199. Chapter 199: Annihilating the cannon fodder cluster, Ah Xuan’s strategy [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 199: Total annihilation of the cannon fodder cluster, Ah Xuan’s strategy [Please subscribe]

  The phalanx of the cannon fodder cluster of goblins is like butter in a hot pot gradually melting.

  From time to time, the skinny Goblin Shaman would hold up a small black screen to defend the team from attacks.

  Or summon black poisonous snake guards to spray energy arrows in the distance.

  After the Night Shadow Wolf Cavalry and Goblin Swordsman in the front row were almost all strangled.

  Immediately blocking the front were the bear goblins mixed in the cluster.

  After the forward charge was fruitless, these guys followed the team honestly.

  When they faced the defenders' attack, the entire cluster had advanced to a position less than 200 meters away from the temporary defense line on the southern periphery of the city.

  Thousands of goblins were torn to pieces under various attacks.

  The thorny ground was strewn with corpses, and in some places there were burning flames or dense thorns.

  From time to time, boulders the size of millstones would condense from mid-air, and then slam into the monsters below.

  These are the effects caused by various types of magic.

  The advantages of funnel tactics have been brought to the extreme.

  At least when dealing with these cannon fodder goblins, the strength of the defenders seemed quite impressive.

  Because within this area, the attack density of the defenders far exceeded the threshold of the goblin cluster.

  Therefore, it is difficult for the siege advancement of low-level monsters to be effective.

  So far, the monsters' side has achieved very few results.

  Most of the effective damage is caused by the long-range attacks of the light ball beasts, beholder demons and headless stone demons.

  The continuous bombardment of stone bullets, light balls and ray beams has broken many magic energy shields and created large and small gaps in the sandwich wall.

  The adventurers and mercenaries who stood on the city wall and set up shields began to suffer casualties.

  From time to time, someone would be shot off the wall.

  Everyone used their own methods to activate the protective effects of shield scrolls or magic jewelry, turning them into small balls of light that were firmly nailed in place, so the overall casualty rate was not high.

  "Da da da!"

  Chen Xuan had already switched the M2 heavy machine gun to burst mode.

  Aim and shoot at those bear goblins with huge physiques.

  These guys have thick skin and tough flesh, and the chaotic magic power on their body surface can resist the bombardment of 3 to 5 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber ordinary bullets. The skin, flesh and bones everywhere are extremely tough.

  Bullets that can tear apart the bodies of ordinary goblins can only leave wounds the size of teacups on their bodies.

  Each bear goblin is nearly two meters tall. Compared with the skinny green-skinned goblins, it can be said that it stands out from the crowd.

  However, under targeted attacks, the few remaining Goblin Bears in the monster cluster fell one after another.

  The ones who were hit hard next were the Goblin Shamans who were like dancing masters.

  Chen Xuan's feet were piled with bullet casings, the barrel of the M2 glowed with a scorching red light, and even the breeze blowing around him became hot.

  He wore a second-level rune leather armor underneath, and a bulletproof vest with full panels on the outside.

  He also wore tactical goggles and a Kevlar helmet equipped with a monocular night vision module on his head.

  The overall image is incompatible with the surrounding otherworldly painting style.

  While he maintained his firepower output, the ammunition backpack behind him also became lighter and lighter.


  until the crisp sound of the machine spring appeared.

  This means that the ammunition in the backpack is completely empty.

  The kitten girls Rebecca and Ophelia have similar outfits to him, and they still have a lot of ammunition left in their ammunition backpacks.

  After all, Chen Xuan is dual-wielding and needs to bear double the ammunition consumption.

  There is no doubt about the reliability of the M2 heavy machine gun. Even if the barrel is red and smoke is emitting, it can still maintain shooting.

  Pulling his feet out from the pile of warm shells, he watched the shells collapse with a "squeaking sound".

  Chen put the two M2 heavy machine guns and the ammunition backpack into the storage compartment and placed them separately.

  Then he took out an M32 grenade launcher, turned on the safety and ruler, and pulled the launch trigger with reference to the coordinates of the parabolic long-range shot!


  A 40mm high-explosive grenade came out of the barrel, with an expanding cloud of smoke bursting out from the end.

  In Chen Xuan's supersensory vision, the trajectory of the grenade can be clearly captured.

  Seeing it arcing in the air, it landed on the side of the remaining goblin cluster more than a hundred meters away.

  Then orange flames popped up, which looked particularly eye-catching in an environment where the light was not too bright.


  The short explosion came belatedly.

