Chapter 257 Attack (1/3, please subscribe)

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  Chapter 257 Attack (13, please subscribe)

  "This is, what is going on? How could this place become like this!"

  Jia Peng looked at Qing Lin, whose face was ashen, and there was a faint red light flashing in the pupils of his eyes, and his vision was He kept zooming in and inspected the corpses on the distant island. When he saw the corpses of two tame sea yakshas scattered on both sides, his expression finally changed.

  The strength of the sea-taming yaksha varies greatly depending on the individual. The most common sea-taming yaksha's strength is probably between the first level and the second level. The strength on land is the first level, and the strength in the sea can reach the second level, but there are also The individual strength is much higher.

  For example, Qinglin's strength is at the second level even on land, and if it is in the water, it can reach close to the third level. The Qingjiao, who had a close relationship before, has the third level on land, and its strength is even higher after entering the water. The stability has reached above level three and is on the verge of level four.

  Therefore, even if it is an ordinary sea-taming Yaksha, if you want to kill them, you must have at least the second level of strength.

  Now, according to Jia Peng's observation, the two Yashas who died on the island looked like they were defeated and killed instantly, with the disbelief and shock still on their faces.

  The enemy who naturally kills them is likely to be at level two on the verge of level three, or at level three at all. Such an enemy is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

  "Qing Lin, above the sea, have you ever heard of anyone who likes to eat human flesh?"

  Hearing this, Qing Lin's expression changed slightly and said, "I only heard that there are cannibals under Chief Voodoo. Tough, but it is not that easy to kill the sea-taming Yaksha.

  And the most important thing is that there are only people from Dragon Palace on this island, and there are no corpses of any intruders, or they put them before we came. The bodies of their companions were all taken away, or their numbers were small and their strength was very strong, so none of their companions died at the hands of our Dragon Palace. Just look at the blood on the island that has not yet dried up,

  and the flames on the broken buildings , The battle here did not end for long. I personally prefer the latter. The invading enemies are not many in number, but they are very powerful." "Let's not get

  close for the time being, and be on alert. I will explore the island. The situation."

  "Jia Gongfeng, it is too dangerous for you to go to the island by yourself, so let me accompany you to investigate." Shaking his head,

  Jia Peng said to Qinglin: "Don't worry, my investigation is not You need to go by yourself."

  In the dungeon, the reincarnator has the main god to arrange his identity. Even if he brings out abilities and things that are not in line with this era, there will be a corresponding explanation. Naturally, Jia Peng did not have any cover and immediately raised his hand to throw it away. Twenty spherical reconnaissance robots came out. Using magnetic levitation as the power, the twenty reconnaissance robots quickly flew away from the Fish Bird and dispersed to the island.

  Looking at the twenty reconnaissance robots flying out, Qing Lin asked Jia Peng in surprise: "I had heard that Jia Chongfeng was also a mechanism master besides a monk. Now that I saw it, it was indeed extraordinary. Could it be that those two Can ten small balls that can fly on their own be used for reconnaissance?" "

  Indeed, those twenty small balls can be used as my eyes. What they see can be transmitted to my eyes, and naturally they can also be used for conducting research. Reconnaissance."

  While speaking, Jia Peng turned on the infrared reconnaissance function of the twenty balls. Infrared rays were emitted from the reconnaissance robot, constantly scanning the surrounding environment to find enemies that might be hiding.

  It didn't take long for Jia Peng to discover an abnormality. When he controlled the reconnaissance robot to get closer, almost transparent white threads sprang out from under the sand, like the strongest and sharpest spears, killing the twenty reconnaissance robots. One by one, the robots pierced them all and exploded, making Jia Peng's eyes twitch slightly.

  Although these reconnaissance robots were relatively cheap because he made them himself, no matter how cheap they were, it was only money. In this way, nearly two thousand reincarnation points were gone, which was simply unbearable.

  But before Jia Peng could take action against the guy hiding under the beach, the seawater around the Fishbird suddenly rose into the sky, and three figures rushed out from the bottom of the sea and came to the Fishbird. As soon as they met, they launched an attack on everyone on the Fishbird. attack.

  However, just when they landed on the ship, a disk with a human face suddenly appeared on the deck. The disk rotated slowly, and the three people disappeared in an instant just as their feet landed on the deck. , appeared on the beach in the distance.

  At the same time, Li Ziran, with a solemn face, slowly walked out of the cabin. The comics in his hand had disappeared. If someone reached out to check his breath, they would find that Li Ziran was not breathing at this time. When he gave up holding his breath When he started to breathe normally, the disc-like mind beast quickly dissipated.

  Li Ziran's telekinesis beast has six major forms. Each form has its own unique power, but each form has corresponding restrictions. This is the characteristic of telekinesis ability. The stronger the telekinesis ability, the more restrictions it needs. Otherwise, The ability to think cannot be formed.

  For example, when using the third form of Li Ziran's mind beast [Don't even think about getting out of my maze], Li Ziran's body cannot move and must stay in place.

  At this time, Li Ziran was using the fourth form of his mind beast [Inviolable Domain].

  This form of mind beast can set an area of ​​various sizes as an inviolable area, but anyone who steps into it without Li Ziran's permission will immediately be pushed out of this area to a nearby area.

  There are two restrictions on this form of mind beast. The first is that the selected area must be an area that is very different from the surrounding environment, such as a ship in the sea, an island in the sea, or even a planet in the universe.

  Of course, the larger the area, the more Qi is needed. At least Li Ziran currently can only set a larger area than the Fish Bird as an inviolable area. If it is larger, Li Ziran's Qi will not be able to do it.

  The second restriction is that when using this form of mind beast, you must hold your breath, otherwise the effect will be lost immediately.

  Nian ability is easy to learn but difficult to master, and there are many restrictions when using it. If someone discovers the content of the restrictions, it will be easily targeted. Fortunately, Li Ziran is not well-known, and his Nian ability is not known to anyone, at least. Before his energy is completely exhausted, he can exert effects far beyond his actual strength.

  Of course, if the qi is exhausted, then the telekinesis ability will have no effect. At that time, Li Ziran's strength will probably drop to the level of first level and close to second level, and he may not be able to barely protect himself.

  (End of chapter)

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