307.Chapter 301 Wu Lepa’s decision, all Yiqinnon were convinced [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 301 Wu Lepa’s decision, Yi Qinnon was all convinced [please subscribe] and

  stood quietly in front of the window for a while.

  Chen Xuan suddenly looked back, took out a paper and pen from the storage compartment, wrote a note and posted it next to the bed.

  "It's time to go back."

  Unknowingly, he also stayed in Magtan City for several hours.

  It is estimated that it is already evening over there at Blue Star.

  And tonight we have to overwhelm Yi Qinnon's officers.

  There are not many affairs to be dealt with in Myanmar.

  When Chinnong is defined, his hands will be free to deal with Wu Lepa of Kelun State.

  In this way, his basic base in Myanmar will be completely stable.

  The total strength of these forces, including Yi Qinnon, Surapai, Bai Zhiyong and Wu Lepa, exceeds 100,000.

  There are two to three states in the territory.

  To be honest, having such a large territory is enough for Chen Xuan to deal with.

  Any more is not only difficult to control, but also prone to various changes.

  And wait until the matter in Myanmar is settled.

  He planned to use a false identity to travel to Madagascar.

  With Sochido's relationship, it is very easy for him to pretend to be Burmese.

  Even resumes can be faked.

  It’s just that the Burmese nationality is not strong enough, and it is also somewhat notorious.

  But if you have good assets, it is not too difficult to apply for a visa, especially if you still have his people in the army.

  After changing into neat clothes, Chen Xuan chose to say goodbye.

  He flashed back to the "cross-border exclusive room" in the baron's castle.

  Then he returned to Blue Star.

  Reappear in the guest room of the villa manor.

  He stepped to the bedside, opened the curtains and took a look outside.

  By this time the sun had set, leaving only the afterglow shining on the horizon.

  Orange halo dyed the clouds in the sky.

  The sun is setting in the west, but that's all.

  He took out his phone and looked at the time.

  It was already past 6 o'clock in the afternoon.

  There is still more than half an hour before the appointed time.

  After closing his eyes for a moment and activating [Spatial Perception], he found Yi Qinnon waiting downstairs.

  This guy was already frightened and didn't dare to come up and urge him.

  Chen Xuan flashed downstairs directly.

  It startled Yi Qinnon who was sitting on the sofa.


  Chen Xuan always felt a little awkward having a pervert call him his master.

  So he directly asked Yi Qinnong to call him boss.


  "Let's go."

  Chen Xuan waved his hand, but he had no intention of continuing to scare him.

  Yi Qinnong nodded quickly and bowed.

  The two got into the big G parked at the door.

  A dedicated driver is responsible for driving.

  There are hundreds of officers at all levels under him.

  Naturally, I wouldn't call you here for a "meeting."

  So this time the destination was a military airport on the outskirts of Naypyitaw.

  It is also a major base for the Naypyitaw bacterial zone.

  The Army Air Force under Yi Qinnon was stationed there.

  He usually goes there to "work".

  It is equivalent to a command center.

  It is about ten kilometers away from the villa.

  Considering that there would be one or two bumpy dirt roads along the way, Yi Qinnong specially arranged for Big G to be his car.

  If he goes to the city, he usually takes a Bentley.

  Chen Xuan sat in the back row, watching the scenery passing by outside the window.

  Yi Qinnong was sitting in the passenger seat, silent and looking a little nervous.

  The driver responsible for driving has also been indentured.

  After the initial panic, he became very calm.

  He used to be responsible for driving, and he is still responsible for driving now, with almost no changes.

  In fact, most of the guys contracted by Chen Xuan have similar feelings.

  Including Surape.

  Chen Xuan is not a bad host.

  He has no interest in suppressing his subordinates blindly. As long as he cooperates obediently, he will leave a trace.

  Just like Yi Qinnon, after handing over 95% of his wealth, he is still worth nearly $100 million.

  As long as he does things well for Chen Xuan and doesn't get too perverted in his daily life, Chen Xuan will not interfere with him.

  At the very least, the quality of life of a normal rich man can still be guaranteed.

  Compared to the kind of slave owner who squeezed everything clean, he was almost no different from God.

  As for the ordinary soldiers and members of the contract, life is no different from before.

  What they did before, they still do now.

  Hardly anything changes.

  Especially here at Blue Star, those who deserve to be paid should still be paid.

  Chen Xuan didn't let their work go in vain.

  Because Blue Star's situation is different from Naroya's.

  There are not so many fancy regulatory mechanisms in Naroa.

  Now that he has convinced the whole city,
  all in all, following Chen Xuan's men is indeed not an unacceptable thing.

