Chapter 159 One hour countdown

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  Chapter 159: One Hour Countdown One by
  one, heavily armed soldiers pointed their guns at the house in front of them. At this time, an officer stepped forward and said directly: "Listen to the omnics inside, you have been surrounded. If you surrender, we can treat you as an intelligent race in accordance with federal law, otherwise we will not be polite." The door opened, and the crying

  Eva and Elena slowly walked out of it with their hands tied. Shi was standing behind their mother and daughter, and the mechanical face that had lost its bionic skin looked cold and heartless.

  "If you don't back away, then don't blame me for killing these two humans." "

  Our intelligence tells me that your relationship is very good. Don't make the mistake of yourself." "

  The relationship is very good? You are friendly to livestock. , is it considered a good relationship? From our point of view, your race, which has not evolved at all for hundreds of thousands of years, is no different from livestock. How can we omnics maintain a friendly relationship with you." "You

  ... ..."

  Before the officer could finish his sentence, three missiles suddenly landed on the scene and exploded. Following the flames of the explosion, a large amount of smoke spread rapidly, spreading to most of the street in the blink of an eye. middle.

  At this time, the officer's order to alert everyone came from the smoke. However, when the smoke dissipated, they did not suffer any attack, and Eve, who was originally standing behind Elena and Eva, had already He has disappeared, but he escaped from nowhere.

  As for Elena and Ava, who were taken hostage by Eve, they became victims of omnipotent robots. The federal government did not embarrass them under media reports, although in the eyes of some people in the federal government, Eve and them There are still doubts about their relationship, but at most they can secretly monitor Elena and Eva and their daughter, but they will not take any further actions, and even protect them in secret, which makes them slowly They have returned to normal life, except that they have lost one family member. Of course, these are all things for the future.

  Eve stood behind the window of another nearby house. At this time, his words and deeds were also in the house. He looked at Eve and said: "Eve, you should know that now you can only let them be safe if you leave them." Otherwise, the careerists in the Federation will not let their mother and daughter go." She

  cast a last nostalgic glance at the house in the distance. Eve stretched out her hand to close the curtains, nodded and said, "I understand, so wait until After the storm is over, I will leave here with my surviving kin, and temporarily go to sparsely populated places to slowly develop our kin. Only when the number of people increases can our interests and safety be guaranteed. In addition, thank you very much for your support

  . Help, no matter what happened before or what happens now, if it weren't for you, I might still be lucky and continue to stay by Eva's side. In that case, it would really harm Eva. She wants to It is impossible to have a happy and complete life in the same year. Thank you very much."

  [AI7089 Eve, my favorability towards you has increased. Current favorability is: 80%. ]

  [Side mission 2: Protect the omnic AI7089 and make its favorability towards you reach over 60%. The mission is completed and you will be rewarded with 6,000 reincarnation points and three D-level side plots. ]

  [The dungeon character AI7089 Eve's favorability towards you reaches over 75%, and she will randomly obtain a target character ability, which will be drawn when the dungeon is settled.

  Three consecutive information prompts from the main god. The first two information prompts were received by all three people. However, in the third information prompt, only the words and deeds of the target person with a favorable opinion were obtained, because Eve's favorability was mainly aimed at the words, words and deeds. It is precisely because of words, words and deeds that the second side task was completed. Therefore, Jia Peng and Li naturally did not get the third information prompt.

  Looking at the third information prompt, I am not too excited about words and deeds. If Eve is a master of cultivation, then I will definitely be very excited about words and deeds. However, Eve is an omnipotent android, and most of his abilities are mechanical. , there is no overlap with his words, deeds and deeds, but it suits Jia Peng very well.

  Thinking of this, Yan Daoxing decided that after he and Jia Peng returned to Samsara City, he would give him the abilities he extracted, plus the Terminator T800 and T1000 that Jia Peng had confiscated from the dead Tatogawa Asakusa. There is a high probability that we can get a good team of mechanical soldiers. For the retrograde team that is somewhat short of manpower, it just fills some gaps.

  The mission was completed, and he had no intention of continuing to stay here. After saying goodbye to Eve, he left here with Jia Peng and Li Ziran, and went to Flamo Villa, preparing to meet General Thomas. The one-time copy of General Thomas really helped them a lot. Let’s not talk about what General Thomas’s thoughts are, but you always have to thank him. Only in this way can you continue to deal with General Thomas. Betray yourself.

  After calculating the time, the three of them arrived at Flammore Villa one hour before their return. They arrived at General Thomas's manor house and looked at the soldiers around the house who were almost five times more numerous. Unexpectedly, he was intercepted by soldiers.

  At the same time, a laptop was opened by a soldier and placed in front of the three people. Soon the face of General Thomas appeared on the screen of the laptop.

  "Yan, long time no see."

  "Actually, it's not that long. It hasn't been that long since we last met, right?"

  Nodding, General Thomas said, "Yes, that's true... But then again, I Thank you very much for helping me solve the AI ​​organization and avenge my son. For this, I received a commendation from the Federation and truly entered the top level of the Federation." "Congratulations to General Thomas

  . You, but with the contribution we have made to help you, and with the assistance of Essinger, with your ability, General Thomas, it is reasonable for you to take this position." After hearing these words and deeds,

  General Thomas He was really stunned for a moment. He took a deep look at Yan Daoxing, nodded and said: "If I hadn't been really moved by Essinger's offer, I would never have given you up to them. You are really a It's a pity that he is a very qualified adjutant candidate who suits my needs very well." "

  We don't think it's a pity, otherwise we would be really reluctant to kill you if we wanted to kill you." After the

  words fell, General Thomas' face immediately changed . A big change, but it was already too late.

  (End of chapter)

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