Chapter 416 The Fall of the Fifth Level (Two in One)

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  Chapter 416 The Fall of the Fifth Level (2-in-1)

  "Namo Shura Demon Buddha!"

  ​​With a low shout, the dark golden Buddha light immediately bloomed and spread rapidly outward, blasting away all the Terminator robots in the sky and on the ground. Come, turn into scattered fragments and fall to the ground.

  "Humph, you're a little skilled. If you only have this little strength, it's better not to show it for laughs!"

  No one answered the demon Buddha's words. Just when the demon Buddha was about to say something again, the ten people present almost felt it together. A huge sense of crisis.

  There was a loud noise, and brilliant white light broke through the sea from above the sea. It came to the position of the ten people almost in an instant, and bombarded the positions of the ten reincarnations without any hesitation.

  Whether it was the reincarnation of mountains, rivers or cherry blossoms, they all fled before the white light came.

  In particular, Mo Buddha not only avoided the attack, but also rushed towards the direction of the white light.

  But at this moment, comic book pages appeared around Mo Buddha, and in the next second, a large amount of flames and thunder shot out from those comic pages, blasting towards Mo Buddha with overwhelming force.

  Seeing this, the Demon Buddha's speed was greatly reduced, and the dark golden Buddha's light surrounded him, resisting the attacks of flames and thunder.

  At the same time, Li Ziran looked at Jia Peng and Ruan Ziyu, who were standing with him on the bow of the Black Sam, and said: "Of the four fifth-level reincarnations, we have to deal with one of them, so we choose this Demon Buddha. , what do you think?"

  "Okay, just choose him... Ziyu, help me!"

  Hearing Jia Peng's words, Ruan Ziyu nodded immediately, and then the two of them stood together, with a large number of arcs and arcs blooming from their bodies at the same time. The magnetic field actually directly pulled the destroyed Terminator parts on the shore to fly up and quickly converge towards Jia Peng on the Black Sam.

  Abandon the modification!

  Advanced mechanical generation!

  Boom boom boom...

  a large number of parts and even weapons gathered together with Jia Peng as the core.

  Jia Peng jumped out of the Black Sam, turned into a huge metal skeleton in mid-air, fell into the sea water, and rushed towards the Demon Buddha with long strides.

  Click, click, click...

  Among the large number of discarded parts that make up the metal skeleton, there are countless firearms and artillery, one after another protruding from the body of the metal skeleton, shooting a truly airtight barrage of bullets and howitzers at the demon Buddha!

  Boom, boom, boom, boom...

  Bang, bang, bang, bang...

  Even a fifth-level reincarnator cannot really sit idly by under such a level of gun and grenade attack.

  But seeing the constant fluctuations of the dark golden Buddha light outside the body of the Demon Buddha, it has obviously been greatly affected.

  "A fourth-level reincarnation of the mechanical system, I want to see how much ammunition you have available! Demon Buddha Shura, mighty demon dragon, Prajna Bama Kong!" With a loud shout, the dark golden Buddha light flashed in an instant

  . The space turned into pitch black.

  A jet-black Shura Demon Buddha appeared around the Demon Buddha. There were demon dragons surrounding the Shura Demon Buddha. He roared with dragon roars, opened his mouth and spat out a stream of gray demon fire at the metal skeleton and the bullets and grenades that were fired at him!

  Boom boom boom...

  the bullets and grenades exploded when they met the demonic fire in mid-air and turned into nothing.

  The Demon Buddha made a seal with both hands, and the Shura Demon Buddha suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched it out of thin air. A ferocious sword full of blood appeared in the hands of the Demon Buddha. Under his command, the metal skeleton was immediately chopped into two halves, the smaller half His body was completely shattered.

  But at this moment, the body that had not collapsed reassembled and turned into two huge mechanical skeletal hands, which fiercely blasted at the dharma form of Shura Demon Buddha.

  And those small parts of the body that collapsed, under the influence of the huge magnetic force, turned into spears and shot towards the Dharma of the Shura Demon Buddha.

  "Little trick! Look at my magic weapon!"

  With the low shout of the demon Buddha, a cloth bag sewn from the skin of countless human faces appeared on the head of the Shura demon Buddha, facing the metal spears and mechanical bones that were shot. The hand released a powerful suction force.

  However, at this moment, an ordinary-looking door appeared next to the human-faced leather bag. The door opened, and a giant sword was slashed out from it. A finger-length gap was cut, and the originally powerful suction force was immediately reduced to nearly half its power.