  This grenade blew up all the goblins within a six-meter radius and turned them upside down.

  In fact, when fighting in groups, artillery and aerial bombing are the most obvious methods with obvious advantages.

  However, artillery requires a certain operating threshold.

  Whether it is ballistic calculations or various practical training projects, they all have to be fed by time.

  Even if the Naroa natives have extraordinary physical fitness, they cannot get started quickly.

  In addition, artillery is a cluster weapon with AOE damage, and it can only be effective when it reaches scale.

  A single cannon is of little significance, it is not as effective as two RPGs or recoilless rifles.

  The rate of fire of large-caliber heavy artillery per minute is even more limited, and there is also a certain inherent ballistic error. The real advantage can only be reflected after fire coverage is formed.

  The same is true for small artillery such as mortars and field guns.

  Finally, another point is that it is not popular in Myanmar to equip large-caliber artillery.

  Local bacteria would rather use rockets or 120mm heavy mortars like the MA-6 instead. Compared to heavy howitzers, mortars are much easier to use in mountain rainforests.

  Even the Burmese Army has only two to three hundred serious artillery pieces.

  Among them, the 105mm M101 artillery accounts for the majority, with more than 200 guns.

  There are only twenty or thirty large-caliber 155mm towed howitzers.

  In other words, this is a problem that Chen Xuan cannot solve in a short period of time.

  By the time he pulls the artillery to Magtan City, the grass on Baron Bezos's grave may be two meters high.

  Among the Blue Stars, the one with the strongest ground projection capability is the Xiaguo Land Fungus, with a total number of nearly 10,000 artillery pieces.

  The reserve quantity is as high as 5100+ doors.

  There is also a lack of high-caliber artillery and more advanced self-propelled artillery.

  The North and South Arms are the most equipped with large-caliber self-propelled artillery.

  There are more than 2,200 155mm self-propelled guns in total.

  These are the data released by global arsenals over the years, and there is only a little more moisture. After all, these are data on the surface.

  Chen Xuan had already made arrangements for the artillery, but it just took more time to implement.

  In the future, if he wants to develop in Naroa and seize the Rose Key fragments from the monster forces, he will have to participate in various wars.

  The various powerful firearms in Blue Star are all targets that he must deal with.

  Compared with the threshold of aerial bombing, artillery is relatively down-to-earth.

  The real difficulty in the short term is not to obtain artillery, but to arrange fighter planes.

  Whether it is various types of advanced fighter jets or strategic bombers that can cruise thousands of kilometers and drop hundreds of tons of bombs, the threshold required is not low.

  A smooth airport is the minimum, and the most complicated thing is the logistics.

  In addition, basic work including oil storage is very troublesome to implement.

  In addition, towers and communication stations must be erected to build short-distance communication networks.

  In addition, without satellite positioning, that is, GPS or Beidou system, the combat radius of the fighter aircraft will be shortened to a very low range.

  In fact, in the short term, helicopters are most suitable.

  To Naroa, the Blue Star is a treasure trove, and vice versa.

  There are still many aspects of both worlds that could be explored further.

  So many things cannot be rushed.

  If we really talk about it, Blue Star also has biological weapons, chemical weapons, radioactive weapons, neutron bombs, napalm bombs, MOAB (smart bombs, mother of bombs), FOAB (father of bombs), nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs and other powerful weapons. Waiting for Chen Xuan to be "favoured".

  Watching the smoke from the explosion dissipate, Chen Xuan shook his head and stopped thinking.

  People still have to keep their feet on the ground and focus on the present.

  Being too vain will not get you far.

  In the future, if conditions permit, we can form our own scientific research team, and combined with Naroa's magic technology, we may be able to create even more brilliant sparks.

  After correcting the trajectory, Chen Xuan pulled the trigger very quickly.

  Within a few seconds, all five high-explosive grenades remaining in the magazine were poured out.

  He opened the wheel magazine, re-wound the wheel, and loaded new grenades.

  After about ten minutes, the goblin swarm was completely destroyed!

  The remaining monsters were waiting four to five hundred meters away from the temporary city wall.

  Except for the defensive giant crossbows and M2 heavy machine guns, most of the defenders' attacks cannot reach there.

  The Minotaur formed a shield wall, like a dark iron wall.

  The giant light ball beasts, beholder demons and headless stone demons behind them stopped their long-range bombardment one after another.

  It indicates that the first round of temptation by the monster is coming to an end.

  Even evil creatures cannot escape the nature of creatures.

