Chapter 398 The establishment of the Ninja United Army (1/2)

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  Chapter 398 The Establishment of the Ninja United Army (12)

  In the end, under the guidance of Hasukawa Kishi, everyone's selfishness in the Ninja United Army was reduced to a minimum, but they really began to consider the Ninja United Army. Every village The best ninjas in all aspects were recommended to serve as leaders of various positions in the Ninja United Army.

  Commander of the Ninja United Army: Raikage - Ai.

  Deputy commanders of the Ninja United Army: Hokage Hasukawa Kushiro, Tsuchikage Onoki, and Mizukage Terumi Mei.

  Ninja United Army Military Advisor: Konoha Nara Shikaku.

  Assistant to the Ninja United Army Headquarters: Mabui Kumogakure.

  Captain of the Ninja United Army's Sensing Force: Nozomi Kumogakure.

  Captain of the Ninja United Army Information Delivery Unit: Konoha Yamanaka Kaiichi.

  The above are the officials of the Ninja United Army Headquarters. As for the combat troops, they are led by Gaara Kazekage.

  Battle Team Leader: Gaara Kazekage.

  The captain of the first mid-range unit: Kumogakure Darui.

  The captain of the second unit at close range: Iwagakure Rotsuchi.

  Captain of the third mid-range unit: Konoha Hatake Kakashi.

  Captain of the Fourth Long-Distance Unit: Kirigakure Murashiro.

  Captain of the Special Operations Samurai Force: Iron Country Mifune.

  Medical unit captain: Konoha Shizune.

  Captain of the surprise attack force: Kankuro of Sunagakure Village.

  Basically, the top-level officials are most likely to be assigned to the five great ninja villages. However, because Kirigakure and Sunagakure are relatively weak among the five great ninja villages, they only got two positions. Although Iwagakure Village is the top There are also two officials, but the middle-level officials in Iwagakure Village have the most, but they are on par with the top-level officials in Kumogakure Village and Konohagakure Village in terms of voice.

  Relatively speaking, Konoha, Kumogakure, and Iwagakure are quite a tripartite force. However, Sunagakure Village and Kirigakure Village, which are relatively weak, have good relations with Konoha. Needless to say, Sunagakure Village , Kirigakure Village was entirely due to the fact that after Hasukawa Kishi resurrected Terumi Mei, under the influence of Terumi Mei, she tended to be close to Konoha. As a result, although Konoha did not get the position of commander of the Ninja United Army, it did the opposite. Faintly suppressing one end of Yunyin Village.

  After deciding on the general framework of the ninja coalition, the shadows of the five major ninja villages decided to end the meeting and temporarily return to their own villages to prepare for mobilization before the war. It is best to prepare for the war. After all, the war is not just a fight, no matter it is Soldiers, war equipment, and various materials all require a lot of time to prepare, so the Kages of the five great ninja villages decided to return to their respective countries immediately to prepare for the start of the war!
  Taking Saai and Akimichi Hikari with him, Hasekawa Kishi said goodbye to the other four Kages and set out to return to Konoha.

  Without the problem of Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Sasuke was not sent to fight Shimura Danzo by Uchiha Obito. Instead, he returned directly to their secret base in the Kingdom of Iron. When Uchiha Sasuke and Xiang Rin were released When he came out, he immediately looked at Uchiha Obito.

  At this time, Uchiha Sasuke looked completely immersed in darkness, and said to Uchiha Obito: "Uchiha Madara, I want Itachi's eyes, give me his eyes!" After hearing Uchiha Sasuke's words,

  Uchiha Obito was stunned for a moment, and then said with some surprise: "Did you finally agree? I thought you would never agree to exchange Itachi's eyes for you." "Stop talking so much nonsense, you need to

  prepare How long?"

  "About three hours. After all, you are not looking for a temporary replacement, but you want to perfectly replace Itachi's eyes on your own body, so it will probably take a while. Three hours is enough to make it. I'm ready, but during the transplantation, Xianglin, you have to come and help." Xianglin

  heard Uchiha Obito's words and glanced at Uchiha Sasuke. When he saw Uchiha Sasuke nodding, he immediately agreed. down.

  Seeing Xiangren agreeing to him, Uchiha Obito chuckled and disappeared into a whirlpool.

  At this time, Uchiha Sasuke brought Kaoru to the rest hall of this secret base, and immediately saw Kisame Kisaki lying on a chair, looking like he was resting.

  His eyes brightened slightly, Uchiha Sasuke stepped forward and said to Kisame Ingaki: "Kissame Ingaki, have you caught the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki Rabbi who escaped from my hands before?" He opened his eyes

  . , Mikigaki Kisame said to Uchiha Sasuke: "Not yet, but I have almost found his traces. I came back this time to take a short rest, and then set out to completely capture the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki." "I do

  . I doubt whether you can really capture the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki successfully. After all, even I was deceived by the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki. I think the possibility of you being able to successfully capture him is very slim." "Oh, are you looking down on me

  ? Bastard!"

  He stood up and grabbed Uchiha Sasuke's collar. At this time, Uchiha Sasuke grabbed Kisame's hand, his eyes turned into the Mangekyo Sharingan, and whispered to Kisame. Said: "Seeing that you and Itachi have been together for so long, I won't argue with you. Let go now, otherwise I will only let you learn what the power of Amaterasu Itachi is best at!

  " At this time, a vortex was born in the air. Uchiha Obito came to the two of them and whispered: "Let's go do our own thing! Sasuke, don't cause trouble, and Kisame, don't stay here." Now, let's complete the mission immediately."

  "Hmph, I'll go back and get ready before setting off!"

  After saying that, Inikaki Kisame picked up his Samehada and returned to his own room in this base.

  At this time, Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Sasuke and said to him: "Come with me now, and you and I will prepare for the eye transplant." After the words fell, Uchiha Obito took Uchiha Sasuke and Kazuo with him

  . Rin left here, and at this moment, Kisame's right hand, which was walking to his room, pinched lightly, and a small note appeared in his hand. When he returned to the room, Kisame Kisame looked at the information on the note, nodded slowly and said, "So that's it. It's really hard for Itachi's brother to react so quickly, so I'll just follow his plan." He put the note away casually

  . Putting it in his arms, Kisame Kisaki lay on the bed, looking like he was sleeping.

  About three hours later, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi's corpses lay together. His eyes were removed and completely abandoned, while the eyes of Uchiha Itachi's corpse were under the command of Uchiha Obito. Under Rin's operation, he gradually removed it and transplanted it into Uchiha Sasuke's eye, and then wrapped it layer by layer with bandages, completely completing the transplant.

  (End of chapter)

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