  "What! Destroy my magic weapon and die!"

  With a loud shout, the sleeves of the monk's robe on the demon Buddha fluttered, and a string of beads made of shrunken human skulls flew out from the cuffs. The beads scattered, and those skeletons They were like living creatures, emitting thick black Buddha light, biting away at the door that appeared in mid-air.

  At this moment, a golden light surrounded by electric current shot out from the door, blasting a large number of skeletons and falling into the sea water behind.

  At this time, the door completely dissipated, and a golden figure rushed out of the sea water below. He grabbed the golden trident that was shot, waved his hands rapidly, and controlled a huge wave like water. It spun rapidly like a tornado and slammed into the road-building Demon Buddha's Dharma form outside the Demon Buddha's body!

  The secret technique of walking on the sea - whirlpool tornado!
  "Great evil, White Bone Devil Peak!"

  A mantra that sounded upright and vast, but its meaning made people shy away.

  But I saw an illusory magic mountain made of white bones rising from the bottom of the sea, blocking directly in front of the demon Buddha, and colliding head-on with the rushing water vortex tornado. At that moment, an astonishing roar broke out, and the water flowed away. Scattered, resounding endlessly.

  At the same time, on top of the Demonic Mountain of White Bones, one by one, white-bone skeletons stood up and meditated, and one after another they recited Buddhist mantras that made people feel chills in their bones. It was so weird!

  Groups of magic clouds flowing with dark Buddha light gathered, suspended in mid-air, and gradually pressed down on the Black Sam below and Li Ziran, who was controlling the water flow.

  Whether it is Li Ziran, Jia Peng, or Ruan Ziyu, they all know at this time that once the dark clouds are really suppressed, then the only thing waiting for them is death!

  "We can't hold back anymore! Apeng, just follow our plan!"

  "That's the only way!"

  Jia Peng responded and immediately returned to the bow of the Black Sam. Only the bow of the Black Sam was visible. Suddenly, magical technological runes appeared one after another, and the energy in the Black Sam continued to converge on Jia Peng. Then Jia Peng stretched out his hand and shot at Ruan Ziyu, who was floating in the air.

  "Ziyu, it's up to you!"

  "Don't worry, just leave it to me!"

  Ruan Ziyu's superpower configuration is actually centered around energy absorption.

  And her three physical abilities also ensure that Ruan Ziyu can overdraw her body's limits to the greatest extent, absorbing more power and bursting out in an instant, although that will cause Ruan Ziyu's body to suffer damage that is difficult to heal. , but whether it is the reincarnation city, the main god, or the Kangyu Walker, they all have the ability to heal injuries. Ruan Ziyu naturally does not care about anything else. On the basis of retaining his own life, he does his best to increase his limit and absorb energy. !


  Roaring loudly, Ruan Ziyu accelerated the absorption of energy from the Black Sam and Jia Peng.

  Under the blue energy pillar, Ruan Ziyu's body continued to expand, turning into an energy giant surrounded by unknown blue runes, suspended in mid-air, exuding the energy of a fifth-level reincarnation. Powerful momentum!



  A series of electric arcs circulated on Ruan Ziyu's body. Ruan Ziyu stretched out her hands, and a dazzling white thunder shot out from her hands, hitting the demon Buddha head-on. The images of Shura, Demon and Buddha around the Buddha exploded, and the body of the Demon and Buddha was also blown away.

  At the same time, Ruan Ziyu squeezed it with one hand, and the parts of the Terminator that had previously fallen to the bottom of the sea flew out from under the bottom of the sea, gathered together, and then, under the heating of the arc, turned into hot molten iron, like a lava river. In general, Ruan Ziyu held it in his hand and whipped it towards the demon Buddha who had just rushed out from the bottom of the sea!
  Before Demon Buddha had time to react, he was once again blown away by Ruan Ziyu's move.

  It fell hard back to the sea, and a violent roar erupted, just like falling on the ground.

  The sea exploded and water rose into the sky.

  At this time, the demon Buddha was extremely angry, and his whole body was surrounded by dark Buddha light. There was a trace of blood in the center of his eyebrows, and an unimaginable monster light was flowing.

  "Asura Demonic Eye! Shoot!"

  A bloody ray of light shot out from the blood mark on the forehead of the demon Buddha and went straight to Ruan Ziyu's body.

  But at this moment, Ruan Ziyu's body suddenly turned into pure energy and escaped, avoiding the bloody light, and then regrouped in front of the demon Buddha.