  Speaking of which, the most fierce soldiers who are not afraid of death or hunger and thirst are undoubtedly the undead warriors.

  Chen Xuan still has one skill in his hand, [First-level Research on Second-Level Skeleton Construct] that he has not yet learned.

  Undead magic is considered an absolute taboo in the continent of Naroa.

  Through reading books before, Chen Xuan already knew the whole story.

  A natural disaster of the undead once broke out among the Naloa Aboriginal people.

  At that time, a group of wild undead magisters united together.

  They transformed themselves into immortal lich forms, devoting everything to the truth of the undead at the cost of losing their senses and emotions.

  Using the mountains of corpses piled up on the monster front, a natural disaster curse was created.

  During that period, all skeletons in the continent had a chance to resurrect into the undead.

  Later, the group of crazy lichs and necromancers were strangled by the top powerhouses of the Naroa natives and monsters.

  It is said that they are joining forces, but in fact it is more of a tacit understanding.

  The catastrophe of the undead nearly threatened both sides.

  The indigenous people are not only afraid of the undead, but also deeply disgusted.

  Resurrected bones are undoubtedly a sacrilege to the dead.

  Most natives cannot stand this.

  Imagine that the dead clan elders suddenly crawled out of their graves, waving their rattling skeletons to tear apart all living creatures. This is natural hostility.

  The undead have a hatred for living beings and an incomparable desire for flesh and blood.

  The most important thing is that the more dead there are, the greater the number of undead.

  War is not a means of ending, but an opportunity for the undead to build troops.

  However, Chen Xuan has a different view on the undead.

  Blue Star's livestock slaughtering industry is developed and a large amount of animal bones can be produced every year.

  Using this as a material, it is possible to create an animal bone construct through spellcasting.

  Skeletons are an excellent labor force. They are tireless, do not need to sleep or eat, and will not complain about illness.

  If Chen Xuan could get a serious "Necromancer's Manual", he could try to learn the magic of large-scale control of the undead.

  Use spell effects to curb the skeleton's thirst for living flesh and blood.

  One hundred thousand skeletons serve as a labor force, which is worth twice the number of biological laborers.

  No need to worry about logistics.

  The mere fact of not sleeping is enough to attract people.

  When this battle is over, there is still a lot more work that Chen Xuan can do.

  The premise is that he can win!

  If you can't win, you can only flee here with your confidants in a hurry.

  But according to the information we know, Naroya is about to usher in a new round of demonic disaster climax.

  War is destined to spread across this land.

  If the Magatan crisis can be resolved and used as a base, subsequent plans can be easily launched.

  The fighting at the scene came to an end.

  The kitten girls Rebecca and Ophelia put down the hot heavy machine guns and left them to dry by the wall to cool naturally.

  The thick sandwich city walls are covered with dents.

  The outermost wooden wall became tattered, exposing the stone filling inside.

  All the dead and injured were quickly dragged to the rear and either incinerated or treated.

  The corpses of Naroa creatures are also a valuable resource for monsters.

  On the spot, an internal affairs officer came to the front line with a storage ring filled with crowns to spread coins and distribute money to boost morale.
  Food and water were distributed.

  The news of the first round victory was brought back to the city by the riders of light and fast horses.

  Magtan City defeated the monster's probing cluster at a very low cost.

  Although the real pressure has not yet arrived, this is an out-and-out victory!

  Those archers left their fighting positions one after another, put down their longbows or crossbows, and took out tools, grease, and optional strings from their equipment for maintenance and replacement.

  At the same time, relax your sore arms and restore the empty magic energy in your body.

  Their positions are filled by backup shooters.

  The spell casters gathered together in twos and threes, took out recovery potions, and replenished them.

  Compared to the larger number of crossbow shooters, these spellcasters have no backup.

  A steward from the Mage Tower was in charge of leading the group.

  Under Chen Xuan's instruction, the deacon began temporary cleanup work on the battlefield.

  "Water mage on the wall!"

  "Listen to my command, prepare to cast a wide range of water spells, pre-construct the model!"

  After that, thirty or forty water spell casters chanted at the same time.

  Various water spell models are constructed in the air, then stuck and waiting.

  Until the order is given, the model will be completed.

  After the spell was cast, magic power swarmed in, condensing different water magic.

  Water balls, water waves, water columns, waterspouts...

  dozens of water magics gathered together to form a blue-white wave, washing away along the front!

   During the recent special period, Dian Niang’s book reviews could not be displayed or were prompted to be deleted.

    This is true of all books, so don’t panic.

  (End of chapter)

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