Chapter 103 Retrograde

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  Chapter 103 Retrograde
  "Jia Peng, how do you plan to strengthen yourself next?"

  "Since I have decided to take the path of mechanical strengthening, I naturally have to stick to it. At present, I plan to transform my left arm into a mechanical arm. , and if possible, I plan to exchange for some one-time powerful external accessories, which can at least greatly improve my strength during battle." "I saw you

  using that arc reactor before, then you have Don’t have the idea to exchange for a similar Iron Man armor?”

  Listening to the words and deeds, Jia Peng shook his head and said: “Iron Man’s armor is indeed very powerful, but it basically has no increase in the original body. Samsara City The dungeon world is extremely dangerous. If my body is too weak, it will become a huge weakness and the danger will be too great.

  For me, Iron Man's armor can only be an external accessory. As for my core strengthening , I plan to take the road of integrating machinery and human body, but this road is not that easy to walk. It still requires a little preparation and strengthening to successfully achieve my goal." "That's fine, we can set our own direction of strengthening

  . Just make the decision, so how about we apply for the composition of the team now?" "

  Okay, let's form a team now!"

  In the city of reincarnation, the reincarnators can form a team at will, without any fees or any price. , you don’t even need to go to the strengthening hall, you only need to borrow the Samsara Watch to form a team. However, when the team is formed, the founder needs to formulate a code of conduct for the team, or a contract for the team members. To join the team, you must sign a contract. Once you violate the contract, you will be severely punished by Samsara City.

  Of course, this kind of contract is not unbreakable, but the price to pay is very high. At least for the current words and deeds and Jia Peng, there is no way to come into contact with something that can make people violate the team contract.

  "Lord God, form a team. The members are words, deeds, and deeds, Jia Peng!"

  [The application for team formation was approved, the reincarnation number is 118152, the reincarnation number is 118152, the reincarnation number is 100873 Jia Peng, the team has been successfully formed, please name the team.

  The two people looked at the information prompts on the light screen in front of them, glanced at each other, and both started thinking.

  At this time, Yan Daoxing suddenly said to Jia Peng: "Jia Peng, since we are both trying to survive against the threat of mountains, rivers and cherry blossoms, then we might as well call it retrograde. Moving forward in adversity is the retrograde team."

  "Retrograde... well, let's call it retrograde!"

  "Lord God, the team is named retrograde, retrograde team."

  [The team name was successfully named, and the retrograde team was successfully formed. ]

  [Please select the team leader. The team leader will have all the permissions of the team. ]

  "Dao Xing, come on."

  There was no humility in words or deeds. He nodded immediately and said, "Okay, then I'll do it."

  [Retrograde team, captain selected, reincarnation number 118152, Tao Xing. ]

  [Please set the team rules...]

  Seeing this prompt, I made some rules that I just discussed with Jia Peng, plus some confidential rules to form the team rules. If you want to join the retrograde team, then just You must abide by the rules, otherwise you will definitely suffer the most severe punishment from the Lord God.

  [Rules set successfully. ]

  A short message prompt announced that the two-person team of Yan Daoxing and Jia Peng had been truly formed. Now they can be regarded as a truly close community of interests.

  "Jia Peng, please rent a house nearby, so that we can discuss things more conveniently."

  As for words and deeds, Jia Peng shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, we don't need to do this now. "

  Why?" Yandaoxing frowned in confusion.

  "The next dungeon mission should be to fight against the dungeon. If we can survive and return safely, then you and I will be transported to the Hall of Reincarnation in the Fifth Ring. Although we can also come back to live here, we have already There is no need at all.

  We live in ordinary buildings in the Fifth Ring Road. The two of us only need to rent a two-bedroom house. Moreover, those houses have other functions and can be regarded as necessary things. Now there is no need for us to waste that time and energy on putting together a living place."

  "What if we fail?"

  "Then the fate is to be wiped out or killed by other reincarnations. Naturally, there is no need to consider these things. ."

  "So that's it, I understand, then there is no need to prepare for these things for the time being, so now I plan to strengthen it, will you go with me?"

  Jia Peng shook his head and said, "No, At this stage, I don’t plan to strengthen it. I still need to make some preliminary preparations, do some calculations and split and combine various enhancements. I will probably actually strengthen it before the start of the dungeon, and give me some time to adapt to it. The brand new power, I will not strengthen it for now."

  "That's fine, then I will strengthen it first. I need to redeem some time in the training room, and I will probably be out of Samsara City for a while. If you contact If you don't come up to me, it means I'm in the practice room and there's no need to worry."

  "Yeah, okay."

  Having said that, Yan Daoxing and Jia Peng stopped delaying, and they left Yan Daoxing's home together. After leaving at the exit of the alley, Jia Peng went to his house, while Li Daoxing walked towards the strengthening hall.

  Arriving at the strengthening hall, Yan Daoxing found an empty box and walked in. Facing the huge silver ball in front of him, he started a new strengthening process.

  For reincarnation practitioners who practice system-strengthening type, they naturally put their kung fu first. The main kung fu "Zuo Wang Gong" does not need to be replaced for the time being, so they do not think much about their words and deeds. On the contrary, the introductory chapter of "Taibai Sword Code" is no longer enough to match. Yan Daoxing's current level of strength is high, so Yan Daoxing has exchanged the qi training chapter of "Taibai Sword Code", which can completely match Yan Daoxing's current cultivation level in the realm of refining qi.

  [Taibai Sword Code (Qi Training Chapter): The overall evaluation is C. The swordsmanship practiced by monks in the realm of refining qi can be used to slay demons and eliminate demons, control swords to turn into rainbows, warm and nourish swords, and kill enemies from a hundred steps away. Level, practiced to the peak, can assist monks to condense their souls and enter the realm of refining energy and becoming gods. It requires 5000 reincarnation points and a D-level branch plot.

  For the Qi training chapter of "Taibai Sword Code", the most important point in words, deeds and actions is the ability to control the sword and turn it into a rainbow. To put it simply, as long as you can get started with this chapter of "Taibai Sword Code", then words, deeds and actions will be enough. You can truly control your sword with your Qi!
  (End of chapter)

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