169. Chapter 169: Overwhelm the Baron and stabilize the situation [Please subscribe]

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  Chapter 169: Overwhelm the Baron and stabilize the situation [Please subscribe]

  Faced with Chen Xuan’s urging, Baron Bezos looked tangled.

  His brows were almost knitted together.

  "The situation in the city is continuing to deteriorate."

  "It is difficult for the outgoing garrison to quickly join the city defenders." "

  And after you disappear, can the city officials work together?" "

  Think about you in Ma The foundation in Getan City..."

  Chen Xuan continued to launch a verbal offensive, trying to gradually break down the old boy's defenses.

  For Baron Bezos, he has noticed something is wrong around him.

  The main reason was that Blue Star's free magic power was too thin, which made him feel a little suspicious.

  That is, Chen Xuan can break through the blockade of the black light mask and take him to an unknown location through long-distance teleportation.

  As a governor of a state, his temperament and experience were far different from the guys Chen Xuan had previously convinced. It was not easy to make Bezos bow his head and accept his fate.

  "Sorry, I still can't trust you!"

  Baron Bezos hesitated for several minutes before choosing to refuse.

  However, he still maintained a more respectful address to Chen Xuan.

  "I may not be able to trust me, but you can't even trust the contract, right?" "

  Forget it, it's the same if I go to find your wife."

  Chen Xuan was already a little impatient. If he had this free time to continue chatting, he might as well go Capture Mrs. Zuzana.

  Mrs. Zuzana never pays attention to municipal and bacterial affairs.

  But she was from a noble family after all, and judging from the information Ophelia had obtained.

  Magtan City was still managed by the Finley family ten Naroya years ago.

  The Finley family is Zuzana's natal family.

  As long as Chen Xuan controls Zuzana through the contract and makes her act extremely strong to the outside world, there is still a chance that she can take charge of the overall situation.

  Just when Chen Xuan was about to leave [cross-border], Baron Bezos, who fell to the ground, suddenly spoke tremblingly.

  "Don't go to Zuzana, I agree to your request..."

  He seemed to be frightened by Chen Xuan's words about going to Zuzana, and he actually agreed to cooperate immediately.

  This made Chen a little confused.

  Judging from Baron Bezos's previous performance, this guy is not an easy fool.

  Not only does he appear to be hard-hearted, but he also refuses to eat anything soft or hard, and refuses to eat oil or salt.

  Unexpectedly, the weak spot of such a character is his first wife.

  Speaking of which, Baron Bezos and the red-haired Ursula also look very ambiguous.

  Would this kind of man care about his original wife?
  Naturally, he didn't know Bezos's self-psychological construction and changes after the disaster.

  Chen Xuan only cares about the results.

  As long as Bezos relents and is willing to conclude a contract, the initiative will return to his hands.

  With a slight shake of his wrist, Chen Xuan took out a silver-grade contract bead with his backhand.

  "Very good, then let's start making the contract now."

  He was still within the scope of the Baron's Castle when he left the Naroa continent. To be on the safe side, it was better to sign the contract first and then return [cross-border], so this It's hard to save a contract bead.

  After the two parties determine the master-servant relationship, Chen Xuan can use the characteristics of the golden finger to activate during [cross-border] to modify the validity period of the contract.

  Chen Xuan used the contract bead as a medium to send a contract invitation to Baron Bezos.

  A soul contract emerged in the minds of both parties.

  This time, Chen Xuan drafted the draft a long time ago.

  Similar to the "contract of sale" of Kitten Girl Rebecca, it seems to have restrictions on both parties to the contract.

  This type of contract is highly disguised, making it easier for the slave party to accept it when making the contract.

  Anyway, Baron Bezos didn't know that Chen Xuan could modify the contract.

  Contracts that directly act on the level of consciousness can be read through almost instantly.

  So Bezos's expression became visibly relaxed.

  He thought the terms of the contract were fair and not as harsh as he thought.

  After confirming that there were no problems or loopholes in the terms of the contract, he took the initiative to leave his soul imprint and signed his name on the contract.

  The contract was successfully concluded, and an invisible connection was established in the hearts of the two.

  Chen Xuan raised his hand and took off his mask, grinning with a gentle smile.

  Then the magic spider thread binding Baron Bezos's hands and feet was untied.

