241. Chapter 240 The hero of the fire, Ma Yi in pursuit [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 240: Hero on Fire, Ma Yi in Pursuit [Please subscribe]

  June 11, 9:37 am Siam time.

  Chen Xuan walked into Suvarnabhumi International Airport in a dusty state.

  The flight he booked will take off at 11:15 and the flight will take 4 hours and 35 minutes.

  You can arrive at Dongpu International Airport in Tianhai City before this evening.

  Carrying the same backpack he had brought when he arrived, Chen Xuan looked at the constantly refreshing arrival information in the lobby, and couldn't help but have the illusion of being in another world.

  During these ten days, he spent most of his time in Naroya.

  Even if he returns to Blue Star, he will only be active in Myawaddy.

  This kind of life trajectory and habits have long been separated from the original way.

  But not only did he not feel bored, he actually enjoyed it.

  After returning to normal life, I felt a little uncomfortable.

  After successfully passing a series of processes and procedures such as security check and customs, he quickly entered the terminal.

  In fact, he originally planned to stay in Bangkok for a few days this time.

  Not for fun and vacation, but to prepare to acquire Dama Chemical Raw Materials Factory.

  The size of that factory is enough to meet Chen Xuan's need for bulk transfer of mercury.

  Moreover, the supervision of chemical raw materials in Siam is far less strict than that in Xia Kingdom, and many controlled products in Xia Kingdom will not be restricted here.

  In addition to mercury, most of the raw materials needed to make arms can also be obtained through this channel.

  He planned to contract a qualified agent and directly take over the entire factory with large funds.

  As both a buyer and a seller, we purchase chemical raw materials at cost price.

  In the future, Chen Xuan may even consider acquiring several mercury mines abroad.

  One-stop solution from continuous mining to refining.

  However, due to time issues this time, it was too late to acquire the raw material factory.

  His visa on arrival was about to expire and he didn’t want to renew it.

  Since there is now [Void Travel Level I], it can solve the problem of long-distance cross-border travel.

  Then he should try to leave as few official traces in Southeast Asia as possible.

  The acquisition can be solved with capital, but it is not imminent.

  Magtan City will have at least twenty Naraya days of peace.

  This time was enough for him to prepare everything.

  Thinking of this, Chen Xuan felt relieved for a moment.

  I'm going to open WeChat, which I haven't checked for more than a week, to see if there are any messages to process.

  In fact, within a few days after his resignation, his WeChat account became deserted.

  Circles determine social interaction.

  As a busy social creature, how can he have any true friends?

  The people I get along with the most on a daily basis are my colleagues.

  It is difficult for friendships at work to be strong and lasting.

  After he left, those former colleagues who contacted him either asked him if he had found a new job, or they were showing off his pretty good current situation.

  And the classmates and best friends during the study period also have their own busy lives.

  When Chen Xuan calmed down, he discovered that the social circle he once valued was actually nothing more than that.

  At the same time, he suddenly understood a word.

  That's "social subtraction."

  Say goodbye to the toxic chicken soup of more than ten years ago where “social interaction determines level”.

  He found that reducing the burden of social interaction is the only way to wake up in the world.

  Social interaction does not determine level, but level will certainly determine social interaction.

  As for his parents, after a heart-to-heart talk some days ago, Chen Xuan stopped contacting him naggingly after he expressed his intention to start a business, probably because they were afraid that he would be distracted.

  There is a feeling of loneliness like watching the chicks fly away.

  To sum up, Chen Xuan’s WeChat account was relatively calm during this period.

  He is also happy to be free and does not need to worry about these useless social interactions in the past and maintaining his own personality.

  You can safely devote your experience and attention to the development and exploration of other worlds.

  Sitting on the armchair in the terminal, he tapped two small bubble icons with his fingers.

  The familiar blue star villain’s opening screen pattern appears.

  "Buzz buzz..."

  The next moment, the phone began to vibrate frequently.

  One message after another almost came one after another.

  Chen Xuan was stunned when he looked at the dozens of unread contact messages.

  "Good guy, what's going on?"

  He took a cursory glance and found that the messages included classmates he hadn't contacted for a long time, former colleagues, and even the landlord and Lin Qiang who lived upstairs.

  There are red marks of unread 3 and 5 respectively hanging below their chat bar.

  This information is mainly concentrated in the time period from 5 days to 3 days ago.

  According to the order in which the messages are sent, the person who sent the message last will be ranked first in the chat box.

