Chapter 9 Winter is Coming

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  Chapter 9 Winter is coming.
  Something new happened in Antolia recently, causing an uproar in this small city.

  It is said that the newly arrived Viscount didn't know if he made himself stupid when he was learning magic in Parma City, so he actually summoned a group of peasant women in the territory to weave trees.

  Not to mention in Antoria, even in the entire Kingdom of Andal and even the entire continent, this kind of behavior is quite explosive.

  At first, people didn't quite believe such outrageous rumors.

  But just a few days later, a textile workshop was erected close to the lord's castle, and people even kept using carriages to transport the newly cut moon mushroom trees in bundles.

  Now, the originally outrageous rumors were instantly confirmed.

  Winter in this world is inherently boring and boring. It is impossible to farm, and it is difficult to hunt. If you stay at home, you will feel hungry from time to time. Rumors of curiosity instantly arouse the gossip among the people in the territory.

  So much so that every day during the day, a large group of local residents would gather around the textile workshop and look inside curiously.

  Whenever the female textile workers complete their work, the door of the workshop becomes even more lively.

  Many residents looked at the workers coming in and out with pity.

  It's too awful!
  It’s so miserable!

  Food is already scarce in winter, and now it is really miserable to have to expend energy and spend time accompanying the lord to go crazy and weave trees for the lord.

  The grand gathering of spectators lasted for three days.

  Until Mrs. Mitchell, who was "unfortunate" to become a textile worker, under the eyes of everyone, she took out an Andal silver coin in the bakery in the north of the city and bought a piece of silver that the common people did not even think about. White bread if you dare.

  Most of the neighbors knew about Mrs. Mitchell's condition.

  It is common for one person to take care of three children and skip one meal at a time. How can he afford such expensive food?

  Now, the answer is clear.

  Regardless of whether the Moon Mushroom Tree can weave or not, the citizens are willing to accompany the noble master to go crazy just because of the payment of money!

  And just as the new loom was launched, the workshop was short of manpower.

  Aaron simply followed his master's order and posted a notice from outside the castle.


  good at textiles.


  forty Andal silver coins per month!

  The originally peaceful town suddenly exploded.

  A piece of news titled "A noble master who is a mage is omnipotent and can turn trees into gorgeous fabrics" was instantly trending in the small town.

  Still a front page headline!

  Not to mention anything else, this can be regarded as the highest paying profession in Antolia besides being a mercenary!

  This alone is enough to make the citizens talk a lot.

  And Leon actually has no idea of ​​keeping the news of Moon Velvet secret. When Aaron goes out to sell it, not to mention Antolia, the entire Andal Kingdom will know that Antolia owns the Moon Velvet. New specialty.

  But what if you know?
  The Moon Mushroom Forest is only found in Antolia.

  Is there anyone willing to challenge the famous Antorian mercenaries for their bravery?
  Just like that,
  half a month passed in a blink of an eye amidst the noise in the Thorn Territory.

  Standing in front of the city gate, the motorcade loaded with moonlight velvet was ready.

  During this time, the slender and light silk threads were transformed into pieces of gorgeous satin under the operation of the machine and the diligence of the female workers.

  They are light and supple, delicate and noble, and with just a glance, you can seem to see traces of money.

  "Don't worry, Lord Viscount, there will be no mistakes this time! The things you told me will be done well!" Aaron promised confidently.

  Leon patted the old housekeeper on the shoulder and didn't say anything more. He just warned calmly: "Pay attention to safety!" The

  convoy drifted away in the cold wind and gradually disappeared from Leon's sight.

  Looking back,
  Mrs. Mitchell was standing behind Leon nervously.

  "You have done well these days!"

  Leon affirmed Mrs. Mitchell's hard work these days, encouraged and praised all the female textile workers, and gave important opinions on the development of the textile workshop.

  "This... this is nothing. The master has given me so much money, so of course I have to work hard."

  Mrs. Mitchell looked a little nervous.

  Leon smiled and said: "Since you have done well during this period, I guess you don't mind continuing to work. From now on, I will leave the textile workshop to you to manage." "

  Ah? I, I..."

  Mrs. Mitchell He was shocked and never thought that he would be entrusted with such an important task by the young Viscount.

  "I believe you can manage it well."

  Of course Leon would not make random appointments.

  As early as a few days ago, he asked Aaron to conduct a very simple back-examination of everyone in the textile workshop.

  And Mrs. Mitchell fit all the requirements perfectly.

  A native of Antolia, with simple and clear interpersonal relationships, a hard-working and willing work attitude, and concern for raising multiple children, her husband even died in battle for Antolia.

  No matter how you look at it, Mrs. Mitchell is the obvious choice.

  "I am willing to serve you, my lord."

  After a brief trance, Mrs. Mitchell responded quickly.


  Antolia's first heavy snowfall since winter finally arrived on the second day after Aaron left.

  As soon as he opened the window,

  goose-feather snowflakes slapped Leon's cheeks in the cold wind.

  Looking around, the entire city is covered in white snow, and the outside of the city has already become a vast white world.

  But when he walked back to the room with brisk steps, Leon's mood suddenly brightened when he saw the mess on the floor that he had made.

  The manufacturing of the staffs of the ancestors focused on the inconsistency between book knowledge and actual operation.

  Although from the book, it was easy to make a staff using the antlers of elk and goose, but when the viscount's guards actually brought the antlers of elk and goose, Leon felt a little unable to start.

  It's not that Sherman can't help, mainly because according to the archives, the staff made by hand will resonate with him and create a strange connection.

  Therefore, as a noble master, Leon finally chose to take action himself.

  Leon spent two days just trimming and polishing the antlers of the elk and goose. Although it still didn't look good, at least it no longer affected its use.

  The structure of the staff can be roughly divided into two parts: the staff body and the handle. In Leon's plan, he will use the antlers of elk and goose as the material of the staff body to ensure that the magic energy can be transmitted stably.

  As for the handle, it is made of black pine wood from the suburbs of Thornland City, which is comfortable to hold.

  And with the coming of winter, Leon's staff production process finally came to the final step.

  The staffs of the ancestors were not formed in one piece.

  There is a small opening at the upper end of the handle, and the stick body, which I polished with elk and goose antlers, needs to be inserted into the opening.

  According to the practice of the ancestors, before inserting the wand body, a special material that can interact with magic power needs to be placed at the bottom of the handle opening.

  As for what to put... To be honest, Leon was confused about this.

  There are a few chestnuts in the collection of books in the archives, such as dragon essence and blood, phoenix tail feathers, moon elf tears...

  But none of them are what Leon can get now.


  when Leon's eyes turned to the scientific instruments aside,

  a slightly strange idea began to gradually emerge in Leon's mind...

  (End of this chapter)

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