Chapter 169 Sixty Years of Konoha (first update)

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  Chapter 169 The Sixty Years of Konoha (first update)
  Fire Release, the powerful fireball technique!


  A huge fireball swept across the ground. Hasukawa Muxi made a seal with one hand, and then stretched out his hand to draw in front of him. The huge fireball formed by the powerful fireball technique quickly dissipated, completely belonging to Haschuan Muxi. In the seal on the palm.

  However, just when the Hao Fireball was completely sealed, several more fist-sized fireballs formed by the Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique swept over and attacked all the vital points of Lianchuan Muxi's body.

  Still reaching out to draw a trajectory in front of him, the fist-sized fireballs formed by the Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique were also extinguished and sealed. However, when the fireballs formed by the Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique were extinguished, each fireball A kunai flew out of it, and the handle of each kunai was wrapped with an explosive talisman. Even though Hasukawa Kishi used the hardening technique to resist, it was still burned by the sudden explosion of those kunai. Most of the clothes on the body.

  Breaking away from the flames of the explosion, Hasekawa Kishi exhaled a puff of smoke. Just as he was about to say something, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, waving the kunai in his hand and slashed towards Hasekawa Kishi's neck, but Just when the kunai was about to stab Hasukawa Kishi's neck, an ink octopus tentacle suddenly entangled the opponent's body, binding him tightly.

  Turning around, Hasekawa Kishi looked at Uchiha Sasuke who was restrained in mid-air by the ink octopus tentacles condensed behind him, and said with a smile: "Sasuke, you failed again." Sasuke looked at Hasekawa Kishi and said with a

  smile He curled his lips and said helplessly: "It's not because you said that Lei Dun is too unstable and cannot be easily mastered by me now. You are not allowed to learn it now, otherwise I won't be able to use your hardening technique."

  "There is no way. You must know that I have developed the Mo Dun Ninjutsu when I was your age. Your current strength is not enough." "I will graduate

  from the ninja school soon. When the time comes, I will join other The Jonin team is on a mission, and sooner or later the Sharingan will be activated. Then I will show you a good look!"

  Smiling, he reached out and rubbed Uchiha Sasuke's head. Hasekawa Kishi put him down and said, "Okay. Now, you will wash the dishes this week. This is an agreement between the two of us. You should abide by it."

  Looking at Hasukawa Kishi helplessly, Uchiha Sasuke sighed and hummed. Back inside the house.

  Looking at Uchiha Sasuke who returned to the house, Hasekawa Kiki used a little earth escape ninjutsu to fill in some battle marks on the ground, and then followed Uchiha Sasuke back home.

  It is now the sixtyth year of Konoha, Hasukawa Kushi is exactly eighteen years old, and Uchiha Sasuke is already twelve years old. It is less than half a year before graduation from the ninja school. In other words, it is less than half a year before the beginning of the original plot. Half a year has passed, and Konoha in the future will face one wave of challenges after another, which is what Hasukawa Kishi has been preparing to face for so many years.

  It has been four years since I went to Oto Ninja Village. At the request of Hasukawa Muxi, the candle organization can be said to have gone completely dormant. Basically, it has no unnecessary contact with the outside world and concentrates on developing its own strength.

  It has to be said that Hasukawa Muxi's strategy was indeed very well-planned. In the past four years, the power of the samurai group under the Candle Organization has returned to the Kingdom of Iron, and quietly developed a lot of things in the Kingdom of Iron. Small forces.

  As for the five people at the core of the Candle organization, their strengths have each improved, especially after Hasukawa Kihiro extracted the cells from Jugo's body a year ago to create his own curse seal, which gave way to four people other than Jugo. The strength has been greatly enhanced, especially Lianchuan Muxi himself has received the greatest enhancement.

  After changing to Curse Seal State 2, Hasukawa Muxi has been able to initially use a certain degree of Wooden Release Chakra without worrying about cell backlash. Although the amount of Wooden Release Chakra that can be used is not too much, it still reaches It is a big improvement to reach the level of Yamato.

  Of course, Renchuan Muxi also obtained a result from the research on the curse seal, that is, unless you practice real magic, the power of the curse seal can only maintain the status quo at most, allowing Hasikawa Muxi to slightly use some of the power of the first-generation cells. , it was not possible to fully integrate the first-generation cells into the body, which was a pity for Hasukawa Kishi, who originally had some hope.

  However, for Hasukawa Muxi, the most satisfying thing in the past four years is not the successful research on the curse seal, nor the increase in strength and power. What makes him most satisfied is that his height has finally exceeded the height he had never achieved in his previous life. The height of 1.8 meters made him officially a 180-level man.

  Arriving in the underground laboratory, Hasukawa Kiki sat on the experimental table again and started the experiment. After four years of perfect use of Uchiha Shisui's eyes, 80% to 90% of the technology was completed, leaving only the last difficulty. , as long as this final difficulty is overcome, you can truly use Uchiha Shisui's eyes to completely change the will of a death row prisoner, and use his life to resurrect Uchiha Shisui!
  "Brother Mu Xi, I went out to practice."

  Listening to Uchiha Sasuke's voice coming from the fixed intercom at hand, Hasukawa Mu Xi pressed the call button on the test bench and said: "Go, wait until you come back. Go to the store to buy some beef and come back. I will make beef donburi for you tonight." "I

  don't have money." "

  You buy the beef back tonight and I will give you the money." "

  You, the disgrace of Konoha jounin, haven't done any missions for a long time, right? ? Are you sure you really have money?"

  "You don't have to buy it, but if you don't buy it, you will make natto and various sweets at night. Even white rice is sweet. Then don't say that I did it to you on purpose. Just don't like the food."

  "You guys are so despicable!"

  "You don't buy the ingredients, you can't blame me."

  "One day, one day I will defeat you head-on!"

  Listen to me After the intercom broke, Hasukawa Muxi chuckled, and then seemed to think of something again, and murmured to himself: "This guy's character seems to be much better than what he remembered, but he is missing three points of indifference. Regarding the venomous tongue and the tsundere, I don’t know if it’s because of my influence that it’s a little distorted...

  But forget it, there’s nothing bad anyway, just thinking about that guy Itachi having a venomous and arrogant younger brother makes me go crazy. Suddenly I felt a little moved, and suddenly I couldn't wait to see what that little brother-control guy like Itachi would look like after seeing his brother become like this. I think he should be very moved, hehehe..." (This

  chapter over)

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