229. Chapter 228 Military Industry System, Pioneer Dragon Eagle Team [Please subscribe]

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  In addition to opening up beacons for fixed transmission within the same domain.

  [Void Shuttle Level I] can also activate directional shuttle, specifying the direction and distance to open the channel.

  The energy level of this move is relatively high, which comes from the [plug-in] upgrade after fusing the phantom fragments of Ahn'Qiraj Lord's Rose Key.

  Directional shuttle alone is enough for Chen Xuan to pass through the blockade of Dark Mandala.

  However, this ability will be affected by the tide of the void, and can only be activated once every 72 water clocks.

  Despite these trivial limitations, its practicality is still very high.

  After all, space travel is much more efficient than flying.

  After setting up the first beacon, he left Jinxin Park and headed to the town of Myawaddy.

  While he was taking a nap, Bai Zhiyong and Su Lapei issued a joint statement.

  The general idea is that Bai Zhiyong led his troops to join the DKBA and recognized the ruling status of Burma.

  This news is no less than a bombshell for the bacterial forces within Myanmar.

  This directly reduced the strength of KNU's subordinates by about a quarter.

  You must know that Bai Zhiyong's team has more than 8,000 people when it is full, which is stronger than the Fowler bacteria who broke away from KNU first.

  There were also two fully manned tank companies.

  Although they are all new third-generation tanks, they are not worth mentioning internationally.

  But in Myanmar, which is only one-third of an acre, it is still very intimidating.

  This incident was an extremely serious blow to KNU.

  After all, a month ago, both DKBA and Bai Zhiyong belonged to KNU.

  Now both of them have chosen to join the Orthoax bacteria.

  In the end, only KNU was shaken and suffered losses.

  Of course, with regard to the sudden defection of Bai Zhiyong's troops, some people who were interested also noticed that something was wrong.

  Among them, those who are well-informed all know the old grudge between Bai Zhiyong and DKBA, especially Bai Ying's death, which has created an irreconcilable gap between the two parties.

  No one can figure out how this hatred was resolved.

  Putting aside the changes that may occur to the Burmese bacteria clan, Chen Xuan's requirements have been met.

  As long as there is a reason, he can accept Bai Zhiyong's department openly.

  Anyway, this is not the first time that divisions and mergers have occurred in Myanmar.

  Su and Bai would handle all the external troubles for him.

  Moreover, Burmese bacteria are also happy to see such a situation and will definitely take the initiative to endorse it.

  Because this move will undoubtedly greatly increase the authority of Junzhengaxe.

  Next, Bai Zhiyong will lead his troops back to the important towns under his jurisdiction.

  First, the remaining soldiers were recruited and then stationed on the spot, leaving only two reinforced battalions in Myawaddy.

  On the other side, Chen Xuan will allocate funds to allow them to import urgently needed materials, including bacteria and mercury, through their respective channels.

  At the same time, the industries in important towns under DKBA will be transferred.

  After clearing out the Fanzui Group, large areas of industrial parks were vacated.

  With a little tidying up, it's a ready-made venue.

  Considering their respective channels and spheres of influence, it is better not to let all Bai Zhiyong's troops stay in Myawaddy in the short term, otherwise his territory will be taken back by the KNU soon.

  Multiple sites, multiple industries.

  The bacteria in Myanmar basically have their own small factories for small weapons and ammunition.

  Able to achieve a certain degree of self-sufficiency.

  Civilians within the sphere of influence can be converted into soldiers at any time.

  As long as the price can be met, it will be enough to support so many soldiers.

  After all, armed soldiers are not only responsible for distributing weapons, but logistics issues are also critical.

  From wages to training, food, accommodation and raising various supporting equipment, it is a heavy burden.

  And this burden will grow exponentially based on the number of people.

  Being able to support 6,000 to 8,000 off-duty soldiers is already a bit difficult for small bacteria like DKBA and Bai Zhiyong.

  Raising troops itself is a costly project.

  It is precisely because of this that all kinds of activities of drunkenness and money-making are so rampant.

  In the absence of fiscal and tax revenue and legal business income, supporting others through crime is the only option.

  Chen Xuan used the remaining two water clocks to coordinate this information.

  In the next ten days, there will be two bullet production lines, and 120 skilled assemblers and operators will come to Myawaddy to report.

  In addition, Surape also plans to move directly to a small rifle manufacturing factory.

  This manufacturing plant mainly focuses on the stamping production of core receivers.