  "In the future, you will definitely be grateful for the decision made today."

  "Then from now on, we are our own people."

  Chen Xuan said in a heroic tone, extending his right hand to the Baron who fell to the ground.

  Bezos, who was freed from the shackles of the spider silk, grabbed Chen Xuan's wrist with his hand wearing a chain gauntlet and stood up.

  He looked at Chen Xuan's delicate and handsome face with a complicated expression, as if he didn't expect that the "mastermind behind the scenes" was so young.

  "Hurry up, let's go back."

  Chen Xuan warned softly. He was eager to return home and just wanted to return to Magtan City immediately.

  Hearing his words, Baron Bezos subconsciously grabbed his wrist.

  Then a spatial singularity appeared, and after a sudden collapse, the two of them disappeared in place at the same time.


  Two hundred kilometers east of Magtan City, on the main straight road leading to the giant city of Atax.

  There are two worlds separated by a black mask.

  Several groups of traveling merchants happened to be trapped on the side near the Magatan city level by the light shield.

  Since the mutation occurred until now, they have tried countless methods, but they have been unable to break the isolation of the light mask.

  This pitch-black barrier is so despairing that neither magic nor physical attacks have left any trace on it.

  The caravan guards dug a large pit more than ten meters deep, but could not reach the edge of the barrier.

  This shows that the barrier should be spherical, because the caravan cannot send magical messages to the outside world.

  Situations like this happen at almost every border of the black mask.

  Some are fleeing adventurers and mercenaries, and some are traveling traders and refugees.

  No one can break through the barriers.

  According to the rhythm of the sun and the moon, Naroya has entered daytime at this time.

  However, affected by the black mask and black clouds, the area was still pitch black.

  As far as the eye can see, those black light pillars in the distance still stand between heaven and earth.

  It's like pillars building up a wonderful formation.

  The oval-shaped void transmission channel is still in the making, but as time goes by, the void channel rotating like a nebula turbine becomes more solid every minute.

  The appearance of the mask cut off everyone's escape route.

  The mercenaries and adventurers who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape showed even more desperate expressions.

  Now there is only one choice before these people, which is to return to Magtan City as soon as possible and rely on the fortifications to defend.

  Also affected are the settlements, farms and cleverly secluded villages within a radius of one or two hundred kilometers around Magtan City.

  These are hidden populations.

  When a regional crisis breaks out, the vast majority of people choose to move closer to the city!

  There were only dozens of fixed monster burrows around the original Magatan City.

  Those settlements and villages were built in the blind areas of the caves.

  Except for some monsters that occasionally wander by, there are almost no monsters that usually bother you.

  There are tens of thousands of such reclusive people near Magatan City, and they are also a force that cannot be ignored.

  Before the governor of the state city issued a mobilization order, countless hidden people had already spontaneously rushed to the state city driving cattle, horses, mules and other animal-drawn vehicles, carrying food and belongings.


  Chen Xuan stood on the terrace of the castle study, overlooking the city scene in front of him.

  As the core area, the castle was originally a high terrain in the city.

  Therefore, standing at this position, you can almost overlook the vista of most of the city.

  Half an hour has passed since he convinced Baron Bezos and successfully concluded the contract.

  Converted to Blue Star time, that's nearly an hour and a half.

  Baron Bezos first experienced the shock after the contract was changed, and then had to quickly accept the reality under the restrictions of the contract.

  He followed Chen Xuan's orders, and after calming down the commotion caused by his previous disappearance, he summoned the chief officials of the state and the city. While gathering the garrison returning to the city, he asked the major associations to restrain the adventurers and mercenaries.

  At the same time, the Broken Finger Gang and the coolie mules also received the magic letter sent by Chen Xuan. They stopped setting the pace in the city and turned around to disperse the civilians who were causing trouble and help restore order in the city.

  Chen Xuan's arrangement is very simple, that is to stabilize the situation in the city first.

  Then Baron Bezos would take the lead and make contracts with the officials of each state and city and the managers of the associations one by one.

  In order to achieve the purpose of controlling the entire city.

  Everything is going smoothly so far. Standing on the terrace, Chen Xuan can see that the fires in the distant towns are being extinguished in an orderly manner, and the chaos has been completely contained.

  The streets were replaced by garrison patrols carrying torches.

