Chapter 316 Magic Technology VS Voodoo Spells (5/10)

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  Chapter 316 Magical Technology VS Voodoo Spells (510)


  In front of the words and deeds, there is a flame as bright as a star that is constantly swaying. The green gourd is rising and falling in the star flame, and the stars are slowly shining. Penetrating into the green gourd, the original green gourd gradually turned into the color of sapphire.

  The power of pulling the stars turned into the fire of the stars, and the essence of the gourd was transformed bit by bit. The time before and after was added up, a total of seven days, and finally the first step was taken, but refining the weapon was indeed more troublesome and difficult than I thought. , If the weapon refining had not been of great benefit to the cultivation of mana and the control of the power of the soul, I really might not be able to persist in such a boring thing.

  The refining of a magic weapon cannot be accomplished without good patience, especially what Yan Dao Xing wants to refine is a magic weapon with extremely troublesome process, and it is necessary to start from scratch and process various materials step by step. Only then can we ensure that the final product can achieve the desired level of words and deeds.

  After refining it, Yan Daoxing put away the gourd that had turned into sapphire, got up and left his room.

  At this time, everyone in the Dragon Palace has completed preparations. This time they are going to fight for the position of the pirate emperor. In addition to the Dragon King and Yan Daoxing, they are also followed by Tao Bubu and Crimson Lady. As for other sea-taming Yaksha and sailors, there are also many, they After leaving the dock, they first met up with the Deep Sea Admiral and others, and then together they came to the hall in the core area of ​​Atlantis.

  In the main hall where the meeting was originally held, the huge round table in the center has disappeared. In its place, the nine thrones have been placed on the edge of the main hall, leaving a huge open space in the center. Obviously, this is where the competition for the position of Pirate Emperor takes place.

  Looking at the main hall, Blackbeard suddenly said to the Sea Queen: "Sea Queen, can this place withstand the aftermath of our battle?"

  After hearing Blackbeard's words, the Sea Queen immediately replied: "Of course, I have already done some damage to this place. Reinforcement, as long as there is no intentional damage, it can withstand the aftermath of everyone's battle."

  After receiving the explanation, Blackbeard did not continue to say more. He nodded and sat directly on the table that belonged to him and was made of a large piece of obsidian. On the rough throne.

  The nine pirate kings sat down one after another, and the Sea Queen took out a box and said to everyone: "Everyone, there are six badges depicting the pirate kings vying for the position of pirate king. I will order someone later. Draw two of the badges, and the two drawn are the two sides of the battle. If you have no objections, then start drawing now!" After saying this, the Queen of the Sea

  saw that no one objected, and turned to one of her men. Nodding and saying: "Go!"

  The sailor immediately took a deep breath and walked to the field holding the box.

  In order to ensure fairness, the Queen of the Sea chose an ordinary old sailor with no extraordinary power as the person who drew the badge. Obviously, even an old sailor who had experienced dozens or hundreds of battles still showed his strength in front of the nine pirate kings. A hint of nervousness.

  Without further ado, the sailor immediately reached into the box and pulled out two badges.

  Two badges were quickly drawn out, namely the totem badge of the Voodoo Chief and the gear badge of the Duke of Gaul.

  Seeing the badge held high by the sailor, the expressions of the Duke of Gaul and Chief Voodoo became serious, but they were still relaxed. After all, neither of them had the help of other pirate kings. Such a duel would be the best. Good results.

  "Popopasa, you are the first!"

  "Claude, come back with your first victory!"

  Chief Voodoo and Duke of Gaul respectively sent out their strong men.

  At this time, Yan Daoxing glanced at the two people sent out, the voodoo mage named Bobo Pasa from the Voodoo Chief. He could vaguely feel that he had a strength equivalent to the third level, but the one named Crow He was so virtuous, but he couldn't see why. In other words, Claude didn't have extraordinary power in him, but was just an ordinary person!

  However, considering that the magic technology in Europe is the most powerful in France, one can guess what path Claude is taking based on his words and deeds.

  Claude was wearing a dark robe, and Poppasa was only wearing a leopard skin skirt around his waist. His dark skin was made of bone powder and a variety of materials. The paint is painted with many symbols and patterns full of simplicity and wildness. There are bone bracelets and anklets on the wrists and ankles, and a snake's whole body skeleton is hung directly around the neck as a necklace.

  The two sides stand together, which has the effect of coexisting civilization and barbarism.

  The two people stood opposite each other without any idea of ​​​​conversation. When the sailor said the words to start the battle, the cuffs, collar, and hem of Claude's robe quickly burst out with huge white steam, covering Claude. body shape.

  At this time, Popopasa suddenly pulled out the whole body of the venomous snake from his neck. With a flick of his wrist, the venomous snake's skeleton immediately stood upright and turned into a short staff. Popopasa grabbed it from the pocket on his waist with both hands. Handfuls of unknown powder were sprinkled around him, and his feet danced rhythmically with a unique frequency on the ground.

  After about three or four breaths, Popopasa roared and waved the short staff in front of him. The unknown powder immediately started to move automatically without wind, quickly gathered and turned into a living thing, turning into a A colorful and huge venomous snake quickly jumped into the steam.

  Just as the snakes rushed into the steam, a sound similar to a ship's whistle sounded.

  Then streaks of red light shot out from the steam, and as the red light shot out, the poisonous snakes that had just rushed into the steam were blasted into rotten flesh by the red light and flew out.


  Wearing a dark one-piece armor full of machinery, Claude walked out of the steam with steam all over his body. He looked at Poppasa in front of him, and the armor on his body gradually had red symbols. The Wenhe energy circuit lit up, and along with the large amount of white steam ejected from the exhaust pipe behind it, Claude's raised hands immediately shot out two red energy light waves, sweeping towards Poppasa!

  Boom boom boom...

  Looking at the successive explosions in the field, Jia Peng, who was standing behind Yan Daoxing, whispered to him: "Daoxing, it seems that this is the strongest form of magic technology in this world. It's really a bit... It’s not much worse than the Iron Man armor I redeemed.”

  “Wait a little longer. When this main mission is over, we will find a way to contact the Duke of Gaul. We don’t need top-level knowledge, only second-class knowledge.” , if our plan succeeds, we should be able to get what we want smoothly!"

  (End of this chapter)

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