Chapter 20 Farm Ruins [Requesting for further reading]

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  Chapter 20: Farm Ruins [Request for follow-up reading]

  Rebecca faithfully performed her duties as a scout.

  She turned slightly sideways and held her breast in her arms, placing her left hand on the dagger on her right waist and stepping forward.

  Not only can it reduce the sound of footsteps, but it can also draw the sword as quickly as possible to counterattack and connect with dodge actions when encountering danger.

  Her petite figure and special forward posture greatly reduced her presence in the forest.

  Chen Xuan followed closely behind.

  Follow her five or six meters away.

  Hold the crossbow in both hands and move forward with a slight lunge forward and backward, so that the crossbow is consistent with your own sight.

  The place where they met was less than a kilometer away from the River of Flowing Fireflies.

  And the further they walked, the sparser the woods became, so the speed of the two of them was basically the same as walking on flat ground.

  About fifteen or six minutes later, Chen Xuan and Rebecca stepped through the shrubs that had been trampled into mud by the monsters, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

  The moist and soft fertile soil on the river bank is covered with large and small footprints, as well as the pits left by the Minotaur after vigorously punching the ground with logs in his arms.

  The Liuying River flows slowly from north to south. The mist is mist on the river, neither thick nor light, like a piece of gauze. The sound of "gurgling" water is like a song hummed in childhood memories, which sets off the surroundings. of tranquility.

  If it weren't for the ruins on the other side of the river that were still smoking with embers and black smoke, Chen Xuan had no doubt that this would be a peaceful place.

  The corpses of the dead monsters were not buried, but their necks were dug open and their magic cores were taken away.

  The ground was littered with fragments of weapons and armor.

  In many places, arrows and spears were inserted crookedly.

  "Master, the opposite side is the Colo Leon farm."

  "There is a rammed earth road for ox carts and mules and horses, which can go directly to Magatan City."

  Rebecca Miri stood by the river with a complicated expression. looking across the shore.

  She turned around and nodded to Chen Xuan, while giving a brief introduction.

  Through the hazy river mist, the collapsed and burned wooden walls and towers were still visible.

  The cables of the pontoon have been cut long ago, and Chen Xuan and Rebecca can only choose to swim across.

  Fortunately, the River of Flowing Fireflies is only about ten meters wide, its deepest point is about three meters, and its current is quite gentle.

  After hearing Rebecca's words, Chen Xuan, who was looking at the other side, nodded slightly.

  "Then let's cross the river now."

  "There are traces of cleaning up the battlefield here."

  Chen Xuan analyzed that the scene, not to mention the magic core, did not even leave any intact weapons.

  Obviously, Magtan City has already sent people here.

  Rebecca agreed and looked forward to returning to the city as soon as possible.

  The two began to take off their clothes, each leaving behind light underwear.

  The cat-eared girl didn't wear underwear. She wore a spring and autumn style velvet long-sleeved upper body and boxer shorts on the lower body.

  This outfit makes her look youthful and full of petite and cute energy.

  Chen Xuan took off all his clothes, leaving only his underpants, revealing his slim and well-proportioned figure.

  The changed clothes and equipment were put directly into the storage compartment, leaving only a dagger for Rebecca.

  As usual, the little cat girl opened the way first. She held the dagger and walked towards the river. When the water was deeper than her chest, she swam towards the other side. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and followed Rebecca's swimming direction

  . The track swims away.

  Thirty or forty seconds later, he landed on the shore wet, breathing slightly and stamping his feet.

  Rebecca had already stepped ashore first and was looking around energetically.

  The river water flowing out of the forest is still relatively cold, which is a test for Chen Xuan's social and animal physique.

  He took out two dry towels and a change of inner clothing, and asked Rebecca to find a place to dry herself.

  Chen Xuan didn't want to get hypothermic and catch a cold just to save some time.

  Anyway, sufficient supplies were prepared in the storage compartment, and

  it took only four or five minutes for the two of them to dress up again.

  Stepping on the fallen wooden wall and entering the farm, all the wooden houses in sight have been burned to the ground.

  The corpses of monsters whose magic cores have been taken away can be seen everywhere.

  There were also several remains of cattle and horses whose chests and abdomens had been cut open and eaten.

  There is still a faint smell of burning in the air, and occasionally you can see the dark red traces left by pools of blood absorbed by the soil.

  As for the corpses of the adventurers, Chen Xuan didn't see any of them.

  There were only a few crimson fragments of body parts, testifying to the horror of that night.

  These corpses were either dragged back to the caves by monsters and used as sacrificial materials.

  Or the explorers sent by the town and the Adventurer's Guild are responsible for collecting the corpses and cleaning them up.

  During this period, Rebecca also went to the granary, where the food had been emptied.

  There were several fresh ruts before and after, completely giving up Chen Xuan's idea of ​​picking up the wheel.

  But this is good, at least it means that the road ahead is relatively safe.

  After wandering around the farm for a while, Chen Xuan and Rebecca arrived at the gate.

  There are a lot of battle traces left here. It is roughly estimated that there are more than thirty corpses of goblins and night shadow wolves. Among them are goblin shamans with oil paint on their faces. They can be regarded as the leaders of a small group of goblins. .

  Furthermore, the closer you get to the rammed earth road, the more corpses of monsters there are.

  Chen Xuan even saw a three-meter-tall, muscular Minotaur.

  Half of its head was smashed violently, and there were traces of flames on its brown hair.

  Thick logs were inserted next to the corpse, like a cold tombstone.

  This huge and muscular monster with a bull head and a human body is far more powerful than the Goblin.

  All monster corpses, without exception, had their magic cores removed.

  Valuable monster materials such as the fur, claws and teeth of the Night Shadow Wolf and the horns of the Minotaur have not been spared.

  The rotten smell of death is spreading. According to Rebecca's introduction, the body of the monster that has taken away the magic core will dissolve into a puddle of mud within six to twelve water hours.

  Looking at the rammed earth road not far ahead, and then looking back at the farm surrounded by death.

  I have to sigh, life and death are really separated by a road!
  Seeing these monster corpses, he remembered the corpses of goblins and nightshade wolves that he had put into the storage compartment when rescuing Rebecca.

  With a thought, he took out all these corpses.

  Then under Rebecca's guidance, she suppressed her nausea and slit the backs of their necks.

  A gray magic core the size of a date kernel can be seen.

  This is also the lowest level magic core and can be brought to the city for exchange.

  Taking away the eight magic cores and the materials from the Night Shadow Wolf was his first gain in another world.

  At the same time, through the process of unraveling monsters, you can further enhance your adaptability.

  Washing off the blood on his hands with clean water, Chen Xuan waved his hand and continued to follow Rebecca.

  After walking along the rammed earth road for more than half an hour, there are almost no trees on both sides.

  No matter how good the native forest is, it cannot stop man-made cutting and erosion.
  Wood itself is a resource.

  The road ahead is no longer deserted, and it is finally not as lonely as in the deep forest.

  There is a trace left by the intelligent race.

  Chen Xuan also became more and more excited. He couldn't wait to see the customs and customs of the aboriginal people of Naroa Continent!
  (End of chapter)

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