268. Chapter 264 Recruiting Lin Qiang [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 264 Recruiting Lin Qiang [Please subscribe]

  "Chen...Chen Xuan."

  She raised her hand gently, looking slightly embarrassed.

  Such an expression is rare to see on her face.

  Chen Xuan also smiled and waved his hand.

  He and Ahn'Qiraj sat across from each other, and the two of them occupied the entire table.

  From Lin Qiang's perspective, she could only see Chen Xuan.

  I thought he brought a half-grown man to eat here.

  Even when eating, Ahn'Qiraj still wore a hood.

  She didn't look back and just kept eating.

  Psychic power is the third eye of the spellcaster.

  As long as something happens within the range covered by mental power, you can completely control it with a single thought.

  The master didn't say anything, so naturally she wouldn't say anything casually.

  These are also the three chapters of the agreement before coming here.

  The less you say, the less you will make mistakes, and the less you say, the better.

  What's more, although she already knows a lot of Xia Guo words, she doesn't know much about the pronunciation.

  It is a state of being able to barely understand, but not quite understanding.

  The eye-catching Lin Qiang attracted the attention of many male diners in the restaurant as soon as she appeared.

  When men see a beautiful girl, they will always take a few glances at her.

  As the saying goes, if you don’t watch, it’s in vain. If you watch, it’s in vain. If you watch, who doesn’t?

  Because the restaurant was too noisy, Chen Xuan waved to Lin Qiang.

  He motioned for her to come to the table and talk.

  The dishes he ordered hadn't been finished yet, and Ahn'Qiraj was mainly focusing on crayfish and snails.

  The countertop is decent enough that you can eat together if you shout.

  Seeing Chen Xuan's waving action, Lin Qiang hesitated for a moment, and finally walked over.

  "Let's have something to eat together?"

  He smiled and asked her to sit down.

  When Chen Xuan saw Lin Qiang subconsciously nodding, he called the waiter to add a set of tableware.

  "Get off work so early today?"

  He said looking at the pair of sneakers on Lin Qiang's feet.

  After getting used to the style of stockings and high heels, I suddenly saw her change into a casual style, which was a bit uncomfortable.

  As Chen Xuan spoke, he poured her a glass of beer.

  After hearing this question, Lin Qiang was silent for a while before speaking in a relieved tone.

  "I resign."

  After saying that, she picked up the plastic cup and drank the beer in one gulp.

  This answer made Chen Xuan a little confused.

  In the impression, Lin Qiang should do well in the Lian family?
  I don’t know why I chose to resign suddenly.

  He frowned slightly and immediately thought of a possibility.

  "Is it because I didn't ask her to rent a villa?"

  "Probably not..."

  Tiandi Conscience, before this, Chen Xuan only knew that Lin Qiang worked at Lian's house.

  But I don’t know exactly which store she is in.

  Because he didn't have much interaction with her, he didn't know much about Lin Qiang's situation.

  His previous attitude towards Lin Qiang was similar to that of the male diners in the restaurant.

  It's a bit of a desire, but not enough to pursue it.

  Since possessing the Rose Key phantom, I have seen the appearance of another world.

  He lost interest in Lin Qiang.

  When renting a house, he didn't bother to go out of his way to find Lin Qiang, which seemed pretentious and special.

  For Chen Xuan, he didn't care about his interaction with Lin Qiang.

  So he chose the nearest Lianjia store.

  At that time, Li Qiaoqian received him first, so even if he met Lin Qiang later, he did not change his mind about becoming a commissioner.

  Firstly, there was no need, and secondly, he could see that Li Qiaoqian was a newcomer.

  It's really unscrupulous to let newcomers go.

  Just let everything take its course.

  Thinking of this, he asked curiously.

  "Why did you resign suddenly?"

  Chen Xuan also picked up his wine glass and took a sip of ice-cold beer.

  "I just don't want to do it anymore."

  Lin Qiang showed a helpless smile.

  Then he added after shaking his head slightly.

  “If you work in the sales business for a long time, you will feel tired.”

  “You have to wear a mask every day.”

  “Facing all kinds of customers and enduring all kinds of difficulties and censures.”

  “I have had enough in the past few years. So I simply chose to resign."

  "Tianhai, a big city, is actually not suitable for me."

  After that, she picked up a beer, filled it for herself first, and then added some for Chen Xuan.

  Everyone has their own pressures and pursuits.

  Chen Xuan suddenly understood what she was thinking.

  Just like he thought when he was laid off by the company.

  Tianhai City can eat people.