  At this moment, the power that Ruan Ziyu had forcibly absorbed was reduced a lot, only maintaining the level that had just reached the fifth level. He raised his hand and punched, and in the flash of lightning, he hit the demon Buddha head-on.


  The demon Buddha's body flew backwards again, bleeding from the mouth and nose, and the whole body was covered in lightning and pitch black, especially the huge black fist mark on his chest. In a short period of time, the demon Buddha was directly and seriously injured.

  "Three fourth-level reincarnations actually forced me into such a situation! I don't accept it!"

  With anger rising, the demon Buddha stopped and looked at Li Ziran and the three of them fiercely, especially when they were suspended in mid-air. Ruan Ziyu is infused with Jia Peng's energy.

  "You little fourth-level reincarnation, come to my death!"

  The large monk's robes bulged, and the body of the demon Buddha quickly changed, turning into a real Shura, with dark scales all over his body and a pair of curved horns on his forehead. The magic flame Buddha light mixed together, and accompanied by the magic Buddha, he rushed towards Ruan Ziyu again.

  Ruan Ziyu didn't hesitate at all, dragging streams of blue energy into streams of light, and hit the demon Buddha head-on.

  The thunder and magic flames were entangled together, causing the seawater below to roar continuously, and water columns rose from below and exploded.

  At this time, Jia Peng looked at Ruan Ziyu who was struggling with the demon Buddha, and a large amount of data was constantly flowing in front of his eyes.

  Finally, when Ruan Ziyu gradually became exhausted, the data in front of Jia Peng finally stopped.

  "Finally the calculation is over!"

  After saying this, Jia Peng looked up at the sky. At the outer edge of the atmosphere, a Quinjet fighter that had been completely frozen by high-altitude low-temperature ice had no response. It was floating in outer space at will, surrounding it. The earth was slowly rotating, and below the floating Quinjet, in the stratosphere of the atmosphere, a huge metal ball the size of a basketball court was slowly rotating around the earth like a satellite.

  At this moment, Jia Peng thought, and the huge metal sphere immediately changed. Four things similar to balance poles or brackets stretched out from the top of the metal sphere, emitting a faint light and stabilizing the metal. In the direction of the giant ball, at the same time, something like four antennas protruded from the giant metal ball. Along with a three-stage metal gun barrel, it was aimed at the ground below, locking on the person who was fighting Ruan Ziyu. The devil Buddha!
  "Ziyu, get out of there!"

  It was obvious that there had been an agreement, so when Jia Peng gave the order, Ruan Ziyu immediately exhausted all his strength and quickly returned to the Black Sam. His strength was completely consumed and turned into a pool. The humanoid rotten flesh that was barely alive collapsed on the deck and lost consciousness.

  After two consecutive energy breakthroughs, Ruan Ziyu's body was in a state of collapse even though she had the best and most suitable superpower support. If it weren't for Ruan Ziyu's powerful self-healing superpower, she would have died long ago. .

  The four black devil believers quickly brought Ruan Ziyu to the cabin of the Black Sam and placed him in the treatment cabin. A large amount of healing liquid was poured into it, which soon flooded Ruan Ziyu's body and promoted Ruan Ziyu's body. of recovery.

  At this point, Ruan Ziyu completely lost his fighting power.

  But this is enough!

  When Ruan Ziyu left, a large amount of water rose from the sea below, and was bound to the demon Buddha layer by layer like chains. Even though the demon Buddha was a fifth-level reincarnation, but in the battle with Ruan Ziyu After that, his strength was greatly reduced and he was seriously injured. It was difficult to escape from the chains formed by the water for a while.

  This moment of delay was enough for Jia Peng to unleash his strongest blow!

  "Star Destroyer Cannon!!"

  [Star Destroyer Cannon! Fire! ]

  In Jia Peng's ears, the voice of the computer repeated itself, and he fired immediately!

  But I saw the cannon barrel extended from the huge metal sphere in the sky, pointed at the Demon Buddha on the sea below, and directly shot a brilliant white light beam, which instantly bombarded the Demon Buddha's body, completely destroying the Demon Buddha's body. Devour.

  The Demon Buddha is worthy of being a fifth-level reincarnation. Under such an attack, he can immediately react and resist, but it is just a resistance. Soon the Demon Buddha's desperate roar penetrates from the white light pillar, and the next second it is completely Died under the white light beam!
  (End of chapter)

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