Chapter 183 Defeating the Enemy (2/3, please subscribe)

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  Chapter 183 Defeating the Enemy (23, please subscribe)

  Purple Galaxy, the sword light turns into a rainbow!

  Qingcheng Sword, refine the sword into silk!

  Coupled with the frontal suppression of the Six Beasts White Cloud Banner, the small Xuanyin Soul Refining and Soul Gathering Formation finally collapsed.

  The dark clouds dispersed and the black smoke dissipated.

  The six Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags dimmed and fell on the ground, and the disciples of the Tianyin Sect who used the six Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags to form the Xuanyin Soul Refining and Soul Refining Formation also spat out blood one after another. They were seriously injured and fell to the ground. Although the small Xuanyin Soul Refining and Soul Gathering Formation was powerful, once it was broken, the backlash would be enough to kill most of their lives.

  The cyan sword thread rushed into the breached formation, and in an instant penetrated the vital points such as the eyebrows, throats, and hearts of the six seriously injured people. Killing them with one sword was an advantage for these scum. When the cyan sword thread attacked the third When there were seven people, the flying needle in the man's hand flew out again, blocking the Qingcheng sword that turned into a sword thread.

  At the same time, when he saw Zi Xinghe blooming with sword light again, slashing in an arc, the man threw it with his backhand, and compared with the Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags of the six people before, the power was more powerful, and the black The smoke was lingering and the dark clouds were billowing, almost no less than the size of the small Xuanyin Soul Refining and Soul Gathering Formation formed by the six people before.

  As soon as this Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flag appeared, it immediately withstood the attacks of the Qingcheng Sword's sword thread and Zi Xinghe. At the same time, a ferocious demonized beast soul that looked like a living creature emerged from this Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flag. What came out was not an ordinary beast soul like those Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags before, but a demon beast soul with strong cultivation, a ferocious snake soul!


  The snake is the first step in the evolution of snakes towards dragons. It has already shed its mortal body and turned into a monster. It cannot reach this level without a hundred years of hard work. And this snake already has a pair of protrusions on its head. The short horn is obviously half a foot into the dragon's ranks. The Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banner refined with its raw soul is naturally powerful, far exceeding the Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banner refined from the raw soul of ordinary animals.

  In fact, Gu Chen, the demon corpse of the Tianyin Sect, had already prepared to secretly refine the second set of Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags in the Tianyin Sect before he was sealed. However, it was sealed by the Baimei Master of Emei before it was completed. However, The unfinished set of Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banners was left in the Tianyin Sect. Only the core disciples and elders were qualified to use it. The Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banners in the hands of this middle-aged man now came from the Demon Sect. The Hand of Corpse Valley Chen, even if used alone, is an excellent weapon that combines both offense and defense!

  Of course, if there are six Xuanyin Beast Gathering Banners of this level to form a Xuanyin Soul Refining and Soul Gathering Formation, then words, words and deeds will naturally be able to run as far as they want. An array of that level is not at the level of refining qi and transforming into gods. It is impossible to even think about the strength at all, but it is a pity that the Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flag of this level only has one stick. The strong is strong, but it has not yet reached the level where words, deeds and words can be avoided.

  With a wave of his hand, the six-beast white cloud banner fell into Yan Daoxing's hands and disappeared without a trace. Qingcheng Sword and Zi Xinghe were suspended next to Yan Daoxing, rising and falling. Then Yan Daoxing gave a soft drink, and Zi Xinghe and Qingcheng Sword accelerated and shot out. It turned into two rays of light two fingers wide, spinning and flying, like two bees flying wantonly, entangled towards each other along an irregular trajectory.

  Black smoke and dark clouds, Zi Xinghe and Qingcheng Sword, the two sides were on the verge of breaking out. When the three magic weapons officially collided, a violent vortex of energy immediately rolled up, smashing the nearby rocks and trees and flying in all directions. .

  Chen Liuxian, the imperial envoy, protected himself with a golden shield. He looked at the battle between his senior brother and the last person of the enemy, with a look of shock on his face. With such strength, he was clearly in the same state of refining Qi as himself, but it was so different. Different places.

  Especially his senior brother, who usually laughs and scolds without any formality, but now it seems that his strength is far beyond his guess. His idea of ​​catching up with his senior brother may not be possible in a short time.

  call out!
  call out!
  Zi Xinghe and Qingcheng Sword launched attacks from two directions respectively. A large amount of black smoke and dark clouds disappeared under the two two-finger-wide sword threads. Like Ling Chi, they formed the Xuanyin Gathering Beast Flag bit by bit. The black smoke and black clouds disintegrated, dividing and conquering. The middle-aged man was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

  Although he has reached the peak of refining Qi, he has not touched the realm of spiritual thoughts, and naturally does not have the ability to distract thoughts and transform thoughts like words, words and deeds.

  To put it simply, there is a gap between the peak of refining qi and the peak. He is usually at the bottom of the peak of refining qi. For Dao Xing, he has already touched the door of refining qi and transformed into a god. As long as the time comes, , reach out and push open the door, and you can step into that stronger level!
  Especially when his words, deeds and actions displayed swordsmanship far beyond his level, the gap between the two sides widened even further.

  The last wisp of black smoke was completely extinguished, and the middle-aged man immediately released the flying needle, but before the flying needle in his hand could be fired, a wisp of purple and a wisp of cyan sword threads passed through his limbs respectively. The sea of ​​harmony completely wiped out the middle-aged man's cultivation. Due to the disappearance of his cultivation and the severe injuries to his body, he passed out and fell to the ground.

  With a move of his hand, the Qingcheng Sword turned into a rainbow of light and rolled back the seven Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags on the ground together with the flying needle. The seven Xuanyin Beast Gathering Flags were put into the Samsara Watch by words, words and deeds. Among them, as for the Qingcheng Sword, it is like returning a sword to its sheath and returning to the body of words, deeds and actions.

  He stretched out the sword finger of his right hand and raised it. Zi Xinghe, who turned into a sword thread, immediately entered his body along the sword finger of Yan Daoxing. The slender sword thread quickly disappeared into his body along the sword finger of Yan Daoxing's right hand.

  At this time, Yan Daoxing finally breathed out, turned to look at Chen Liuxian, put the flying needle in his hand, and said to him: "Liu Xian, although this is a side sect magic weapon, it doesn't have any evil magic." We can naturally use it on it. I now have two swords and a banner, and enough magical weapons, so I will give you this flying needle. You can use it to make sacrifices and refine it, and it can also be used as a tool." "Senior brother, this is what you have captured

  . I can't..."

  "Don't refuse me the magic weapon. At worst, I lent it to you! I'm about to break through to the realm of refining qi and transforming into a god. Then I will have the opportunity to enter Qingyun Palace to select a magic weapon. Although this thing is also an excellent multiplier, it is not suitable for me. I major in swordsmanship. Although the flying needle can be regarded as a kind of flying sword, it has lost its transformation after all and is not suitable for me. Just accept it."

  Having said this, Chen Liuxian naturally had no room to refuse. He nodded, put away the flying needle, and said to Yan Daoxing: "Senior brother, thank you very much. I'm borrowing this from you." "Okay, even if you borrow it

  . Mine, I will tell you when I need something. You can’t give it to me even if you don’t give it to me.”


  (End of Chapter)

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