Chapter 71: Temporarily staying in Bangkok and returning to Naroa [seeking follow-up reading]

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  Chapter 71: Temporarily staying in Bangkok, returning to Naroya [seeking follow-up reading]

  After completing the transportation, Chen Xuan felt very tired.

  He first assessed his energy status.

  According to the sensory feedback, the [plug-in] ability can be activated about four to five times.

  It was enough for him to escape Myawaddy smoothly.

  Without wasting much time, Chen Xuan activated his flash and arrived a few hundred meters south of the office building.

  Nearby are the dormitories in the park, and the surroundings are extremely chaotic.

  The street lights were blown out, and only the flames of the guns and the beams of flashlights were the most eye-catching in the darkness.

  From time to time, a string of gunfire rang out from far or near.

  Buddhist troops, armed guards, and those "piggy" employees are all running around!
  You must know that the KK Park houses at least 8,000 "piglets" related to illegal production.

  These guys are the largest group of people in the park.

  Among them, the Xia people accounted for half of the country.

  This critical moment is also the best time for them to escape.

  Before this, many people in the park were willing to risk being shot and drowned by swimming across the Moi River.

  At this moment, I will not let go of this good opportunity.

  The chaotic campus meets Chen Xuan's demands.

  Considering the size of the park, he still needs to activate [Same Domain Flash] again before he can leave.

  As soon as he reached the banks of the Moi River, he could cross the river directly into the Siamese border.

  Although the Karen ethnic armed forces are very active in the border areas of Siam, they do not dare to blatantly enter the country with large-scale armed forces.

  Because this kind of behavior is almost equivalent to declaring war on a sovereign country.

  After just stopping for a moment and observing the situation, Chen Xuan walked away again.

  Arriving at the roadside more than a hundred meters outside the park, I saw a dozen military vehicles parked at the gate not far away.

  Many militiamen had already gathered at the door, shouting "chirp".

  The town in the distance was set on fire, and many flames shot into the sky and could be seen even seven or eight kilometers away.

  Chen Xuan chose the paddy field on the roadside for his flash. After climbing over the field, he took out his motorcycle after confirming that no one was within sight, and headed towards the Moi River.


  Half an hour later, he had already changed into fresh clothes and sprayed with toilet water.

  By the way, some of the facial features have been changed.

  He was riding that unlicensed motorcycle on the road outside Mae Sot Town.

  Such unlicensed motorcycles are common on the Siamese border.

  Referring to the place names written down on the road signs, his target was Dafu.

  It was considered the "provincial capital" of Laixing Prefecture, and it was only a big town at best in the Xia Kingdom.

  The permanent population is only 14,000, but it is an important tourist city in northern Siam.

  Thilosu Falls and Bhumibol Reservoir are the most beautiful sights of their kind in Siam.

  The distance from Mae Sot Town is about more than 60 kilometers.

  The motorcycle had barely enough fuel left to get there.

  Once you arrive in Tak, there are many ways to go to Bangkok, the capital of Siam, which is 400 kilometers away.

  At this moment, the sky in the distance began to turn fish belly white.

  The earth is shrouded in deep blue.

  The outline of the mountain forest in the distance of the road looks like a lying giant.

  The air was humid, and large clouds of fog hung over the road.

  The farmers who got up early were already busy in the paddy fields on the roadside.

  Vehicles also began to drive by on the road.

  Only a few dozen kilometers apart, here and Myawaddy are two different scenes.


  more than six hours later.

  Chen Xuan sat in the back of the tour bus and closed his eyes for a nap.

  His appearance has recovered to 70%.

  His steady breathing indicated that he was sleeping soundly.

  He was so tired.

  High-intensity fighting, coupled with the consumption of magic and mental energy, as well as the multiple activations of the [plug-in] ability, are constantly draining his energy.

  Only about two-thirds of the seats on the bus were occupied.

  The vast majority of tourists are from Xia, and they are taking photos and chatting enthusiastically. There are also a few middle-aged aunts from the Lion City mixed in, and they communicate in English.

  There are more than 20 such tourist buses waiting outside the pagoda area of ​​Dafu every day.

  You only need to pay 850 baht to get the bus to work, and you will get an ice coconut as a free drink.

  Unlike stowaway cars, buses can drive openly on intergovernmental highways and expressways.

  So at this time, we have arrived at the edge suburbs of Bangkok.

  It was already bright outside the window, and it was already past ten o'clock in the morning.

  The bus finally stopped on the roadside outside Bangkok North Station.

  This pattern of behavior is similar to Xia Guo's off-road bus more than ten years ago, and has a certain personal nature.

  It is also an industry spawned by the highly developed tourism industry.

  Things will be easier after getting off the car.

  A few hours' rest allowed him to regain some of his energy.

  I found a seafood restaurant nearby and had a delicious meal of Thai seafood.

  Today is the 19th, and he changed the time for his return ticket to the 22nd, which is two days later.

  So after eating and drinking, we directly found a five-star hotel to check in.

  There was no need to rush back home immediately. After all, strictly speaking, he had only been abroad for less than two days.

  If it were changed to Naroa time, only "most of a day" would have passed.

  The time was extremely flexible, and there was no need for him to rush his schedule too much.

  The most important thing is that Chen Xuan can still "cross borders" in Siam.

  Bangkok has internet, electricity, food and drink in downtown Bangkok, and the scenery and environment are also good. It’s just the right place for a vacation.

  In the spacious viewing suite on the upper floor of the hotel, Chen Xuan put down the backpack he used for disguise.

  There is a floor-to-ceiling window with an excellent angle, which allows you to overlook the street view of Bangkok from the height of the 23rd floor.

  Bathrooms and separate dressing rooms are also available.

  The first thing Chen Xuan did after entering the suite was to take a shower.

  After washing up, he suddenly felt much more relaxed.

  Immediately, preparations for [cross-border] began.

  In order to prevent the hotel room from having a camera, he came up with a crooked trick.

  That is to directly hide in the dark closet and activate [Crossover].

  At 12:33 noon Siam time, a new round of [cross-border] officially starts!

  In Rat Alley, in the corner behind Kitty Girl's shack.

  Hundreds of armory boxes are still stacked in place.

  As a dead end in the alley that no one cares about, temporary storage is not a problem.

  But if you think about it for a long time, it is best to bring this batch of ordnance back to Blue Star for storage.

  When I return to Tianhai City, I can find a logistics park and rent a small warehouse to stock up a few times.

  Firearms were not Naroa's power, and he had to ensure that he could fully control them.

  It was daytime in Naroa at this time, the sun was high in the sky, and the dark sun was rising slowly.

  I guess it should be the second to third water clock.

  As he walked out of the corner and before he reached the front of the shed, he heard a fierce quarrel.

  "Hell, you're lying!"

  "You must have more money!"

  "Nick and Aunt Yangna have recovered from their illnesses, why don't you want to help me!" "

  Let us go in and see..."

  Kitty Girl Angry voices were mixed in among them.

  "Whoever dares to take a step forward, I will..."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan stopped, shook his wrist slightly, and took out an M629 revolver from an Eastern European bodyguard from the storage compartment.

  He leaned against the corner of the shed, just poked his head out to take a look, and immediately frowned.

  (End of chapter)

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