204. Chapter 203 The south bank of the Meyerson River welcomes a new version that has never been seen before

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  Chapter 203 The south bank of the Meyerson River ushered in a new version of the letter from the king that   had never been seen before , giving Leon a brand new title - Supreme Commander of the Southern Front Army of the Kingdom of Andal.

  There is no doubt that this was the response given by Wilbert I in the face of the attacking Antolians and Leon's great military exploits on this land.

  Unexpected, but also reasonable.

  The good thing is that Wilbert I has clearly recognized in the letter the rule of Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, over the area south of the Meyerson River, ensuring the interests of the Jimena family in this land.

  The disadvantage is that Leon's original plan to stop moving forward after capturing the south bank of the Meyerson River may be broken by this.

  There is no way, even Leon himself did not expect that the nobles of the kingdom would be so good.

  Even though the western nobles did not suffer much damage in the kingdom's civil war, their original plan to send troops to Norman was forced to turn into the current defense war in the western part of the kingdom.

  This is somewhat outrageous.

  Looking around, on the battlefield of the entire Principality of Norton, only the Antolian army's offensive in the southern part of the Principality of Norton was unstoppable and achieved considerable results.

  This also caused the light of the Antolian army to appear particularly dazzling among the armies.

  Thanks to the fact that Wilbert I did not like micro-management and did not directly ask Leon to go north to defend the enemy in the letter, this gave Leon a lot of room for maneuver.

  According to the order of King Wilbert I of Andal, His Majesty the King hopes that Leon can cooperate with the Kingdom of Idrit's operations in the southwest of the Principality of Norton. On the one hand, it will alleviate the military pressure currently faced by the Kingdom of Andal, and on the other hand, it will also help to improve the situation. Boost the international reputation of the Kingdom of Andal and win more say in the establishment of a new post-war order.

  "At least His Majesty the King didn't let us attack directly to the west of the kingdom and then join forces with the coalition of western nobles."

  Andrew took the letter from Leon and said with a hint of luck after briefly scanning it.

  "The Kingdom of Iderit..."

  "Andrew, has there been any news from the Kingdom of Iderit recently?"

  The reason why Wilbert I issued such an order to him must have something to do with the Kingdom of Iderit. Open a relationship.

  According to his dear Majesty the King, now, the coalition forces from the eastern countries and the expeditionary force from the Kingdom of Polysia have finally arrived at the western border of the Kingdom of Andal after such a long journey.


  the final direction of the war in the Principality of Norton has actually reached a moment that is about to be revealed.

  Due to its geographical location, although the Kingdom of Andal received military support from other countries, the Kingdom of Idrit could only rely on itself.

  Therefore, there is nothing wrong with letting Leon assist the Kingdom of Idrit at this time.

  After all...Antoria's army can fight. This has at least reached a consensus at the Royal Council of the Kingdom of Andal.

  And in the wording and sentences in this letter, Leon also read a somewhat tangled meaning.

  Wilbert I not only hoped that the Kingdom of Idrit could make progress with the assistance of Leon and hold back part of the military strength of the Kingdom of Walras, but he also did not want the Kingdom of Idrit to gain more than the Kingdom of Andal in this war. interests, and did not want the Antolian army to work on the south bank of the Meyerson River after achieving the results.

  It’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s still necessary…

  It’s quite contradictory anyway.

  "There is actually not much news coming from the Kingdom of Idrit, and most of it is heard from the refugees who were captured by the survivors of the restoration of the country." Faced with Leon's question, Andrew answered

  truthfully Said:
  "However, after our several verifications and screenings, we have probably got some useful information." "

  This time when we march into the Principality of Norton, the supreme commander of the army of the Kingdom of Idrit is the second prince Mendez Francis. , because after entering the Principality of Norton, the 30,000 troops under his command had several encounters with the cavalry of the Kingdom of Walras, so they have been moving south." "The second prince of the Kingdom of Idris was halfway

  through A few months ago, they gathered up the defeated troops and occupied the Yichuan Valley, located 70 kilometers north of the Meyerson River, as a foothold to confront the southward army of the Kingdom of Walras." "Mendez Francis?" Hearing


  , , Leon couldn't help thinking about this name in his memory.


