Chapter 51 Handover and Arrangement of Items [Please follow up]

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  Chapter 51: Handover and Arrangement of Items [Please read]

  Blue Charm Tavern in the West District.

  Chen Xuan and the kitten girl Rebecca were sitting in the box drinking strange-tasting drinks.

  Naroa's drinks have only one characteristic, and that is sweetness.

  People here grow a beetroot-like crop, extracting sugar from its roots.

  As an important source of carbohydrates, sugar can not only replenish physical strength, but also trigger an insulin response. Aromatic amino acids can more easily enter the brain to facilitate the synthesis of serotonin, making you feel happy.

  Therefore, Naroa has already had a complete sugar production system.

  Just like the evil slave trade in Blue Star, most of the ignorant black-skinned natives were dragged into plantations, where the main crops were sugar cane and cotton.

  The same goes for the Naloa aborigines. There are many farms growing sugar crops outside the city.

  So the drink style here is only properly sweet.

  Based on the taste of the drink, Chen Xuan estimated that Coke must be marketable.

  In two or three Naraya months, the local area will enter the hot dry season.

  The launch of ice cola by then will definitely cause a sensation.

  With Blue Star at his back, he can create a large amount of ice without using saltpeter or using ice magic.

  "Dong dong dong..."

  While he was thinking, there was a crisp knock on the door outside the box.

  "Please come in."

  He knew that Ophelia was coming.

  After not seeing each other for nine hours, Chen Xuan felt that the other party had become more serious.

  Of course, there may also be embarrassment caused by the contract.

  We are all masters and servants, and we can never be friends.

  Ophelia, wearing a robe, walked in, closed the door and gave Chen Xuan a breast-stroking salute.

  "Master...Master, I have brought everything you asked for!" "

  This is the "Psychic Meditation Method" issued by the Magic Guild..."

  She took out a tattered booklet from her bag and put it on the table respectfully. In front of Xuan.

  Then he took out two semi-transparent crystal stones engraved with different runes and a leather scroll blessed by magic power.

  "These two pieces are magic crystals. According to your request, they contain two first-level magic spell models." "

  They are explosive fireball and water healing."

  "This leather scroll records a defensive magic spell. Skills, I'm sorry that I didn't meet your expectations...

  Ophelia was about to continue explaining, but was stopped by Chen Xuan with a wave of her hand.

  "That's enough, it's okay to be defensive. "

  Magic skills are something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought. In the end, you have to rely on yourself to understand them. " "

  Chen Xuan reached out and put these things back into the new storage compartment. This

  is not the first time that he has demonstrated space storage methods in front of the half-elf lady.

  In fact, there are space storage props among the Naroa aborigines, but It’s just more precious.

  Ophelia’s father has a storage bracelet.

  “These things will be recorded in the profits of future distribution.

  "By the way, help me get some more disguise powder. It doesn't matter if the level is lower. " "

  These requests are not too much, and the half-elf nodded obediently.

  Disguise powder is a kind of magic powder she commonly uses. When using it, she only needs to spread a little and then add part of her own magic energy to easily disguise her face. It's just that

  . This kind of disguise can be easily seen through by high-level detection magic.

  However, there is no problem with daily disguise, just bring it to Blue Star for use.

  "Have the arrangements been made for a secluded and uninhabited warehouse?

  "I don't like other people's prying eyes when delivering goods. " "

  You should understand that my origins and methods are a bit special..."

  Chen Xuan picked up the horn cup and shook it, looking at the sugar sand swirling in the cup and said softly.

  Under the authority of the slave contract, he could give Ophelia a limited number of Ya revealed part of the truth.

  As for Blue Star's secret, Chen Xuan does not plan to reveal it for the time being. Ophelia is still under his observation period.

  After all, the current situation is completely different from when he subdued the kitten girl in the woods.

  "I understand Master . "

  "Your will will be carried out in my soul! "

  Listening to this statement, Chen Xuan nodded, stood up lightly, and put on his hood.

  "Then let's set off..."


  it took more than an hour before

  Chen Xuan completed all the items. For the

  time being, he only gave me one can of mercury with a quantity of 350 grams. According to Naroa’s local standards, it can be divided into twenty or thirty test tubes for sale. The aluminum ingot casting

  material was given to two tubes totaling 20KG, which is enough to create a lot of bells and whistles. tableware and accessories.

  Chen Xuan gave Ofelia seven of the ten bicycles and personally taught her how to ride them.

  With her strong physique and reflexes, she quickly mastered the relevant skills.

  At the same time , I became interested in the materials and craftsmanship of bicycles.

  The frames of these bicycles are made of chromium-molybdenum steel, which is resistant to hydrogen corrosion and high temperature.

  Compared with the local black iron of Naroa, the hardness and toughness are about the same, but the weight is obviously Dominate.

  But after all, it is an unfamiliar product, and Ophelia said that she can only try to sell it.

  It is really good for transportation. It is light, reliable, and can be picked up and run.

  Because adventurers are generally very strong, and many of them are... An ethnic group known for their strong physique.

  However, the price can only be lower than that of horses and healthy mules.

  To sum up, the bicycle is tentatively priced at 450 kronor per bicycle.

  Based on purchasing power, it is about 2250~2700 Chinese dollars, which is considered affordable anyway. Several times the profit.

  It is not a luxury product, and the price is even cheaper than large livestock.

  As for Coke, it is calculated based on the wooden barrel cups in Magtan City.

  A single cup is priced at 4 crowns, which is slightly more expensive than the sweet drinks sold in pubs. .The

  capacity of a single cup is about 400 ml when converted into Blue Star units. The

  price converted into purchasing power is 20~24 Chinese coins.

  This kind of pricing is suitable for scenarios such as pubs.

  Those poor people who need to buy bran bread to satisfy their hunger are not the target consumer groups,

  such as spell casters. , Priests, monks, priests and the like usually drink in the tavern.

  Two Coke dispensing machines and diesel generators will be installed outside the tavern under the name of the Colchicum West Caravan.

  It took more than half an hour to teach Ofelia how to use the iron handle to crank the generator, add oil, and connect the power plug to the output board.

  Fortunately, the Coke machine itself is a fool-proof operation. As long as you master the installation of the gas bottle, water distribution pipe and syrup pipe, it is one-click to use.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan also took out a professional version of the walkie-talkie.

  This thing can communicate within a range of 10 kilometers.

  There is no radio interference in the other world, and it may be further away.

  He had tested it before, and communication in the city was no problem at all.

  After simply teaching her how to use it, Ofelia only found it extremely novel.

  She still cannot understand what technological products are.

  The magical generator can only be classified as some kind of lightning magic machine.

  It is possible that a magic circle of sound transmission is engraved in the walkie-talkie...

  This is a cognitive bias caused by differences in world views.

  Before leaving, Chen Xuan took Ophelia to the corner.

  He still has something very important to explain!
   Don't be impatient, after the transitional chapter, you will soon enter the period of strength improvement.

  (End of chapter)

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