Chapter 118 Harvest and Landslide [Seeking for subscription]

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  Chapter 118 Harvest and Landslide [Pursue Pursuit II] The

  Evil Eye is indeed a patient hunter, but Chen Xuan is not a prey left to be slaughtered!
  Invisible time ripples rippled out at great speed.

  He is outside the current timeline.

  Time stopped for him!
  Ignoring those eye contact like wild snakes, Chen Xuan had a clear goal and went straight to the beholder's body.

  At the same time, double the amount of magic elements was continuously input into the war hammer.

  This caused the two elemental gems above to shine at the same time.

  Frost and flames echoed each other, he jumped up high, and the war hammer in his hand suddenly hit the beholder's remains!

  The beholder, which has suffered heavy losses, is at the end of its tether!
  The heavy hammer of ice and fire fell on the remains of the body with unparalleled power.

  Frost and flames spread at the same time, and the huge eyeball-shaped body underwent obvious deformation.

  The little remaining chaotic magic power was quickly consumed.

  Thick slime splattered everywhere, and the freezing and burning effects were still spreading.

  At the same time, he took out several magic tears with his backhand and slapped them into the wound where ice and fire were intertwined.

  When [Time Suspension] ended, the surrounding eyesights all dropped powerlessly.


  Chen Xuan gasped. The blow just now consumed nearly one-fifth of the magic energy reserves in his body.

  The war hammer in his hand uses this to unleash a powerful attack condensed with ice and flames.

  But he saw half of the body in front of him was burning and smelling of burning, and half was frozen and was trembling slightly.

  An inexplicable and weak voice echoed in his ears.


  "I feel the breath of the key in you..."

  "Haha, it won't take long before the pure land will be occupied by our demon descendants." "

  The door will eventually come."

  This voice revealed Darkness and hatred are like ghosts whispering in the ear.

  Chen Xuan put away his war hammer, took out the M249 squad machine gun, inserted the barrel of the gun directly into the wound of the Evil Eye, and pulled the trigger.

  "Da da da da..."

  The warhead flew, splashing all kinds of rotten meat.

  It wasn't until the bullet spurted out from the other end of the beholder's remains that the hateful murmurs completely disappeared.

  The surrounding flesh and blood veins were completely withered.

  They blacken and shrink rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

  The beholder hanging in front of the magic pillar looks like a rotten fruit.

  The bloodline that held it together shrank and broke, and the beholder's body fell to the ground.

  Chen Xuan stared at it and activated [Insight].

  [The dead evil eye demon has an evil crystal stone in its body, which can be used to confuse unsteady creatures] ... The


  writing appears in the mind, and the effect of [Insight] does not lie.

  At least I have never lied so far.

  Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

  The two women standing at the back have long been accustomed to his magical performance.

  Every time there is a fierce battle, there will always be one or two blank periods of thinking.

  This is the lack of perception caused by [Time Suspension].

  "Rebecca, come and dissect this guy's body."

  "Take away the magic core and the evil crystal from his body."

  "Beria, you are responsible for guarding the passage."

  Chen Xuan said in a slightly hoarse voice warned.

  He bypassed the Demon Eye's body and picked out the [Elementary Demon Seeds] from the four Demonic Pillars.

  In this way, he has nine [Elementary Demon Seeds], which can be synthesized into three [Intermediate Demon Seeds] through a three-in-one method, which is perfect for assisting in cultivation.

  After taking away the magic seed, he did not attack the magic pillar.

  These pillars are the core magic pillars. After receiving a severe blow, they will be summoned from the cave to guard them.

  His target was the fragment of the Rose Key, and there was no need to provoke additional enemies.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a little uneasy.

  He was not sure if there were fragments of the Rose Key in the second cave.

  Inferences are always just guesses until they are confirmed.

  No matter how likely it is.

  I saw him stepping forward to the secret door passage shining with swirling light.

  There is a clear difference between the teleportation door in this burrow and the teleportation passage in the previous nascent burrow.

  After all, the two levels are different, and this is still a secret door passage -

  this is the result of ritualization.

  When the demon seed was taken away, the halo on the surface of the passage suddenly dimmed a bit.

  Chen Xuan suppressed the expectations in his heart and stared at the secret passage in front of him.

  [An intermediate portal leading to the outside of Naroa, containing the remaining magic source and fragments of the Rose Key during the ritual] ...


  receiving a positive answer, Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

  Needless to say the benefits of [Magic Source].

  The magic source he had obtained in the ancient sacrificial site allowed him to jump directly from the early stage of bronze level to the top.

