Chapter 348 Blue Sea Blood Snake Seal

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  Chapter 348: Blue Sea Blood Snake Seal
  The high sky was filled with white water droplets, sweeping towards Li Yuan.

  At this moment, a man with handsome features, fair skin, and holding a giant pen appeared in Li Yuan's mind.

  This person is Zuo Yuchen from Bihai Pavilion.

  Back then at Xia Lin Academy, Zuo Yuchen used Yunze Fanji when he participated in Xia Lin's championship.

  The Yunze Fanji displayed by every Yuan Master of Baiwufang was many times more powerful than Zuo Yuchen, and it was still used by dozens of people at the same time.

  The water droplets condensed with countless energy shimmered with a slightly dazzling light, forming a white light rain while absorbing the energy of this world.

  "You want my life, don't you mean you want to keep me refine me?"

  Yuanli poured out from Li Yuanyuan Dan without any reservation.

  Raising one hand, he used the dark gold shield, which was able to catch the wind and turned into a giant shield several feet long.

  Looking at the huge shield in the sky, Li Yuan's handsome face froze: "Why are there so many cracks? How can this withstand it? Is a middle-grade Xuanbao so fragile?" "Fragile?" Ling Leng snorted, "In the

  fifth In the Yuan Sealing Formation, how many attacks did this shield help you withstand?

  "There are also attacks from those Yuan warriors before. You survived because of this mysterious treasure. "

  Hearing this, Li Yuan's heart trembled. He looked around, looking for weak points, and found that several Baiwufang Yuan practitioners were only in the middle stage of Nirvana. Under the cover of the Xuanjing Shield, he

  summoned the Qiankun Cauldron and quickly took action, using both palms. With a push, the Yuanli was brilliant and surged forward, turning into countless thunder ivy with thick roots.


  While resisting the Yuanli bullet, the Thunder ivy instantly penetrated the chests of the five opponent's Yuanmen, and they screamed. Continuously.

  The Thunder Ivy swept away, and immediately, the five Yuanmen flew sideways and crashed into the cliff. The rocks were directly smashed and splashed everywhere. The

  five Yuanmen fell to the ground, their flesh and blood were bruised and shapeless, and their life breath disappeared in an instant. .


  At this moment, after withstanding the attack of countless Yuanli bullets, the black gold shield above cracked and fell down.

  Li Yuan moved Yuanli to the soles of his feet, and the thunder dazzled, pouring into the ground, and suddenly The snow flew up, and the ground was torn into pieces.

  With the help of the thrust, it shot away in the direction of the break.

  As soon as it left, the Yuanli bomb fell, the snow splashed everywhere, and the snow mist was stirred up.

  Looking back, Li Yuan felt a sudden change in his heart. Trembling, just a little bit away, he just confessed here. When he turned around, there were four Yuanmen blocking the front.

  "Get out of here!" "

  Li Yuan shouted, raised his arms, and four thunder lights appeared out of thin air. In just a moment, they pierced through the opponent's body. The

  four Yuanmen spurted blood, their bodies trembled, and fell to the ground dead.

  Every time Li Yuan made a move, Without any reservation, kill him with one blow.

  He knows very well that if he is not careful, he will end up with the same fate.

  The more Yuan people are eliminated, the greater the possibility of survival.

  Escape from the range of the Yuanli bomb attack, Li Yuanhua Like blue and silver lightning, it fell to the bottom of the cliff in the distance.

  After revealing his figure, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief and try to escape again. Three figures appeared in his sight, which immediately told him to give up this idea.

  "You are not the Yuan Zhe of Baiwufang ." , from Bihai Pavilion. A few months ago, you were also present at the Qianxue City Auction Conference.

  "Your speed really surprises me. The old guy with a gloomy face didn't even catch up, but you actually took the lead." Li Yuandao.

  These three people, like Gambling Hong Tao, were wearing blue and white brocade clothes, and they all had peak cultivation levels in the late Nirvana period.

  Li Yuan noticed that their breath seemed familiar.

  The team that set out from the Cicada Valley camp before had the aura of these three people.

  "Boy, you have good eyesight. Haha, it's not that we are fast, but we bet on the wisdom of the elders.

  "I knew Qiu Yuyan was unreliable, so let us wait for you here. "A silver-haired yuan man in the middle spoke.

  "Wait for me? "Li Yuan was startled.