  He casually clicked on the first message, which was sent by an old high school classmate at noon two days ago.

  As soon as he clicked on the message, he frowned slightly.

  Yu Haibing: "Brother Xuan, that's awesome!"

  Yu Haibing: "Heroes in the fire scene act bravely!"

  Yu Haibing: "I didn't expect that!"

  Yu Haibing: "[After the fire in a community in Dingjia District, Tianhai City, a young man bravely climbed a building to save people The identity of the person was found]"

  Seeing the keyword "fire scene", Chen Xuan roughly knew what was going on.

  The last message is a news link.

  Then, he flipped through other information.

  Generally speaking, they all praise and ask for details.

  Being able to have these WeChat friends come to my door shows how far the matter has progressed during this period.

  I took a quick look at the timeline, and personally searched for relevant reports on major new media apps.

  The discovery of this matter must start with the rescued family.

  A few days after the fire, after treatment, the first thing the family did when they were discharged from the hospital was to approach the media and express their desire to find a savior.

  In addition, the scene of Chen Xuan climbing stairs covered with a wet coat that day was filmed by many residents.

  Keywords such as acting bravely, doing good deeds without leaving a name, running into a fire scene, climbing a building to save people, etc. are all magic tools to detonate traffic. Naturally, the media will not give up this opportunity.

  One after another, they opened columns in the name of looking for heroes in the fire scene.

  The emergence of traffic has caused discussions and forwarding by self-media on major platforms.

  It fermented like this for several days, until a week ago, this matter attracted the attention of the street, district committee, and various courageous organizations.

  By calling surveillance along the way, compare the videos taken on site.

  Suddenly Chen Xuan's identity was discovered.

  After having a name, all media and self-media worked together.

  Basically, his personal information was dug up.

  This is the power that the Internet can unleash in the era of mobile streaming media.

  Ordinary clerks, unemployed, frustrated young people...

  the new keywords make the traffic even more explosive.

  Many people were moved and thought that Chen Xuan was still working hard to heal the world even though he was frustrated.

  All kinds of sensational copywriting came in one after another, and official organizations also praised it.

  Chen Xuan saw many embarrassing comments in the comments under the report.

  There is the sewing machine party that "the world is in tatters, but there are always people who can mend it."

  There is also a frustrated sympathetic party that "mostly kills dogs for justice."

  There is also a rational analysis, saying that he was obviously very scared, but he joined the party with his true feelings without hesitation.

  It's really diverse and has everything.

  Among them, positive reviews accounted for more than 90%.

  But there are still trolls.

  Xia Kingdom has a huge base of netizens with different cultural literacy, growth environment and outlook on life.

  Apart from most normal people, there are still many weirdos.

  And even if there is only 0.1% of weird things, they will become particularly eye-catching given the huge population base.

  The angle of argument of those trolls is rather strange.

  Or maybe Chen Xuan's posture when climbing the railing was not professional enough, which could easily delay rescue, etc.

  This type of "professional party" often appears in comments about cardiopulmonary resuscitation cases.

  There is also the saying that Chen Xuan is stupid. If it were him, he would definitely not save him, and he would not encourage everyone to save them. Such people are not wrong, but they cannot understand what heroic impulse is. .

  Those brave people who act bravely for justice are never determined by planning.

  Because there was no time left for them to think.

  Under such circumstances, how can one seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, or think before and after?

  What determines action is only instinct and the three views developed since childhood, nothing more, but this is what makes those who act bravely worthy of praise and praise.

  So refined egoism is difficult to understand.

  In addition, there are some nonsensical comments that are inconsistent with each other.

  Mostly it is to provoke war and divert attention.

  Many self-media companies rely on going against public opinion to gain traffic.

  Basically, any trash can be washed away, and any hero dares to smear it.

  Chen Xuan has long known about these traffic chaos.

  As a senior Internet viewer, his level of sanity can at least be ranked in the top 5% of Xia Kingdom's netizens.

  Eating melons rationally is his characteristic.

  I just didn’t expect that one day I would eat melon on my own head.

  By summarizing the release and popularity time of news.

  He found that the popularity of this matter started a week ago and reached its peak three days ago.

  In the past few days, there has been a faint trend of cooling down.

  The neighborhood office found the landlord and found that he was not at home.

  And news leaked out from the airport and customs that he went to Southeast Asia to relax.

  This allowed public opinion to cool down slightly.

