Chapter 278 Rejection (2/3)

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  Chapter 278 Rejection (23)

  Regarding the Red Sand Scorpion, Hasukawa Muxi was of course not so reassured, so he applied a small ninjutsu on the Red Sand Scorpion, a magical magic that was modified from the curse seal. A small mark can be left in the core of the Red Sand Scorpion's body. That mark has a certain degree of autonomy and can see every move of the Red Sand Scorpion.

  After carrying all the things the Red Sand Scorpion wanted to the laboratory assigned to him, the Red Sand Scorpion immediately got into it and started making his own body and human puppets.

  In the previous battle with Chiyo, the puppets of the Akasaka Scorpions were almost completely wiped out. Except for the completely broken human puppets of the Third Kazekage brought back by Hasukawa Kishi, the remaining items had been completely discarded, so Akasaka Scorpion must build himself a powerful enough puppet battle group from scratch.

  Of course, for the current Crimson Sand Scorpion, many concepts have changed. In the past, he controlled puppets mainly based on quantity, but during the battle, he discovered that only one or two puppets that are truly powerful can be defeated. The number of puppets is ten times his own. If he can have ten human puppets like the Third Kazekage, they will definitely be much more reliable than the previous hundred ordinary puppets!
  This was especially true after the Red Sand Scorpion got the three corpses of the Bloodline Ninja given to him by Hasukawa Muxi, and he was determined to completely change his puppet.

  Regarding the thoughts of the Red Sand Scorpion, Hasukawa Kihiro could guess more or less, but he did not care about it. He just left all the affairs of the candle organization to Uchiha Shisui, and he took the seal of the Heretic Golem. The scroll of body tissue returned to his laboratory, and he started his experiment with the door closed.

  Walking into the secret room inside the laboratory, Hasukawa Muxi looked at the body tissue cells of the seven tailed beasts that had gradually grown in size under the cultivation of the biological cabin. He couldn't help but nodded, and turned to look at the body cells standing in the center of the secret room. The tenth biopod is 30% larger.

  Hasukawa Muxi inserted the scroll in his hand into the groove of the biological cabin, then opened the biological cabin, adjusted the energy index of the biological cabin, and pressed the button to remove the heretic demon sealed in the scroll, which was ten Tai's body tissue was released from the seal of the scroll.

  But I saw a small piece of dark brown, wood-like body tissue of the heretic golem suspended in the nutrient solution in the biological cabin. With the absorption of the nutrient solution, the body tissue of the heretic golem gradually changed and turned into a A thumb-sized white aggregate of biological tissue looks like an embryo, constantly suspended in the nutrient solution, slowly absorbing the nutrient solution.

  At this time, Hasukawa Kushiro reached out and pressed the button on the console. Immediately, a trace of Onebi Shukaku's chakra was injected into the biological cabin that cultivated the body tissue of the heretic demon. The body tissue of the heretic golem was immediately transformed. Like a cat that smelled a fishy smell, it quickly rushed forward and swallowed up the trace of Onebis Shukaku's chakra in one gulp. The white body tissue clearly had a hint of spirituality, and was even almost invisible. But it has actually increased in size.

  "Sure enough, for the Heretic Golem, or the body tissue of the Ten-Tails, the chakra and even body tissue of the nine tailed beasts are the best supplements. But unfortunately, I don't plan to cultivate a small Ten-Tails.

  , otherwise it will save me the trouble." After muttering to himself , Hasukawa Muxi suddenly took out a large needle, pierced it into his arm, and slowly drew out his blood. , continuously extracted blood from three large needles, and injected it into the biological cabin one after another. Suddenly Hasukawa Muxi's blood spread slowly, gradually dyeing the originally light green nutrient solution into a light blood color, he The blood slowly seeped into the body tissue of the Heretic Demon Statue, subtly changing the composition of the body tissue of the Heretic Demon Statue.

  After doing this, Lianchuan Muxi drew six more tubes of his own blood and put them in the freezer.

  Even though he was already above the shadow level, the continuous extraction of nine large tubes of blood still made Lianchuan Muxi quite tired. After putting away his things and setting up protection, he turned around and left the secret room and walked out of himself. in the laboratory.

  After informing Uchiha Shisui, ten days later, he would replenish three of his own blood in the biological cabin where the body tissues of the heretic golem were located. He then left the headquarters of the Candle Organization and spent two days returning to Konoha.

  When he returned to Konoha, he met Tsunade, who was no longer surprised by his disappearance from time to time, and came to Konoha Hospital to visit Hatake Kakashi, who was bedridden due to excessive consumption.

  "Senior Kakashi, do you have to lie in the hospital for a few days after you come back every time you encounter a difficult task?"

  Looking at Hasukawa Kihiro, Kakashi Hatake said: "Kushiro, what are you doing again? If you haven’t had so much chakra since you were a child, you should know how draining high-intensity battles are for people like us who are born with scarce chakra. I was able to persist until I snatched back Gaara the Fifth Kazekage. Not bad."

  "Tsk, okay, okay, what you said makes sense, but then again, don't you already know where Sasuke is? Aren't you going to look for Sasuke?" "Speaking of Sasuke, maybe

  Naru Naruto and Sakura don't know, but I know very well that you must know where Sasuke is, but you don't plan to tell Naruto and Sakura." With a slight smile, Hasukawa Kishi said:

  " After all, Sasuke is with Orochimaru, and you naturally know Orochimaru's strength. It is simply impossible for Orochimaru to hand over Sasuke. Moreover, it is completely impossible for Sasuke to follow Naruto and the others back. Go to Konoha.

  If he thinks that his strength is not enough, then he will definitely continue to learn ninjutsu from Orochimaru. If he thinks that his strength is enough, then he will choose to kill Orochimaru and find Itachi for revenge, so no matter what It's impossible for him to agree to return to Konoha. Even if I find him, I may not be able to bring him back." "

  Today is different from the past. It's just about looking for Sasuke. No matter what, Naruto and Sakura will It is necessary to do it, so I want you to take them to Sasuke on my behalf. Needless to say, your strength can completely suppress Orochimaru, and your wood escape ninjutsu can also ensure that the nine tails in Naruto's body are not destroyed. As for going berserk, there is no one more suitable than you."

  "I refuse, you go find Yamato. It's time for him to leave the ANBU recently, so he can lead Naruto and Sakura to find Sasuke." (End of this chapter


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