Chapter 11 The First Battle [Please read]

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  Chapter 11: First Battle II [Reading]

  The nail gun that was raised earlier was quickly aimed at the eye socket of the monster close at hand, and the trigger was pulled twice in succession.

  The deflagrating gas causes the aluminum piston to impact the cylinder at extremely high speeds.

  The two 6.5cm steel nails on the gun slots were pushed by this force and drove into the eye sockets of the Goblin and the Night Shadow Wolf.

  The force that can penetrate the concrete layer and steel plate can drive the steel nail from the eye socket into the skull.

  For most species, this is a fatal injury.

  Then he used the short remaining time to take a step back and raised his arm shield in front of him, especially the vital part of his neck. He could not guarantee that such an attack would be able to kill the monster instantly.

  In case the monster's body structure in front of you does not conform to the earth's understanding.

  If intracranial trauma is not fatal, that would be terrible.

  So it is a reasonable arrangement to maintain necessary precautions.

  If something goes wrong, the worst case scenario is to activate [Time Suspension] again.

  Anyway, this [plug-in] ability consumes a certain amount of his personal energy.

  The concept of energy is far more complex than physical strength, and is a combination of physical fitness and mental state.

  Therefore, Chen Xuan can accurately assess his own status and remaining energy.

  Judging from his current physical condition and the energy consumption of [Time Stop], he can activate the [plug-in] ability up to six to eight times.

  Let’s not talk about other aspects, at least it is more than enough to save life.

  The time-stop effect ended soon. For any life except Chen Xuan, the 1.75 seconds just now had never existed.

  "Boom boom!"

  Two sounds of gas explosions came belatedly.

  A fan at the end exhausts incomplete combustion exhaust gases.


  Then there was another dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

  Chen Xuan saw the limp bodies of Goblin and Night Shadow Wolf through the gap next to the arm shield.

  Their eye sockets are gurgling with turbid liquid.

  When he saw it, he activated [Insight].

  Immediately, two lines of eye-catching and detailed golden reminders appeared in front of me.

  [The dead inferior monster Goblin Warrior, you can use the white crystal stone to absorb the demonic energy from its body, and at the same time dig out the gray magic core at the back of the neck]

  [The dead inferior monster Night Shadow Wolf, you can use ... Demonic energy, and its fur and limb bones are all gray materials with a certain value]


  "Monsters and materials..."

  Based on the information fed back by [Insight], he came to a new conclusion.

  But now is not the time for research.

  Without any worries, he directly used the storage compartment's ability to capture objects and put the two corpses into the storage compartment.

  More than twenty meters away, Rebecca Miri and the three Goblin Wolf Cavalry were already stunned.

  This distance is enough for her to see clearly. After all, the cat-eared tribe's vision is quite outstanding.

  But she didn't see how that person took action at all.

  Just for a moment, the attacking goblins and night shadow wolves fell to the ground with a loud noise.

  She could only attribute it to the opponent's shooting speed being too fast!

  Combined with the strange costumes, shields and weapons, she couldn't help but make a bold guess.

  Maybe the other party is a high-level adventurer rare in the border areas!
  At least he must be a bronze or silver level expert!
  Hope suddenly expanded at this moment, from an illusory straw to a floating ball that could save lives.


  "No matter who you are, please help me!"

  "Rebecca is willing to agree to all your requests!"

  She let go of her throat and asked Chen Xuan for help in a voice that was almost a roar.


  "Are there three pairs of goblins and wolves left?" "

  In this case, we should be able to deal with them."

  He quickly made a decision in his heart, and instead of responding, he stepped forward again.

  Action is the best answer!
  The three Goblin Wolf Cavalry are facing a powerful enemy!

  When she was indecisive, Rebecca gritted her teeth again and launched a breakout attack.

  The appearance of Chen Xuan turned the monsters from attackers to targets.

  What happens next needs no words at all.

  With the cooperation of [Time Stop] and Rebecca, plus the fatal blow of the gas nail gun.

  The remaining Goblin Wolf Cavalry were quickly eliminated.

  Rebecca was still puzzled because even if she concentrated her eyesight, she still couldn't clearly see Chen Xuan's movements. Every time she reacted, the goblins and night shadow wolves were already dead.

  The weapons in the hands of the strangely dressed and mysterious adventurer in front of me are surprisingly powerful!


  Rebecca felt a little exhausted.

  First, he did not hesitate to use up his magic energy to activate his ability and escape into the forest.

  Then he was chased again and suffered several injuries during the passive counterattack.

  Although none of them were fatal injuries, they could not withstand the consequences of superimposed injuries.

  The sequelae caused by blood loss, fatigue, and panic caused her to lose strength immediately after being rescued.

  She collapsed on the ground and watched the strange-faced human man in front of her take away the monster's body using unknown spatial means.

  This also made her believe more firmly that this was a high-level adventurer.

  But the problem is far from that simple, she said in an urgent tone.

  "Thank you... thank you!"

  "Let's run away quickly, more terrifying monsters will chase us here at any time."

  Rebecca knew that these Goblin Wolf Cavalry were just "appetizers".

  What's really scary is the succubus with the ability to fly.

  However, these words failed to cause much reaction or disturbance in the man in front of him.

  Chen Xuan looked at the injured catwoman from another world.

  The expression on his face turned into a fractal diagram, with three parts curiosity, five parts vigilance and two parts calmness.

  Instead of running away together as Rebecca had imagined, what greeted them was Chen Xuan's big feet wearing steel Martin boots.

  The short sword and dagger in her hand were kicked aside and then taken away by mysterious space means.

  The next second, Rebecca's weak body was stepped on by Chen Xuan.

  "Sorry, I don't trust you."

  "Please give me a good reason to take you away, otherwise you will be left behind."

  Chen Xuan's tone was so calm that it could be described as indifferent.

  The reason why he took action was more for exploration purposes rather than a heroic rescue of beauty.

  Compared to a different world that urgently needs to be unveiled, mere beauty is nothing more than that!
  Hearing his words, Rebecca Miri, the female scout of the Cat-Ear Clan, felt cold in her heart.

  She gritted her teeth, thinking about how to gain Chen Xuan's trust.

  Reason told her that she actually had no choice.

  Just as she hesitated, a high-pitched evil laugh floated in the air in the distance.

  "Hey, hehe..."

  "Greedy, cunning little thing."

  "You run so fast!" "

  Now, are you ready for the care of the blood-thorn whip?!"

  The source of the sound is relatively far away, so I estimate conservatively. There are also hundreds of meters.

  It was like someone was shouting across the empty playground.

  Chen Xuan raised his head slightly, but his eyes were always fixed on Rebecca. He knew that a ruthless character was coming.

  "It seems you are in big trouble."

  "Then, goodbye."

  He moved his feet, waved his hand and was about to [cross the border] and leave.

  It didn't matter whether the other party could see through [cross-border] or not, he didn't care anyway since he had Blue Star behind him.

  Thinking of the terror of monsters, he looked at the mysterious Chen Xuan in front of him.

  Rebecca has made a tough decision!


  (End of chapter)

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