  It’s not too far-fetched to take a break from work, and consumption in Southeast Asia is much lower than in other regions and countries.

  Some netizens are even asking Jack Ma and Ma Huateng to sponsor Chen Xuan, a fire-fighting hero, with benefits such as global koi.

  Now I'm afraid that when he goes back, he will be chased and intercepted by the aunts on the street.

  Scratching his head, Chen Xuan was speechless.

  The power of the Internet is so powerful that his information has basically been stripped away.

  Everything from his place of origin to the elementary school, middle school, university and original workplace he attended since childhood were exposed. Even his outbound "travel" was not hidden.

  Of course, no one knows the details of his overseas activities.

  After all, the impact of this incident is not that outrageous.

  It is only enhanced and sublimated in the context of positive energy.

  This is also a trend in recent years.

  Good people and good deeds will be vigorously promoted and valued by organizations at all levels.

  Chen Xuan thinks this is normal. Good people should be rewarded with good things.

  But when this good reward and glory fell on his head, he suddenly felt the pressure.

  Even his parents knew about this and sent messages for several days.

  I was quite anxious at first, but later after the news about him traveling to relax, the messages from his parents were no longer urgent, but just concerned about his current situation, especially since the public security situation of the Xia people in Southeast Asia was not very good, they were even more worried about him. Something will happen.

  Chen Xuan simply sent a video.

  After the call was put through, his parents' excitement was palpable. The main thing was seeing him safe and sound, which outweighed everything else.

  After simply reporting that he was safe, Chen Xuan said that he was about to return to China.

  I should go back to my hometown to relax after a while.

  Moreover, he mentioned about starting a business in passing, saying that he came to Siam not for tourism, but to start a business. Chen Xuan did not go into too much detail about this.

  I also have a lot of money on hand.

  The pattern of the two worlds has basically opened up, and he himself has become a gold-level powerhouse.

  It's time for the two elders to enjoy a happy life.

  He hung up the video, and after he finished sorting out the context of the incident, it was time to board the plane.

  Carrying his backpack, he got on the plane with a complicated expression.

  I was hesitant about the influence of this matter, but I wasn't too worried.

  The popularity of public opinion is always timely.

  If one thing can be praised for a long time, it is equivalent to being famous throughout the ages.

  Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it.

  The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it with earth, and the living people will not be suffocated to death by urine.


  Naroa Continent.

  In the sky southeast of Magtan City.

  The vanguard Dragonhawk Knight team headed by Ma Yi is pursuing persistently.

  They followed the possible departure path of the Zerikan female warrior.

  But such a pursuit is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

  No one can guarantee whether she will turn around midway.

  But this matter is extremely important. If it is done well, it will be a great achievement.

  "Captain, the Keya River is ahead!"

  The team member next to him pointed to the river that was winding away like a ribbon in the distance.

  The river that can be observed from the air is at least several kilometers wide, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is a river.

  In fact, this is indeed the case.

  The Koya River is the largest river on the western frontier of the Kingdom of Atax.

  The fertile valley plains carved out by the rivers supported many states and settlements.

  River transportation is also very developed.

  If the female warrior did not change direction, she would have to pass through the Koya River.

  As Sky Knights, their vision has been enhanced.

  Can keenly capture the situation below.

  After hearing the team members' report, Ma Yi nodded solemnly.

  "We have chased them all to the Keya River..."

  "Use the river bank as the boundary, and return after arriving."

  He sighed, planning to give up this pursuit.

  After all, I still missed it!

  Several people in the team who followed him were silent.

  The continuous flight and trek made them and the dragon eagle on their crotches feel very tired.

  Urgent need to find a place to rest.

  Soon, they flew to a place close to the Koya River.

  Just when I was about to take a rest.

  The sharp-eyed Ma Yi suddenly discovered something.

  A few kilometers to their right, a lonely figure was standing on the river bank.

  It seems like looking out, but also like thinking.

  Even from a distance, he could feel the lonely temperament.


  "Quick! Change direction!"

  He gave the order in a hurry.

  Take the lead in flying towards that figure.


   In fact, the story about the heroic act comes from the takeaway boy who dived to save people in Hangzhou. It can be regarded as a small foreshadowing for the future, and will not affect the main plot of the follow-up.

    The next plot mainly unfolds in Blue Star. I hope the God of Harmony will take the abuse lightly. The previous wave of Harmony in April made me numb, but I also accumulated some evasive experience.

  (End of chapter)

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