Chapter 22 Business Opportunities, Adventurers Guild [Please read]

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  Chapter 22 Business Opportunities, Adventurer’s Guild [Seeking for reading]

  The natives of the other world seem to be accustomed to the stench in the city.

  The more sophisticated travelers and adventurers spray floral nectar or carry sachets filled with flower petals.

  But in this way, as the crowds move forward, the smell becomes more complex and unpleasant.

  As the main road connecting the city gate, the width of this road is roughly equivalent to the two-way four-lane of Blue Star.

  Animal-driven vehicles such as mules, horses, and ox carts with iron bells hanging on them are quite common.

  The buildings on both sides of the street can be mainly divided into three categories according to the construction materials:
  wood, stone and wood, and civil engineering.

  Most of the stone and wood buildings are suspended arcades or towers with red tile domes.

  Most of the other buildings are relatively low, with few buildings exceeding four floors, and many of them are temporary "three-and-a-half-story" buildings, as if a hat has been suddenly put on the house.

  There are many shops along the street selling linen clothing, leather armor, farm tools, ironware and other practical items.

  There were many small vendors dressed as farmers on the street, loudly selling fruits and fruits that Chen Xuan didn't recognize and meat that looked extremely unhygienic.

  Full of backward and ancient feeling.

  The style is similar to European-style ancient cities such as Carcassonne, Toledo, Bruges and Perugia in Blue Star.

  Of course, this is just a suburb of Magtan City.

  According to the previous introduction by Kitten Girl Rebecca, the city is mainly divided into three circles.

  Class determines the scope of the circle within which one can move.

  They are located in the third outermost circle, which is also the largest urban area.

  Most of the needs of adventurers, farmers, traveling merchants and ordinary people can be met within this circle.

  Chen Xuan didn't need to arrive at the first/second circle in person to guess that the buildings there must be more regular and beautiful.

  Every ten minutes, a garrison team of twelve people passed through the street.

  In fact, the city is relatively peaceful, and no one will cause trouble on the streets.

  As for the darkness, there is no guarantee, but at least there is order on the surface.

  Regarding the subsequent itinerary, Chen Xuan already had a clear plan.

  The first task is to go to the Adventurer's Guild and register as a registered adventurer.

  This identity can provide certain conveniences, including the cultivation methods he longs to have access to.

  Various professional guilds, associations and chambers of commerce are concentrated in the neighborhood known as "Qingbaiye".

  There are four such blocks in the city, and the prefixes will be called West District, East District, etc., which can basically meet the needs of all types of adventurers and professionals.

  The two kept walking but didn't communicate much.

  Chen Xuan was busy observing the local customs in the city, while Rebecca Miri lowered her head slightly.

  She held her arms, her steps were still brisk, but her expression was a little dull, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


  More than half an hour later, they finally arrived at the intersection of Qingbaiye in the West District.

  Looking at the arched street sign written in the common language of Naroa, Chen Xuan felt inexplicable emotion.

  The two of them trekked for five or six hours from the Eya Forest to Magtan City.

  His calves felt heavy now, and the soles of his feet were sore and swollen.

  "If I had known, I would have brought an electric sheep here..."

  "If not, I would have just bought a bicycle!"

  He thought with some annoyance, and had to say that this was indeed his negligence.

  But this idea also made him see business opportunities.

  Not counting those advanced means of movement such as flashing and teleportation.

  The main mode of transportation in Naroa is animal power, supplemented by walking.

  If we could get a batch of bicycles with their nameplates removed and put them up for sale in Magatan City, they might be able to lead the trend.

  But you have to try it to know the details.

  While thinking about it, Rebecca had already dragged him to the Adventurer's Guild in the West District.

  This is one of the few buildings in the suburbs built with large amounts of stone materials.

  The tall pillars stand tall, making it look quite majestic.

  It covers a large area and has three floors. After stepping on the steps, there are six entrances.

  The height of the first floor is actually close to ten meters, which can accommodate those large aliens.

  As far as the eye can see, there are at least dozens of adventurers entering and exiting.

  The Adventurer's Guild in the West District alone can accommodate approximately one to two thousand people at the same time.

  Don't think this number is outrageous. If you look at the schools in Blue Star, there are thousands of students on a floor in just one or two years.

  Not far away, there are two currency exchange houses, six material shops, a magic guild and an office nicknamed "Golden Ears", all of which are extremely tall and luxurious.

  There are also buildings of different styles on the street belonging to various guilds and organizations, and Chen Xuan is overwhelmed by them.

  "Master, we are here."

  "If you want to register as a mercenary, you must first queue up at the business counter."

  Rebecca introduced concisely.

  Chen Xuan nodded while looking at it.

  Going up the steps, the two men returned their daggers to their sheaths and unloaded their crossbows at the guard's signal.

  The first floor of the Adventurer's Guild is divided into two parts.

  They are what Rebecca calls the business counter and the commissioning hall where tasks are issued or accepted.

  Walking into it, it was extremely noisy.

  The voices of many adventurers gathered into a sound wave, making Chen Xuan's head buzz.

  Just find the shortest queue and get in line.

  Standing in front of Chen Xuan was a wild boar warrior with a round and strong body, carrying a double-edged axe, shoulder pads and breastplate.

  As you get a little closer, an indescribable fishy smell hits your face.

  So much so that Chen Xuan could see the lice crawling in the mane on the back of its head.

  As if aware of the gaze behind him, the wild boar man slowly turned his head.

  The broken fangs and scars on the brown-skinned face make it look particularly vicious.

  I saw it suddenly opened its mouth, and the big yellow teeth in its mouth spit out a foul smell.

  "Human, put away your impolite eyes."

  "Otherwise Ragnar wouldn't mind competing with you outside!"

  The wild boar man named Ragnar yelled viciously.

  This guy's perception is beyond Chen Xuan's imagination.

  It is indeed a magical world with extraordinary power!

  Just when he was about to reply, Kitten Girl pulled the corner of his clothes.

  He took a step forward from the gap in his side and said.

  "Sorry, we didn't intend to cause a dispute."

  Chen Xuan didn't want to get involved in a meaningless fight, so he nodded lightly.

  "I'm very sorry, Mr. Wild Boar."

  "I didn't mean to offend."

  He is proficient in the Naroa language and can easily communicate with the indigenous people.

  Many words will be converted accurately by default, which is also the magic of Goldfinger.


  "You bastard!"

  the wild boar man cursed.

  The cat-eared girl quietly touched the dagger in her arms. She had seen her master's methods before.

  The seemingly weak master was able to kill this ungrateful wild boar man in an instant.

  Just fighting openly in the city would be punished, but she couldn't just sit back and watch Chen Xuan be humiliated or hurt.

  But she saw Chen Xuan gently shaking his head at her, still smiling indifferently.

  Seeing that the two of them did not dare to refute, the wild boar man snorted proudly and turned back.

   There are still people who doubt the strength of Erba Bang?
    The Erba Dagang can be said to be a legend of a generation. In the past, when the infrastructure was not good, cadres who went to the countryside would cycle dozens of kilometers on muddy roads and mountain roads. There is still one in my hometown. My grandma redeemed it with a bicycle ticket. , riding from the village to the county to sell dried snapfish, you can be suspicious of cars, off-road vehicles, and motorcycles, but you can always trust Erbagang.

    Children's shoes that have not experienced this era can be comprehensively searched through Zhihu, Baidu, Douban and other channels.

  (End of chapter)

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