  "This is the only place around Xueyue Lake with low mountains, which is the best escape route. "The silver-haired Yuan Zhe explained.

  "Boy, you are really bold. You dare to break into the training place carefully selected by Bihai Pavilion with such arrogance.

  "Today next year will be the anniversary of your death."

  "Three of you are only at the peak of the late stage of Nirvana. Are you going to kill me?" Li Yuan smiled lightly and said, "That old guy might be able to do it. You don't seem to be able to make big waves. Stop it." It's difficult for me."

  Hearing this, a violent look emerged from the eyes of the silver-haired Yuanzhe, and he shouted: "Although you control the thunder elemental power, you have a destructive power and an extremely powerful attack. "But your cultivation is

  also It's just that at the peak of Nirvana's later period, it has experienced successive battles, and its strength has been weakened a lot.

  "We are not like Baiwufang. It is not easy to deal with three late-stage Nirvana peaks at the same time.

  "Since I am waiting for you here, I am fully confident. "

  I want to see...where do you get your confidence from? " "

  Li Yuan immediately turned into blue and silver lightning, landed behind the short-haired Yuan Zhe on the far right, revealed his figure, raised one hand, and four thunder blades flew out at the same time. The four thunder blades did not disperse the attack, and the two thunder blades flew out at the same time

  . The handle is in front, the two handles are behind, the route is unified, and the silver-haired Yuanzhe is stabbed at the back at the same time, not the short-haired Yuanzhe. The

  silver-haired Yuanzhe is right, they are not Baiwufang and his ilk, and there are few who have entered the Nirvana realm. Jiazi or above, and having grown up in the top forces in the mainland such as Bihai Pavilion, he has the ability to kill enemies by leapfrogging, and has extremely rich combat experience. The moment Li Yuan turned into lightning, the silver-haired Yuanzhe noticed that the Yuan

  power in his body was already running. With a

  turn, left and right In a flash, he avoided two lightning bolts.

  Then, he stretched out his palms, shining with crystal luster, and directly received the two lightning attacks from behind.

  The attacks were neutralized by the opponent, but Li Yuan didn't pay attention, and his eyes fell on the silver-haired Yuan Zhe's eyes. On the palm, it can actually hit the ground with force, it must be a treasure.

  "What is that? "He blurted out.

  "Haha, this is Thousand Jue Cicada Mountains. Since Elder Gambling has led us across fifty or sixty million miles to come here, he is naturally well prepared. "The silver-haired Yuan Zhe smiled ferociously.

  "The ice jade gauntlet is a top-grade mysterious treasure. Elder Gambling asked me to hand it over to us specifically when I come to stop you. "

  Good thing, I want it... This treasure is simply tailor-made for my little aunt. " "

  After speaking, Li Yuan had no expression on his face. He exerted force on his feet, moved sideways, and swept to the other side. He raised one hand and fired four thunder blades again. There seemed to be

  thunder, and the old man on the other side of the silver-haired Yuan Zhe, Although he dodged in time, the lightning blade was too fast and still slashed his body four times.

  The silver-haired Yuan Zhe shouted: "Back off! "

  The Yuan Zhe beside him had not had time to check his injuries. He saw the figure with flashing thunder arcs in front of him leaping into the air and shooting out with a palm.

  Thunder rang out, and the three Yuan Zhe in Bihai Pavilion looked at the sky at the same time.

  Appearance appeared in the sky The Thunder Cloud Handprint, which is dozens of feet in size, contains extremely terrifying power.

  Suddenly, a trace of fear arose in their hearts, and they fled in panic.

  The thunder cloud handprints struck the snow, shaking up the snow all over the sky. The ground cracked, the cliffs trembled, and boulders rolled down.

  "He is too fast, and we are too passive. We might die in the hands of this man, who will bear the blood snake mark of the blue sea!" The silver-haired Yuanzhe shouted hurriedly.

  The other two Yuans looked at each other and nodded to each other.

  The three Yuanmen flew into the air and flew upside down, finally suspended in mid-air. At the same time, they took out a black pill and put it into their mouths.

  "Life-devouring Treasure Pill?" Ling Jing asked suspiciously.

  "Bao Dan." Li Yuan murmured.

  He didn't quite believe that Bihai Pavilion could have such a high-level elixir.

  Even if it was passed down from a distant era, it would not be possible for the three of them to reach Nirvana.