  Andrew replied in a deep voice: "There are four sons and two daughters in the Kingdom of Iderit. Among them, the second prince Mendes is quite talented, so he was appointed as the commander of the Iderit army in this battle."

  " Is the Marquis planning to send troops to the north?"

  Leon couldn't help but shook his head:

  "We are not the ones who are anxious now. The interests of the Jimena family have been obtained, and the others should be anxious." "

  And according to His Majesty the King's letter , According to the statement, the envoy from the Kingdom of Iderit should be arriving soon. It is not too late to meet the envoy from the Kingdom of Iderit first and then make plans." After all...


  has gathered a lot of information in these days. The amount of letter paper that arrived was not that small.

  At present is a letter from King Wilbert I, and presumably letters from Military Minister Yubel Haring and his "ally", Finance Minister Count Brabant, will also follow.

  Even if there is a high probability of sending troops northward, we must first understand the current situation from various news channels before we can make the right decision.

  Compared to fighting and killing, Leon prefers quiet time.

  For example, what he wants to do most now is to bring warmth to the people living on this land!


  Leon is a benevolent lord.

  This is not what he calls himself, but the consensus of all Antolians.

  Therefore, in Leon's mind, these refugees who have just experienced the devastation of the war are undoubtedly the ones who need the most care.

  However, the people living on the south bank of the Meyerson River obviously did not know this.

  In their eyes, even if the nobleman known as the Marquis of Antolia rescued them from the hands of the survivors of the restoration of the country, the exploitation and oppression they were familiar with would soon come.

  However, I am afraid of comparison in everything.

  Because the survivors of the restoration of the country were too impersonal, their exploitation of the nobles had even created some nostalgia and longing.

  Compared with the tragic death of the whole family and reincarnation, being miserable is the best thing.

  It is precisely because of this that Leon's decrees can be said to be extremely smooth.

  If people are asked to cut down trees, then cut down trees; if people are asked to build houses, then build houses; if people are asked to grow food, then go and plant food. The people were extremely obedient.

  Until Antolia officials led a trembling family to a newly built house and announced that this family would become the owner of the house...

  The faces of the residents suddenly showed unconcealable panic.

  He is really scared!
  The nobles have always been sitting on the heads of the common people, and no nobles have ever built houses for the people.

  He didn't dare to stay, and he didn't dare not to stay.

  Because the Antolian soldiers on the side had already driven them into the house in front of them with their weapons.

  Even under the blades of Antolian soldiers, the residents who were forced into their houses often ran to the open space outside their houses to sleep in the middle of the night.

  No way, who knows if this will be a new method of exploiting the people in the territory?
  It wasn't until more and more territorial residents were "forced" to obtain housing that they moved in with fear.

  However, nothing happened.

  No Antorian soldiers came to collect any "housing tax" from them, and no one came to ask for various taxes from them.

  The officials loyal to the Jimena family did not seem to have a dark heart. They really just carried out the various orders issued by the Marquis.

  This undoubtedly caused an unreal feeling to emerge in the hearts of the citizens.


  the south bank of the Meyerson River really has ushered in a new version that has never been seen before?

  It is also in this confusion again and again.

  Brand-new houses appeared outside the city walls of Idar Port, and the farmland that had been abandoned due to the war was once again covered with a bright green color.

  Under Leon's order, the entire south bank of the Meyerson River implemented a work-point system.

  Whether it is the residents responsible for building houses or the peasants responsible for farming, they can exchange for daily rations according to the work points they have accumulated.

  Although more than half of the grain reserves accumulated by the Duke of Navarre were from previous years, they were still able to survive this difficult time.

  The bellies of the subjects have never been very valuable, and their requirements have always been very low. Being able to fill their bellies is enough to satisfy them. Who cares about old food or new food?

  All in all, everything is moving in a good direction.

