Chapter 113 She is my wife (seventh update)

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  Chapter 113 It’s My Wife (seventh update)

  Ao Jiang was so filled with hatred that he watched Li Yuan cross the stream and climb the steps.

  He suddenly recalled Li Yuangang's words, today the other party was taking the mortal level and true level exams together.

  The more Ao Jiang thought about it, the more he became distracted. The consequences can be imagined. He failed to refine the materials again, and he said goodbye to this alchemist examination completely.

  At this time, he looked at Li Yuan's back, his eyes filled with resentment.

  A mortal alchemist took the Golden Yanniao away from Li Yuan's position, and another mortal alchemist met Li Yuan at the stairs and headed to the entrance together.

  The alchemist took Li Yuan to the entrance and chatted with the guard.

  Li Yuanze went to the trading floor to look for Li Yunqing and Guan Tian. With Guan Tian there, he didn't have to worry about Li Yunqing's safety.

  As soon as he arrived in the hall, Guan Tian stepped forward and asked eagerly: "How is it? Have you got the True Level Alchemist Badge?" "No

  , it is estimated that it will take about two hours. There are other people taking the assessment. Everyone needs to finish the assessment. , to get it, you can go in with me and wait." Li Yuan spread his hands and said helplessly.

  Hearing this, Guan Tian could only follow Li Yuan and Li Yunqing, led by the mortal alchemist, into the alchemist assessment hall.

  At the entrance of the assessment hall, I met Ao Jiang who was charging out angrily.

  Ao Jiang said fiercely to Li Yuan: "Boy, you will feel better soon."

  After saying that, his narrow eyes glanced at Li Yunqing and rushed out.

  "Who is this person?" Li Yunqing felt a little confused and asked.

  Li Yuan sneered and said, "It's okay, he's an insignificant person. However, I don't like his eyes, and I will take them off soon." "

  What?" Li Yunqing was startled and asked.

  Li Yuan did not answer and continued to follow the alchemist toward the hall.

  After a while, I came to the rest area and sat down.

  "Are they also assessing true level alchemists?" Li Yunqing glanced around the hall and turned his eyes to Han Zishu and Liu Su, who were refining elixirs.

  Li Yuan nodded, and then introduced some of the assessment procedures to Li Yunqing and Guan Tian, ​​just to pass the time.

  Li Yunqing also mentioned that he saw Ma family children outside the hall before, but Li Yuan didn't realize anything about it.

  Although the Ma family is sending more and more people now, he and Li Yunqing can handle them as long as they are not Yuan Dan realm experts.


  As night falls, the bright moonlight casts a thin veil over Qingzhai City.

  The five long incense sticks in the incense vessel in the Alchemist Assessment Hall have all been burned out.

  The big bell above rang, and Li Yuan stood up and prepared to go to the center of the hall.

  Li Yunqing grabbed him and helped him tidy up his clothes before letting him go down.

  Guan Tian on the side smiled faintly.

  Han Xuyang and Ren Yanchen came to Han Zishu's desk and began to inspect the refined elixirs.

  After a while, Han Xuyang shook his head and said: "Han Zishu, two golden elixirs, two formed waste elixirs, failed the test."

  Han Zishu just tried this time and didn't want to pass. After all, she didn't pass the test of ordinary alchemist. Years ago, it was not easy to refine the waste elixir into shape.

  Then there is Ao Jiang's table behind Han Zishu. Of course, Ao Jiang is no longer here. Although there is no result, it still needs to be read out.

  "Ao Jiang, Jin Li Dan, the medicine has not yet taken shape and has not passed the test."

  Han Xuyang and Ren Yanchen retreated, bypassing the pool, and came to Liu Su's location.

  "Liu Su, water-condensed elixir, elixir formed, one elixir with one pattern, one useless elixir formed, failed the assessment."

  Although he just barely passed, he still did not meet the conditions. Liu Su knew the result, but still stood The process is completed here.

  The last one was naturally Li Yuan. Although Han Xuyang and Ren Yanchen were mentally prepared, they were still shocked by the result.

  They picked up the Qi Blood Pill and observed it carefully. Their eyes were wide open, for fear of missing the details, and they exclaimed in unison: "Three-mark quality..."

  Li Yuanqian laughed twice, touched the back of his head, and asked: "You two See the president, can you announce the result?"

  The two came to their senses. After all, they were not completely sure that they could refine the three lines of Qi and Blood Pills.

  Han Xuyang took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and announced very formally: "Li Yuan, Qi and Blood Pill, the pill has taken shape, and two of the three quality pills have passed the assessment."

  Han Zishu thought that his heart would not be affected, but I still felt a little uncomfortable, my head drooped, very depressed.

  Li Yuan was a few years younger than her and was indeed a bit shocked.

  Ren Yanchen gave Li Yuan an alchemist's robe, and Han Xuyang personally put on a true-level alchemist badge for him. On the badge in the shape of a furnace, two fire patterns shone.

  At this moment, Li Yunqing and Guan Tian came to the center of the hall. The two presidents' eyes fell on Li Yunqing and they were startled.

  Li Yuan's cultivation in the late stage of the Taxu Realm was shocking enough. Unexpectedly, Li Yunqing and Li Yuan were the same age, and his cultivation reached the perfection of the Taxu Realm.

  When they broke through to the Void Realm and reached perfection, they were already over sixty, how could they not be shocked?

  Li Yunqing was actually forty years ahead of them.

  Han Xuyang touched his beard and asked with a smile: "Li Yuan, who are these two?"

  "This is my wife, Li Yunqing." Li Yuan pointed at Li Yunqing and looked at Guan Tian, ​​"This is..."

  Li Yuangang Halfway through the introduction, he was interrupted by Guan Tian, ​​who handed over his hands and said: "I am just a servant of Mr. Yuan. Everyone calls me Mr. Guan. If you two think highly of me as an old man, you can also call me Mr. Guan. "

  Guan Tian is younger than these two presidents. Due to years of injuries, he looks much older than them.

  The two presidents could not detect the fluctuations in Yuan Power around Guan Tian, ​​and felt that he was just an ordinary person who could not cultivate Yuan.

  Hearing this, both Li Yuan and Li Yunqing were slightly startled. It seems that Guan Tian doesn't want people to know his identity yet.

  After all, he was very famous back then, and with the experience of the two presidents, they must have heard of his name.

  The old man in front of him was so old that it was impossible to associate him with the former God of War.

  Han Zishu and Liu Su, who were standing behind the two presidents, were slightly stunned when they heard Li Yuan's introduction.

  At the same time, a question mark arose, marrying a wife at such a young age.

  But they felt that Li Yuan's lovely wife was a perfect match for Li Yuan.

  Han Zishu and Liu Su looked at the woman next to Li Yuan carefully. She was dressed in a green dress, with skin like snow, pretty and petite cheeks, beautiful eyes that were clear and charming, a pretty nose, and red lips and white teeth.

  A head of black hair hangs naturally on the weak shoulders, the slender white neck is as elegant and moving as a swan, and the graceful figure is exquisite.

  Liu Su nudged Han Zishu with her elbow and asked softly: "How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world? Even Zhai Yuehua, who is known as the most beautiful woman in Qingzhai City, would be eclipsed in front of her." I do have a good eye, but...hey..."

  (End of this chapter)

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