Information about the new copy of Chapter 246 (3/3, yesterday, please subscribe)

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  Chapter 246 Information about the new copy (33, yesterday, please subscribe)
  Walking out of the office, Shenmu Xiuhi saw Jack waiting in the corridor outside.

  After closing the door of the office with his backhand, Hidehi Kamiki slowly came to Jack and said to him: "Jack, it's a great opportunity to get this opportunity. Come on." After saying that, Hidehi Kamiki was about to leave,

  but But he was intercepted by the cane in Jack's hand.

  "Senior Shenmu, this time the retrograde team will be completely destroyed in my hands. There is no doubt about it. When I come back, I will definitely receive more resources from the organization. I will soon be able to catch up with you. As the only son of Detective Shenmu , I'm really looking forward to your taste."

  Turning to look at Jack, Shenmu Xiuhi's face showed a trace of disgust. At this moment, Jack had a ferocious expression and his scarlet tongue kept licking his lips. , the whites of his eyes turned black, and his pupils turned scarlet. Bloodshot eyes spread from his eyes, and the smell of blood almost overflowed his eyes.

  Jack slowly put his head in front of Shenmu Xiuhi and whispered word by word: "Senior Shenmu, it was your father, Detective Shenmu, who finally captured me. Unfortunately, I escaped here. I originally thought that I would spend the rest of my life here. It's impossible for you to succeed in revenge, but I didn't expect that the son of the dignified Detective Shenmu would also fall into the predicament of committing suicide. It's a pity that you didn't succeed in committing suicide and came here. So I am really sorry. I can only repay the hatred for your father. I give it to you."

  "Arakawa Ichiro, if you really had that strength, you wouldn't have waited until now." With a

  contemptuous smile, it was like detonating the flames of explosives. Jack's face became more ferocious and he growled at Shenmu Hidehi in a low voice: "Shenmu Hidehi Day! My name is Jack, don’t call me that lowly name. How can the filthy blood of the Arakawa family be worthy of me! People who look down on me like you have all been eaten by me and turned into shit. , you! Shenmu Xiuhi! will not be an exception!"

  Just like before, Shenmu Xiuhi smiled lightly, looked at Jack, looked casual, and said casually: "Heh, I'm waiting for you."

  After saying that, Shenmu Xiuri left the place calmly, leaving only Jack with a ferocious look on his face, and his body was twitching due to the uncontrollable strong killing intent.

  "Captain, you can check the mission information."

  Jack's appearance returned to that of a business elite. He turned to nod at the beautiful and sexy woman who arrived, and followed the woman out of here with his cane, as if he had just Loss of control has never existed before.


  [Copy type: Multiplayer assistance]

  [Copy name: King of the Four Seas]

  [Number of people in the copy: 13 people]

  [Main mission: Win the title of Pirate King for the pirates of your own camp, reward 8,000 reincarnation points, and deduct 5,000 reincarnation points if the mission fails Points, reincarnation points are not enough to mortgage equipment, still not enough, obliterate! ]

  [Side mission 1: Kill at least one pirate king. For each pirate king killed, you will get 3000 reincarnation points, two E-level side plots. ]

  [Side Mission 2: Destroy a pirate fleet under the Pirate King. At least 75% of the pirate fleet is destroyed and considered successful. Each pirate fleet destroyed will be rewarded with 5,000 reincarnation points and a D-level side plot. ]

  [Side Mission 3: Occupy three town-level islands as your own positions, reward 10,000 reincarnation points, and two D-level side plots. ]

  [Side mission 4: Destroy a country and let it appreciate the majesty of the Pirate King. Reward 15,000 reincarnation points and a C-level side plot. ]

  Looking at the dungeon information in front of him, he touched his chin and said to Jia Peng beside him: "Jia Peng, have the mission rewards after the second level become so generous?" "Actually, the main god's

  dungeon is at the first level. Sometimes, there are some settings similar to novice protection. For example, we can often open hidden tasks at the first level, which is a kind of protection, so that the new reincarnation can develop combat capabilities as soon as possible. But when reaching the second level

  , After level 1, such hidden tasks will become less and less and more difficult. Once encountered, it will be a difficult task comparable to the main line. If you complete it, you will naturally get more generous rewards. Therefore, in the second

  level In the missions after levels, there will be more side missions and they will become relatively difficult, and the rewards will also become rich." "

  So this is the situation we are encountering now, right?"

  "Yes, this mission It doesn’t seem to be very easy, because we are on the sea, so it is unlikely that we can move freely. There is a high probability that we can only follow us into the dungeon and move with the Pirate King fleet to which we belong." "Multiplayer assistance type dungeons do not prohibit reincarnation

  . It seems that people from Sakura or Shanhe will come to deal with us this time, so we have to be prepared." "It just so happens that

  I still have some reincarnation points and side plots left, I will go back and modify them. Quinjet, at least ensure that it won't sink into the sea when it enters the water. It's a pity that we didn't know this copy earlier, otherwise it should be modified into a form that can move forward underwater, which should bring us a lot of help." "At this stage, the reincarnation point and branch

  line There isn't enough plot, this is enough. Besides, this dungeon is not a type that prohibits flying. We can be more conspicuous. Fighting in a Quinjet is not impossible." "Okay, then I will buy some materials and equipment for modification

  . , let’s see you later.”

  There are no renovation workshops in the residences of reincarnators in the fifth-ring civilian area and the fourth-ring apartment area. Only in the third-ring villa area can you have your own renovation workshop in the place where you live, so every time Transforming Jia Peng requires a small amount of reincarnation points to rent a transformation workshop to transform himself and his equipment. Strictly speaking, the time and energy required to strengthen Jia Peng's mechanical system is no less than that of the cultivation system. Strengthened.

  Li Ziran doesn't have many reincarnation points and side plots anymore, so he directly returned to his residence to adjust, so that he can be in an excellent state when the dungeon opens tomorrow.

  As for words and deeds, after leaving the Reincarnation Hall, he wandered around the Fifth Ring civilian area, stopping and observing the appearance of the entire Fifth Ring civilian area.

  Different from the shantytowns outside the Fifth Ring Road, the architecture and planning here can be considered well-located, and the streets look very clean. I found a coffee shop, sat down in it, and spent fifty reincarnation points to order a cup. With coffee and two kinds of snacks, sit in the quiet cafe and enjoy your own time leisurely.

  Until that person who had met once before sat in front of him again.

  (End of chapter)

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