  From a distance, these patrols look like long, glowing snakes snaking along the streets.


  While Chen Xuan was looking at the distant scenery, there was a sound from the rune door of the study behind him.

  Baron Bezos, wearing full armor, walked in dusty.

  He came to stand behind Chen Xuan, and then knelt down on one knee.


  "The situation in the city has stabilized."

  "All the rioters have been dispersed, and a few of the rioters who smashed, smashed, and looted have been arrested and detained by the garrison." "

  There are 39 fire points in the city, and the damage is not yet clear. ."

  "The main parts of the major fortresses and towers are intact, and the magic shield generation device is intact." "

  Currently, more than 90% of the garrison has gathered, and 10% are still separated."

  He respectfully reported to Chen Xuan the situation in the city. Condition.

  Chen Xuan listened sideways and nodded slowly.

  "You did a good job."

  "Are the people entering the city from settlements, farms and villages outside the city ready for resettlement?"

  he asked casually. Baron Bezos, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his head and gave a positive affirmation. reply.

  "The defense lines of the villages outside Magatan City have been sent out to guide them."

  "All measures have been arranged according to your instructions."

  After accepting his fate, Baron Bezos found that being a slave was not unacceptable.

  At least the mysterious young man in front of him was sensible enough and made good decisions in all aspects.

  Maybe he's really good. I hope he can withstand the first wave of monsters!
  As long as it can be delayed for a while, the strange things around Magtan City will definitely be noticed by the giant city.

  At that time, kingdom-level forces will inevitably intervene, and that is the only hope in Baron Bezos's heart.

  So after some psychological struggle, in order to survive, he really adapted to the role of a slave.

  Chen Xuan is quite satisfied with Baron Bezos' diligent performance.

  It is more than enough to at least solve the transitional issues.

  Now he has more things to ask Baron Bezos, and by the way, he wants to take a look at the Baron's treasure house.

  After all, Bezos is also the lord of a city, and he definitely has a lot of good stuff in his treasure house that is hard to buy on the market.

  Thinking of this, Chen Xuan smiled slightly and turned back to sit on the large armchair next to the desk.

  "You should get up first. I still have a few questions to ask you."

  After hearing his words, Baron Bezos stood up immediately, not daring to neglect, and stood in front of the table waiting for his questions.

  "What's your relationship with Ursula?"

  "She doesn't seem to have a very good relationship with Ansetus."

  Under the contract, Bezos couldn't lie, so he told the truth after only a slight hesitation.

  "Usula is my childhood sweetheart."

  "She was pregnant with my child, but I had to follow the family's instructions and marry Zuzana." "

  Usula could only choose Ansetus as her son. Husband."

  "At that time, Ansetus' elf wife had just passed away."

  Baron Bezos told the whole story in a stiff tone, solving the last mystery in Chen Xuan's heart.

  He narrowed his eyes and then asked the second question.

  "So, Harward is your biological son?"

  As soon as these words came out, Baron Bezos' expression changed and he nodded sadly.


  At this point, the answers to many questions are self-evident.

  Ansetus is indeed not a simple guy!
  However, Chen Xuan did not intend to tell Ophelia the truth, and his intuition told him that the matter was not simple.

  And he also noticed the seven black light pillars that appeared in the north of the city.

  That's exactly where the Misty Canyon is.

  The mystery of the disappearance of the colchicum caravan has not yet been solved, but Chen Xuan already knows that there must be something wrong with Ansetus.

  Youyou sighed in her heart, Ophelia, this little girl, had a bad fate.

  After knowing what was going on, he looked at Baron Bezos again.

  "I probably understand your relationship."

  "Next question."

  "What is the displacement ability you used when you encountered a crisis?"

  This question is easy to answer, and Baron Bezos answered without any hesitation. .

  "The divine contract, that is a life-saving divine contract I signed when I was young!"

  As he spoke, he unlocked the breastplate and pulled open his shirt, revealing the tattoo that was already very faint.

  "This is the mark of the divine contract, and it is now invalid."

  He said with some regret, and then explained the price of the conclusion of the divine contract.

  This made Chen Xuan feel relieved immediately.

  Chen Xuan is no stranger to the concept of divine contract. His top dual talents are the wool obtained through divine contract.

  The divine contract itself is a special means that exists in the continent of Naroya!

  (End of chapter)

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