopu's waist.

  Finally, the skinny body finally staggered to its feet and staggered to Zhou Baopu. The green sparks in his head seemed to be alive. It moved to its two eye nests and became even more weird and permeable.

  The strange green light flashed several times, and Zhou Baopu felt his scalp numb for a while, and the feeling of being imprisoned all over his body became more profound. It seemed that even his own thoughts had the illusion of being suppressed and restricted. If he couldn't even carry out ideological activities, then Zhou Baopu would really be a walking corpse.

  The sarcophagus in front of Zhou Baopu has not been fully opened, only a corner is exposed. The skeleton inside looked crystal clear and inviting to contemplate.

  It's hard to imagine what kind of strong man he is. His bones after death will be as crystal clear as jade, without any decay at all. The only thing that is certain is that he has been dead for a long time, because his sarcophagus is covered with lush grass and thick moss.


  Zhou Baopu was shocked. This cry was really not human. The person who made this cry was not the person, but the corpse behind him.

  Arriving in front of Zhou Baopu, the corpse looked at Zhou Baopu with a strange look, and then nodded.

  Although the skin on his face was tightly attached to his bones, Zhou Baopu could feel that he must be smiling. And, that kind of smile is a very satisfying smile. This silent laughter made Zhou Baopu a little creepy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  Imagine if there was a skinny skeleton smiling inexplicably at you, but you couldn't do anything. At that time, what will you think? I'm afraid your condition is not much better than Zhou Baopu's.

  Every movement always makes a sound. The friction between bones continued with his movements, giving the illusion of glass rubbing against each other. It gives people a very stimulating feeling. If they are not forced, no one is willing to expose their ears to such a sound and suffer the devastation of that sound.

  Although Zhou Baopu had a bad premonition, he had to keep his eyes open and watch everything. Because he sadly discovered that even if he wanted to close his eyes now, it had become impossible. Because, he really couldn't even move.

  This included the muscles at the corners of his eyes, which were all out of Zhou Baopu's control.

  The dead body stretched out its arms and placed it gently and deftly under the coffin lid, then suddenly lifted it up, and a burst of red light flashed. Zhou Baopu saw that the lid of the sarcophagus suddenly began to lift upwards and was forcefully lifted off. After breaking away from the sarcophagus, he actually flew away from the tomb.

  The coffin lid flew sideways, flickering in the void a few times, with a few wisps of misty starlight, and disappeared from Zhou Baopu's sight in the blink of an eye.

  Seeing that the obviously dead body actually did such a thing, Zhou Baopu's inner surprise was almost greater than his fear. This is unbelievable. I really didn’t expect it. How could something like this happen?
  How could someone who was clearly dead still be able to perform such an action?
  Silent night, few stars. There was no one around to answer Zhou Baopu's doubts.

  After the skinny corpse saw the white jade-like corpse in the sarcophagus, the look on his face was simply indescribable. The skinny skin was mixed with a hint of excitement, and the gurgle sounded again. Cold hair stood on end. In this not very cold night, the blood all over Zhou Baopu's body seemed to be solidifying.

  After opening the coffin, the skinny corpse did not stop his movements, and then started moving again.

  The bone-like ten fingers stretched forward and formed a semicircle starting from the two sides of Zhou Baopu's body. Lift it up from below, and during the lifting process, the light in your eyes never stops. In this process, the skinny corpse actually moved the white jade-like corpse.

  He was originally lying in the sarcophagus, but now he is sitting up from the sarcophagus. This is not over yet, it seems as if he has been controlled. The white jade-like corpse actually began to sit cross-legged. After crossing his legs, he began to rise into the void without any external force.

  It rose straight up, evenly, until it was high in the sky. It didn't stop until it was higher than the tombs on both sides.

  By this time, the white jade corpse had been completely exposed to the starlight.

  It was at this time that Zhou Baopu discovered something strange. The white jade-like corpse was dotted with stars, like stars, emitting such azure light. That kind of light seemed to make the entire sky feel cold.

  When the starlight in the sky merges with the starlight on the white jade corpse. Zhou Baopu discovered that of the two, one was devouring and the other was dying. The one that is devoured is the white jade corpse, and the one that dies is the sky. Under this ebb and flow, the brightness of the white jade corpse became even more powerful. As one rose and then disappeared, the colors in the sky flew, as if they were a little darker and dimmer.

  Zhou Baopu finally understood why the body of the white jade corpse was so well preserved.

  The reason is that those blue starlights are both destroying and preserving. It is not difficult to speculate that this white jade corpse must have had a physical body during its lifetime, but under the corrosion of the starlight, not even a bit of dregs was left behind. And it is precisely because of the absorption of starlight that this white jade corpse becomes more crystal clear and bright as jade.

  But Zhou Baopu's mood became even heavier. What he was facing now was not two withered bones, but a strange skeleton and an old monster with consciousness. The two came out together, and Zhou Baopu felt uneasy when he thought of the danger he had foreseen.

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