  In a very short period of time, the people living on this land smoothly accepted the rule of the Jimena family and the version update that happened on this land.

  As for Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, it was no surprise that he once again received the nickname "Mercy".

  Even though the pain caused by the remnants of the restoration of the country still exists, the residents have already seen hope for the future.

  At the same time, Bello also fully listened to Leon’s previous opinions.

  Not only was a road connecting the southwest highlands and Port Idar already in the planning stage, he even proposed a plan to build the first branch of the Grum slime factory in Port Idar, which was quickly approved by Leon.

  Post-war reconstruction work was carried out in an orderly manner.

  It can be said that everything that happened on this land made Leon feel quite happy.

  Because everything before us undoubtedly proves that the Antolians can not only fight, but also govern!
  At the same time, it was just as Leon expected.

  Count Feilden, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Idrit, is now on his way on horseback.

  Regarding the Andal Kingdom's army that suddenly appeared in the south of the Principality of Norton, Earl Felden actually had a rather complicated mood.

  Surprise is bound to happen.

  After all, in everyone's impression, even if the Kingdom of Andal sends troops, its troops should appear in the northeast of the Principality of Norton.

  However, the army under the Andal noble Leon Jimena, Marquis of Antolia, suddenly appeared on the south bank of the Meyerson River, and completely eliminated the important participant in the war in the Principality of Norton, the relic of the country!

  At least as far as the current situation is concerned, this is undoubtedly a great benefit!

  This not only avoided the risk of the Idrit Kingdom's army being attacked from both sides by Walras' cavalry and the remnants of the restoration of the country, but also allowed him to finally see the hope of victory.

  As for the Meyerson River, which has actually become the territory of the Kingdom of Andal...

  Count Felden does not care about this.

  Anyway, no matter how this war develops, the land on the south bank of the Meyerson River will definitely not fall into its own hands. What does it matter if it is occupied by the Antolians?
  What he is most concerned about right now is actually the attitude of the Marquis of Antolia towards the Kingdom of Idrit!

  Even though King Idrit had issued several mobilization orders before and provided enough new forces for the troops far away on the front line, he still lacked confidence in wanting to confront the cavalry of the Kingdom of Walras head-on.

  Therefore, if you can get one more helper, get one more helper!
  And in the eyes of Earl Felden, the Marquis from the Andal Kingdom must be a military wizard!
  How could a mediocre person accomplish the feat of climbing over the southeastern mountains of the Principality of Norton and reaching the south bank of the Meyerson River? !

  What's more, before Count Feilden set out, the information about the Marquis was already familiar to Count Feilden.

  The young nobleman, who was only in his twenties, not only shone brightly in the previous civil war of the Andal Kingdom, but also led the nobles of the southern Andal to clear the siege of the capital of Andal, and was defeated by Wilbert I. Call it a model of nobility and a model of loyal ministers!
  With the help of the Antolians, the current predicament of the Idrit army may be improved!
  It was with these thoughts in mind that Earl Felden crossed the Meyerson River and set foot on the land on the south bank of the river.

  Not far away, the double-headed eagle flag of the Jimena family fluttered above the walls of Port Idar.

  The damaged city wall seems to bear witness to the fierce battle that took place here, marking the disastrous exit of the remnants of the restoration of the country.

  At this time, order had obviously been restored in Port Idar.

  Outside the town, a series of simple new houses are being built in the hands of the residents. There are also a large number of farmers cultivating the fields on the farmland outside the city.


  everything in front of him made Count Felden feel a little bad.

  Because in the land in front of him, he could not see any intention of the Antolians to march north. It seemed that they were satisfied by occupying the territory on the south bank.

  The bridge they just passed was also heavily guarded, and a large number of newly built fortifications all confirmed Count Felden's suspicions.

  If the Antolians don't plan to go north... then what should I do?

  At this moment, Count Felden couldn't help but frowned.

   Currently in the recovery period, the update time in the evening is not stable. I hope everyone can forgive me. I will adjust the situation as soon as possible
  (end of this chapter)

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