  As for accessories such as handguards and seamless steel pipes, they will be purchased in large quantities through channels.

  In fact, the threshold for modern small arms military industry is not high.

  But that doesn't mean it has a low ceiling.

  The low threshold means that even a small workshop with sufficient technical experience can produce usable light weapons with manual machine tools and simple raw materials.

  Of course, the quality and service life of this weapon cannot be guaranteed.

  Maybe it will explode after a few shots.

  There are many low-quality small workshops in the middle of D.

  In fact, serious military production often involves more than a hundred factories upstream and downstream.

  The gap between the two is not only reflected in quality, but also in production efficiency.

  With the productivity of those big Guojia, tens of thousands of matching weapons can be produced every day.

  According to Surape, once this small arms manufacturing plant is completed, it can produce 80 to 125 AK rifles every day.

  As for the bullet production line, regardless of cost, it can produce more than 100,000 rounds of bullets every day.

  The lead pillars of the raw material are extruded into lead bars of suitable diameter in a hydraulic reverse extrusion machine and wound on a reel.

  It is then cut into standard size lead sections by a cutting machine.

  Then, the lead sections are punched into lead bullets in the bullet punching machine.

  Because the lead is soft, it can be formed in just one punch.

  Through processes such as punching and die stamping.

  Each two sets of modules can produce 1,200 warheads at one time.

  The cartridge case is processed by stamping and extending the brass belt, mainly using horizontal crankshaft punching machines, vertical mechanical transmission flat-bottomed rotor machines, and blanking and punching machines.

  The size of the produced bowl shell is mainly guaranteed by the process and mold.

  But there is a certain defective rate.

  After that, there are steps such as oil removal, pickling, dehydration and drying, roller polishing, and stress annealing treatment.

  The firing powder is then loaded by wet method.

  After drying, the vertical double punch rotary machine is used for charging.

  Then go into the mold and do the final inspection.

  After confirming that everything is correct, enter the final assembly process.

  The warhead assembly machine can handle everything conveniently.

  After the bullet is assembled, it must be rolled and tightened by a roller tightening machine.

  Put it into the sealed box, affix the production label, and a box of ammunition is completed.

  This process is not very advanced.

  A product of the post-assembly line era.

  The relevant production lines come from the 1980s.

  There are matching molds that can be produced from 5.56mm NOTA ammunition, 7.62mm conventional ammunition to 12.7×99mm .50 ammunition.

  These bullet production lines and small arms manufacturing plants will be transferred directly to Magtan City.

  Initially let Chen Xuan establish a military industry system in another world.

  Open the framework first, and then further develop the upstream and downstream industrial chains.

  The output of one hundred and eighty rifles per day may not seem like a lot, but it is actually quite a lot.

  It only takes Blue Star one month to produce thousands of rifles.

  After all, it is just getting started, and it is normal that its production capacity and size cannot be compared with that of a formal arsenal.

  It may seem difficult to meet expansion demands quickly.

  But in the long term, this is a good start.

  Purchasing relevant production lines, contacting stable raw material suppliers, and cultivating skilled technicians all take time and cannot be accomplished overnight.

  So Chen Xuan plans to seize the opportunity with both hands.

  While developing its own military production system.

  While increasing the purchase of finished weapons and ammunition.

  Anyway, he has extremely sufficient funds on hand, and the two plans can be executed at the same time without delaying each other.

  Except for the above measures.

  Research on more powerful mercury bombs and ammunition modifications will also continue.

  In addition, strategic materials such as mercury sprayers and spray cans also need to be imported as soon as possible.

  After arranging these things, Chen Xuan could safely launch [Cross-border] to return to Magatan City.

  When he returned, the garrison and adventurers in the city had all rested.

  According to his instructions, four expedition teams were formed.

  Each team consists of approximately 12,000 people.

  Three of the teams will carry out clearing operations in the direction of the main gathering in the ceremonial crypt.

  The number of remaining monsters in the periphery was also initially determined by the Qingqi Battalion.

  With the main force lost in the city, the remaining monsters are not worth mentioning.

  Chen Xuan will lead one of the teams to head north to get through the misty canyon.

  That's where the Dark Dragon Baile was released from his confinement, and it's also the key to triggering the bonding ceremony in the crypt.

  You must know that before the misty canyon changed, those ritual caves had already lost their climate.

