Chapter 7 Moon Velvet and Escudo

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  Chapter 7 Moon Velvet and Escudo
  Mrs. Mitchell raised three children alone.

  Her husband, a mercenary born in Antolia, a strong man who had hoped to become the Viscount's bodyguard, died on the battlefield of the Second Reconquista of the Kingdom of Andal.

  From then on, her life changed dramatically.

  Although the mercenary's reward was extremely generous, after the man's death, the family's life suddenly became extremely difficult.

  Fortunately, Mrs. Mitchell, who raised three children, was a good childbearing woman. According to the rules set by the old Viscount, women who raised more than three children could receive relief.

  This allowed Mrs. Mitchell to breathe a little easier, and with the addition of doing some needlework and picking some wild fruits from the forest outside the city, she was able to survive.


  perhaps after the death of the old Viscount, or perhaps after the arrival of the new lord, Mrs. Mitchell's life gradually changed.

  Forty Andal silver coins per month, this is the compensation offered by the old housekeeper Aaron to Mrs. Mitchell.

  Mrs. Mitchell didn't know what a weaver was, but she knew what an Andale was!
  A total of forty Andal silver coins,

  which is already a reasonably high income among the common people of Antolia!
  Mrs. Mitchell, who was living in embarrassment, naturally happily accepted this condition and became one of the first female textile workers in Antolia.

  In the next few days, she saw a scene that made her doubt the world.

  She thought she was here to weave, but she didn't expect that she had to soak trees first.

  Under the command of a young man, the female workers immersed the moon mushrooms that had been peeled to only the stipes into the steaming boiling water.

  After only one day, these moon mushrooms, which were neither edible nor of any other value in the eyes of the Antolians, were soaked in hot water and scattered into countless crystal clear and slender threads.


  Mrs. Mitchell could have sworn that she had never seen such thin and light threads before!

  They are so thin and light that you have to rub many threads together to carefully see them clearly.

  The dwarf Sherman used his superb skills to build machines for the female workers that they had never seen before.

  With the rotation of wooden rollers and a series of other exquisite and dazzling structures, countless light threads gradually merge into slender threads.

  Under the moonlight, these threads even emit a faint and soft light.

  It was only at this moment that

  Mrs. Mitchell heard about the identity of the young man who directed them to weave from the chats of others.

  Viscount Antolia, Leon Jimena!


  Only a knowledgeable noble lord can think of such a wonderful method and explore such magical functions on those moon mushrooms that have been abandoned like worn-out shoes.

  "You are indispensable!"

  "Without your machine, there would be no silk and satin in front of us!"

  Leon praised sincerely as he looked at the first piece of moonlight velvet satin that was woven in front of him.

  "Sherman is extremely happy to be able to work for the Viscount! But this is all the credit of the Viscount. Sherman's drawings all come from the Viscount!" The

  dwarf touched his tall nose and looked a little shy:
  "Viscount If you have anything else to make, you can leave it to Sherman! Every dwarf is a born craftsman!"

  Leon smiled and nodded:

  "Don't worry! Your task now is to make more looms. The more of these things, the richer the territory’s finances will be. Once there is money, the craftsmen in the territory will be too busy to eat.” …


  news that the first moonlight velvet quilt was weaved soon spread to Asia. In Lun's ears.

  When the old housekeeper hurried in from outside the city, a silky and supple satin had been placed on the long oak table in the castle hall.

  And Leon has been waiting for his arrival.

  "Is this...moonlight velvet?"

  Butler Aaron couldn't help but gasped at the shadow monster.


  Leon did not hide the excitement on his face.

  Aaron reached out his hand and gently stroked the unrealistically delicate silk in front of him.

  His fingertips traced the surface of the satin. It was silky and soft that he had never felt before. Any kind of fabric would pale in comparison.

  In this era, even the nobles who rule a party usually wear clothes made of fine linen or precious furs. Have you ever seen such delicate and gorgeous fabrics?

  "If there is enough time in the future, female workers can even sew patterns of different colors with needles and threads, and sew the family emblems of the nobles and the legends spoken by the bards on them!" Leon added.


  Aaron couldn't help but clapped his hands and said: "From now on, Antolia's specialties are no longer just tough mercenaries, but also the gorgeous moonlight velvet fabrics in front of you!" For a moment,

  he seemed to see Countless golden Escudos were waving to him.


  Aaron changed the subject: "Now there is less than half a month before the cold winter comes. How many pieces of such silk can the territory produce? Has the Viscount ever thought about the market for these fabrics?" Aaron

  Aaron The concerns are actually not unreasonable.

  It was already winter, and although the severe cold had not yet arrived, according to past experience, Leon was left with less than a month.

  If you deduct the time spent traveling back and forth, you will only have half a month left.

  "I have ordered Sherman to go all out to build a loom. In half a month, it can probably produce more than a hundred pieces of silk satin made of moon velvet." "As for

  sales...if Uncle Aaron takes action, it will not be a problem." Leon smiled.

  Hearing this,

  Aaron said in a deep voice:

  "This item is extremely important to the territory. Since the Viscount has an order, I dare not shirk it." "If it

  can be transported to the royal city, the price will definitely be the highest, but now that the cold winter is approaching, I will not be able to shirk it when I return. If you want to use the gold coins to buy food, you are pressed for time. I am afraid that the furthest you can go is Parma City." "

  It doesn't matter, moonlight velvet is not a one-time deal. It would be good if we can open up sales in Parma City. If there is a chance, we can First try to sign a long-term supply agreement with the Bravis family."

  "Long-term supply agreement?"

  "Just let the Braves family pay a deposit, and then we will deliver goods regularly. If the price is right, we can even sell it. Part of the profit!"


  Butler Aaron frowned, looking puzzled.

  "After all, the Viscounty of Antolia is nominally loyal to the Duke of Galicia. Since it plans to lure several similar nobles in the north into trouble when facing the plateau hounds, it must have a good relationship with its own lord, right?"

  Leon explained with a smile.

  Although Aaron is shrewd and capable and good at management, the straightforward character of the Antolians is ingrained in his bones.

  If it weren't for Leon's special suggestion,

  he would never have thought of using the profits of moonlight velvet to win over his lord.

  And this

  also made Leon feel more and more the lack of talents in the territory.

  Remote Antolia has never lacked tough warriors. What it lacks most is loyal and astute managers and businessmen.

  (End of chapter)

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