  "That's not right." Before Li Yuan could ask, Lingyou immediately denied, "The Life-Devouring Pill ranks among the top pills. There is a dark light lingering around, but this pill does not." Li Yuandao: "I remembered, according to

  Mu Lan's medicine It is recorded in the Holy Scriptures that this elixir should be a counterfeit of the Life-Devouring Treasure Pill. The Life-Devouring Mysterious Pill ranks among the middle-ranking Mysterious Pills." "The

  Life-Devouring Mysterious Pill? A counterfeit of the Life-Devouring Treasure Pill? They take this kind of life-devouring pill and it will damage their lifespan. What is Yuan's elixir for?" Ling was puzzled.

  "It will harm longevity?" Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this.

  Lingdao said, "I think they are going to forcefully use the Yuan magic formation at the cost of losing their longevity!"

  Li Yuanzheng wanted to ask, but he saw three Yuan practitioners on the other side vomiting essence and blood at the same time, and forming seals with their hands in front of them.

  As the extremely tedious seal in his hand was completed, green, blood, and red light appeared in the palm of his hand and quickly condensed.

  Then, green, blood, and red energy spread rapidly, forming a huge spherical energy shield that enveloped them.

  At the same time, the light in his hand became more and more intense.

  Looking at the energy that was constantly accumulating in the sky, Li Yuan's eyes flashed with electric arcs, and a hint of surprise appeared. He was about to take action, but was stopped by the spirit.

  With Li Yuan's current strength, he can't shake the spherical energy shield's defense at all.

  Yuan magic formations are all practiced by multiple Yuan practitioners, and they can only be used by shooting at the same time. A single Yuan practitioner cannot use them.

  Multiple Yuan practitioners using the same Yuan technique can form an Yuan technique array, but it can only be regarded as a pseudo Yuan technique array.

  The effect of using different Yuanshu to merge into a Yuanju array can only be achieved if you have Yuan bones with a high level and at the same time have a connection with them.

  Generally, when the Yuan Shu Array is used, a highly defensive energy shield will be formed around the Yuan user, which can be regarded as a kind of protection to prevent enemies from making sneak attacks and interrupting the use of the Yuan Shu Array.

  The defensive ability of the protective shield often exceeds the Yuan's strength itself.

  The appearance of the spherical energy shield shows that the three Yuan practitioners in Bihai Pavilion are performing real Yuan magic arrays.

  The Yuan Shu Array can bring together the Yuan Power of many Yuan People and exert a power that surpasses the Yuan People's strength itself.

  This kind of power can withstand the pressure of powerful people who are much higher than Yuan Zhe's own cultivation level, and can also compete with them.

  "Although they are only in the Nirvana realm, the power of this technique is at least that of the fifth-level Yuanjutsu cast by the Yuanshen state.

  "If they perform enough Nirvana realms together, they can even break through the fifth level and reach the level of Yuanshui. "Ling analyzed.

  The Yuan Shu array requires at least two Yuan practitioners to perform it together, which means that they cannot perform such Yuan Shu when they are fighting against the enemy alone.

  "Blue sea gathers Yuan, Blue sea blood snake seal! start! "

  The three Yuan Masters shouted at the same time. The green and blood-red light in their palms suddenly became strong, and Yuan patterns appeared on the feet suspended in the air.

  "As expected of one of the eight super sects of the Qinggu Continent, this should be the Bihai Pavilion's. A unique elemental art formation. "Li Yuan speculated.

  Ling also appreciated it: "Sure enough, there are some tricks, there are actually Yuan patterns emerging, and it has really been upgraded to the level of Yuan Yuan.

  "However, their cultivation level is too low and they cannot exert the true power of this formation."

  Before Yuan practitioners have experienced the heavenly tribulation, if they want to reach the level of Yuan Shu to Yuan Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu Array is a rare way. , breaking through the shackles of the Yuan himself.

  Raising their hands high, the three Yuan Masters pointed their palms toward the sky.

  Suddenly, green and blood-red energy pillars rushed into the sky, and the elemental patterns under their feet began to interweave and merge, spreading upwards along the energy pillars.

  In just one breath, three energy pillars rushed into the sky, emitting blazing light in the sky.

  Such intense light merges directly and can be seen for hundreds of miles around.

  At the end of the fusion of light, where the three elemental patterns merged, a vortex of green, blood and red mist was produced.

  In the mist whirlpool, a strong bloody air surged out, with a violent aura.

