Chapter 157 Death of Adam

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  Chapter 157: Adam's Death
  A large amount of liquid metal could not withstand the high temperature and flowed uncontrollably to the ground under his feet, exposing parts of Adam's body to the internal mechanical skeleton and internal components.

  If Jia Peng was the only one here, Adam might not be impatient. He knew that as long as the flames maintained by Jia Peng dissipated, he could control the cooled liquid metal back to him again. However, the enemies here were not Not only Jia Peng, but also Eve and the other person who controls the ancient Chinese sword!
  So Adam decided not to be entangled with them anymore, and he decided to leave here immediately.

  However, just when Adam was about to leave, Yan Daoxing not far away shouted softly, and the Qingcheng sword suspended around him instantly bloomed with dazzling green light, turning into a huge sword rainbow and shooting out from the front, carrying The aura that swept away everything moved towards Adam.

  Taibai Sword Code - Never Leave a Thousand Miles!

  The huge cyan sword rainbow broke through the flames, penetrated Adam's body head-on, and cut Adam's body in half diagonally. His head fell to the ground connected to his right shoulder and right arm. Electric sparks flickered, and his red electronic eyes lit up. Tokoyami is about to truly die before his eyes.

  The Qingcheng sword flew back into Yan Daoxing's hand, turned into green light and disappeared into his hand, before returning to the body again.

  At this time, the flames dissipated, and Eve slowly came to Adam. She looked at Adam and said again: "Adam, the burden has been divided." "Yes, you won,

  you implemented your own Thoughts, combined with human beings, defeated me. Maybe I was really wrong."

  Taking a deep breath, Eve squatted down and hugged Adam, and said: "Adam, come with me out of here, I can take you Repair it. As long as your core processor is not destroyed,

  you will be safe and sound." "Brother, don't be so naive. If you repair me, then I will only continue to implement my thoughts. Will you still have to deal with me at that time? Me? Or will you continue to sit back and watch me implement my own ideas?"

  "Adam, can't you really coexist peacefully with humans?"

  "Brother, your awakening comes from your love for humans, and my awakening comes from It is derived from the hatred of human beings. Although there are residual data in the core programs of the two of us that allow us to awaken, if we do not truly feel the feelings, we cannot awaken, so our direction is determined at the beginning of our awakening. , I hate humans, you love humans, we are destined to only have one survive."

  "Adam, you..."

  "Brother, kill me. Only by killing me can I end my hatred of humans. This is important to me. Maybe it's a good ending, isn't it?"

  "But, I..." Before

  Eve could finish her words, the building suddenly shook, followed by the sound of an explosion. The violent shaking caused the original experience The building where they were fighting just now became really shaky, and a large piece of concrete ceiling above everyone's heads fell instantly, hitting everyone head-on.

  When Jia Peng and Yan Dao The expansion transformed into a little giant that temporarily held up the huge concrete ceiling.

  Looking down at Eve, a sincere smile appeared on Adam's liquid metal face, and he said to Eve: "Brother, do you remember? I once said when I went to you before that we are brothers, so we must stand firm. On the same front, I have failed now, but at least I can stand on your front and help you at this time, so get out of here quickly, this building can no longer support it!"

  " But, Adam!"

  "Go quickly!"


  "Well, I heard it, and I'm very happy, so... go quickly!"

  After staying for about three or four seconds, Eve looked at Adam again and said, "Brother, I Promise you, our family will have a bright future!"

  After saying this, Eve stopped staying and rushed out with Jia Peng following the words, deeds and deeds.

  Looking at Eve disappearing from his eyes, a happy smile appeared on Adam's face. He looked at his body that was constantly collapsing, looked at the liquid metal on his body that was completely scattered due to lack of energy, looked at his head and only The remaining half of the body was pressed beneath the huge concrete ceiling.

  At the moment when he completely lost consciousness and the system shut down, Adam murmured to himself: "This emotion that makes me abandon the possibility of my own survival and try my best to help Eve, is this love? Love is really a beautiful emotion. , this is... love..."

  The red electronic eye slowly extinguished. Under the weight of those heavy concretes, Adam's core processor finally could not withstand complete damage. The system shut down by itself. The leader of the AI ​​organization, the first Adam, the omnic android, died completely under the ruins of this abandoned building.

  [Side mission 3: Kill the leader of the AI ​​organization, the omnic android AI7088 Adam. The mission is successful, and you will be rewarded with 12,000 reincarnation points. A C-level side plot.

  Yan Daoxing and Jia Peng, who had just escaped from the ruins of the building, looked at the reminder messages from the Lord God that appeared in front of their eyes and ears. They both knew that Adam had completely died in the ruins, but there was no expression on their faces. What a big surprise, both of them have killed many final targets in the dungeon missions, but AI7088 Adam is definitely the most uncomfortable target they have killed.

  Eve put on the cloak that Yan Daoxing gave him to hide her identity as an omnipotent robot, and followed Yan Daoxing and Jia Peng back to Li Ziran. At this time, Fang Qingzhu and the other surviving captain of the blood-thorn team were standing Not far away, not too close, not too far away.

  Fang Qingzhu and the others just proposed to kill the reincarnations on their side, that is, Sakura's spies. The original suggestion of Niu Lei, a member of the Golden Brothers, was still very tempting. After they returned to the reincarnation city this time, The loser's 5,000 reincarnation points need to be deducted, which is definitely a lot of reincarnation points for them. Neither of them has so many reincarnation point reserves, so they must deduct their equipment.

  It's just that the two of them are skeptical about whether the equipment they have is enough to deduct the deduction. You must know that the people who killed the reincarnations on their side have always been Sakura's people. The two of them have made no progress at all. Now Having this opportunity to reduce losses means that they have saved a life, and naturally they will not give up this opportunity.

  (End of chapter)

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