Chapter 350 Four-Winged Beast

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  Chapter 350 The four-winged beast
  is on the shore of Xueyue Lake.

  A few feet behind, a series of shallow footprints appeared on the snow.

  Li Yuan looked calm and slowly walked towards Gambling Hongtao.

  "I've been waiting for a long time, and you're finally here." Gambling Hongtao opened his eyes and said.

  He was not surprised by Li Yuan's appearance. With his peak cultivation in the late stage of Nirvana, he should have many means to get here alone and would not fall easily.

  Li Yuan smiled and said: "It seems that I came at the right time."

  Gambling Hongtao stood up slowly, his deep eyes turned blood red: "I am at the critical stage of breakthrough, and there is still some time left. I will refine you just in time. , help me break through."

  "What a loud tone." Li Yuan snorted coldly.

  "Boy, let me show you my true strength." Gambling Hongtao said with a sinister smile.

  After saying that, the old man slowly rose into the sky, and the blood mist surrounding him became thicker and thicker, completely covering his figure.

  Not only the blood pool, but the energy between heaven and earth is also gathering crazily towards the blood mist in the sky.

  The thick blood mist that was originally less than a foot wide began to expand.

  In just a few breaths, the blood mist surged twenty or thirty times.

  In the blood mist, the roar of the terrifying beast came out.

  Immediately afterwards, a huge figure emerged from it.

  "Exotic beasts... I didn't expect that you could cultivate both demons and demons." Li Yuan exclaimed.


  The giant creature in the sky let out a terrifying laugh.

  "This is my true strength."

  A four-winged bloody beast about twenty feet slowly waved its huge bloody wings.

  The blood-colored giant wings have no feathers, but are covered with scales.

  His eyes were extremely red, his whole body was covered in blood-colored scales, and wisps of blood mist were flowing, which was very strange.

  There should have been four huge legs, but one was missing at this moment. The missing leg should be the arm that Hong Tao lost.

  The huge body was like a mountain floating in front of Li Yuan's eyes.

  There was no trace of fear in Li Yuan's eyes, but he was much more relaxed.

  Gambling Hongtao was surprised: "Boy, have you given up completely?"

  Taking a look at Xueyue Lake, Li Yuan calmly said: "Originally, I was worried that you were no match for the Giant Swallowing Fish. It seems that I have overthought it."

  "Giant Swallowing Fish, what is that? The helper you found?" Qian Hongtao asked.

  "Help? Yes, just a helper."

  Li Yuan stretched out, pointed at Xueyue Lake, and said slowly: "I'm going to go to the bottom of the lake to collect a treasure.

  "But there is something in the lake that I can't deal with, so I need you to help me resist it. one time. "

  When Gambling Hongtao heard this, he felt a sense of inexplicable danger.

  "Kill! "

  A loud roar filled the air with overwhelming murderous intent.

  The four wings shook, and the alien beast quickly flew towards Li Yuan.

  Yuan power surged out, and the arc lingered. Li Yuan faced the behemoth in the sky, and rushed straight towards it.

  One big and one small, there was a huge difference. Two figures were about to collide in the sky.

  Suddenly, the small figure rolled and fell rapidly towards the blood pool below.

  The four-winged beast staggered in the air, its huge wings flashed, sonic booms appeared one after another, and there were bursts of The air rippled.

  “Boy, how dare you! "

  Gambling Hongtao roared.

  This is to destroy his blood pool.

  Li Yuan looked back with an evil smile on his face and said: "Your blood pool is not good, I will help you add some ingredients to help you break through the shackles faster and attack the soul. environment is successful.

  "However, this also depends on your luck, so don't thank me too much!" The

  majestic energy gathered in both palms, creating a strong suction force.

  "Get up!"

  In the blood pool, nearly 10% of the bones were sucked away by Li Yuan, along with a large amount of blood.

  Although it is only 10%, they are all the best parts.

  The small body ran crazily towards the snow-white lake. The speed was so fast that only the afterimage of thunder could be seen on the lakeside.

