Chapter 5 is good! The technology tree is gradually starting to become crooked!

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  Chapter 5 is good! The technology tree is gradually starting to become crooked!
  When people feel hungry, they are usually very hungry.

  So, after Leon stared at the papyrus in his hand for a long time, he finally made the decision to go cook first.

  Even in remote Antolia, the food of the nobles is much better than that of the poor commoners.

  Chargrilled beef ribs served with freshly picked juicy berries and served on white bread made with fine wheat flour.

  Although it has been a long time, the chef of the castle still clearly remembers Leon's eating habits and specially roasts the tender beef bones until they are fully cooked.

  Sherman, the dwarf sitting opposite Leon, seemed a little flattered.

  "Sherman is truly honored to have dinner with the Viscount." The dwarf lifted the hood on his head, revealing a shiny and smooth head.

  "I will always remember you, Sherman. My father once told me that you are the best craftsman in the territory."

  Leon cut off a large piece of beef and put it into his mouth, not shying away from his praise.

  Hearing this,

  Sherman couldn't help but look shocked, and then he seemed to have opened up the long-lost conversation:
  "Oh, thank you to the God of Forging for your blessing!"

  "The Viscount is right! Sherman is the best craftsman! "

  But poor Sherman has not built better equipment in these years. Sherman also wants to serve the Jimena family, but the God of Forging no longer gives Sherman new inspiration..."

  " Damn it! Sherman knows that the Viscount values ​​Sherman, but Sherman..."

  In this world,

  the dwarves who believe in the God of Forging have two well-known distinctive characteristics.

  One is their proud forging skills, and the other is their talkative nature.

  Seeing Sherman's mood swinging between pride and panic and depression, and the topic gradually starting to deviate, Leon had to interrupt the dwarf in front of him from talking to himself:

  "I want to give you a task!"

  "Ah! Mission?!"

  Sherman was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

  In his mind,

  the last such formal task he received from the Jimena family was more than twenty years ago, when he was ordered to supervise the construction of the Thornland Castle in front of him.

  "Sherman can definitely do it! No matter what it is!"

  "Sherman will not let the Viscount down!"

  At this moment, the dwarf, who had been silent for many years, suddenly jumped up from his chair, with a kind of look in his eyes. His determination was completely inconsistent with his dancing appearance.

  Immediately afterwards...

  Sherman saw a tall and thick Viscount guard, shyly hugging a humiliated moon mushroom tree, and slowly walked into the hall.

  Most of the originally complete cap has been cut off, and there are still many traces of being chopped with daggers on the smooth stem.

  For a moment, the dwarf's face was filled with confusion.

  Leon didn't bother to say anything more, so he waved and handed over a piece of brown paper that he had already copied.

  There is a novel-looking machine painted on it, and the structure and use of this machine are intimately introduced in text.

  "Moonlight Velvet?"

  "Yes, Moonlight Velvet." Leon nodded.

  "When I was studying in Parma over the years, I heard about this magical creature in the songs of troubadours. It was said that it was once called the golden fleece growing on the trees." "So..." the


  said His eyes looked at the moon mushroom tree on the side.

  "Although I don't know whether the song refers to the plant in front of me, but only if you make the machine in the picture, can I verify my conjecture." "You know, in these years,

  Antolia The reason why there is no large-scale construction, no machinery and ordnance, in the final analysis is due to lack of money." Leon said meaningfully.

  Hearing this,

  Sherman became more and more excited.

  Yes, yes!

  As long as the Viscount has money, then Antolia has money, and if Antolia has money, it is equivalent to himself having money.

  In this way, wouldn't it be that those wild and fantastic ideas in my head... are

  closed in the loop of thought!
  "Don't worry, Lord Viscount!
  "Give me three days, the machine in this sketch will be easy for the strong Sherman! "


  Leon never doubted the skills of the dwarves, let alone the loyalty of the retainers.

  Since Sherman said it was three days, it would definitely not be four days.


  after explaining the sketch, Leon The old butler Aaron was called immediately. After

  returning to the territory after several years, Leon could not be said to be completely clear about many affairs in the territory, but in general it could be said that he was completely unfamiliar with it.

  And Aaron Obviously, he had already prepared for this. When he heard that the young Viscount wanted to understand the current situation of the territory with him, he cooperated extremely actively.

  "There is only one city in the Territory of Thorns in the entire Antolia region. Almost all people living under the rule of the Viscount The total population of the entire territory, including the guards, attendants and retainers loyal to the viscount, is only about 3,000. "

  Leon nodded repeatedly while listening.

  The Viscount of Antolia is located on the southeastern border of the kingdom, and it borders the land abandoned by the gods. It is already quite good to have such a number.

  Aaron is afraid that his Viscount Your Excellency is used to seeing large cities where hundreds of thousands of people gather at every turn, and he looks down upon the Viscount Territory, which only has more than 3,000 people. Seeing the Viscount

  Lord nodding, he felt relieved in his heart.

  "How many people are good at weaving in the territory now? Peasant woman? "

  Huh? " "

  No matter how familiar Aaron is with the territory, he was at a loss for words for a moment.

  Let alone in the chaotic Antolia, even in the hinterland of the Andal Kingdom, there have never been similar statistics.

  But Leon here The focus at that time was obviously not on population statistics, so he said simply and neatly: "Gather twenty people who are good at weaving. If there are not enough people, let the viscount guards take over. "

  As you wish. " "

  Although he had doubts, Aaron agreed immediately.

  Three-legged toads are hard to find, and there are many women who can weave.

  In other words,

  even if a lucky peasant woman is randomly selected from the territory, it will He must be someone who can weave.

  Although Sherman's loom will not be put into use for three days, it is only the final process.

  Before the official weaving, silk reeling, silk training and other steps must be completed, which is as cumbersome as silk weaving in ancient times.

  But the difference is that

  the raw materials of the Antolian people are no longer those naive young silkworms, but the moon mushroom forests distributed throughout the entire Antolian region.

  And this also gave Leon a strange feeling.

  The technology tree of this world seems to be a little crooked from this moment on.

  (End of chapter)

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