Chapter 316 Death of Mei Terumi (2/2)

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  Chapter 316 The Death of Terumi Mei (22)

  Slowly walked to Terumi Mei, Ao once again used the Azure Dragon Kanshou, completely sealing Terumi Mei's chakra, and then said with a smile: "Terumi Mei, Do you have any last words?"

  Looking at Qing, Terumi Mei slowly asked: "Qing, I have known you since you were very young. The Qing I know is not such a person. Why are you like this? " What I look like

  now? What I really look like now. The hypocritical Qingzao I used to be is no longer there. Now I am the real me. I was so close to the fourth Mizukage, and I have the highest qualifications." , why did you, a little girl, become the fifth generation Mizukage in the end? Why not me! Just rely on those blood successors who were demonized two years ago? Except for the power of the blood successors, you may not even be able to be a jounin. Why did you become the shadow of a village!"

  Looking at Ao with a distorted face, Terumi Mei didn't know why Ao became what he is now, but now she didn't care at all, she just looked at Ao, He smiled sarcastically: "Qing, if you didn't have that Byakugan, you wouldn't be as strong as you are now!"

  Upon hearing this, Qing's face immediately turned red, and he suddenly raised his kick and kicked Terumi Mei. In the face, Mei Terumi was kicked away, and most of his body sank into the water. He, who was already seriously injured, fell into a severe coma in an instant.

  Immediately afterwards, Qing walked up to Terumi Mei, reached out and grabbed Terumi Mei's neck and twisted it violently, completely sending Terumi Mei to the Pure Land of Paradise.

  After killing Mei Terumi, Ao threw her body to the other two ANBU and said: "Bring her body back, whether it is Melting Release or Boiling Release, it is a rare blood inheritance limit, look at it Can we find out what's going on and copy it to enhance our strength?"

  "I obey Ao-sama! No, the sixth generation Mizukage-sama!"

  Upon hearing this, Ao's face immediately showed a smile, and he turned towards Kiri Walking in the direction of the Hidden Village, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind the two Anbu who were carrying Terumi Mei's body. He silently waved the sword in his hand and chopped off the two Anbu with one blow. head, then reached out to grab Terumi Mei's body, and quickly sank into the water.

  The sudden change made it impossible for anyone else, including Ao, to react. When Ao, who reacted the fastest, quickly caught up, he only saw Chojuro walking away quickly with Terumi Mei's body on his back, and his extremely powerful body. A look of hatred!
  "Damn Chojuro, I must catch you and cut you into pieces!"

  Just as Ao roared, Zetsu suddenly appeared in front of him and said to him: "Don't worry, Mizukage-sama, It's up to us, Akatsuki, to help you deal with those guys, and we will definitely make this matter handled perfectly, so don't worry." After the words

  fell, Zetsu sank into the water again, and quickly chased in the direction of Chojuro.

  Zetsu's ephemeral technique can shuttle through any organism at an extremely fast speed and silently. The water is Zetsu's home field. In just half a minute, Zetsu caught up with Chojuro and appeared in front of him. He reached out and released a large number of wooden thorns, and launched an attack on Chojuro.

  Wood escape, the art of inserting skewers!

  The wooden thorns continued to split, from one to dozens in the blink of an eye, covering all of Changjuro's hiding spaces.

  Just when Zetsu was about to kill Chojuro, a wall of ice suddenly appeared between Chojuro and Zetsu, blocking Chojuro's attack from Zetsu.

  At this time, Momochi Zabuza and Shiro landed beside Chojuro. They looked at the Hirametsubo in Chojuro's hand. Momochi Zabuza frowned slightly and said, "This is Hirameko. What's your kid?" The master of this generation of flathead?"

  Chojuro looked at Momochi Zabuza and Haku. When he saw the decapitating sword behind Momochi Zabuza, he finally knew who the person in front of him was.

  "Are you...Momochi Zabuza-senpai?"

  "Yes, it's me. Why are you and that Akatsuki guy together...Shiro, pay attention to that Akatsuki guy." "Don't


  Shiro responded. He walked to Zetsu's side, always on guard against Zetsu's violent attack again, while Momochi Zabuza continued to say to Chojuro: "Boy, who is the woman behind you?" "This is the fifth generation of our Kirigakure Village

  . Mizukage-sama, she was persecuted by the betrayers Ao and Akatsuki, and has been killed by them! And Akatsuki's people are going to frame you for the candle organization!" Hearing this, even Momochi Zabuza couldn't help but change his color

  . , he looked at Terumi Mei, who had lost his breath. He was not stupid, and he almost immediately thought of Akatsuki's attempt to control Kirigakure Village, and also thought of the various consequences after that. It was almost certain that Kirigakure Village would target The Yuzhu organization takes action, and Konoha will not sit idly by because of Hasukawa Kishi's relationship. It is foreseeable that the two ninja villages will start a war again. This is exactly what Akatsuki wants to see most. situation.

  They can't let this happen, at least they can't let Terumi Mei's body fall into their hands. As long as they can bring Terumi Mei's body back, then once things develop to an irreversible level, they can immediately resurrect Terumi Mei. The Akatsuki organization has a bomb!
  Thinking of this, Zabuza Momochi immediately said to Chojuro: "Bring her body and follow me. Our organization will resist this matter!" After hearing Zabuza Momochi's words, Chojuro knew that this was the best thing now

  . choice, otherwise not only Terumi Mei's body might not be saved, but his life would also be threatened, so Chojuro immediately nodded and agreed!
  At this time, Zetsu looked at Chojuro who had agreed. As soon as he took a step forward, a cold air suddenly hit him, completely freezing the foot that Zetsu stepped out of.

  "Ice Release... he is indeed a famous Blood Succession Limit user in the Candle Organization... Bai Zetsu, leave, we are no match for them, there is no need to continue the stalemate." "But Black Zetsu,

  we didn't get Terumi Mei Doesn't it really matter if Chojuro's body was not killed?" "

  Anyway, Terumi Mei is dead. What Chojuro said is meaningless. We don't need to continue the stalemate." After the

  words fell, Zetsu's body quickly sank . He fell into the water and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

  At this time, Shiro looked at the disappearing Zetsu and said to Momochi Zabuza: "Zabuza-sama, don't we chase him?" "

  Shiro, this guy is Zetsu in the Akatsuki organization. You should also have seen what Hasukawa gave us. We have the information, we can’t catch up, the most important thing now is to take him and the bodies of the Fifth Mizukage back, and let Hasikawa find a way to deal with them!" (End of this


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