Chapter 76: Light Speed ​​Pursuit【Please read】

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  Chapter 76: Light Speed ​​Pursuit [Please read]

  When she walked into the house.

  A bearded dwarf wearing a pair of swords asked enthusiastically.

  As he spoke, he nuzzled his lips towards the other person.

  It looks like it should be her companion.

  The female scout named Mehliban chuckled lightly, took off the bundle and handed it over.

  The dwarf placed the bundle on the table and opened it, revealing more than twenty alchemy test tubes containing magic tears.

  At this time, Howard Axl, who was wearing brocade clothes and had a sinister and wretched face, laughed loudly.

  Under the protection of four followers, he stood up, walked towards the wooden table, reached out and picked up a test tube of magic tears stained with coagulated plasma on the surface.

  Mehriban, the dwarf, and the four companions behind them did not stop, and even bowed slightly.

  The employment relationship between the parties is clear at a glance.

  "Not bad, not bad!"

  "You did a good job! Very good!"

  "Morr's Greenleaf Mercenary Team is well-deserved!"

  "Flash Scout Mehliban is well-deserved!"

  Harward was very satisfied and said "well-deserved" ".

  Then the guy snapped his fingers.

  Immediately, a servant came forward with a money box in his arms.

  He first put away the baggage, then took out forty gold coins from the cash box and placed them on the table.

  Everyone in the Moore Greenleaf hiring team raised their eyebrows silently.

  It seems that he is not satisfied with this payment.

  Because the total market price of these twenty-three magic tears alone on the table can reach more than twelve thousand kronor!
  However, the two parties had entered into a contract in advance, and the first stage of the task was to steal a certain item for Harward.

  Although it did not specify what the item was, it gave a detailed description of the environment and possible dangers.

  In line with the conditions for a two-way contract, they often accept this kind of entrustment, and it is common for them to steal more than the reward.

  If there was no contract, Moore Greenleaf could have chosen to keep it privately.

  But even so, there is still a sense of contrast in their hearts.

  The bearded dwarf at the head was smart, and he quickly swept the dark gold coins into the money bag.

  Then he rubbed his hands and said with an embarrassed expression.

  "Master Harward, do you think we should pay more?"

  "After all, these are magic tears."

  Hearing him say this, Harward Axl sneered.

  "Isn't this a good job?"

  "It doesn't require you to bleed or risk your lives." "

  So that only one person can solve the problem." "

  Don't think too much, help me get the second stage. Task, I will add this number to you!"

  Harward said and raised two fingers.

  The bearded dwarf looked at the mercenaries behind him together with Mehriban.

  Made some eye contact.

  He regained his flattering expression.

  "Don't worry."

  "It's too sensitive now to send out 'eyes.'" "

  We will send people to keep an eye on Ophelia in a few naloas later." "We

  will definitely find out what's going on for her by then. Who is the alchemist of the goods?"

  After receiving the promise, Harward nodded lightly.

  "After her goods are robbed, she will definitely be in a hurry to restock."

  "As long as you find the mysterious alchemist, no matter what method you use, bring him/her to me!"

  The corners of Harward's lips were trembling with pride. .

  He didn't expect that Ophelia still had so many magic tears in her hands.

  Much more than he imagined!
  He will secretly sell these magic tears through Mother's channels.

  Looking at the baggage carried by the servant behind him, he became even more eager to catch the alchemist who supplied the magic tears.

  The other party's secret resale of magic tears must have come from something shady.

  Nine times out of ten, those magic tears were stolen from the warehouse of the Royal Alchemy Association.

  No matter what, as long as the guy still has the goods in hand!
  With this thought in mind, Harward couldn't help but bend down and hug the dwarf's shoulders intimately, and started discussing in a whisper.


  "Here we are, right here!"

  Ophelia took the lead and pointed at the village sign with the three characters "Boltan" in Common Language.

  The efficiency of their actions can be described as "light speed".

  As the pseudo-night falls, there are not many people active inside and outside the village.

  There are sentries stationed only on the wooden wall towers at the edge of the village.

  The three of them rode into the village without being blocked, and soon found the Boltan Hotel located in the center of the village.

  This is the time when business is booming, and there is an endless stream of mercenaries or adventurers passing by to rest.

  The first floor here is a tavern, and the second and third floors are hotels.

  Chen Xuan and others had a clear goal, and after two rounds, they locked the location of the stable.

  When the three people walked into the stable with the cart, there was a lame hostler inside who was holding hay and putting it into the trough.

  "You three want to tie up the horses?"

  the guy asked subconsciously. When he raised his head and turned around to see the three people's mounts, he was stunned.

  Chen Xuan casually parked his bicycle at the door, took out seven or eight black iron coins with one hand and stuffed them into his hand.

  "I'm going to look for someone in the yard."

  "Which shack in your backyard has recently had residents?"

  "The one with a lot of people."

  As soon as these words came out, the groom at the hotel was stunned. He put down the hay and took a look. The few black iron coins in his hand were expressionless.

  Chen Xuan remained calm, while Ophelia was a little anxious, looking at the shacks in the courtyard.

  The kitten girl Rebecca hid her head under the hood and put her right hand on her waist to protect her master's back.

  Seeing the groom's expression, Chen Xuan understood instantly.

  He took out another mithril coin and threw it to the groom.

  "As long as you say a word, this Mithril coin will be yours."

  "Don't worry, you won't have any trouble."

  The groom took the Mithril coin and pointed to the shed in the corner of the courtyard.

  "There are six guys dressed as mercenaries living in that room who look very difficult to mess with." "

  Since the last Naraya Day, there have always been people coming in and out."

  "Don't say it was me who revealed it..."


  Two minutes later, the groom took the money and left the stable, pretending that nothing had happened, not wanting to wade in the muddy water.

  The three of them entered the courtyard and made a brief observation.

  I found that there was no lookout nearby, and the other party was overconfident.

  But it is also normal. There is no criminal investigation technology in the world of Naroa, and advanced magic tracing methods have not been popularized either.

  Neither then nor now, Mehriban or anyone else at Morleaf thought anyone could track it down here!

  But at this moment, they are obviously going to pay the price.

  There are always some outliers in the world who don't act according to common sense, such as our Mr. Chen!

  Ophelia climbed to the stable roof with her bow, where she could suppress the shed.

  The kitten girl Rebecca drew out her dagger and dagger, and hid in the corner under Chen Xuan's command.

  After arranging everything, Chen Xuan activated his spatial perception ability, but found that he could not observe.

  There is a spherical membrane blocking the intrusion of his spatial perception.

  His top-notch talent in magic perception allowed him to detect faint and obscure magic rhythms around him.

  Different from the lead shield, there seems to be an invisible magic shield there!

  At this point, no further confirmation is needed.

  He silently took out an M32 grenade gun and prepared to strike first!
  (End of chapter)

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