  Mountains of bones and blood undulated in the air, following closely behind the blue-robed young man.

  "Boy, put down the bones and blood."

  The essence that was finally refined cannot be destroyed by the opponent.

  Four wings and one fan, gambling Hong Tao chases with all his strength and recovers the loss.

  Arriving at the lake, Li Yuan looked back at the chasing giant beast, jumped up, and plunged into the undulating snowy lake surface, creating a huge whirlpool.

  The bones and blood fell into the whirlpool, and Hong Tao followed in without thinking too much.

  The originally calm lake water, stirred by Li Yuan, began to churn violently, and the waves were turbulent and extremely manic.


  A low and dull roar came from the bottom of the lake, an overwhelming amount of energy surged up, and countless water bubbles rolled.

  Lake bottom.

  The snow-white scales all over its body shimmered with rays of light, and its two giant pupils, which were several feet tall, were dark and deep. The giant beast with a body like a fish was extremely fast and rushed straight towards Li Yuan who rushed into the lake.

  Suddenly, when the two sides were about to approach, the giant beast opened its sky-swallowing mouth twenty feet wide.

  A mouth full of white teeth like sharp swords, each one several feet long, making people feel panicked and their hair and bones discolored.

  Tuntian Dakou seems to be welcoming Li Yuan's arrival.

  No, it was the mass of blood and bones behind him.

  Li Yuan was too insignificant and was simply ignored.

  "That's it now. Hehe, which one is more powerful is the giant swallowing fish or the four-winged alien beast." As the

  thought flashed, endless energy surged in Li Yuan's body, scattering the blood and blood of the bones behind him, and then turned into blue and silver lightning and shot toward Go to the bottom of the lake.

  The lake water was transmitted, the bones and blood were scattered, and the giant winged beast appeared in front of the giant swallowing fish.

  As Li Yuan moved quickly in the direction of the Baihuan Soul Crystal, the muffled sound of water kept ringing in his ears, and countless water plants at the bottom of the lake moved backward.


  A loud noise shook Xueyue Lake and could be heard even hundreds of miles away from the lake.

  Li Yuan looked back, looked at the lake water that burst into the sky with rays of light, smacked his lips, and curled up the corners of his mouth: "The fight is about to begin." "

  Boom -"

  Two behemoths rushed out of the snow-white lake, and their endless energy formed air waves, impacting The surrounding snow-capped mountains shook and the cliffs collapsed.

  The giant wings flew across the sky, like a blood cloud covering the sky, and a giant palm reached down to suppress the giant snow-white fish.


  The snow-white giant fish with a large mouth rushed up and let out a heart-shaking roar. The sound waves shook the air and became blurry. The power of the strong man was not afraid of the four-winged beast at all.


  The terrifying energy contained in the sound waves collided with the giant palm, making a clanging sound.

  The confrontation between the two forces was very vivid. The clash of snow-white and blood-colored forces exuded overwhelming violence, and the spreading power made the ice clouds on the top of the surrounding snow-capped mountains squirm backwards.

  In the blood pool by the lake, countless blood energy was sucked in by the four-winged beast, lingering around it. Its body was still growing rapidly, and it was actually larger than the giant fish with a big mouth.

  The alien beast spread its wings, its power surged, and it swooped down with sonic booms, making the world roar.

  Due to the air combat, the Bigmouth Giant Fish is a bit difficult and has a slight disadvantage.

  The huge body shook, and the light of Yuan Power flashed all over his body. He swallowed the sky and spit out a blazing white cloud, slashed at the bloody beast, then turned around and plunged into the lake.

  A monster with the blood of ancient monsters in its body has high intelligence and knows how to avoid disadvantaged areas to fight.

  Spreading its wings to hit the sky, the huge blood beast instantly soared into the sky to avoid the white clouds spit out by the giant swallowing fish.

  "It seems that God is going to help me break through, and by sending such precious refining objects, I will definitely make breakthroughs one after another."

  In the sky, the alien beasts let out terrifying laughter.