  This is especially true when life is used as a bargaining chip.

  Without thinking too much about these things, Chen Xuan just looked at the scenery outside the window quietly.


  at the same time.

  Kronbang, the "municipal" building in Ba'an City.

  This is where Wu Lepa usually works.

  It is also the "capital" of Ba'an.

  At this time, Wu Lepa's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

  He sat behind the desk, crossed his hands in front of the desk, and stared at the subordinates in front of him with an ugly expression.

  "Still haven't got accurate information?"

  "Sorry, Siling..."

  "None of the informants we sent to Myawaddy can successfully infiltrate."

  "It can take half a day, or it can take as short as one or two hours to lose contact. "

  The men wearing Kronbang uniforms lowered their heads and reported the report with difficulty.

  "You losers!"

  "With the blood and sweat of the people of Kelun state, you can't even handle these small things?"

  "Are you worthy of the folks in your hometown?"

  Wu Lepa's eyes were red.

  Since his right-hand man, the devotee, lost contact during the operation against Myawaddy.

  His mood became increasingly unstable.

  None of the scouts sent to Myawaddy these days could bring back any news.

  The entire Myawaddy Township, or the entire DKBA, seems to have become a tight whole.

  Simply impeccable.

  Any stranger who enters will quickly arouse vigilance.

  This made Wu Lepa even more crazy.

  Faced with his scolding and scolding, his subordinates did not dare to refute.

  Just this week, he killed as many as three fungus officials.

  Two are in charge of intelligence, and one is in charge of internal affairs.

  At this time, Wu Lepa was panting violently.

  A few minutes later, he suddenly leaned back weakly.

  Smoothly unbuttoned the style button on his collar.

  He felt that the silk clothes on his body no longer represented rights, but a kind of restraint and shackles.


  He breathed out heavily.

  Then he waved his hand as if he had aged ten years.

  The anomalies in DKBA made him feel a strong sense of crisis.

  This thing is full of weirdness.

  He couldn't find a suitable way to deal with it for a while.

  Faced with this situation, it seemed that there was only one choice left before him.

  That is to wage war against DKBA!

  Mobilize all soldiers in Kron State, including various militia groups. Gather all the power KNU can mobilize and march towards Myawaddy!
  He didn't believe that the man behind the scenes could hold tens of thousands of people to death at the same time.

  But the implications of an all-out war are huge.

  Every move of KNU will attract the attention of other ethnic groups.

  If a war really breaks out, whether you win or lose, it will be very troublesome in the end.

  Thinking of this, Wu Lepa frowned even more tightly.

  With trembling fingers, he took out a pack of local soft-pack cigarettes from his pocket.

  Gently shake the cigarette case and hold one of the cigarettes in your lips.

  He took out a lighter and lit it slowly, then narrowed his eyes.

  After taking a long puff of smoke, he suddenly had an idea.

  "DKBA suddenly became abnormal after joining the Jun Zheng Ax camp." "

  Including cleaning up the Fanzui Park and rectifying the order of the fungus." "

  Then, KNU can also choose to join the Jun Zheng Ax camp." "

  At least it can. Joining in name..."

  Swallowing nicotine, Wu Lepa felt that his originally anxious mind had calmed down a little.

  Thinking of this, he took out a thick leather notepad from the drawer.

  After flipping it slightly, the page recording the internal forces of Zhengaxe was opened.

  On the surface, Myanmar is the dominant player.

  But in fact, the interior is also full of hills.

  Otherwise, there would not have been many Zheng changes in the past half century.

  There are certain things to be careful about if you want to join the army in name only.

  That means you have to choose a suitable hilltop in advance.

  Join after communication and bargaining.

  For example, Wu Lepa can use KNU to add Bacteria Zhengaxe as a bargaining chip.

  In exchange for resources and policy preferences.

  These are very common operations in Myanmar.

  If KNU joins the fun, then DKBA should not dare to do anything blatantly bad.

  Until now, Wu Lepa still believes that the abnormalities in DKBA are related to the bacteria.

  Slowly flipping through his notes, he quickly selected a suitable hilltop.

  "That's it."

  "Yi Qinnong, the talker of central Burma and Naypyitaw's bacteria zone." "The

  ace in the bacterial sequence of bacteria."

  "It's only three hundred from Kelun State to Naypyitaw. Kilometers away."

  "And this guy also has the Army Air Force on hand."

  "The speed of support is much faster than others."

  Wu Lepa thought in his heart, completely unaware that the cigarette in his hand had burned his fingers. .