  You must know that the bronze level magic cultivation takes much more time than the black iron level.

  When Chen Xuan practiced three water clocks, he could only increase the filling progress of pure white magic element by about 3%.

  And this is the result of the blessing of three [Elementary Demon Seeds].

  When he was at the black iron level, every time he practiced, he could increase the gray magic element filling level by nearly 20%.

  In other words, the difference in practice time between the bronze level and the black iron level is six to seven times!
  Those practitioners who do not have top-level talents and demon species blessings may have to spend more time.

  But for such a big gap, just one [Magic Source] solved the problem.

  There is no hard threshold for magic cultivation, it is just a hard work that needs to be accumulated over time.

  Therefore, [Demon Source] is definitely a good thing. It can save Chen Xuan a lot of practice time.

  Its meaning is equivalent to the "master passing on skills" and "natural materials and treasures" in Xia Guo's martial arts novels.

  Young masters from all walks of life have qualifications but lack internal strength. When facing strong enemies, they must either pass on their skills or take precious medicine.

  This metaphor makes it clear.

  [Magic Source] is a ball of pure magic that can be quickly absorbed and converted into its own magic.

  Chen Xuan suspected that it was a special power obtained after the sacrifice of a monster.

  So far, he has not heard of any case of using the [Demon Source] in Naroa Continent.

  It's possible that this is a special benefit that can only be elicited by the Rose Key.

  Without any hesitation, Chen Xuan reached out and touched the secret door passage.

  His hand had just touched the halo and had not yet felt any touch.

  The subtitles composed of Goldfinger's strange words appeared.

  This kind of text acts on the mind, and there is no need to interpret the glyphs. You can understand the meaning just by looking at it.

  Chen Xuan named it "Xin Neng Zi".

  It means a word that can be deciphered by heart.

  [When you come into contact with the fragments of the Rose Key, you can fuse]

  [Yes] [No]


  [When you discover the source of magic, you can extract it]

  [Yes] [No]


  Chen Xuan did not choose immediately, but looked behind him .

  He had to make sure that Kittygirl and Belial were ready to run away at any time.

  I still remember that after fusing the Rose Key fragments last time, there was a violent collapse in the cave.

  Since the demon seeds in the core area were removed, the space shielding effect is no longer there.

  When Chen Xuan turned around, Kitten Girl was taking out the magic core and [Evil Crystal Stone] from the ice slag and burnt meat.

  "Come to me!"

  he shouted.

  The two women did not dare to hesitate and came to his side immediately.

  As for the magic cores on those fear vines and Mansheng monsters, don’t worry!

  There will be a collapse here anyway, and hundreds of thousands of tons of rock will collapse completely in half a minute.

  Just when Chen Xuan was about to make a choice.

  The kitten girl Rebecca suddenly pointed to the wall of the core area.

  "Master, look!"

  "There are many storage bags there!"

  Looking in the direction she pointed, Chen Xuan discovered the storage bags piled in the corner!

  Recalling the corpses of adventurers that were looted along the way, it is not difficult to guess that these are trophies collected by monsters.

  So, he quickly walked over and collected dozens of storage bags using storage compartments.

  There are also many weapons that are of no apparent quality.

  All weapons were covered in dirt and slime and were in poor condition!
  As an adventurer's legacy, if he is lucky, Chen Xuan can find some cash, potions and magic scrolls from the storage bag.

  As for those weapons, they have to be cleaned and sorted before their value can be seen!
  After taking away the extra loot, Chen Xuan returned to the two girls and made choices one after another using his mind.

  He first extracted the [Demon Source], and then fused the Rose Key fragments.

  I saw a [Devil Source] the size of a basketball seeping out from the secret door passage.

  This time Chen Xuan was smart and did not fuse it immediately, but put it into the storage compartment.

  Fusion of [Magic Source] is certainly refreshing, but at the same time as the level of magic element increases, his body will be rapidly tempered. The body tempering that was originally subtly divided after each practice will be condensed and exploded.

  This can cause him to feel extremely uncomfortable and even cause him to lose consciousness for a short period of time.

  Put it into the storage compartment first, and then merge it again when you return to a safe place!
  After taking away the [Demon Source], he chose to fuse the Rose Key fragments.

  The idea was briefly blurred at this moment, and then the new prompt text was refreshed.

  [Fusion of Rose Key Fragments x 2]

  [Rose Key is strengthened]


  the moment when the Rose Key fragments are fused in the secret door passage.

  The four magic pillars shattered!