  The four-winged blood beast hovered in the air, exuding a terrifying and violent aura, causing the ice clouds in the distance to flee crazily.

  "Boy, when I take care of this big fish, no matter where you escape, I will definitely capture you and refine you alive." The

  blood beast's wings shook, rushed down into the sky, and shot toward the lake.


  At the bottom of Xueyue Lake, there is a place rich in water and grass.

  Li Yuan walked in the direction of soul power perception.

  "This old monster may have mistaken the giant swallowing fish for an ordinary high-level monster.

  "It is not that simple to kill a monster with the blood of ancient monsters.

  "Even if you win, you will still be left half disabled." Li Yuan whispered.

  He thought for a while and said with a slight regret: "It's a pity that the battle between two people who are almost at the level of the soul is missing me as a spectator." Suddenly,

  a little glow appeared at the bottom of the gray lake, and Li Yuan was overjoyed.

  As the distance gets closer, the light becomes more dazzling.

  All around the lake, shrouded in light, all kinds of strange images appeared like a dream.

  This piece of water grass has become thick, huge, and colorful, just like a dream.

  "As expected of the Hundred Illusion Soul Crystal, it can actually create an illusion.

  " "I'm afraid those Yuan Zhe whose soul realm has not reached the treasure realm will sink into it forever." "

  The vast soul power in Li Yuan's body spread out, shattering the illusion.

  The lake was still cold, and the water plants were as usual.

  A crystal clear ice stone, no more than an inch long, emitted rays of light.

  Li Yuan stretched out his right hand, and the ice stone slowly floated over. , the lake water squirmed, like ripples traveling around.

  "This is the Hundred Illusion Soul Crystal..."

  The ice stone floated on the palm of his hand, watching it for a moment, Li Yuan nodded with satisfaction, and took out a jade box of excellent quality from the Yun Ring. With a flick of his

  arm With a wave, the lake water broke open, and there was no lake water in a radius of one foot.

  The jade box slowly opened, and Li Yuan put the Baihuan Soul Crystal floating in front of him into it and collected it into the Yun Ring.

  "There seems to be no movement, the victory or defeat should be over. point. "Li Yuan raised his head and muttered to himself.

  His body shook, and the lake water flooded his surroundings. He pressed his feet hard on the bottom of the lake, and his body was like a sharp arrow, shooting towards the lake.


  On the bank of Xueyue Lake, the wind and snow were rustling.

  An old man with a thin body in his dying years. Fell in the blood pool.

  Half of the body was torn apart, and only one right leg remained. A

  hill-like giant fish with white scales lay in the blood pool. The scales were dull and were being swallowed up bit by bit by the blood. The

  old man used the blood pool to help Energy continues life.

  "Bang -"

  Suddenly, a blue figure rushed out of the lake, then gently landed on the shore with both feet, raised his legs and walked towards the blood pool.

  "Isn't this Elder Gambling of Bihai Pavilion.

  "It seems that the attack on the Yuanshen realm is not going smoothly." Li Yuan smiled and greeted him warmly.

  Gambling Hong Tao gritted his teeth and stared at Li Yuan fiercely without responding.

  Li Yuan squatted by the blood pool, flicked the blood water with his fingers, and said, "The energy is very strong. If you stay in it for a few months, you won't be able to break through, but your life can still be saved." "Boy, what are you saying

  ? What do you mean?" Gambling Hongtao felt bad when he heard this.

  Li Yuan did not answer directly, but looked at the giant swallowing fish corpse in the blood pool and said, "Elder Gambling, why are you so careless? How do you provoke this big fish?" Gambling Hongtao almost took a bite when he heard this

  . Old blood spurts out.

  "Do you know what this world is called besides Thousand Jue Chan Ridge... the Yuanshen Realm restricted area.

  "In the most brutal battle ever, thousands of Yuanshen Realm people perished here.

  "You still want to break through to the Yuanshen realm here. No matter how strong you are, you will always be exhausted."