  At this point, it treats everyone equally.

  Lin Qiang's situation is rather embarrassing. She falls into the category of those who are not as good as those above but have more than enough.

  The income level is not bad among young people.

  It’s just that it’s difficult to meet her expectations and satisfy her pursuit of material life.

  Girls living in the city of Tianhai will be affected by materialism and consumerism to some extent.

  Essentially, everyone has the right to pursue a better life.

  Lin Qiang originally wanted to achieve a class jump by marrying into a local middle-class family in Tianhai.

  In actual operation, she found that the doorway was much more complicated than she imagined.

  And she didn't want to deal with those guys whose conditions were slightly inferior.

  Under the dual effects of this conflicting mood and work pressure, she was like a tightened spring that could no longer be pressed back after it was released.

  I lost the idea of ​​continuing to live in Tianhai City.

  She planned to use her savings to open a flower shop in a small city near her home.

  Pack bouquets every day and take care of those flowers, plants and green plants.

  Seeing her slightly depressed look, Chen Xuan didn't know what to say for a while.

  To be honest, Lin Qiang still has some work ability.

  At least in terms of how he treats others externally, he is definitely much better than the average person.

  What do you say about the sales position?

  The threshold is not high, but the upper limit is extremely high, and it is very training.

  It is no exaggeration to say that this is a profession that can turn a society into a leader.

  Even the job itself is a screening process, and those who can survive it will basically grow in their emotional intelligence and social skills.

  If you want to be a qualified salesperson, you must have a smart mind and good emotional intelligence.

  Sales is essentially an art of communication.

  Only by convincing customers can the transaction be successfully concluded.

  In fact, some clues about this can be seen from Lin Qiang's usual performance.

  She seems to be very smooth in dealing with others.

  I never look at people through my nostrils.


  After hearing what she said, Chen Xuan took a bite of food and just said "oh".

  "By the way, where is your boyfriend?"

  He had some impression of that car.

  Because the imported version of the A7 is still very handsome.

  As soon as these words came out, the expression on Lin Qiang's face froze.

  To be honest, this question made her a little embarrassed.

  However, after seeing Chen Xuan's eyes that were not mixed with a hint of joking, she understood that the other party did not mean to ridicule.

  So after thinking for a moment, she answered calmly.

  "We broke up last month."

  Chen Xuan nodded gently. He was in Myanmar at that time.

  I saw Lin Qiang looking completely carefree and "alone".

  His mind became more active.

  Lanna Trading Co., Ltd. is recruiting staff.

  Although it is just a left-handed shell company, it still has to put in a few familiar people.

  Li Zhendong counts as one.

  But that kid's character determines that he is not a radical manager.

  Management is like leading troops and must be relaxed and relaxed.

  And the Lin Qiang in front of her is a good candidate.

  With her ability, as long as she adapts a little, managing a small company will not be a problem.

  Anyway, what Chen Xuan wants is a supervisor.

  Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Qiang and said seriously.

  "Why don't you work with me."

  "Pay five insurances and one fund, and get a full salary of 24,000 yuan after tax." "If you

  perform well, you will get an extra five salary at the end of the year."

  "You will be the company's operations manager."

  Chen Xuan did not open the door. The one that pays a basic salary.

  Instead, he was directly given a full salary, and at most a year-end bonus of five salaries based on performance.

  A salary of 24,000 yuan after tax is calculated according to the minimum line of Tianhai City’s social security fund.

  The monthly salary is almost 29,000.

  Even in Tianhai City, the salary is not low.

  If you include the year-end bonus, you can get about 400,000 yuan a year.

  The most important thing is stable wages.

  Chen Xuan's olive branch was somewhat unexpected to Lin Qiang.

  "But...but I have no experience in operations..."

  She hesitated, but still said frankly.

  "I can't delay the development of the company."

  Hearing this, Chen Xuan just raised the corners of his mouth and smiled calmly.

  "You can learn."

  "You are willing to learn, right?"

  Just kidding, there is nothing to operate.

  Even the orders were arranged by him from abroad.

  There really isn't much work that Lanner Trading Co., Ltd. needs to do.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was serious, Lin Qiang pursed her lips, thought for a while, and nodded.

  "Then...I will try my best."

  "Okay, the formal contract will be signed tomorrow."

  "Actually, your job is very simple, you can leave the operations aside." "

  The company will never lack orders."

  "I only need you. Just take care of the other staff."

  "Now, let's drink to a better tomorrow."

  He raised the plastic wine glass with a smile and hinted calmly.