  It wasn't until the situation there emerged that a jet-black beam of light shot out like a shot of chicken blood, leading to the medium-sized void transmission channel.

  It is expected that if everything goes well, a comprehensive cleanup can be completed within two to three water hours.

  Even if something happens, four or five water clocks can always solve the problem.

  It is difficult for a monster that has lost its advantage to have an impact on the subjugation team.

  However, just in case, Chen Xuan distributed an extra test tube of magic tears to everyone.

  Destroying the void channel is imperative!
  We must not let the next wave of monsters come.

  Otherwise, it is unknown whether it can be blocked.

  If Magtan City is captured, then Chen Xuan will lose this battle.

  After investing so much effort, you can never fall short.

  The closer you get to the last moment, the more careful you have to be.

  Riding a griffon, Chen Xuan looked at the army gathered below and waved his hand more than ten meters above the ground.

  "The fourth formation sets off!"

  "Target, Misty Canyon!"


  Outskirts of Magtan City.

  Yama Satir walked quickly alone on the road outside the city.

  Her expression looked slightly tired, especially after breaking through the dark mandala light curtain again.

  The sword light that broke the ban was a little draining on her, and coupled with the fierce battle with the dragon before, she was in urgent need of rest.

  However, Satir decided to rush on his way first, at least leaving the confines of Magtan City first.

  Her pace was steady, not much slower than a prairie horse.

  After trekking for two consecutive water hours, she had arrived a hundred or two hundred kilometers away from the city.

  She randomly found a tree stump on the side of the road as a chair, and decided to take a rest here.

  According to her memory, she could reach a state city called "Solon Town" more than a hundred kilometers east.

  When she was resting on the roadside, she flicked her wrist and took out a 30-centimeter-high clay pot from her storage jewelry, which contained her brother's bones.

  For this reason, she personally entered the depths of the misty canyon and cleared away the remaining monsters along the way.

  After digging up the bones at the edge of the canyon, she left decisively without any nostalgia.

  Even the ruins crypt hidden in the canyon couldn't stop her.

  Her only thought now is to return to her hometown as soon as possible with her brother's bones.

  Fulfilling her long-cherished wish, from now on she will cultivate her sword intent without any distractions, until the day she develops her own black water Zen sense, it means that she will be promoted to a dark gold level powerhouse above the gold level.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

  After putting away the clay pot, Satyr took out water and food and started eating.

  As she walks in the wilderness all year round, she always prepares a lot of supplies.

  While she was eating, several melodious chirping sounds suddenly came from the sky.


  These chirps came from far to near.

  From a few black spots in the sky, they turned into several armored knights riding dragon eagles.

  The vigorous Dragon Eagle landed steadily on the open space more than ten meters away from Satyr.

  The armored knights turned back neatly and came to her.

  On their chests hung the emblem of a roaring black bear.

  That is the symbol of the great city of Attax.

  "Good day, madam."

  "May I ask where you came from?"

  the leading knight asked politely.

  None of the female warriors who can walk alone in the wilderness are simple characters.

  Satyr couldn't help but frowned when he heard his question.

  "This is my privacy."

  "I refuse to answer."

  She shook her head mercilessly.

  Seeing her attitude, the two Dragon Eagle Knights standing behind suddenly became unable to stand.

  When he was about to step forward and scold him, he was stopped by the leader.

  "I'm taking the liberty."

  "Let me introduce first, I am Captain Dragon Eagle, the vanguard of Attax City." "I

  am responsible for going to Magtan City to investigate the strange movements of monsters." "

  If you come from there, An abnormality should have been discovered."

  He said bluntly.

  This area is already classified as a "disaster area", so there is no need to hide much.

  It is difficult to hide the movement of demonic disasters from the surrounding areas.

  In this regard, Satir still shook his head indifferently.

  She stood up, stuffed the dry scones into her mouth, chewed them, and left straight ahead.

  He said in a low voice as he walked.

  "I'm not from there."

  At this point, the Dragon Eagle Knights stopped talking.

  It wasn't until Satir walked away that the squad leader raised his chin.

  "Let's go, there must be a problem there."

  "This person is not simple either."

  "I feel a threat from her."

  After saying that, he took the lead and mounted the Dragon Eagle.

  After re-forming, the vanguard team continued towards Magtan City.

  Jucheng is very concerned about the situation there.

  The large force sent later has also arrived at the second transfer point.

  There are only more than 2,000 kilometers left to Bangcheng!
  ...(End of chapter)

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