  Li Yuan stood up slowly and continued: "The energy of the blood pool is rich, but you can't enjoy it. What a pity."

  After saying that, a killing intent emerged from his eyes.

  "Boy, what do you want to do?" Du Hongtao felt a chill running down his spine and fear in his heart.

  Li Yuansen looked at the old man with cold eyes, murderous intent, and sneered: "Aren't you going to refine me?"

  After saying that, he thought, the space in front of him trembled slightly, four thunder blades appeared out of thin air, and shot directly at Gambling Hong Tao. , and instantly penetrated its vital points.

  Gambling Hongtao's vision went dark, his life essence continued to drain away, his consciousness gradually disappeared, and a crystal stone slipped from his robe.

  "Crush it." Ling shouted in Li Yuan's heart.

  Li Yuan immediately frowned, and when the crystal was about to emit light, he shattered it with a palm.

  "I hope you take action quickly enough. I didn't expect that he actually has such a thing as a shadow stone on his body." Ling said.

  "Image stone..." Li Yuan's face darkened and he rubbed his eyebrows.

  This crystal is connected to the soul of the Yuan Zhe. Once the Yuan Zhe dies or the soul is completely separated from the body, it will activate itself and reflect the surrounding environment.

  Even if you are hundreds of millions of miles away, you can still receive images.

  This item can only be used once.

  "I hope so."

  Li Yuan touched his head and without thinking any more, he took the Earth Blade back into his palm and then drilled it into his body.

  "Although you are not good at cultivating demons, you have the spirit pattern life-devouring bone, and you will not reject anyone who comes.

  " Such pure and rich energy, don't give it up. " Lingdao.

  "I can..."

  "Of course.

  "Is this an unexpected gain? "

  Lingdao: "You don't have any use for that thing in the sky, just take it. " "

  Li Yuan heard the words and looked at the Taiyin Jade Cover suspended in the sky. He raised his hand and the latter turned into a ray of glow and was included in his Yun Ring. After a short time, the

  surrounding blood mist disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood red. Pool water.

  "First take the inner elixir of the giant swallowing fish." Li Yuan was about to absorb the energy of the blood pool when Ling suddenly said.

  Li Yuan flew to the giant swallowing fish corpse and took out the snow-white inner elixir.

  The inner elixir that comes from the bloodline of prehistoric demonic beasts is comparable to the bloodline of divine beasts.

  "This two-system inner elixir of ice and water, plus the inner elixir of the Swift Wind Mist Bird and the five-headed snow python, can just be used to refine a pill that will help Qing'er Hanhai's ice wind bone grow," Ling said.

  "Is there such an elixir?" Li Yuan asked, "The information left by Mu Lan does not include elixirs suitable for transcending mortal bones."

  Lingdao said: "Ordinary alchemists don't know about elixirs that can enhance the level of Yuan bones in the body. .

  "To be precise, they are in the hands of bone masters who specialize in cultivating Yuan bones. "

  "Is there such a profession? "

  Ling explained: "The bone master has no special requirements, but he has done a lot of research on Yuan bones and mastered some methods of cultivating Yuan bones.

  "Furthermore, Bone Yun masters are usually inherited from a single lineage. Generally, they put all their lifelong learning into the disciples' Yuan bones.

  "When the Bone Yun master dies, the relevant information will be activated in the disciples' Yuan bones. Li

  Yuan asked: "According to what you said, you are not the inheritor of the Bone Yun Master. Before the information in the Yuan Bone was activated, you knew nothing about the Bone Yun Master?" "

  That's understandable. " However, the materials generally controlled by bone masters start from the earth bones.

  "Under the Earth Bone, the method of improving the level of Yuan Bone is not a secret. All ordinary big clans have relevant information." Ling said.

  Li Yuandao: "The elixir that helps my little aunt Hanhai Bingfeng's bones grow is the secret of the Bone Yun Master. How do you know?" "

  I am a divine bone, how can I not know these things." Ling Ao said.

  "..." Li Yuan.

  (End of chapter)

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