  The stone magic pillar made a glass-like bursting sound.

  Cracks spread across the top.


  The transmission channel was completely annihilated, turning into a shining spatial singularity that collapsed and disappeared.

  The place suddenly became empty.

  Just two or three seconds later, the cave shook violently.

  It seemed like a magnitude 8 earthquake had occurred.

  Chen Xuan was already prepared, grabbing the wrists of Kitten Girl and Beria with both hands.

  [Same Domain Flash] was activated, and the three of them disappeared together.


  On the ground, Sorel's team suffered heavy losses.

  In less than ten minutes, the Bloody Minotaur killed more than half of his men.

  He himself was not having a good time either. All the magic protective ornaments on his body were broken, and he could only rely on movement to get around.

  The magic essence in the body is being rapidly consumed during fighting and protection.

  The bloody minotaur has broken off one of its horns, its movements are getting slower and slower, and its chaotic magic power is about to be exhausted!

  The surviving members of the team took out their life-saving magic scrolls and greeted it.

  The sharp light cyan wind blades are whistling everywhere, the scorching fire rain is falling one after another, and the bubbling swamp appears under the body of the bloody minotaur...

  The second-level spellcaster is constantly chanting and constructing [Water Healing], Used to relieve teammates' injuries.

  One of Sorel's hands clasped a magic sword that flashed with electric arcs.

  The other hand pulled out the flail reinforced with runes.

  As time went by, the condition of the Scarlet Minotaur became worse and worse, and the casualties on the scene stabilized.

  The situation seems to be moving in a good direction.

  "Don't be discouraged!"

  "The mutated Minotaur is dying!"

  Sorel Moran shouted loudly, while the bloody Minotaur was restrained in the mire.

  Stepping forward, the long sword in his hand shot out an arc of blue lightning as thick as an arm.

  This lightning arc, together with the wind blade and fireball, annihilated the last chaotic magic power of the bloody Minotaur.

  Its tough skin is exposed to attack, enduring cuts, burns, and electric shocks.

  Dark demonic blood spurted out, and the pain made the Minotaur roar.


  In the next second, two crossbow arrows attached with magic elements flew towards him.

  It penetrated into the thick skin and finally got stuck in the strong muscles.

  The defeat of the Bloody Minotaur is only a matter of time.

  Just when Sorrell and others were preparing to make a big move.


  The ground beneath everyone's feet began to shake, accompanied by a thunderous echo.

  The entrance to the cave not far away was shaking and collapsed.

  The originally solid rock mass was like pieces of hard tofu when shaken by the earthquake.


  The sound coming from the ground became even more terrifying.

  The ground also collapsed downwards!
  The most critical thing is that the mountain rocks above the cave have collapsed.

  Rocks as small as a basketball or as big as a bicycle frame rolled down the mountain wall.

  "Run away!"

  Sorel's frightened voice sounded, which was quickly covered up by the movement of the landslide.

  The boulder fell to the ground and dust filled the sky.

  If you look at this place from a distance at this moment, you can see a large amount of dust rising from the boundary between the forest and the hills.

  The terrifying noise disturbed the birds at the edge of the forest.

  They flew up in sheets and hovered over the place where the incident occurred, making a sharp chirping sound.


  Under the big oak tree more than 200 meters away, Yucca grabbed Franco Budge, who had been wrapped into a rice dumpling, and hid behind the tree.

  Chen Xuan appeared in front of her holding Kitten Girl and Beria's hands.

  After being strengthened, his [Flash in the Same Domain] ability has changed again.

  Spatial sensing can accurately capture the location of the yucca.

  The movement in the distance is not over yet.

  The cave collapse produced a series of chain reactions.

  The mountain above became an "accomplice", and there is no doubt about the power of the rock wall collapse!
  After waiting for more than half a minute, there was no loud noise near the cave.


  Yuclan immediately bowed and saluted after seeing Chen Xuan coming back.

  Then he walked to his sister with concern.

  Without saying anything, Chen Xuan took out a set of gas masks and asked Yuclan to put them on.

  Because the dust has spread to the front.

  Yuclan put on the gas mask as expected, pointed at the old Buggy who was abandoned by the oak tree and said.

  "Master, he was caught alive."

  "He tried to escape, but I caught up with him."

  After saying that, she presented two storage bags, a dagger and two magic scrolls to her master.

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly and put away these things with his backhand.


   No one who reads the book seriously will ask why the monster knows the Rose Key.

    There are already more records about the Rose Key in Monsters than there are about the native people of Naloa.

  (End of chapter)

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