Chapter 276 New member, Red Sand Scorpion! (4/4)

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  Chapter 276 New member, Red Sand Scorpion! (44)

  The moment the second Hasekawa Kishi separated from his body, he immediately rushed forward with the first one and launched an attack on Momochi Zabuza and Haku.

  When a punch was thrown, Momochi Zabuza raised his arm to block it, but to his surprise, Hasukawa Kishi's arm passed through his hand like liquid and punched him in the face. , and then the arm that turned into two halves returned to its original shape again, returning to its original appearance from the semi-liquid state.

  Moving his fist slightly, Hasukawa Muxi said with a smile: "This is a characteristic given to me by immortal magic. Pure physical resistance has no effect." "Damn, this

  ability is almost the same as the special physique of the Ghost Lantern clan. It's so troublesome... Shiro, use ice to freeze them!"

  Hearing Momochi Zabuza's words, Shiro immediately reacted, forming seals with his hands quickly, opening his mouth and spitting out a cold and biting white mist, towards the two Hasukawa trees. The tide invades and goes away.


  In the blink of an eye, the ground swept by the white mist sprayed by Bai was quickly frozen. Lianchuan Muxi looked at the white frost condensed on his body, and raised his eyebrows slightly without retreating. Shin, rushed straight towards Haku, and at the same time he formed seals with his hands, and when he was close to Haku and Momochi Zabuza, he stamped the ground with one foot!

  Immortal method, earth escape, underworld!
  Following the use of this Earth Release Senjutsu, the ground immediately seemed to boil, turning into a swamp and releasing a large number of bubbles. Shiro and Momochi Zabuza immediately fell into it without any pause.

  But Bai was obviously better. Waves of cold air emitted from his body, which immediately froze the mire around him, and he crawled out of the frozen mire again. But when he climbed out, one of the Hasukawa Mu Xi has also arrived in front of him.


  Under the influence of the strange power technique, Bai flew backwards and crashed into the forest.

  At the same time, the other Renchuan Muxi chased Bai directly. However, just when he was about to chase into the forest, the entire grove was instantly frozen. At the same time, Bai, who had completely transformed into the second state, flapped his back. The wings slowly flew up from the grove, suspended in the air and looked at Lianchuan Muxi, waving his hands and releasing a large amount of freezing air.

  "Boom, boom, boom... bang!"

  Three icebergs appeared around Lianchuan Muxi in a Z-shaped shape. Then, with Bai waving his hand again, the three icebergs quickly collided together, constantly squeezing each other. , suppressing Lianchuan Muxi inside.

  But at this moment, a wisp of ink suddenly appeared, and then silently, the iceberg quickly turned into nothingness, replaced by Hasukawa Muxi with an ink dragon surrounding him!

  "Immortal Technique, Ink Release, Ink Dragon Technique!"

  Infused with the Chakra of the Immortal Technique, the ink dragon condensed from the Ink Dragon Technique enlarged again, and looked even more ferocious, with majestic head and horns, and waving dragon claws. , the momentum is unparalleled, and it has the posture of a true dragon.

  With a roar, Mo Long rushed towards Bai. At this time, Bai was forming seals with his hands. He was releasing an awe-inspiring feeling, and a decisive cold air rose into the sky, turning into a huge swan. The image of the figure raised its head and let out a cry. Every feather on its body was like a substance, vibrating its wings. The cold air flew out along with the frost feathers, leaving a series of frost knife marks across the ground.

  Immediately afterwards, the white bird flew and collided with Molong. Suddenly, fierce cold wind and broken ice spread in all directions. The fight between Molong and the white bird caused the entire training room to change from summer to winter. The cold wind howled. Broken ice and flying snow were flying everywhere, and the temperature dropped to an alarming level in the blink of an eye. The entire training room was covered with snow and ice!

  At this time, Xianglin took a step forward, and two chakra chains stretched out from behind, forming a circle around everyone, condensing a barrier to completely block the invasion of the cold wind, ice and snow.

  Seeing Xiang Rin's ability, Uchiha Shisui smiled and said to her: "Xiang Rin, your strength has become stronger, and a barrier of this level has been constructed so quickly." Smiling slightly, Xiang

  Rin He said to Uchiha Shisui: "Brother Shisui, my efforts during this period are not in vain. This level of barrier can still be condensed. Hey, brother

  Shisui, do you feel that the wind and snow have stopped?" After hearing this

  , Uchiha Shisui immediately turned around and saw that the wind and snow had stopped, and two Hasukawa Kihiro, one each, came back supporting Momochi Zabuza and Shiro, who had lost their strength.

  Putting Momochi Zabuza and Shiro aside, the two split bodies of Hasukawa Kushiro reached out to grab each other. Suddenly their two bodies merged together again, turning into one Hasekawa Kushiro, and then from He came out of the sage mode and said to Shiro and Momochi Zabuza: "Okay, this time the battle is over."

  Momochi Zabuza, who was slightly out of breath, looked at Hasukawa Kishi, shook his head helplessly and said: "Lengchuan, your strength has improved so much that you are like a monster. I really don't know how you practice." "Actually,

  if you had also used the power of the curse seal just now, you should have become stronger, right?" The power of the seal can be increased according to each person's characteristics. If you, Zabuza, use the power of the curse seal, your strength will become stronger." "Although you are right, in my opinion, the power

  of the curse seal It's not something I cultivated myself. If it's a life and death battle, I naturally don't have so many restrictions, but since it's a competition with you, then I naturally have to use all my strength." Lianchuan Muxi looked at it and shrugged

  . Bai Bai knew that he had obviously had this idea for a long time, so he didn't say much. As long as it could be used in a life-and-death battle, it was enough.

  "Okay, now that the competition is over, let's go and rest. It just so happens that I still have a member I want to recruit to resurrect, so I won't delay to resurrect him." After hearing this, even though he had always been a little

  cold Bai couldn't help but cast curious glances.

  Seeing everyone's gazes, Hasukawa Kishi said helplessly: "This person is Akatsuki's Red Sand Scorpion. He died at the hands of Chiyo, the late advisor of Sunagakure Village, and Konoha Haruno Sakura. This person is not... It's totally okay to recruit a guy who can't be understood.

  Besides, I will also apply a sealing technique on him before resurrection. You can rest assured that if we have this guy, I think our candle organization will have it. An army should be able to get a lot of help in terms of combat capabilities."

  PS: There will be three chapters today, and I won't let the pigeons go

  (end of this chapter)

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