Chapter 3 Chainsaw Butcher

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  Chapter 3 Chainsaw Butcher
  As the Lord God announced the opening of the dungeon, the thick fog that had been surrounding everyone gradually dissipated. Soon everyone discovered that they and others had arrived at an extremely dark abandoned manor. This abandoned manor There are many trees growing inside, and the sky has always been shrouded in clouds. Only the moonlight that occasionally shines from the thin parts of the clouds gives this gloomy manor full of trees a moment of light.

  With his vision opened, Scar rushed out without any hesitation and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

  Seeing Scar's departure, the five new reincarnations were all a bit noisy, but soon the young woman took the lead in leaving everyone and ran towards the nearest cabin.

  At the same time, Words and Actions followed closely behind, running towards the tallest building of this abandoned manor, an abandoned steel factory. Along the way, Words, Words and Actions did not move in a straight line, but in a roundabout way along the direction of some bunkers. go ahead.

  "Dead by Daylight" is a game in the real world. The content of the game is an unfair confrontation game in a closed map, where one player plays the butcher and four players play the survivors.

  The survivor opens the door to the enclosed space by turning on enough generators, and escapes from the enclosed space represented by the closed map to win. If during this period he is chopped down to the ground by the butcher and then killed or sacrificed, the game is lost.

  As a Taoist priest of the new era, Yan Daoxing is very willing to get involved with new things, such as games, movies, TV shows and animations. He has played this game for a while. Although he is not an expert, he is still familiar with the content of this game. Have some understanding.

  Yan Daoxing is very clear. When the game becomes a parallel space, some things will inevitably change. He cannot fully trust his experience in playing games in the real world. However, when Yan Daoxing sees the mission issued by the Lord God, he thinks of himself. With his understanding of the game, he has a rough guess, a guess as to whether he can get more reincarnation points!
  Fortunately for Yan Daoxing, he didn't see a butcher along the way. He carefully walked into the abandoned steel factory. Yan Daoxing went straight along the stairs next to the factory door to the second floor of the factory. He successfully reached the second floor next to the fire staircase. In the corner, a wooden box was found!
  In the game, there is usually a prop of random type and level inside this wooden box. Each prop has a completely different function. Some can increase the speed of turning on the generator, and some can be given to survivors. Dismantling the sacrificial hooks all over the map can also allow survivors to heal their injuries. There are many different functions.

  When Yan Daoxing saw that the side task given by the Lord God included the disassembly of the sacrificial hook, and newcomers like them did not have the skills and props to dismantle the sacrificial hook, Yan Daoxing, who knew more about this real-life game, , and then vaguely guessed the Lord God’s intention.

  If you want to complete the side task of dismantling the sacrificial hook, you must find the skills or props that can dismantle the sacrificial hook in this enclosed space. Daoxing's first goal is to find these skills or props distributed in this abandoned manor. wooden box!
  The positions of some wooden boxes are random, but there are also fixed positions. For example, the second floor of the abandoned steel factory has a fixed wooden box in the game. But this time, the bet is correct.

  Squatting down and pushing open the box, the item with disassembly capabilities that I was looking forward to did not appear. Instead, what appeared was a yellow medical bag.

  He reached out and took out the medical bag, and the Lord God's reminder appeared in Yan Daoxing's mind again.

  [Discover the prop medical bag. Holding the medical bag can give the reincarnator the 'self-healing' skill, which can be used 2/2 times.

  "Hey, it's better than nothing, I finally have something that can be used." He

  murmured to himself, Yandaoxing immediately got up with the thing, went down the second floor and came to the generator next to the huge boiler on the first floor, and did some testing. He placed his hand on the generator in a place similar to a touch screen. The moment he put his hand on the generator, the piston of the generator began to slowly move up and down, and its movement speed became faster and faster.

  There are eight pistons on the generator. Whenever the generator reaches a quarter of the way, two pistons start to move. As time goes by, the pistons of the generator move one by one. About ten minutes later, all the pistons started moving at high speed, and then the streetlight-like thing connected to the generator suddenly lit up, and at the same time made a whistle-like sound, and the entire generator was shut down. Words, words and deeds turn on themselves.

  [Turn on a generator and gain 100 reincarnation points. ]

  With a happy face, Yan Daoxing stood up and was about to leave, but at this moment, the sound of a chainsaw suddenly sounded, causing Yan Daoxing's expression, which had just turned on the generator, to change drastically.

  Chainsaw Butcher!

  It is one of the three initial butchers in the game. Although its normal movement speed is slow and its flexibility is not high, it has an extremely abnormal butcher-specific skill, which is the chainsaw charge. Just pull the chainsaw. , the Chainsaw Butcher will immediately charge forward at a very high speed. His speed can be said to be the fastest among all butchers, and the attack power of the chainsaw is also extremely high. Although the words and deeds of the Chainsaw Butcher are unknown in reality. How far the chainsaw's attack power would reach, but he knew very well that with his current small body, one hit would basically be the end of the game!

  So when Yan Daoxing heard the sound of the electric saw, he immediately rushed towards the gap in the wall facing the generator without saying a word. He jumped out of the gap with one hand and jumped into the wall outside the wall. In the grass.

  And at the moment when the words and deeds came to fruition, a slightly short but very burly figure rushed to the gap. The huge chainsaw cut on the wall, making a harsh sound, and countless rubbles scattered in all directions. The chainsaw actually sunk deep into the wall, showing its power.

  Breathing heavily, there was a look of uncontrollable fear on his face. He knew very well that if he had been a little slower just now, the only outcome would be to be cut in half by a chainsaw. Even if He didn't die on the spot and could only be sacrificed to his evil master by the butcher!

  Half squatting on the ground, looking at the twisted face of the Chainsaw Butcher, he slowly stood up and quickly soaked into the woods under the gaze of the Chainsaw Butcher. Facing the Chainsaw Butcher, he could only find cover. is the best way to deal with it. Confronting a chainsaw butcher in an open place is simply courting death.

  (End of chapter)

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