111. Chapter 111 Beat up our teammates!

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  Chapter 111 Beat up our teammates!

  When he saw that the energetic Confederate Allied Forces finally arrived, Helson's face suddenly showed a trace of obvious joy.

  After all...

  in order to achieve the effect of the sneak attack, although the Duke's first seven days had passed long ago, at Leon's request, the Southern Allied Forces still used the banner of the Duke of Galicia.

  Even during this period of time, the exchange of letters between the Southern Allied Forces and the third prince Helson had not been interrupted, and they even continued to use the tone of the Duke of Galicia to inject confidence into Helson.

  Anyway, the higher Herson jumps, the greater his contribution will be. Leon really has no psychological burden at all.

  "Reinforcements are coming!"

  The arrival of the Southern Allied Forces allowed Herson, who had repeatedly failed to attack the city, to regain his confidence in ascending to the throne and recover from his original depression.

  It’s stable now!

  In his view, the Royal Capital at this time was like a broken house that might collapse at any moment. As long as enough people were kicked, it would not be out of reach to invade the Royal Capital.

  Therefore, although the flag of the Confederate Army had just appeared on the distant horizon, Herson immediately issued an order to attack the city with all its strength.

  For a moment, the trebuchet that had been silent for a long time outside the city once again lifted up huge rocks, drawing an arc in the sky and then heavily bombarding the city wall of the royal capital.

  Even the exhausted siege sergeants were deeply encouraged by this.

  Ladders, shield carts, battering rams...

  A large number of siege weapons were slowly approaching the city wall driven by the soldiers. The howling siege soldiers and the flag of the Bravis family appeared in the south of the royal capital. , which brought great psychological pressure to the soldiers defending the city.

  At the same time, when the news of the appearance of the Southern Allied Forces in the southern suburbs of the royal capital reached the palace, most of them, whether it was King Wilbert I or the many nobles and princes sitting in the royal council, looked pale.

  After several days of hard fighting, reinforcements did arrive.

  But what they were waiting for was Heerson's reinforcements!
  King Wilbert I's eyes swept across all the nobles present.

  The imperial meeting that originally had more than a dozen people was now attended by less than half. Even the nobles present looked at him with dodge in their eyes.

  King Wilbert I was very sure that when Helson's army entered the city, the nobles in front of him would definitely offer their supreme loyalty to the new king.

  He had never doubted this.

  Because although the nobles in front of them all looked pale, their words and body movements revealed their mentality at this time.

  As a noble, since Wilbert I was about to lose the throne, they only needed to switch to a new lord.

  They are nobles after all!
  The nobles are undoubtedly the most savvy group of people in this country and know how to safeguard their own interests.

  Whether it is Herson or Perel, the new king will eventually need the help of nobles to govern this huge kingdom. Therefore, no matter how many ups and downs they experience, they are still a noble and the ruler of the Kingdom of Andal. part of a class.

  Just like the Chancellor of the Seal in front of me, Sylva Byrne.

  Although the noble Duke has obeyed the wishes of Wilbert I since the outbreak of the rebellion, the branches and in-laws of the Byrne family are loyal to Duke Perel of Sorrowwind and the third prince Helson respectively.

  No matter who takes the throne in the end, no matter whether Sylva Byrne will be ignored by the new king, the blood of the Byrne family will eventually become the new king's humerus, allowing this family that has been passed down for many years to inherit and stand among the nobility of the Andal Kingdom. middle.

  However, the nobles had a way out, but Wilbert I had no way out.

  What's more, as the eldest son of Queen Mary, he has never been a person willing to admit defeat.

  So, at this moment, with the help of the waiter, the king who had never set foot on the battlefield put on the armor that was only taken out during athletic competitions, and paired it with the sword that symbolized the king's authority.

  Looking at the nobles present, he was reluctant to say anything.

  At this time, he would rather die fighting on the city wall than stay in this glorious and solemn palace, but full of shrewd calculations.

  The nobles stared blankly at the king's leaving figure. After a moment of silence, since the outbreak of the rebellion, the royal meeting without the king presided over became more lively than ever.

  Although the royal capital has not yet been breached, the nobles have already begun to calculate the distribution of benefits after the war and the price they need to pay in order to erase the consequences of being on the wrong team in front of the new king.

  On the city wall.

  When King Wilbert I, surrounded by a group of knights, stepped onto the towering and solid walls of the royal capital, the soldiers guarding the city were dying one after another.

  Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, King Wilbert I couldn't help but recall the shrewd nobles at the Royal Council again, and a wry smile appeared on his lips.

  This was the most violent attack launched by the siege army since the royal capital was besieged.

  Under the temptation of money and titles, the troops of the eastern nobles burst out with amazing fighting spirit.

  On the other hand, the defenders of the royal capital, even though they resisted desperately, the fierce battles for several days still left their physical strength almost exhausted and their morale on the verge of collapse.

  Wilbert I personally wielded the sword. With his strong armor and slightly unfamiliar swordsmanship, the king who had only been on the throne for only half a year personally made the enemies who rushed up the city wall pay the price of blood one after another.

  Stimulated by the smell of blood, Wilbert I stared angrily. At this moment, there were only endless enemies in front of him.

  The young king had his own persistence in his heart.

  I would rather die on the walls of the royal capital than sit in the palace. This is the motto that every member of the Lance family of the Andal royal family lives up to their lives.

  His legs and feet were sore, his wrists were stiff, and facing endless enemies, Wilbert I had already forgotten everything else.

  He only knew that this was a city that belonged to him, and this was his kingdom.

  Unless he is killed, no one can take away the throne that belongs to him.

  I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there were waves of exclamations and high-pitched shouts in the ears of Wilbert I. He raised his head blankly and saw that the Southern Allied Forces from afar were already approaching the city.

  It's just that...

  this powerful "rebel" did not launch an attack on Essex together with Helson. Instead, it was tearing apart the attacking enemy troops and heading straight towards Helson's main road. Go to camp.

  Are the Confederates beating up their teammates?

  While King Wilbert I was standing there in a daze, the flag symbolizing the Braves family of the Dukes of Galicia had already fallen in the formation of the Southern Allied Forces.

  A double-headed eagle flag with red background and yellow stripes is fluttering in the wind in the formation of the Confederate Allied Forces.


  (End of chapter)

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