  "How much life have they lost? It's so big that it even tore a hole in the space." Ling marveled.

  Li Yuan was stunned, looking at the torn space in the center of the mist whirlpool high in the sky.

  This was the first time he saw a real Yuan Shu array.

  In the torn space, he felt an extremely powerful terrifying aura, which caused cold sweat to break out from his back.

  The mist vortex surrounding the space crack began to roll uncontrollably.

  Suddenly, from the void of the space gap, a blood-red energy snake wrapped in green mist sprang out, at least forty feet long.


  The giant energy snake spat out its message, its voice making people numb.

  The blood snake snaked and swam in the sky, the air trembled, causing ripples in circles.

  A look of solemnity flashed across Li Yuan's eyes. This kind of thing may not be possible for ordinary Yuanshen realm experts to contend with.

  With a flip of the left hand, the Thunder Bow appears, the bow string is fully drawn, the thunder light shines brightly, and the thunder light shoots out.

  The lightning flashed across the void, leaving behind a circle of space ripples that spread one after another.

  It flew out for a while and suddenly disappeared.

  "Boom, boom, boom -"

  The next moment, there was a loud thunder above the blood snake, deafening, like the sound of thousands of swords.

  Rapidly rolling thunderclouds appeared, and countless blue and silver electric snakes flashed, wandering and entrenching themselves.

  "Chi chi chi -"

  A few breaths later, countless thunder arrows emerged from the thunder clouds and shot down violently, forming a rain of thunder arrows that illuminated the windy and snowy land.

  "Boom -"

  The energy blood snake opened its huge mouth and roared. Endless energy exploded and collided with the falling thunder. There was a terrifying explosion and the world was shaken.

  "You can't even hurt it at all. This kind of thing is too powerful. It is indeed something that has reached the level of grain element technique."

  Li Yuan hurriedly retreated to avoid the impact of energy ripples, while muttering to himself.


  roared again, and the energy blood snake wrapped in green mist swam quickly in the sky.

  "Boy, the three of us took the Life-devouring Mysterious Pill and used the Blue Sea Blood Snake Seal. Even the ordinary Yuanshen realm can't compete with it. "Elder Gambling said, you are a

  good refining material. Today we must Leave you behind. "

  The silver-haired Yuan Zhe shouted, his face slightly pale and looking much older.

  Obviously, using the Blue Sea Blood Snake Seal consumes a lot of energy and is extremely weak. The same goes for the other two.

  The energy blood snake opened its huge mouth and attacked Li Yuan quickly.

  Li Yuan reacted very quickly. Under the soles of his feet, lightning surged into the sky.


  The energy blood snake hit the ground covered with several feet of snow, and the ground exploded immediately, turning into debris and shooting around.


  The giant snake squirmed, found Li Yuan's position, and attacked again.

  One man and one snake, one behind the other, were chasing each other on the cliff, causing avalanches one after another, as if they were going to fill up the area.

  Seeing Li Yuan who was unable to resist being attacked by the energy blood snake, several guardians of Bihai Pavilion all showed evil smiles.

  Li Yuan kept avoiding attacks from behind, looking back from time to time and shooting thunder arrows.

  It's just that all these attacks were ignored by the energy blood snake, and they were allowed to attack.

  "Bang bang bang -"

  After dozens of attacks to no avail, Li Yuan changed his attack gaze and fired directly at the cliff, causing avalanches and huge rocks to hinder the energy blood snake's progress.

  One blow works, use the same method to get a chance to breathe.

  "Ling, think of a way?"

  Li Yuan asked for help. Facing the powerful blood snake, his resistance was painless and he would fall sooner or later.

  "There are helpers, what are you afraid of?" Ling said quietly.

  "Help? The sky is full of ice and snow, where are the helpers?" Li Yuan thought Ling was joking.

  "Did you kid forget where this place is?" Ling said.

  "Where is it, Xueyue Lake?" Li Yuan asked suspiciously, shaking his head immediately, "No, this place is hundreds of miles away from Xueyue Lake." In order to escape just now, he

  used his thunder phantom body and flew a long distance. .

  Ling said helplessly: "Qianjue Cicada Ridge."

  "They are not all the same." Li Yuan smiled bitterly.

  "What is there in Qianjue Cicada Ridge? What has the most?"

  "There is ice and snow, and the most ice and snow..."

  "Think again."

  "Ice Demonic Cicada."



  (End of this chapter)

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