  It was rare to see Lin Qiang showing a shy expression.

  She clinked the cup with Chen Xuan, but it felt a little unreal.

  It's not that the annual salary of 400,000 yuan is unimaginable to her, it's mainly because such a job was settled so hastily?

  There is no interview, no assessment, no process.

  But she didn't suspect that Chen Xuan was fooling.

  Because it is true to register a company, it is also true to obtain capital.

  The most important thing is that he does look different from before.

  That change in energy and spirit does not happen overnight.

  People feel refreshed during happy events, and this sentence is not just a saying.

  "By the way, what's your email address?"

  "There is a task for you to complete tonight."

  After putting down the paper cup, Chen Xuan said with a smile.

  Lin Qiang did not hesitate to send her email address on WeChat.

  Chen Xuan also opened his personal mailbox and sent a batch of resumes selected by the headhunting company.

  "Just be a temporary HR and help me screen my resume tonight."

  "Just give it to me before tomorrow night." "

  By the way, let's have dinner together the day after tomorrow."

  "I'd like to introduce you to a colleague."

  After packaging and sending the resume materials, Chen Xuan simply explained.

  This matter is not complicated, but it is a bit time-consuming.

  His requirements for employees are almost zero. He only needs to eliminate the bells and whistles, and then select about twenty resumes from fifty or sixty.

  These resumes were sent by headhunting companies, and they must have been screened.

  "I understand."

  Lin Qiang nodded seriously.

  Chen Xuan's move made her completely relieved.

  A characteristic of start-up companies is that they have multiple responsibilities.

  After she relaxed, Chen Xuan briefly showed her the company's certificates and qualifications at the dinner table.

  The current office location is in the Youth Entrepreneurship Park, which was obtained through the support policy for youth entrepreneurship.

  The warehouse is in Dingjia District.

  In addition to the warehouse filled with bicycles, he also rented several nearby warehouses.

  After learning that Chen Xuan's main focus is foreign trade in Southeast Asia.

  Lin Qiang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

  In the current foreign trade market, business in Europe and America has long been divided up by industry giants.

  There is still some room for overseas e-commerce and small commodities to develop.

  If you are doing comprehensive commerce, Africa and Southeast Asia are indeed good choices.

  In fact, those Guo Jia in Southeast Asia still have some money.

  As long as the company seizes the opportunity, it might really be able to take off in one fell swoop.

  After learning a lot of information about Lanner Trading Company and Chen Xuan's plan.

  Lin Qiang's confidence in the company's future has also been greatly enhanced.

  Wait until the two of them are almost talking.

  The dishes on the table were basically cleared by Ahn'Qiraj.

  The food scraps in front of her table formed a "hill".

  It wasn't until this moment that Lin Qiang had the time to look at her.

  The face under the hood was buried in the shadow of the table, making Lin Qiang unable to see clearly.

  In fact, this is mental interference, a trick commonly used by high-level spellcasters.

  "Don't you know who this is?"

  They were all eating at the same table, so Lin Qiang didn't have anything to worry about.

  He asked directly and openly.

  Chen Xuan raised his chin because he couldn't find it.

  The mental power captured his movements, and Ahn'Qiraj knew what he was doing.

  She dropped the lobster shell in her hand and slowly raised her head.

  At the same time, the interference of mental power was dispersed.

  Under the hood is a delicate face like a porcelain doll.

  Even after her appearance has been modified, the mage's wife still looks stunning.

  It's just that she looks a little childish.

  But when it comes to actual age, she is older than Chen Xuan and Lin Qiang.

  "This is An Qi."

  Chen Xuan casually gave her an easy-to-remember name.

  "This is Lin Qiang."

  He then introduced Lin Qiang.

  "Hello, An Qi."

  "Nice to meet you."

  Lin Qiang said proactively, picking up the wine glass.

  In response, Ahn'Qiraj followed suit and raised his wine glass to clink it with her.

  Then he said "hmm".

  No problem, she can't speak Xia Guo dialect yet.

  Lin Qiang was not surprised by this.

  I was just surprised as to why Chen Xuan would bring such a beautiful and childish girl with him.

  He couldn't help but speculate on the relationship between the two.

  The more I looked at it, the more abnormal it felt.

  After a simple greeting, Ahn'Qiraj took out a tissue and wiped his mouth.

  Then he took out his mobile phone and started playing by himself without saying a word.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan had no intention of explaining their relationship, Lin Qiang had no choice but to suppress her curiosity.


  (End of chapter)

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