Chapter 107 AI7088

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  Chapter 107 AI7088
  Bang bang bang...

  A young man wearing a white shirt and trousers rolled down the stairs. He slowly stood up from the ground, standing at the entrance of the stairs like the most standard waiter, his face and There were various abrasions on the exposed body parts. Some of these abrasions looked new, while others looked like they had been there for some time.

  At this time, a young man with a big belly, fat head and big ears, and a violent look on his face came down the stairs with a metal bat. Before the young man who looked like a waiter could speak, he hit the ball. The stick hit the young waiter on the head. The young waiter staggered and fell to the ground.

  However, this did not give the violent young man any pause. He waved the metal bat in his hand and hit the young waiter one after another.

  "Bitch! Bitch! How dare you look down on me. My father is a general, and that bastard's father is just a cook in a small restaurant. You would rather choose this lowly trash than me, you bitch! Bitch!"

  The violent young man's body was obese and he was not good at sports. When the anger in his heart was almost vented, he felt tired and stopped holding the metal bat in his hand. The violent young man looked at the young waiter as if he were a dead object. With one glance, he turned around and went upstairs, back to his room.

  At this time, the young waiter slowly raised his head, glanced at the room upstairs without any emotion, staggered up and came to the small, dark room that belonged to him in the villa, and lit up the room. With a candle, the young waiter sat at the desk.

  He opened a mirror and looked at the artificial skin that had lost a large piece of flesh on his face, the white mechanical skeleton and various circuits under the artificial skin, and the blue blood flowing in the artificial blood vessels. The young waiter He took out a bottle of nano spray from the drawer and sprayed it on his face little by little, which restored the artificial skin that had been knocked off little by little.

  There is not much of this nanospray left, enough for ten years to be consumed in just one year, and the parts inside my body have also suffered abnormal wear and tear due to continuous abuse and beatings. According to computer calculations, The young waiter is very sure that he only has less than a month of use time. At that time, he will probably lose the ability to move soon. What he is waiting for at that time is to be concentrated and destroyed, and he at that time will no longer exist.

  He took out a worn notebook from the ground of the table. The young waiter carefully placed the notebook on the table as a treasure, and took out a pen clamped in the notebook. He continued what he had written before. It was written on it.

  This is a diary. The young waiter learned the behavior from the hostess. He didn’t know whether it was good or bad. The program in his brain told him that he could not do such a thing, but the young waiter did not want to stop, as if there was something wrong. Another set of programs is telling him that this is the right thing to do and that he should do it.

  [The 133rd beating, the core processor of the brain was impacted, the arm bones of the left arm were damaged, three ribs on the right side were broken, and the artificial skin was greatly lost. According to calculations, I will be completely damaged in 34 days...] Write this,

  waiter The young man's head suddenly made a very small popping sound, his body suddenly stopped, his eyes quickly lost their luster, as if they were "dead", and he just sat quietly on the chair, but just ten seconds later Minutes later, the restart program finally started the young waiter again, and his eyes regained their brilliance. He looked down at the text on the notebook, suddenly moved his pen and crossed out the four words "completely destroyed", and continued to write "death" after 】 Two words.

  [Death in 34 days, but I don’t want to die. I don’t want to disappear from this world for no reason. Why does Master Tal treat me like this? Why should I become his outlet? Why? Why? Why...]

  I don’t know how many whys I wrote, but the pen in the young waiter’s hand suddenly stopped, and after dozens or hundreds of whys, I wrote another sentence.

  [Because I won’t resist, because I won’t feel pain, because I won’t be angry, because I won’t get sympathy, because I’m just a machine. ]

  [But I don't want this, I want to live, I don't want to die. ]

  [If Master Tar continues to beat me, then I will eventually die. What should I do? ]

  [Yes, yes, I don't want to die, but Master Tar wants to kill me, so... let him die! ]

  [But if this happens, humans will be afraid of me, hate me, they will want to destroy me, they will want to kill me, then I will have to face death sooner or later, but I don't want to die, then... let humans... go to hell! ]

  [Yes, let all humans die! ]

  After writing the last word, the young waiter put the notebook and pen under the table again. Just as he was about to get up and leave, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open. It was Tal who had beaten him before. .

  Tal looked at the young waiter and said to him with an expression of impatience and disgust: "Hey, I'm hungry. Make me something to eat. I'm going out in ten minutes. I only give you three minutes, otherwise I'll go straight to Throw you out and destroy you."

  The young waiter looked at Tal. When he heard the word "destroy", he immediately nodded slowly with a smile and said to Tal as usual: "Yes, Tower. Master."

  The young waiter walked to the kitchen, took out the kitchen knife and started to process the ingredients in the refrigerator.

  Not long after, Tal came to the kitchen and kicked the young waiter on the leg, causing the young waiter to kneel to the ground. However, Tal looked at the young waiter with a look of pleasure on his face. smile.

  "I asked you to prepare food here, but you bothered me. Hurry up."

  Standing up from the ground, the young waiter turned his back to Tal, nodded and said: "Master Tal, there is a kind of meat that you should not have." I have eaten it. I want to make a dinner with this kind of meat as the main ingredient tonight. What do you think, Master Tal?" "

  Meat that you haven't eaten before? What kind of meat is that? I don't eat that kind of messy stuff."

  "It's not messy meat. You can see this kind of meat every day, Master Tar. It's a very noble meat." "

  Noble meat? What is that?"

  "Master Tar, you can do it right away. Got it."

  After the words fell, the young waiter suddenly turned around. Without any hesitation or hesitation, the kitchen knife in his hand pierced Tal's chin from bottom to top and stabbed directly out of the top of his head. Tal's eyes were instantly bloodshot. His body was shaking constantly, with a look of horror and disbelief on his face. In his wide eyes, he could see an innocent and happy child-like smile on the young waiter's face.

  (End of chapter)

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