  The cigarette butt burned him, causing him to suddenly throw it away.

  He ignored the black marks on his fingers burned by cigarette butts.

  He called the administrative secretary beside him.

  Prepare to send someone to deliver a letter to Naypyitaw.

  It was like saying hello to Yi Qinnong in advance.

  As long as the other party is willing to accept it, you can communicate by phone in the future.

  Wu Lepa, who thought he had found a solution, was in a good mood.

  Even the gloomy look on his face has dissipated a lot.


  on the outskirts of Naypyitaw.

  Big G ignored the sentries outside the airport and drove directly inside.

  It finally stopped next to a five-story building near the hangar.

  This is the office building.

  There are towers nearby.

  Chen Xuan saw two Soviet fighter jets parked on the runway.

  However, this thing is not under Yi Qinnong's control. It belongs to another order. All he has is Lu Hang.

  Including multiple armed helicopters and transport helicopters.

  After getting out of the car, Yi Qinnong took the initiative to open the car door for him.

  Then he personally led the way.

  There is an auditorium-style conference room on the third floor.

  It can accommodate three to four hundred people and also has multimedia equipment.

  The stepped layout reminded Chen Xuan of the old school auditorium.

  I can't say they are exactly the same, I can only say there is no difference.

  At this time, the conference room was full of people, all of them were officials under Yi Qinnong.

  Down to the platoon level.

  As long as these people are mastered, plus Yi Qinnon, it is equivalent to mastering an army of 60,000 to 70,000 in their hands.

  Arriving in the middle of the conference room, Yi Qinnong stood behind Chen Xuan with a solemn look.

  This scene surprised all the fungi.

  I thought someone big was coming.

  There are not more than one person in Myanmar who can make Yi Qinnong pose in such a posture.

  Facing the gazes of hundreds of people, Chen Xuan didn't show any fear at all.

  He held his head high.

  A pair of radiant light wings spread out behind him.

  The whole body floats into the air.

  "As you can see."

  "I am extraordinary."


  more than an hour later.

  A total of 379 officials were present.

  A total of 374 people were conquered by the contract. This was the result of his display of extraordinary power and coercion and inducement.

  Moreover, Yi Qinnong also helped with persuasion.

  Even so, five iron-headed boys who would rather die than surrender appeared.

  In this regard, Chen Xuan could only let Yi Qinnong kill them.

  Death and surrender are a choice.

  They chose death, and Chen Xuan would not let them go because these people were hard-core.

  After completing this step, the entire Yiqinnon tribe was completely controlled by him.

  The next step is to coordinate the quantity of bacteria in stock.

  Move everything that can be moved to Magtan City.

  As for the armaments originally installed by the Yi Qin Nong Department, Chen Xuan would not touch them.

  He would also not let Yi Chinnon reduce his troops.

  Only by maintaining enough soldiers can we obtain a sufficient quota of bacteria fees from the bacteria Zhengaxe.

  As the night fell, no one knew that Yi Qinnon's position had quietly changed.

  From being an important member of the army, he became Chen Xuan's subordinate.

  Chen Xuan went back to sleep without paying attention to the follow-up matters.

  Tomorrow morning, a detailed list of relevant personnel, armaments, etc. will be sent to him.

  Just leave these things to his subordinates, and he won't worry about it.

  The greater his power, the more leisurely Chen Xuan became.

  No longer do everything have to be handled personally as before.

  He overwhelms these subordinates and cultivates power, not just to be a nanny.

  But to share the pressure for him and reduce the difficulty of obtaining resources.

  So we must not put the cart before the horse because of this.

  Back in the guest room of the villa manor, the bed had already been replaced with a brand new bedding and a four-piece set.

  After washing, he went directly to bed to rest.

  I’m thinking that I can take the time to go to Naypyitaw tomorrow.

  After all, this is the new capital of Myanmar.

  The development in the past ten years is still very good.

  Moreover, there are two shell companies registered in Surape.

  In Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon respectively.

  Now that he has convinced Yi Qinnon.

  Then Naypyitaw is equivalent to half of Chen Xuan's back garden.

  Let Surapai simply use a shell company in Naypyidaw to place an order with Lanna Trading Co., Ltd.

  The specific matters can be implemented after the company's employee training is completed in the past few days.

  Let’s deal with the batch of bicycles in the warehouse first.

  However, it will probably be half a month before the bike finally arrives in Naypyitaw.

  When the time comes, Chen Xuan will go to Burma again and take those bicycles to Magtan City.

  In this way, his company will be profitable.

  And he is planning to go out to enjoy the autumn breeze again in the near future.


  (End of chapter)

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