Chapter 336 New Pain Six Paths VS Hasukawa Muxi! (2/2)

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  Chapter 336 New Pain Six Paths VS Hasukawa Muxi! (22)

  Pushing away the concrete and rocks on his body, Hasukawa Kishi looked at the completely collapsed Uchiha stronghold, stood up slowly, and looked at the Six Paths of New Pain that had completely surrounded him, and slowly Said to Tiandao: "Nagato, tell me, where did they go?" "

  Do you think I will tell you? This time I will really eliminate you here and let you know what the wrath of God is!"

  "God? Well, I happen to be very unhappy right now, so let me see what your upgraded so-called god is capable of!" After the words fell, Lianchuan Muxi rushed forward again, heading

  towards Tiandao rushed over, but at this moment, Shura Dao and the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki appeared in front of him, forming a human wall to block Hasukawa Kishi's arrival. At the same time, Shura Dao's mouth was divided into four parts like a machine. The petal opened, revealing the energy transmitter inside, which fired a white laser light at Lianchuan Muxi, directly towards Lianchuan Muxi's head.

  Seeing the laser approaching, Hasekawa Kishi immediately crouched down to avoid the laser attack, but at this moment, the five-tailed jinchuriki happened to appear next to Hasekawa Kishi and kicked out, hitting Hasekawa Kishi in the middle. He raised his left arm to resist, but his feet were unstable. Even though he blocked the leg, he was still kicked away.

  His body was spinning in mid-air, Hasukawa Kishi adjusted his position and prepared to fall, but at this moment, the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki and the Beast Road suddenly appeared next to Hasekawa Kishi, but they saw their two stretched out behind them. A tail composed of chakra emerged, entangling Hasukawa Muxi tightly.

  Immediately afterwards, the five-tailed jinchūriki appeared above Hasekawa Kushiro's head again, and stepped hard on Hasekawa Kushiro's chest with his legs. He stepped on Hasekawa Kushiro directly to the ground, and hit him fiercely from mid-air. As he fell, the ground completely shattered, and Hasukawa Kishi had been severely stepped under the ground by the strange power of the five-tailed Jinchuuriki!

  At this time, Tiandao slowly floated in the air, looking down at the place where Lianchuan Muxi was trampled, while the other five Pain Six Paths quickly spread to the surroundings. When the five Pain hid After opening, Tiandao suddenly raised his hand and unleashed the extremely powerful Shinra Tianzheng on the ground below!


  The ground was swept away in an instant, and the ground sank quickly at Tiandao's feet, squeezing everything inside. When the large-scale Shinra Tianzheng disappeared, Tiandao looked at the ground below and said slowly: "Lianchuan Mu Xi, I know these attacks are nothing to you, so come out quickly!"

  The moment Tiandao's voice just fell, the ground under the feet of the other five Pain suddenly collapsed. Five huge wooden hands stretched out from under the ground, holding the five Jinchuuriki Pain firmly in their hands. At the same time, a hair-thin water column penetrated the earth and stone from under the ground and shot straight to the sky. Payne had to dodge quickly. The large-scale Shinra Tianzheng he just used had to rest for a period of time before he could use it again!

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Continuous waves of water shot out from under the ground, causing Tiandao to quickly dodge to prevent the body from being cut in half by the water wave. But at this moment, under the water wave, Without stopping, another Lianchuan Muxi sprang out from under the ground. Looking at the immortal face that appeared on his face again, he had once again exerted the power of immortal magic!

  Immortal method, super large jade spiral pill!
  The huge Rasengan blasted towards Tiandao, but at this moment, Tiandao suddenly stretched out his hand and slightly grabbed the ground, using the All-Seeing Heavenly Yin, and used the reaction force of the All-Seeing Heavenly Yin to pull his body down towards the ground. In this way, he avoided the attack of the split body of Lianchuan Muxi!

  Tiandao fell to the ground and quickly rushed towards the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki closest to him, trying to release the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki, but at this moment, the one holding the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki The huge wooden hand suddenly split into a wooden clone of Lianchuan Muxi and rushed towards Tiandao.

  When Tiandao and Wood clones met, they immediately had a head-on confrontation. Pain's Six Paths' physical skills were not very high. That was due to Nagato's own weakness. After all, it was Nagato who controlled Pain's Six Paths, and Nagato's physical skills were weak. , of course Pain's six-path physical skills cannot be too high.

  Therefore, slowly, the Tiandaozhu, who was temporarily unable to perform the Shinra Tianzheng, was gradually suppressed by the wooden clone of Renchuan Muxi. The split body of Renchuan Muxi above the sky, and the split body of Renchuan Muxi under the ground. The split body also quickly rushed towards Tiandao.

  At this time, Nagato, who controlled Pain's Six Paths, knew that if this continued, once the Heaven's Path was destroyed, the power of the other five Pain would also be greatly weakened, so he did not hesitate to control the five Jinchuriki Pain immediately. The stored tailed beast chakra is fully activated and transformed into the small tailed beast form of the second tailed beast transformation state!



  The five Jinchuuriki Pain, who had turned into small tailed beasts, suddenly broke free from the grip of the wooden hands and rushed in front of Tiandao at extremely fast speeds, crushing the wooden clone instantly. Shattered, forcing Lianchuan Muxi's two split bodies to retreat quickly, avoiding the sharp edge!
  Standing on the same spot, the two split bodies of Lianchuan Muxi reached out and grabbed each other's palms. Suddenly, the two split bodies quickly fused together like liquids and turned into a complete Lianchuan Muxi.

  The unique ability of Slug Immortal Technique is different from any clone. The split body is the split body. Although the cost is that the power is relatively divided into two, it has the powerful ability to immortalize one body.

  Looking at the five small tailed beasts, Hasukawa Muxi's body gradually emitted huge Senjutsu Wooden Chakra, and he saw his hands slowly forming seals, and a huge long-nosed wooden dragon scurried out from under the ground. He came out, his head staring at Hasukawa Muxi's body rising into the air, facing the new Pain Six Paths without losing any momentum!

  Wood escape, the art of wood dragon!
  At this time, Tiandao looked at the wooden dragon and said slowly: "Wood Dragon Technique! Your Wood Release is already close to that of the legendary first Hokage Senju Hashirama!" "Oh, I think it's still not good enough

  . It's far away, but I still accept your compliment!"

  "Don't think that the wood dragon technique can do anything. In front of God, even a dragon can only crawl on the ground and seek God's mercy!" After the words fell

  , The five little tailed beasts roared together and rushed straight towards the wooden dragon. When Lianchuan Muxi saw this, the mark on his hand immediately changed, and a large number of thorns shot out from the wooden dragon and entangled the five little tailed beasts!

  (End of chapter)

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